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The Freedom to Love Podcast

Author: Jeremy Rohr

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There are lots of people out there who will tell us we shouldn't look at pornography, but there aren't many people showing us how to finally break free of porn. Without a mentor or a guide, it's easy to get stuck in hopelessness and shame. 

The Freedom to Love Podcast is here to be your mentor and your guide. We want to provide you with practical strategies and techniques to live free of porn forever so you can experience the love you really desire.

Find Jeremy's Programs on his website:

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25 Episodes
Today, we are joined by newly ordained Father Chris Yanta to discuss Celibacy for the Kingdom as we continue exploring different themes of St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Father Chris shares his journey of answering the call to the priesthood, highlighting the steps and insights that led him to embrace the beauty of celibacy as a gift and a sacrifice. Join us for an insightful discussion on celibacy, discernment, and the path to faithfully living out one's vocation.Get the ...
23. In The Beginning

23. In The Beginning


The goal of understanding God's plan for sexuality is to help us understand the direction we want to orient our hearts, minds, and actions so that we can live a chaste life. In this week's episode, I share a lesson I taught a couple of years ago, titled "In The Beginning." In the lesson, I give an overview of the themes of St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body and we explore how Christ's grace can redeem our sexuality, strengthen our will, soften our hearts, and renew our intell...
This week, we apply the technique of saying honest prayers to another common scenario. Jeremy introduces the BLAAST'D acronym, which represents emotions that often precede the temptation to indulge in pornography. Jeremy explains how these emotions serve as feedback to identify areas for personal growth and highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing them through the honest prayer process. Listeners gain insights into the underlying gifts related to these emotions and are encourag...
We continue expanding on the technique of saying honest prayers, this time for married men facing sexual temptations and desires. Jeremy demonstrates how to apply the step-by-step process of saying honest prayers to a common challenge married men face, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the situation without repressing emotions. Jeremy offers insights into redirecting these desires in a virtuous and redemptive manner, providing practical examples of applying the honest prayer process...
As we discussed in the last episode, saying "Honest Prayers" is a technique used to navigate sexual temptations or sexual desires. This week, we look at applying the Honest Prayer process to common situations men experience. Using a personal example, Jeremy illustrates applying the Honest Prayer process to situations like admiring a woman's beauty without objectification. The episode underscores the importance of aligning mind and heart with God's plan for sexuality to achieve freedom from lu...
In this episode of the Freedom to Love podcast, Jeremy Rohr delves into the value of saying honest prayers as a strategy to combat temptations, particularly those related to pornography. Drawing from his personal experience, Jeremy outlines a 4-step process for saying an honest prayer when faced with temptation. He explores the neurological impact of this approach and its alignment with the virtue of chastity as described in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Providing insights a...
Today, we continue the conversation with Melissa on desire and how to properly orient it. Melissa shares insights from St. John Paul II's teachings on marriage and the practical application of his ideas. They discuss the importance of making a free, total, faithful, and life-giving gift of oneself in relationships, as well as the significance of understanding and appreciating the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves and others. Melissa also recommend...
Melissa Zachman, director of Catholic Identity and Mission discusses the question "Why Did God Give Us Sexual Desire?" with Jeremy on this episode of the Freedom to Love podcast. They draw from Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body to discuss why God gave us desire and how it is intricately tied to our human nature. Melissa beautifully articulates how desire, when properly responded to, can lead us on a trajectory towards eternal life and glory, while also highlighting the dange...
Joining us today is Melissa Zachman to discuss insights from the Theology of the Body. Melissa, who serves as the director of Catholic identity and mission at a local Catholic school, shares her deep understanding of this pivotal teaching. The conversation delves into the teachings of Saint John Paul II and the profound impact of the Theology of the Body on understanding human nature, desire, and freedom. Both Jeremy and Melissa provide personal anecdotes and practical examples to i...
