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------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: VIP訂閱FAQ: VIP會員文章主題許願表單: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- This week's episode was again longer than we expected! Angel and I had so much to share and talk about, we just couldn't stop~ We are lucky, because Angel is finally back in Taiwan, and we both wanted to share the one brand that means a lot to us in our period of "independence". IKEA for many people, is just a furniture store. A place where you appreciate and know that you have "grown up". What about for people in the second-half of their lives? How is IKEA staying relevant? In PART I of this episode, we discuss the must-haves and all the things we love about IKEA restaurant. Drop us a message if you are just as crazy about IKEA restaurant as we are! Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it! 更多15Mins Cafe節目: 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : 商業合作/贊助來信
安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅.Environment環境造就心境.Texture質感織就情感.Fortune財富成就豐富台茂商圈/五福國小預定地/李天鐸建築/3-4房雙車位2-4房保值首選: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K767: Europe's Groundbreaking AI Regulations: A Comprehensive Overview Highlights 主題摘要:Europe's AI regulations pioneer risk-based oversight, distinguishing between low and high-risk AI applications to ensure safety and accountability.The inclusion of provisions for generative AI models addresses concerns of misuse and promotes transparency in AI development.Stricter scrutiny of powerful AI systems mitigates risks of accidents and cyberattacks, emphasizing responsible innovation and compliance. In a monumental move, European Union lawmakers have greenlit the world's foremost set of comprehensive regulations governing artificial intelligence (AI), paving the way for the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence Act later this year. This landmark legislation not only signifies a significant step forward in Europe's technological governance but also sets a precedent for global AI regulation. 在一項重大舉措中,歐盟立法者已經為全球首套全面監管人工智慧(AI)的法規開了綠燈,為今年晚些時候《人工智慧法案》(Artificial Intelligence Act)的實施鋪平了道路。這項具有里程碑意義的立法不僅標誌著歐洲科技治理向前邁出了重要一步,也為全球 AI 監管樹立了先例。 The foundation of the AI Act lies in its risk-based approach to regulating AI applications. While low-risk AI systems, such as content recommendation algorithms, are subject to voluntary guidelines and codes of conduct, high-risk uses—like medical devices and critical infrastructure—are met with stricter requirements. Moreover, the legislation outright prohibits certain AI applications, such as social scoring systems and specific forms of predictive policing, due to their deemed unacceptable risks. AI 法案的基礎在於其對 AI 應用採取基於風險的監管方式。雖然低風險的 AI 系統,如內容推薦算法,需遵守自願性指南和行為準則,但高風險用途——如醫療設備和關鍵基礎設施——則面臨更嚴格的要求。此外,該立法完全禁止某些 AI 應用,例如社會評分系統和特定形式的預測性警務,因為它們被認為存在不可接受的風險。 One of the key highlights of the AI Act is its inclusion of provisions addressing generative AI models, which have emerged as a prominent force in recent years. These models, capable of producing lifelike responses and content, are now subject to stringent regulations. Developers are mandated to disclose the data used for training these models and adhere to copyright laws. Additionally, any AI-generated content must be prominently labeled as artificially manipulated, mitigating the potential for misuse. AI 法案的一個重點是納入了解決生成式 AI 模型的條款,這些模型近年來已成為一股重要力量。