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Here's the Point from CrossPoint Christian Church in Whittier, CA
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Here's the Point from CrossPoint Christian Church in Whittier, CA

Author: CrossPoint Christian Church

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Inspirational podcasts to make your day! Our mission is to glorify God by inspiring people to look to Jesus for salvation and spiritual growth. Messages in both Spanish and English, are bible-based and brought by trusted men of God. Please contact us if you want more information or help in your Christian walk.
768 Episodes
El Dios Soverano

El Dios Soverano


El Dios SoveranoIsaías 43:1-13Abril 28, 2024Punto Principal: Dios revela su gloria al hacer lo que le parezca, de acuerdo a su voluntad.Dios es soverano:1. En la creación.2. En la historia humana.
The Sovereign God

The Sovereign God


The Sovereign GodIsaiah 43:1-13April 28, 2024Main Point: God’s glory is seen in His unique ability to do as he pleases according to His will.God is sovereign:1. In creation.2. In human history.3. In salvation.
Solo Dios es Eterno

Solo Dios es Eterno


Solo Dios es EternoÉxodo3:1-14Abril 21, 2024Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado cuando reconocemos que Él es el único eterno.Que Dios es el único eterno significa que:1. Él siempre ha existido.2. Él es el creador de todo.3. Él puede dar vida eterna.
Only God is Eternal

Only God is Eternal


Only God is EternalExodus 3:1-14April 21, 2024Main Point: God is glorified as we recognize that He is the only eternal one.God being the only eternal one means:1. He has always existed.2. He is the creator of everything.3. He can give eternal life.
Santo, Santo, Santo

Santo, Santo, Santo


Santo, Santo, SantoIsaías 6:1-5Abril 14, 2024Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios cuando reconocemos su santidad y le adoramos.Que Dios es santo significa que:1. Él es diferente a nosotros.2. Él merece ser adorado.3. Él demanda santidad de nosotros.
Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, Holy, Holy


Holy, Holy, HolyIsaiah 6:1-5April 14, 2024Main Point: We glorify God when we acknowledge His holiness and worship Him.God being holy means:1. He is different than us.2. He deserves to be worshiped.3. He demands holiness from us.
Conocer a Dios

Conocer a Dios


Conocer a DiosJuan 17:1-5Abril 7, 2024Punto Principal: La gloria de Dios es prioridad para Jesucristo, y debería ser para nosotros tambien.Conocer a Dios significa:1. Vida Eterna.2. Que Dios te conoce.3. Amarnos unos a otros
Knowing God

Knowing God


Knowing GodJohn 17:1-5April 7, 2024Main Point: God’s glory is Christ’s priority, and it should be ours as well.To know God means:1. Eternal life.2. God knows you.3. Loving one another.
Death is Defeated

Death is Defeated


Death is Defeated1 Corinthians 15:50-58March 31, 2024Main Point: God is glorified by His conquering of death through the resurrection of His Son.The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus:1. Grants us entrance into His kingdom.2. Gives us victory over sin and death.3. Generates in us a desire to serve the Lord.
Agua Viva

Agua Viva


Agua VivaJuan 4:1-26Marzo 24, 2024Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado cuando gente recibe su precioso regalo de salvación.Pesonas son salvadas:1. Cuando son buscadas intencionalmente.2. Cuando se les hace saber del regalo de Dios.3. Cuando son confrontadas con su pecado.
Living Water

Living Water


Living WaterJohn 4:1:26March 24, 2024Main Point: God is glorified as people receive His precious gift of salvation.People are saved when:1. When they are intentionally sought out.2. When they are told of God’s gift offer.3. When they are confronted with their sin.
Fuerza en Debilidad

Fuerza en Debilidad


Fuerza en Debilidad2 Corintios 12:7-10Marzo 17, 2024Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios reconociendo nuestras debilidades y dependiendo en su poder.Nuestra debilidad humana:1. Es el resultado de nuestra naturaleza caída.2. Nos debería llevar a Jesucristo.3. Puede destacar el poder de Dios.
Strength in Weakness

Strength in Weakness


Strength in Weakness2 Corinthians 12:7-10March 17, 2024Main Point: We glorify God when we recognize our weaknesses and rely on His strength.Our human weakness:1. Is a result of our fallen nature.2. Should drive us to Christ.3. Can highlight God’s power.
Salvar a Pecadores

Salvar a Pecadores


Salvar a Pecadores1 Timoteo 1:12-17Marzo 10, 2024Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado por medio de Jesucristo salvando pecadores.Pecadores son salvados:1. Porque no se pueden salvar a si mismos.2. Por el único Salvador, Jesucristo.3. Para la gloria de Dios.
To Save Sinners

To Save Sinners


To Save Sinners1 Timothy 1:12-17March 10, 2024Main Point: God is glorified through Jesus Christ’s saving of sinners.Sinners are saved:1. Because they can’t save themselves.2. By the only savior, Jesus Christ.3. For the glory of God.
El Siervo del Señor

El Siervo del Señor


El Siervo del Señor2 Timoteo 2:20-26Marzo 3, 2024Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado cuando nos hacemos disponibles para ser usados por ÉlUn siervo del Señor:1. Es un utensilio para el uso de Dios.2. Debe evitar contiendas.3. Debe ser un maestro compasivo.
A Servant of the Lord

A Servant of the Lord


A Servant of the Lord2 Timothy 3:20-26March 3, 2024Main Point: God is glorified when we make ourselves available to be used by Him.A Servant of the Lord:1. Is a vessel for God’s use.2. Must learn to avoid disputes.3. Should be a compassionate teacher.
El Cristo triunfante

El Cristo triunfante


El Cristo triunfanteColosenses 2:1-15 Y despojando a los principados y a las potestades, los exhibio publicamente triunfando sobre ellso en la cruz. (Col 2:15, Reina Valera) Punto principal: La capacidad de agradar a Dios sólo se puede alcanzar a través de Su Hijo, Jesucristo
The Triumphant Christ

The Triumphant Christ


The Triumphant ChristColossians 2:1-15Having disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them in Him. (Col. 2:15, LSB)Main Point: The ability to please God can only be reached through His Son, Jesus Christ
Compartiendo el EvangelioHechos 8:26-40Febrero 18, 2024Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios al practicar lo que predicamos al compartir con otros.Compartir el evangelio significa que:1. Escuchamos y obedecemos la voz de Dios.2. Entendemos que Dios prepara los corazones de la gente.3. Le predicamos Jesus a la gente.
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