We are led through a profound healing meditation to wrap up this 5-part series with Matt Aujero, founder of Fight Club Catholic. Matt shares his personal experience with a meditation called "Jesus in the Room," a powerful tool for healing and finding freedom from the grip of pornography and other wounds. Matt shares his childhood, the loneliness he felt, and how it led to his introduction to online pornography at a young age. He discusses the transformative power of revisiting painful memorie...
Welcome to part 4 of this series with Matt Aujero, founder of Fight Club Catholic. In today's episode, they discuss the YES battle plan. Matt breaks down the components of the YES battle plan, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's reaction sequence and implementing practical strategies to combat temptation. He also introduces the three-circle plan, outlining how individuals can identify what is good for them, what they need to say no to, and the cautionary areas in betwe...
Welcome to part 3 of this series with Matt Aujero, founder of Fight Club Catholic. In today's episode, Matt shares Fight Club's PRAY strategy, in the quest for freedom and love. They unpack the challenges young men face in today's world, particularly in combatting issues like pornography, and the transformative power of reaching out for support. With personal stories and insights, they discuss the impact of prayer on relationships, the importance of vulnerability and trust, and the ...
Jeremy is once again joined by Matt Aujero, founder of Fight Club Catholic, and today they discuss sexual purity. Matt shares personal experiences and insights about the struggle for chastity and the beauty of living a chaste life within marriage. The discussion covers the integration of sexuality within the person, the impact of pornography, and the importance of self-mastery in relationships. They explore the profound significance of striving for true love and the freedom found in...
Welcome to the start of a new series, with Matt Aujero, founder of Fight Club Catholic. In this episode, Matt shares his story and personal journey of discovering chastity and founding Fight Club Catholic, a movement focused on mentoring men to fight for purity of heart through a brotherhood centered around virtue. Matt explains the process the organization uses to help men overcome temptations and grow in emotional, spiritual, and sexual maturity. He also discusses the transformati...
In the final episode of our 4-part series with Father Brian Park, we explore the role of the sacrament of the Eucharist in the journey of finding freedom from habitual sin.Fr. Brian emphasizes the importance of staying close to Jesus in the Eucharist, as it is the source and summit of our faith. He often reminds himself that one communion can make a person a saint if they are open and cooperative with the grace received.We also discuss the value of a strong devotion to Saint Joseph in seeking...
Welcome back to part 3 of our 4-part series with Father Brian Park. In this episode, we discuss the importance of the sacrament of reconciliation in overcoming habitual sins, particularly those related to sexual behavior. We look at the significance of the sacraments as a means of accessing God's grace and the transformation of the heart. Fr. Brian shares insights on the practical aspects of confession, giving tips for approaching the sacrament effectively and emphasizing the need f...
In part 2 of our 4-part series with Father Brian Park, we explore the importance of prayer in the spiritual journey of young men. Fr. Brian shares valuable insights and practical tips for developing a consistent and meaningful prayer life, emphasizing the discipline of daily prayer as essential for building a relationship with God. He introduces a simple, yet effective prayer method and addresses common challenges such as frustration or busyness. Fr. Brian highlights the transf...
We are excited to welcome you to a 4-part series with special guest Father Brian Park. The focus of this episode is on spiritual maturity, particularly for young men who are striving to overcome habitual sins, especially in the area of sexual temptation. Fr. Brian discusses the importance of addressing both natural and supernatural aspects of spiritual growth. The practical advice and insights shared in this episode set the stage for a series of engaging conversations focused on helping ...
6. Save Our Sons

6. Save Our Sons


In today's episode, Jeremy shares a powerful message for fathers and mentors on navigating the challenges of guiding young men to live chastely in today's world. Jeremy introduces the "Save Our Sons" program, designed to equip dads and leaders with the tools and knowledge to mentor young men to live porn free. He provides insights into the workshop's framework and practical strategies to empower fathers and guide their sons toward a life free from the grasp of pornography. Tune...
5. Seeking Pleasure

5. Seeking Pleasure


In episode 5 of The Freedom to Love podcast, Jeremy unpacks the concept of seeking pleasure and its connection to pornography and sexual activity.He explains how our lower brain's natural inclination to seek pleasure can lead to challenges in resisting the temptation of engaging in sexual sin.Jeremy shares a personal example and a practical tool he uses to overcome urges related to pornography. He offers valuable skills and knowledge to empower listeners in their journey towards living ...
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