這些能夠產生逼真回應和內容的模型現在受到嚴格監管。開發人員必須披露用於訓練這些模型的數據並遵守版權法。此外,任何 AI 生成的內容都必須明確標記為人工操縱,以減少濫用的可能性。 Of particular concern within the legislation are the most powerful AI systems, dubbed "systemic risks." These systems, such as OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google's Gemini, are under heightened scrutiny due to their potential for catastrophic accidents or cyberattacks. Developers of such systems are tasked with assessing and mitigating risks, reporting incidents, implementing cybersecurity measures, and disclosing energy usage. These measures aim to address apprehensions surrounding the proliferation of harmful biases and the misuse of AI technology. 立法中特別關注的是最強大的 AI 系統,被稱為「系統性風險」。這些系統,如 OpenAI 的 GPT-4 和 Google 的 Gemini,由於其可能導致災難性事故或網絡攻擊而受到更嚴格的審查。此類系統的開發人員需要評估和減輕風險、報告事故、實施網絡安全措施並披露能源使用情況。這些措施旨在解決人們對有害偏見擴散和 AI 技術濫用的擔憂。 Europe's role as a trailblazer in AI regulation is further solidified with the impending implementation of the AI Act. Following the final formalities, the Act is poised to become law, signaling Europe's commitment to fostering responsible innovation while mitigating potential risks. Violations of the AI Act carry significant penalties, with fines reaching up to 35 million euros or 7 percent of a company's global revenue, underscoring the imperative of compliance with these pioneering regulations. 隨著 AI 法案即將實施,歐洲作為 AI 監管的先驅者角色進一步得到鞏固。在完成最後的手續後,該法案有望成為法律,表明歐洲致力於在促進負責任創新的同時減輕潛在風險。違反 AI 法案將面臨重大處罰,罰款高達 3500 萬歐元或公司全球收入的 7%,強調了遵守這些開創性法規的必要性。 In conclusion, Europe's adoption of the AI Act heralds a new era of AI governance, setting a precedent for other jurisdictions worldwide. With its risk-based approach, emphasis on transparency, and stringent oversight of powerful AI systems, the AI Act represents a significant milestone in the quest to harness the benefits of AI while safeguarding against its potential pitfalls. 總之,歐洲通過 AI 法案開啟了 AI 治理的新時代,為全球其他司法管轄區樹立了先例。憑藉其基於風險的監管方法、對透明度的重視以及對強大 AI 系統的嚴格監督,AI 法案代表了在利用 AI 的好處的同時防範其潛在陷阱道路上的重要里程碑。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Infrastructure (In-fra-struc-ture): One of the key highlights of the AI Act is its inclusion of provisions addressing critical infrastructure.Predictive (Pre-dic-tive): Moreover, the legislation outright prohibits certain AI applications, such as social scoring systems and specific forms of predictive policing.Manipulated (Ma-nip-u-lat-ed): Additionally, any AI-generated content must be prominently labeled as artificially manipulated, mitigating the potential for misuse.Trailblazer (Trail-blaz-er): Europe's role as a trailblazer in AI regulation is further solidified with the impending implementation of the AI Act.Milestone (Mile-stone): The AI Act represents a significant milestone in the quest to harness the benefits of AI while safeguarding against its potential pitfalls. Reference article: 1. 2.
------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Topic: About Technology - ’Smart crib’ aims to help rockabye baby As every new parent knows, sleep can go out the window after the arrival of a newborn. 如每對剛生孩子的爸媽所知,新生兒到來後,再也沒有夜夜好眠。 That was certainly the case for parents Radhika and Bharath Patil, who seeking relief for their own disrupted sleep patterns, put their electronic engineering backgrounds together to create a "smart crib". 這確實就是拉德西卡和巴拉特‧帕蒂爾的狀況,這對父母正在補救自身混亂的睡眠模式,結合他們的電子工程背景,創造了一個「智慧嬰兒床」。 