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Thriving Starseed Podcast

Author: Maria Katolikova

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Thriving Starseed is a podcast dedicated to supporting and guiding starseeds as they discover who they truly are and navigate their life on Earth. We dive into how you can reveal and fully embody your magic and step into your leader role so that you can thrive, have fun and create an amazing life for yourself while you’re fulfilling your sacred mission of helping humanity evolve. 

Tune in every 10 days for a new episode.

21 Episodes
Every starseed on their spiritual journey goes through three main stages:1. self-discovery2. self-mastery3. impacting the worldIn this episode, I'm diving into what each stage entails, what gifts and challenges it brings and what's important for you to focus on depending on where you currently find yourself.Tune in and enjoy and then let me know at which stage you currently are.And here are the resources I mentioned in the episode.My Free Resources LibrarySpecific Support for Each StageMuch l...
If money is a constant source of struggle and stress in your life, this episode is for you.In it, I build on the conversation we've begun in the previous episode and share with you 5 powerful shifts that you can make in your inner world to allow money to finally begin flowing into your life.We talk about:- your relationship with money, - one destructive spiritual belief and how to release it- aligning your job with your purpose, - healing the Healer's and Perpetrator's wounds- and renouncing ...
For many starseeds, financial abundance is not something that comes easily.It might seem frustrating, annoying and baffling why money doesn't want to flow.It might also seem that it's never going to change.But it's not true.It CAN change and you HAVE control over that.There are reasons why it's been this way for you so far.And when you understand them and begin shifting them, your experience with money will begin changing as well.I've struggled with money in my life and in my business quite a...
Every starseed awakens on their own timing.There's no fixed timeline for this process that would apply to everyone.There is, however, one crucial insight and decision to which you need to come as a starseed, either through your life experiences or through remembering, in order to be ready to finally recall your galactic origin and your mission.In a way that will serve the highest good of all.That's what I'm covering in today's episode.Dive in and enjoy!And if you wish to join me for today's P...
If you find yourself often absorbing other people's energies, this episode is for you!In it, I'm talking about why this happens and what you can do to stop being a sponge to everything around you.I'm also talking about our beautiful innate empathic ability and how you can get it under your control. So that it continues being a gift that will help you on your mission rather than a burden that will make your life here miserable.Dive in and enjoy and then let me know your take aways!And if you w...
The question I'm being asked quite often is "Can I have more than one galactic origin?""And if yes, how can I get in touch with them all?"In this episode, that's exactly what I'll be talking about.If you're wondering the same thing, tune in to find out!I'd also like to invite you to my FREE workshop called Inner Healing Accelerator that is taking place today at 6PM CET.If it resonates with you, you're very welcome to join me!Much love, empowerment and fun,Maria Thank you for listening!I...
Every starseed comes to Earth to help people and Earth itself heal.But some of us don't remember that we're healers.So in this episode, I'm going to share with you how you can activate your healing ability and download your personal healing modality.So that you can begin using it for the benefit of all.I'd also love to invite you to my upcoming free event Inner Healing Accelerator that is going to take place on the 10th of April.In it, I'll reveal to you what I've found about healing on my ow...
Starseeds are soo incredibly gifted!We carry a lot of power within that is supposed to help us accomplish our mission.But you might not have access to all of your gifts right away.And as you continue on your spiritual journey, more and more of them will come online.So today's episode is all about how you can activate your starseed gifts! I'll be explaining two crucial components that will allow you to access them and use them without holding back.If you're still not in touch with your gi...
As we discussed in the previous episode, embodying your earthly vessel is your first step to thriving as a starseed on Earth.And today, I'm diving into one crucial thing you need to do within yourself so that you can successfully accomplish that - creating safety from within.I'm also sharing with you a beautiful light language meditation to help you get into that beautiful space of safety and security inside.I hope you'll enjoy it.Feel free to share with me how it goes for you and what you fe...
