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The Chapel | Sermons

Author: The Chapel NJ

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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for The Chapel in Lincoln Park, NJ. Our mission is to build a family of Christ-followers who love God, love people and serve the world. Visit us at
517 Episodes
May is Mental Health Awareness month. You have probably experienced anxiety or depression or know someone who has. In “God’s Response to Anxiety and Depression,” Pastor Paul Klouse teaches from the highs and lows of Elijah’s life, and shows how God responds with generosity and gentleness. Just as God cared for Elijah, we can support others who might be experiencing anxiety and depression. Paul Klouse | May 26, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
A Whole New World

A Whole New World


Malcolm Gladwell says that “We have a storytelling problem. We’re a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don’t really have an explanation for.” In “A Whole New World,” Stuart Hall states that whenever we stop trying to do what seems impossible, we settle for a version of life that God never intended. For the sake of the next generation, he urges us to keep doing what seems at times impossible.Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
More Than Enough

More Than Enough


We often underestimate what “a little” can do. In “More than Enough,” Pastor Cesar Tapia teaches that the little isn’t ignored by Jesus, and therefore shouldn’t be ignored by us. And the little we offer is usually bigger than we think. If we listen and learn from this message, we’ll never look at the “little” we have in the same way again! Cesar Tapia | May 12, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In “Finish the Work: Staying Focused,” Pastor Ted Voltmer encourages us to learn from Nehemiah about how to stay focused on God’s vision, and remain steadfast in our purpose. We will face opposition and distractions, but we should not let them stop us! Like Nehemiah, we should pray for strength and trust God to provide what is needed to fulfill His purposes. Ted Voltmer | May 5, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In “Keep Going: When Opposition Comes,” Pastor Ted Voltmer reminds us that when we are on the receiving end of criticism, we can learn from Nehemiah’s example of prayer, encouragement, and action because they are based on Nehemiah knowing his identity and purpose. Ted Voltmer | April 28, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Clarifying Your Vision

Clarifying Your Vision


In "Clarifying Your Vision," Pastor Ted Voltmer walks us through Nehemiah 2 and shows us that a strong vision is prayerful, personal, practical, and purposeful. God was leading Nehemiah to do great things and He can do the same for you! April 21, 2024 | Ted VoltmerVisit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose


In “Finding Your Purpose,” Pastor Ted Voltmer teaches from the life of Nehemiah, showing how ordinary people can be given extraordinary purposes, when they allow God to stir something in them. God has equipped each of us uniquely to fulfill a specific purpose, and He longs to do ‘great things’ through us. It will probably feel overwhelming – but that’s OK, because God’s power will help us accomplish the task. Ted Voltmer | April 14, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instag...
Second Chances

Second Chances


Our relationship with Jesus changes our past, present, and future. In “Second Chances,” Pastor Ted Voltmer shares Peter’s story: Peter loved and followed Jesus, but failed by denying Him three times. He wrestled with guilt and feeling like a failure, something we can all relate to. But, Jesus, in grace, restored Peter and transformed his life! Jesus wants a relationship with each of us – all we need to do is open the door and He will heal our past, empower us in the present, and give us purpo...
Get Up!

Get Up!


Easter celebrates the most important event in history – Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. He’s alive! He paid for our sin and He conquered death. The fact that Jesus is alive should cause us to ask, how does that affect me? In “Get Up!”, Pastor Dave Gustavsen teaches that when we encounter the resurrected Christ, we can’t just sit there… we should get up and follow Him. March 31, 2024 | Dave GustavsenVisit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Five days before He went to the cross, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and presented himself to the people of Israel. Today, He presents himself to every individual, and we need to decide how we will respond. In “A Different Kind of King,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen urges us to recognize our King; worship our King; and then go out and imitate our King. Dave Gustavsen | March 24, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
The world says greatness comes through competition and domination, but in “A Different Kind of Greatness,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen teaches that Jesus says greatness comes through sacrifice and service, in the power of Christ. Dave Gustavsen | March 17, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Money is a sensitive topic for many, but Jesus talked about money all the time, because it affects our relationship with God. In “A Different Kind of Wealth,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen teaches us that money can blind us to spiritual truths, but God can transform us, leading us to love Him more deeply than anything else - including money. Dave Gustavsen | March 10, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
How do you define success? In “A Different Kind of Success,” Pastor Ted Voltmer shares how Jesus redefines success for us. We can either be a Consumer, seeking personal gain from our relationship with Jesus; or a Follower, aligning our desires with His. Following Jesus comes at a cost: we are called to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. Despite the costs, true Followers gain much more in this world and in the future. Who will you decide to be, a consumer or a follower? March 3...
Jesus the Provider

Jesus the Provider


In “Jesus the Provider,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen shares the story of the miraculous feeding of a large crowd with just a few loaves of bread and fish. We learn about how God uses what we offer Him, as well as our obedience, to provide for needs. Ultimately, this story points us to Jesus, the One who has solved our most impossible problem – sin - by dying on the cross. Knowing and believing this helps us face our “impossible situations” with confidence and hope. Dave Gustavsen | February 25, 202...
Jesus the Healer

Jesus the Healer


Does the idea of Jesus the Healer resonate with you? You probably pray for healing more than any other request you bring before God. It might be for yourself or a loved one. In “Jesus the Healer,” Pastor Paul Klouse highlights our need for healing, the Giver of healing; and the reality of healing. Paul Klouse | February 18, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Jesus the Exorcist

Jesus the Exorcist


The Gospel of Mark teaches that the kingdom of heaven is near, but it also reminds us that there is another invisible kingdom in the world – a kingdom of darkness, ruled by Satan. In “Jesus, the Exorcist,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen shares three things about evil: it’s real; it involves strategy; and lastly, because of Jesus, evil is ultimately defeated. February 11, 2024 | Dave GustavsenVisit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Jesus the Storm-Tamer

Jesus the Storm-Tamer


In "Jesus the Storm-Tamer,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen walks us through one of the most well-known Bible stories in Mark 4. It's the story of Jesus calming the storm while in a boat with his disciples. This message takes a deeper look at how the disciples must have been feeling, the various reactions of those in the boat, and how we can apply all of this when we are faced with our own "storms.” Dave Gustavsen | February 4, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Jesus the Teacher

Jesus the Teacher


In “Jesus the Teacher,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen reminds us that in the kingdom of God, there’s power to change. Teaching from the Parable of the Sower, he shares about four different types of hearts: a resistant hard heart, a shallow heart lacking depth, a divided heart distracted by worldly concerns, and a receptive heart that lets the Word bring forth a fruitful life. If you want to change, choose to be receptive: listen to God’s Word, accept it, and be amazed at what God will do. Dave Gustav...
Jesus the Forgiver

Jesus the Forgiver


In “Jesus the Forgiver” Pastor Dave Gustavsen uses the story of four men who bought their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing to teach about the wisdom and the authority of Jesus. The crowds, eager for a miracle, expected physical healing, but Jesus surprises them by first addressing the deeper issue – the forgiveness of sins. Likewise, we often think we know what we need, but Jesus drives us deeper, revealing our true spiritual needs. If we can learn to trust him as he drives us deeper, it...
Jesus the Messiah

Jesus the Messiah


In a world that says, “Follow your heart,” Jesus says, “Follow me.” In “Jesus the Messiah,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen teaches from the Gospel of Mark, introducing us to a unique leader: a king who never gets arrogant, and a servant who never gets weak. He answers the question we all ask: “Why should I follow Jesus?” by emphasizing three reasons: Jesus completes the puzzle, connects us with our Creator, and conquers our enemies. God has a way of getting our attention -- he might tear open our phys...
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