Their crib, powered by artificial intelligence, combines a baby monitor, rocker, bassinet and crib in one. 他們把一台嬰兒監視器、弧形搖桿、搖籃和嬰兒床合而為一,由人工智慧來驅動嬰兒床。 "It’s not the amount of work around the baby that tires the parents, it’s the lack of sleep," Radhika Patil, Cradlewise chief executive, told Reuters in an interview. 「智慧搖籃」執行長拉德西卡‧帕蒂爾在訪問中告訴路透,「並非圍繞著嬰兒的工作量累到父母,而是睡眠不足。」 Early detection is key, she said, adding that the sooner parents can detect the baby waking up, the easier it is to get the child to fall back asleep. 她說,早期偵測是關鍵,並補充指出,父母越早發現嬰兒醒來,就越容易讓他們的孩子再度入睡。 "Once you put the baby in, the crib takes care of everything. That’s the aim," Bharath Patil said. 巴拉特‧帕蒂爾說,「只要把嬰兒放進去,嬰兒床就顧好每件事。這就是目的。」 Next Article Topic: New Thoughts on Math Of Effective Baby Talk It has been nearly 20 years since a landmark education study found that, by age 3, children from low-income families have heard 30 million fewer words than more affluent children, putting them at an educational disadvantage before they have begun school. 將近20年前,一項具有里程碑意義的教育研究發現,低收入戶兒童到了3歲時,已比家庭較富裕的兒童少聽到3000萬個字彙,以致就學前即已處於教育上的劣勢。 Now, a growing body of research is challenging the notion that merely exposing poor children to more language is enough to overcome the deficits they face. The quality of the communication between children and their parents and caregivers, the researchers say, is of much greater importance than the number of words a child hears. 如今,越來越多的研究向此一觀念提出挑戰,不認為光是讓貧窮兒童暴露於更多語言,就能克服他們所面對的不足。這些研究人員指出,兒童與父母及看顧者之間的溝通品質,遠比兒童聽到多少字彙來得重要。 A study presented last month at a White House conference on “bridging the word gap” found that among 2-year-olds from low-income families, quality interactions involving words — the use of shared symbols (“Look, a dog!”); rituals (“Want a bottle after your bath?”); and conversational fluency (“Yes, that is a bus!”) — were a far better predictor of language skills at age 3 than any other factor . 上月在白宮「縮小字彙差距」會議中發表的一項研究結果發現,對2歲的低收入戶兒童而言,和字彙相關的優質互動,例如使用共通的符號(「看哪,一隻狗!」);固定程序(「洗完澡想喝瓶奶?」);流暢的對話(「是的,這是一輛公車!」),在預測3歲兒童語言技巧方面,是遠勝於其他因素的更好指標。 “It’s not just about shoving words in,” said Kathryn Hirsh- Pasek, a professor of psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia and lead author of the study. “It’s about having these fluid conversations around shared rituals and objects, like pretending to have morning coffee together or using the banana as a phone. ” 費城天普大學心理學教授、該研究報告主要作者凱瑟琳.赫許─巴塞克說:「它不光是塞進字彙而已,它與圍繞著共有的固定程序和物件的流暢對話有關,例如佯裝一起喝晨間咖啡,或是拿香蕉當電話打。」 In a related finding, published in April, researchers who observed 11- and 14-month-old children in their homes found that the prevalence of one-on-one interactions and frequent use of parentese — the slow, highpitched voice commonly used for talking to babies — were reliable predictors of language ability at age 2. The total number of words had no correlation with future ability. 四月發表的一項相關研究中,研究人員觀察11個月和14個月大孩子在家中的生活情形,發現經常一對一互動,以及頻繁使用「父母語」,也就是父母常用的,對嬰兒說話的那種緩慢、高音調聲音,是2歲兒童語言能力的可靠預測指標。字彙的總數量與兒童的未來能力無關。 Even the 1995 study that introduced the notion of the 30-million- word gap, conducted by the University of Kansas psychologists Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley, found that parental tone, responsiveness and use of symbols affected a child’s I.Q. and vocabulary. 引進3000萬字彙差距概念的那項研究發表於1995年,由堪薩斯大學心理學家貝蒂.哈特和陶德.R.里斯利所完成,即使那項研究也發現,父母的語氣、反應和符號的使用,對兒童的智商高低和詞彙多寡均有影響。 But this year’s studies are the first time researchers have compared the impact of word quantity with quality of communication. 