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Kingdom Switch

Author: Trish Jones

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"Everything you want is in the Kingdom of God and making The Switch will help you manifest from His Kingdom."

Understanding the Kingdom of God has never been more important . The pressure to do and have things the world's way has caused much pain for God's children. But, God has given us access to His System and He wants us to know how to live in this world, yet at the same time have full access to what we need from His World. This is the reason Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be given to you also."

In Kingdom Switch, you'll get bite-sized nuggets of transformational wisdom on how to apply kingdom principles to your life and business so you experience "fulfilment without frustration, wealth without worry and prosperity without pressure" (Dr Myles Munroe).  God wants to show you how to get the desires of your heart... His Way.

Please subscribe to the podcast and tell your friends so we can learn, connect and grow together.

44 Episodes
Today I'm sharing from the archives. It's a video I recorded at the end of January last year, 2022 and it was a reminder for me in terms of what to do when I feel stuck or when I've lost my joy. What's the thing that God told you to do that you haven't done? When you know you've lost your joy and How to hear from God when nothing seems to be workingWhy does it seem God take so long to answer our prayersHow God will speak to you via othersWhat a spirit of delay really isGod has ...
In today's episode of Kingdom Switch, I'm going to challenge you on whose voice you're listening to regarding God's blessings. I hope this helps you restore a healthy relationship with God and see your life from heaven's perspective.How our misconception that God tests people before using them can derail us from our purposeWhy the Bible tells us to test the spirits so you ensure what you're hearing is Word basedWhat might cause us to disqualify ourselves from being used by God - and it's not ...
In today's episode, we're diving deep into the power of our thoughts and words. Have you ever wondered why it's so difficult to focus on God's word when things aren't going according to plan? Well, I have got some powerful insights for you.In this episode, I talk about the transformative nature of our thoughts, as inspired by a thought-provoking video by John Bavere. He shares that there are three forms of communication, with words being the lowest form. I mean, "say what!" It's been dru...
What if the secret to answered prayers isn't in the abundance of information you consume but in a simple shift of focus? Get ready to explore a profound truth that will fundamentally shift your perspective and ultimately, your life. Get ready to be riveted by my personal testimony of how prayer and studying just one verse of scripture led me to a breakthrough when my daughter strayed away from God. You'll come to see how keeping your focus on Jesus and the scripture you've been led to meditat...
Jesus said to pray after this manner... "thy Kingdom come, thy will be done ON earth as it in heaven," or is in "In earth..."And why does it matter anyway!What God wants even more than our "doing"What we need in order to manifest heaven on earth - it's actually easier than we make itHow to hear from God, no formula needed!How do we take back ground from the kingdom of darkness so we see heaven on earthWhy Jesus wants us to use His NameFollow Trish Jones On The Socials:Facebook | LinkedIn | In...
If God said it, it's true. So why do we struggle to see our prayers answered?In this episode of Kingdom Switch, I focus on Isaiah 55: 8-11 where God basically says, "as night follows day, my words will accomplish what I sent it to do." I've paraphrased that but God wants for you:to KNOW His thoughts and His waysto believe that what He promised you is yours for the receivingto trust yourself with His WordsHere's a link to the full video I refer to in the podcast of Chad Gonzales on the Sid Rot...
In this 'reintroductory' episode of the Kingdom Switch podcast, I share my journey of how I rediscovered the purpose of the show after a long break. I admit, since February I struggled to find direction for the show but something amazing happened yesterday - and it was totally out of the blue. So here I am, talking about:How I happened upon the original idea for Kingdom Switch and finding inspiration in Myles Munroe's book, "Rediscovering the Kingdom."My next move for Kingdom Switch...
Ever feel like what you're doing just isn't enough and you start questioning everything about your life, your assignment and sometimes even God's love for you. And those times when you feel you need fresh cleansing! Been there!Let God speak to you through the story of Joshua, the High Priest (Zechariah 3)What to do when satan accuses youHow to stay aligned with God's promises for your lifeWhen you need to just pauseRead Ephesians 3:16-19 from the King James Version and then compare that passa...
Today, Susan is going to interview me on my book, "Unleash the Hidden Power of Your Voice: 7 Ways to Wake Up Your Voice and Maximise Your Potential."We discussThe connection between owning your voice and knowing your identityWhat happens when we wear the mask rather than being our real selvesHow trying to fit in rather than standing out can actually move us away from our purpose and destinyWhat to do when you realise that you're trying to fit in and it's making you miserableWhy journal and wh...
