DiscoverCollege Drive Assembly, Colby, KS
College Drive Assembly, Colby, KS
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College Drive Assembly, Colby, KS

Author: Pastor W. R. Moss

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Ministry of Pastor W. R. Moss
340 Episodes
Today, we examine the Lord's encounter with a man name Nicodemus. As a well-respected religious leader, highly educated and politically connected, Nicodemus is the best man the world can produce. However, we discover the Lord points out what is still lacking and begins to explain to Nicodemus how to enter the Kingdom of God. This message was previously recorded in February 2nd, 2020.
Today, a very special guest shares an inspired message on three specific challenges. If you set out to put these into your life, you certainly will change yourself but perhaps even your day to day world. Debbie Duncan, along with her husband Kent have pastored over three decades and have three grown children.
Today, we look to Acts chapter 1, verses 1b-11. We are looking at the teaching of Jesus about the Holy Spirit. What did Jesus say was the job of the Spirit of God in our lives as believers? How does the Holy Spirit help us? Why do we need the Holy Spirit in our lives? There is a lot of different teaching about the Spirit of God but let us begin with the lessons that Jesus taught before the Holy Spirit was sent.
On the day of Pentecost Peter preached his first sermon after Jesus died, Rose again and Ascended back up into Heaven. What would that first sermon be about. What foundational truths can we glean from Peter's message? What does the Lord want us to know? This is what we will discuss this morning.
In todays message we look at Jesus crossing the lake to go to the other side. What turned out to be a simple trip across the lake, suddenly took a turn for the worse. A massive storm came up and the wind and the waves nearly flooded the boat. The disciples went to wake Jesus who was asleep at the stern of the boat. What happened next frightened and amazed the disciples, Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves with these words, "Peace be still" and the storm did just that... Jesus just spok...
God knows us personally. He created us and has intimate knowledge of how we think and what motivates us and what brings us joy. Today, we look at Psalms 32. We identify four powers that are listed in this short Psalm. God's desire is that we would come to him honestly and in doing so that we would develop a relationship with Jesus that would take us to the very last day of our lives and into the next.
Is God with You?

Is God with You?


Ever have trouble in your life? Where it becomes hard to just function? In the story of Joseph we see how a young man with a dream from God, runs into a dream killer moment on his way to the top. Before God could use Joseph, God tested Joseph. Though betrayed, framed and pushed back down over and over again. Joseph persevered. How was he able to accomplish this? In Genesis 29:5 it says, "...for God was with Joseph." That is what we will be talking about today.
Peace be to You

Peace be to You


On this Resurrection Sunday we begin to examine Luke's gospel in a very unusual place. The Roman soldiers are nailing a sign on the cross where Jesus has been crucified. The sign reads, "King of the Jews" On either side of Jesus is crucified a criminal sentenced to die. It is here that we discover a microcosm of humanity. One criminal did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. The other may not have started out believing Jesus was the Messiah, but as he neared death his heart softened....
Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor?


In the account of the good Samaritan we rarely hear the real reason Jesus replied the way he did to the expert in the Law. Jesus is trying to get us away from looking at our performance and to surrender to Him and the demonstration He would perform on a cruel cross. Researchers and Gallup polls all point to the fact that 90 percent of people believe that they are very loving people. However, what we discover from this narrative is that we do not love as well as we believe we do. This is the m...
Today, we take another look at being transformed by the renewing of our mind and heart. We examine some of C. S. Lewis's more iconic writings and implement them into this transformational process that all believers experience. God wants to transform us into the image of HIS Son. However, just as God had to transform the nation of Israel through the wilderness, so we see God doing the same to those who have accepted Him as Lord. Moses led former slaves to freedom; God must also lead us out of ...
The old song goes, "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back." Colin & Cora Dorsey are young Missionaries who are going to the European Country of Luxembourg. Colin shares his heart and a very good word of encouragement about faith and what God can do; If we will just say, "Yes" to Jesus.
Today, we read from Romans 8:28-30. It is there that we see according to the New Century Version an overall view of what the Lord wants us to concentrate on, as we walk toward the Goal of our Faith. God knew them before he made the world, and he chose them to be like his Son so that Jesus would be the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. God planned for them to be like his Son; and those he planned to be like his Son, he also called; and those he called, he also made right with him..."  God chose them, God planned for them, he also called them and made them right with him. God has done much in the transformation process. We should give God enough time to transform us into the image of His Son.
Foundations part 2

Foundations part 2


Today, we continue in our series, "Foundations" Speaking about Baptism. Why do we practice Baptism? What is it? Who should be baptized?
Foundations part 1

Foundations part 1


Today is the first installment of a sermon series that we are doing entitled, "Foundations of the Christian Faith." Today, we start at the beginning. What happens when someone gives their life to Jesus Christ? What takes place? How does one explain to others what God does at the very point where someone surrenders their life to Jesus, and accepts the free gift of God. What can we expect when someone surrenders their life to Jesus? 
There is very few true mysteries as the Incarnation of Christ. As we examine the gospel according to John we come to some very powerful declarations made by John who has had a lifetime to reflect on exactly who Jesus was. By understanding what John is trying to communicate we find ourselves realizing that in our own merits we could never approach a holy God without fear. The good news of the gospel is we do not enter in our own holiness but by the Lord's holiness.
The Perfect Prize

The Perfect Prize


The Apostle Paul reminds us that the most important task we have is to come to know the Christ. Paul encourages his readers by his example to continue growing in the Lord. To know the Christ and his resurrected power, to share in His sufferings, to die to yourself and to obtain the resurrection of the dead. We also examine the reasons why we don't come closer to the Lord. 
In the conclusion of the series entitled, "The Curious Case of Sowing and Reaping" the Apostle Paul encourages the church and  reminding them that we should never grow weary in doing good--for we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Every Christ follower is in a race, and there will be times when all of us will at some point feel weary...but Paul identifies that time as the time to hang in there and not give up.
Today, we once again examine the law of sowing and reaping. Jesus spoke and gave examples of this both negative and positive. Talking about harvest is not enough. We must do our part to have an actual harvest. There are similarities between sowing actual seeds and sowing spiritual seed. First, both must be intentional in being planted. The crop desired must be first chosen, the seed must be acquired and then planted. Today, we will demonstrate when to be intentional about sowing for a good harvest. We will also give you a good application to help you understand when is the best time to sow good seed.
We have all read the scripture of God providing seed for the Sower. Early on we read in Genesis the sad story of Cain. In that account we discover the the negative side of sowing and reaping. It seems at times that the person has gotten away with many sins, however, we know that unless they settle accounts with God, they will one day reap a terrible harvest. However, for those who do good things; they too seem as if the good harvest they expect will never come. However, the good harvest will come. 
This Only Do I Seek

This Only Do I Seek


Ministry from Evangelist Jayme Montero on the topic of why we do or do not seek God.Have you ever wondered why some people seek God and others do not? In this inspirational and challenging message, Jayme Montero opens insights into the topic of how the heart plays such an important role in how a human seeks for what they desire.
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