不過,今年的研究,是研究人員首次將字彙數量和溝通品質的影響作比較。 For the new study, Dr. Hirsh- Pasek and colleagues selected 60 low-income 3-year-olds with varying degrees of language proficiency from a long-term study of 1,300 children from birth to age 15. 在新研究中,赫許─巴塞克和同事,在參與一項從出生到15歲長期研究的1300名兒童中,挑選出60名3歲的低收入戶兒童,語言能力程度各不相同。 The quality of communication accounted for 27 percent of variation in expressive language skills one year later, Dr. Hirsh-Pasek said. 赫許─巴塞克說,1年後,優質溝通占表達語言技巧差異的27%。 But those who urge parents to talk to their children more say increased quantity of language inevitably leads to better quality. 但是,那些呼籲家長多跟自己孩子說話的專家表示,提高語言數量,定會帶來更高的品質。 Anne Fernald, a developmental psychologist at Stanford University in California, said, “When you learn to talk more, you tend to speak in more diverse ways and elaborate more, and that helps the child’s cognitive development.” 加州史丹福大學發展心理學家安妮.費納德說:「當你學會說得更多時,你會以更多樣、更複雜的方式說話,這有助兒童的認知發展。」 Still, Ann O’Leary, director of Too Small to Fail, a joint effort of the nonprofit Next Generation and the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation that focuses on closing the word gap, acknowledged that messages to parents could do more to emphasize quality. 「小到不能失敗」計畫負責人安.奧利里說,在提供給家長的訊息上,確實可多強調質。「小到不能失敗」由非營利組織「下一代」和「比爾、希拉蕊、雀兒喜.柯林頓基金會」共同設置,致力於縮小兒童字彙差距。 “When we’re doing these campaigns to close the word gap, they do capture the imagination, they do get people understanding that we do need to do a lot more talking,” she said. “But we also need to be more mindful that part of what we need to do is model what that talking looks like.” 她說:「當我們從事縮小兒童字彙差距努力時,它確實引起我們注意,它也讓人們理解,我們確實需要多說點話。但我們同時需要更注意的是,在我們必須從事的工作中,有一部分是提供那種談話的模範,那種談話中該有的東西。」 Source article: Next Article Topic: Scientists identify ancient baby bottles ...and some are really cute Ceramic vessels, sometimes fashioned in whimsical animal forms, were used thousands of years ago as baby bottles to feed infants animal milk, according to scientists, offering an intriguing look at how and what infants were fed in prehistoric times. 科學家指出,數千年前的人類有時會把陶製容器塑造成異想天開的動物形狀,將它們作為奶瓶使用,餵嬰兒喝動物的乳汁。這項發現提供一個有趣的觀點,讓人一窺史前時代人類如何、又是用什麼來餵食嬰兒。 Archaeologists said on Sept. 25 they confirmed the function of these ceramic objects by finding chemical traces of milk belonging to animals such as cows, sheep and goats in three such items found buried in child graves in Germany. 考古學家在九月二十五日表示,他們在埋入德國兒童墳墓裡面的三個同類型物件中,發現殘留動物乳汁的化學痕跡──包括母牛、綿羊、山羊等──因此確認了這些陶製物品的用途。 The oldest of the three vessels described in the study was made between 2,800 and 3,200 years ago during the Bronze Age. Other similar objects dating back as far as about 7,000 years ago during Neolithic times have been found in various other locations, the researchers said. 在研究描述的三個容器中,年代最早的製造於兩千八百年前到三千兩百年前的青銅器時代。研究人員指出,其他許多地點都曾經發現類似的物件,最遠可追溯到大約七千年前的新石器時期。 “I think this has provided us the first direct evidence of what foods babies were eating or being weaned on in prehistory,” said biomolecular archaeologist Julie Dunne of the University of Bristol in the UK and lead author of the study, published in the journal Nature. “I think this shows us the love and care these prehistoric people had for their babies.” 該篇研究發表於期刊《自然》,主要作者為英國布里斯托大學的生物分子考古學家茱莉‧鄧恩,她表示:「我認為這項發現提供第一手直接證據,顯示史前時代的小寶寶吃什麼食物,或是用什麼食物斷奶。」她也指出:「我想,這項發現也向我們展現這些史前時代人類對小嬰兒的愛與關懷。」 