Whether or not you know the meaning of your name, God knew you before the foundation of the earth and He calls you by name for His kingdom assignment.In today's episode of Kingdom Switch, we're talking about the importance of knowing your name so you walk out the calling God has for you:Why did God change Abram's name to AbrahamWhat to do when life seems to have stood still and you feel hopelessWhy the last thing you should do if you mess up is hide from GodYour books are written! Let's find ...
Are you a momma in business and at times you've wondered why other moms have survived and your cape doesn't even fit... wonder woman!Listen to Susan and Trish talk about we wish we knew about parenting and business before we got started. To begin, we just want to say, we honour all you moms out there taking care of the kiddos and running a business at the same time.Do you know the kingdom purpose of your business?You don't know what you don't know. And that's okayYou will mess up, and it's ok...
In the first part of this episode, we talked about disappointment and how it can derail us. In this part we're focusing on what happens when pride is the central piece of our disappointment. You can listen to the first part of this episode here.Troy Black's story of what God showed him about prideThe results of having a transactional relationship with GodDo we need deliverance or correct teaching?Why it's good to weigh up preaching with what's in the wordHow to keep in the peace of God even w...
We all get disappointed at one time or another, but the way in which we handle disappointment will determine how quickly we move on or whether we get stuck in bitterness which can affect our future.How disappointment can disconnect us from our assignment and a promised futureBringing Psalm 34:6 into focus - how do we ask?How our lack of hearing from God or even Believing God speaks today can prolong our feeling of disappointmentInviting God to where we are to heal our hurts"All things work to...
The Bible is replete with stories, analogies etc of being part of a community, fellowshipping together and the most important element, belonging.God never intended man to be alone and in this episode of Kingdom Switch, Trish talks about how community shapes us and how community benefits us as a whole.The impact of community on its members and the community as a wholeThe importance of belonging - and it goes beyond loneliness When we go through seasons in lifeHow community shapes us as in...
When Christians talk about pride, we tend to refer to it as a negative trait that's associated with arrogance, self-importance and a lack of humility. Pride can cause a breakdown in relationships but not just with other people, with God as well. So today you have the mother and daughter duo as Elodie joins me to discuss the topic of Biblical pride:What God showed Troy Black about prideHow self-absorption can lead to prideWhy we need to take our eyes off ourselves and keep them firmly on Jesus...
Luke 11:4 ends what we know as the Lord's Prayer with "but deliver us from evil." So why does Matthew 6:13 end with "for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, amen." So the question is, why is this text in Matthew but not in Luke? Should we ignore the text "for thine is the kingdom...?"What are the benefits of including it?Bringing the entire Lord's prayer into focus - it's all about relationshipWe've enjoyed breaking down the Lord's Prayer and should you wis...
This is part 9 of our series on breaking down the Lord's prayer. We have just one more episode to go on this series, but today we're asking the question, "why do we pray Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."What is the biggest misconception people have about this verse?Do we need to ask God to "lead us not into temptation?" That assumes God tempts us. Does he?James 1:13 makes it clear that God never entices anyone to sin. Isn't this a contradiction to Matthew 6:13?Susan's st...
In Episode 26, we focused on the phrase "Forgive us our trespasses," in the Lord's Prayer. We talked about how forgiveness is God's gift to us. In this episode, we're going to be focusing on our forgiveness toward others as we get up close and personal in our discussion... “as we forgive those who trespass against us,” Matthew 6:14What is an offence, and what does the bible has to say about us taking offence?Why we need to forgive othersIs an apology necessary for forgiveness?Forgiveness vs r...
Jesus said we’re to pray, “forgive us our debts” (Matthew 6:12-KJV) or the Matthean version: “and forgive us our trespasses.” And then in verse 14, He reiterates the importance of forgiveness… “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”But are we not already forgiven?Why the Lord's Prayer is a collective prayerA quick review of Episodes 15, 16 and ...
Today, we're discussing bread!Cleddie Keith says, "It is true that we cannot effectively pray "Our Father" with the mindset of an irresolute orphan, timidly facing a formidable future. Children are never bashful about making requests of their parents and neither should we be bashful."It's okay to ask. "Give us this day our daily bread."Taking a deeper look at the word "give."How often is "daily."What "bread?"If you'd like to watch the full episode, you can see it here on YouTube.Resources Men...
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