For every starseed who has been struggling on their journey so far, the first step to break out of survival mode and open up to thriving is always the same.Reconnecting to their earthly vessel.It's a truly foundational piece for any other inner work you can do to completely transform your life.And that's what we're going to dive into in this episode.Tune in as I break down the first piece of the puzzle of how you can connect back to your body, why it is so important and what you need to pay a...
As a starseed, learning to connect with people is crucial because without connection, helping others is almost impossible. The success of your mission depends on how well you can connect with people around you.And your mission, as I already said many times, is what allows you to thrive.And yet, you find yourself most of the time in isolation. Disconnected from others.Misunderstood, ridiculed, rejected.You find that nobody wants to listen to your ideas or advice or accept the help yo...
If you find yourself thinking "Why the hell did I come here? I want to go home!", you're not alone!Almost every starseed I've met on my journey has this powerful longing for a place up in the stars that feels like home, even if they don't know where exactly it is. And when life here gets tough, we all just want to get off this planet and go there! :) But the thing is, we've all come here with a mission and this longing is a temporary phase that you will go through but you don't have to get st...
Life of a typical starseed on Earth is rarely easy. We experience a lot of challenges on our path that initially, happen to help us awaken to who we really are. But even after awakening, your life can still be a struggle. And there are very particular reasons for that.The good news is, it's not meant to be like this forever! And you absolutely can begin thriving.So in today's episode of the Thriving Starseed Podcast, we're going to explore the main areas in which almost all the starseeds expe...
Starseed awakening is a private journey of each starseed. Everyone who goes through it does it in different ways. And I was given my personal blueprint that led me to awaken and that I can now use to help my fellow starseeds do the same. And that's what I'm going to share with you in today's episode. I am going to talk about the 3 main stages of the full starseed awakening process: healing your human vessel, light code activations, and connection & remembrance. I will explain why each ste...
Have you ever wondered how starseed awakening can happen for someone? I have met many starseeds and I learned that starseed awakening is a journey that is different for each of us, yet has some common points that can help understand what exactly is happening. So in today's episode of the Thriving Starseed Podcast I am going to share with you my personal story of starseed awakening. I will explain to you how various life events have impacted my personal journey, and how I discovered the p...
Every starseed comes to Earth with a purpose. In fact with two purposes - a private one and a collective one - which are intricately connected. So in today's episode of the Thriving Starseed Podcast, I am going to explain to you what each one of them represents and how exactly the fulfilment of one of them determines the success of the other. Moreover, even though our collective purpose is the same, the way how every starseed is supposed to fulfil it is different. So I'm also going to s...
Feeling lonely, unsupported and misunderstood is something that every starseed on Earth goes through. But this cannot be further from the truth! You are not alone and you have the most amazing resources available to you if you know where to look. And in this Thriving Starseed podcast episode, I am going to share them with you!I am going to talk about your star family and your star cluster. I will reveal to you who they are and how tapping into their support can make your journey on Earth much...
Knowing your origin is so important to unlock your full starseed potential and to gain understanding of your purpose and mission here on Earth. Therefore, in this episode, I share with you the 5 different ways I know of to discover your Starseed origin. And I explain the benefits and potential drawbacks of each of them. As promised, I am sharing the links to the resources available on my website that can help you discover your Starseed origin.If you want to do a private parallel life ex...
In this episode, I'm delving into the spiritual dimensions of autism and ADHD. We will explore how society's misunderstanding of starseeds and their gifts can lead to mislabeling them with mental disorders. And how dangerous it is to your starseed journey.Join me to discover how understanding the nature of your experiences can empower you to thrive in this world instead of leaving you feel like there's something wrong with you. And how eventually, the way you decide to see yourself will deter...
In this episode, I am talking about why starseeds arrived on Earth and what the conditions of our contract were. I am also sharing with you the process we all had to go through to be able to come here, which will explain to you why you had to go through a lot of hard experiences earlier in life. And how it's all connected to you being able to eventually remember who you truly are. Thank you for listening!If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authe...
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