These objects, little enough to fit into a baby’s hands, served as vessels for milk, with a narrow spout for the baby to suckle liquid. While the three objects examined for the study were somewhat plain, others boasted lively shapes including animal heads with long ears or horns and human-looking feet. 這些物件小到能夠放進嬰兒的小手中,是用來盛裝奶水的容器,瓶身上附有一個狹長的壺嘴,讓小寶寶能夠從中吸吮液體。雖然研究檢驗用的三個物件外觀稍嫌平淡無奇,但其他同類陶器形狀卻相當生動,有著動物的頭,附著長長的耳朵或是犄角,以及像人類的腳。 “I find them incredibly cute. And prehistoric people may have thought so, too — they would certainly have a dual function of entertaining the children just like modern stuffed animals,” said archaeologist Katharina Rebay-Salisbury of the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology, and a co-author of the study. “They testify to the creativity and playfulness we often forget to attribute to our ancestors,” Rebay-Salisbury added. 研究的共同作者、奧地利科學院東方與歐洲考古研究所的考古學家凱瑟琳娜‧雷貝─索爾斯伯里表示:「我覺得這些陶器難以置信地可愛。而且搞不好史前的人們也是這樣覺得──這些陶器很可能還具備另一項娛樂小孩的雙重功能,就像是現代的填充玩具。」她補充說:「這些陶器證實老祖先們具備的創意和愛開玩笑的個性,那都是我們經常忘記的。」 Life at the time was not easy, Rebay-Salisbury added, with many people living in unhygienic conditions, experiencing famine and disease and facing low life expectancy. During the Bronze Age and subsequent Iron Age in Europe, perhaps about a third of all newborns died before their first birthday and only about half of children reached adulthood, Rebay-Salisbury said. 雷貝─索爾斯伯里還指出,當時的生活並不容易,原因在於許多人都居住在不衛生的環境中、遭受饑荒與疾病,還要面臨很短的預期壽命。她表示,在青銅器時代以及接下來的鐵器時代,歐洲地區可能有大約三分之一的新生兒在一歲之前死亡,而且大概只有一半的小孩能夠順利長大成人。 These feeding vessels may have made life easier for mothers, as animal milk could substitute for breastfeeding, the researchers said. “Duties of mothering — amongst which feeding is an important one — can also be undertaken by other members of the community when children are fed with feeding vessels,” Rebay-Salisbury said. 研究人員表示,這些餵食用的容器會讓母親們的生活輕鬆一些,因為動物的乳汁可以代替親餵母乳。雷貝─索爾斯伯里指出:「當小孩可以用器具餵食的時候,為人母的諸多責任──其中,最重要的一項是餵食嬰兒──也就可以由部落的其他成員接手幫忙。」 Source article:
【本集由台塑生醫贊助播出】 台塑生醫《醫之方》緩釋B群雙層錠60錠 即日起~2024/12/31享單品8折免運(不含組合) 為什麼吃了B群還是累?選對B群很重要!屬於水溶性的維生素B群,在1-2小時內會快速流失,身體來不及好好利用。 台塑生醫醫之方「緩釋B群雙層錠」運用獨特緩釋技術,讓B群持續釋放能量達10小時,緩慢釋放,才能長效利用,維持一整天好體力! 採用複方設計,另添加19種複方胺基酸、五味子、牛磺酸、乳清蛋白等成分,配方完整、體力更加乘。 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 歡迎收聽本週的《Teacher's Lounge 幕後教師室》,今天John老師和阿鍵老師要帶大家回顧一下這幾週的Casual Friday和IG小測驗! 我們一直以來搜集了各位VIP會員的許願主題,也持續製作了幾個月啦, 最近我們覺得各位會員的求知慾真的是超級值得大大的掌聲,像是這幾週的題材涵括了建築、AI、新媒體甚至非常專精的醫療產業, 我們在製作的過程真的是深感佩服,也歡迎大家繼續利用VIP會員表單多多許願啦。 至於IG小測驗的部分,我們也發現了IG最近追蹤人數的增加,如果你是因為IG才來收聽15Mins.Today通勤學英語的朋友, 歡迎跟我們打個招呼讓我們知道喔!然後IG限時動態 IG Story的部分我們也會持續更新啦, 這部分若是你在日常生活有看到任何有趣的,生活周遭的英語,歡迎拍攝下來利用IG私訊功能投稿給醬老師, 讓大家一起來玩玩小測驗😉透過日常見到的畫面來學習讓我們英語進步更有感喔! 聽了今天的幕後教師室,如果你有任何想法或經驗,歡迎留言給我們! 也別忘了追蹤通勤學英語的Instagram帳號,或是訂閱我們的Podcast頻道VIP會員, 來進行許願以及獲得更多有關英語學習的資源:
------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: VIP會員文章主題許願表單: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Growing up in Taiwan, children are accustomed to a long, yellow cake that is called the "honey cake". Technically, this cake dates back to the 16th century, and is a cake that came all the way from Portugal. In this episode, Klim is going to give us some background to the most seen cake in Taiwan, the castella cake. If you have a special castella cake that you recommend, drop us a comment and we will give you a shout out in the next episode! Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it! 更多15Mins Cafe節目: 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : 商業合作/贊助來信
安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅.Environment環境造就心境.Texture質感織就情感.Fortune財富成就豐富台茂商圈/五福國小預定地/李天鐸建築/3-4房雙車位2-4房保值首選: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K763: Taiwan's Earthquake Preparedness: A Testament to Resilience Highlights 主題摘要:Taiwan's rigorous earthquake preparedness, including strict building codes and public education campaigns, significantly reduces the impact of seismic events.Administrative reforms post-1999 earthquake established national centers dedicated to earthquake coordination and training, enhancing disaster response capabilities.Taiwan's resilience extends beyond structural reforms to encompass community unity, international collaboration, and ongoing refinement of earthquake preparedness strategies. Taiwan, a country frequently shaken by powerful earthquakes, yet remarkably equipped to withstand their impact, faced its most formidable seismic event in a quarter-century on 3rd April. Despite claiming nine lives and injuring hundreds, the island's stringent earthquake preparedness measures have significantly mitigated the devastation typically associated with such calamities, experts contend. 台灣經常受到強烈地震的襲擊,然而其對抗地震的能力卻非常出色,在四月三日遭遇了近25年(四分之一世紀以來)最為嚴重的地震。儘管造成九人死亡,數百人受傷,但專家們認為,島上嚴格的地震防災措施大幅度減輕了此類災害通常造成的破壞。 Situated along the Pacific "Ring of Fire," a zone notorious for seismic activity, Taiwan finds itself inherently vulnerable to earthquakes due to the convergence of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate. This geological setting predisposes the region to frequent tremors, making robust preparedness imperative. 台灣位於太平洋“火山環帶”上,這是一個以地震活動聞名的地帶,由於菲律賓海板塊和歐亞板塊的匯聚,使得台灣先天容易受到地震影響,這種地質環境導致該地區地震頻繁,因此強大的防災措施顯得格外重要。 The recent earthquake, measuring 7.2 according to Taiwan's seismic agency and 7.4 according to the US Geological Survey, struck near Hualien County, causing substantial damage. However, Taiwan's capital, Taipei, despite feeling strong tremors, sustained only minor losses. This resilience is attributed to Taiwan's advanced earthquake preparedness, characterized by strict building codes, a sophisticated seismological network, and widespread public education campaigns promoting earthquake safety. 根據台灣地震機構的測量,最近的地震震級為7.2級,而美國地質調查局則測出7.4級,該地震發生在花蓮縣附近,造成了巨大的破壞。然而,台灣首都台北市儘管感受到強烈的震動,卻僅受到了輕微的損失。這種韌性歸功於台灣先進的地震防災能力,包括嚴格的建築法規、精密的地震監測網絡以及廣泛的地震安全教育大眾推廣活動。 Following the devastating 1999 earthquake, which claimed thousands of lives and exposed critical deficiencies in emergency response, Taiwan instituted significant administrative reforms. The Disaster Prevention and Protection Act was enacted, establishing national centers dedicated to earthquake coordination and training. These reforms have not only bolstered Taiwan's capacity to respond to seismic events but have also engendered a culture of preparedness among its populace. 1999年的大地震造成了數千人死亡,並暴露了緊急應對方面的重大缺陷。隨後台灣頒布了《災害防救法》,建立了專門負責地震協調和培訓的國家中心。這些改革不僅增強了台灣應對地震事件的能力,而且在民眾之間培養了防災意識。 In essence, Taiwan's journey towards earthquake resilience epitomizes a nation's commitment to learning from past tragedies and implementing proactive measures to safeguard its citizens. Through stringent building regulations, extensive public education initiatives, and comprehensive disaster response mechanisms, Taiwan stands as a testament to resilience in the face of nature's most formidable forces. 本質上來說,台灣在地震防災方面的努力體現了一個國家從過去災難中吸取教訓,並實施積極措施以保護其國民安全的承諾。通過嚴格的建築法規、廣泛的公眾教育和全面的災害應對機制,台灣在面對自然界最強大力量時,表現出頑強的生命力。 Furthermore, Taiwan's resilience is not solely rooted in structural and institutional reforms but also in the resilience of its people. In the aftermath of earthquakes, communities unite to provide support, aid, and comfort to those affected. Moreover, Taiwan's proactive approach extends beyond its borders through international collaborations and knowledge-sharing initiatives, contributing to global efforts in disaster risk reduction. 此外,台灣的韌性不僅根植於結構和制度上的改革,還源於其人民的韌性。在地震之後,社會各界團結起來,為受災戶提供支援、援助和安慰。此外,通過國際合作和知識分享計劃,台灣積極主動的作法已擴展到國外,為全球減少災害風險的努力作出貢獻。 Looking ahead, Taiwan continues to refine its earthquake preparedness strategies, leveraging technological advancements and lessons learned from past events. The island nation recognizes that while earthquakes may be inevitable, the extent of their impact can be mitigated through sustained vigilance, community engagement, and adaptive governance. 展望未來,台灣將繼續完善其地震防災策略,利用技術進步和從過去事件吸取的經驗教訓。島上人們認識到,地震雖然不可避免,但卻可以通過持續的警惕、社區參與和適應性治理來減輕其影響程度。 Taiwan's ability to withstand powerful earthquakes is not merely a product of geographical fortune but a result of deliberate efforts to enhance resilience at all levels of society. As the island nation navigates the seismic challenges of the future, its commitment to preparedness serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for regions prone to similar geological hazards worldwide. 台灣之所以能夠抵禦強烈地震,並不僅僅是地理位置的幸運,而是在社會各個層面上努力不懈提高抗災能力的成果。在這個島國應對未來的地震挑戰時,它對防災的承諾將成為全球各地面臨相似地質災害地區的希望和鼓舞。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Calamity (Ca-lam-i-ty): Despite claiming nine lives and injuring hundreds, the island's stringent earthquake preparedness measures have significantly mitigated the devastation typically associated with such calamities, experts contend.Inherently (In-her-ent-ly): Situated along the Pacific "Ring of Fire," a zone notorious for seismic activity, Taiwan finds itself inherently vulnerable to earthquakes due to the convergence of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate.Resilience (Re-sil-i-ence): Through stringent building regulations, extensive public education initiatives, and comprehensive disaster response mechanisms, Taiwan stands as a testament to resilience in the face of nature's most formidable forces.Deficiency (De-fi-cien-cy): Following the devastating 1999 earthquake, which claimed thousands of lives and exposed critical deficiencies in emergency response, Taiwan instituted significant administrative reforms.Preparedness (Pre-par-ed-ness): Looking ahead, Taiwan continues to refine its earthquake preparedness strategies, leveraging technological advancements and lessons learned from past events. Reference article:
安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅.Environment環境造就心境.Texture質感織就情感.Fortune財富成就豐富台茂商圈/五福國小預定地/李天鐸建築/3-4房雙車位2-4房保值首選: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Topic: Filipino salon owner uses own hair to create portraits Every few months when Jesstoni Garcia takes electric clippers to his head, he’s not just giving himself a haircut, he’s also harvesting art materials. 每隔數月,當傑斯托尼‧賈西亞拿電剪推自己的頭時,不僅在為自己理髮,也在收集藝術材料。 Using a thin brush and clear, sticky resin, the co-owner of a Manila hair salon sprinkles these strands and clippings on a blank canvas, taking two to five hours to arrange them into striking images of musicians and actors. 這名馬尼拉一家美髮沙龍的共同老闆,用細刷子和透明、富黏性的樹脂,把剪下來的髮絲刷在空白的畫布上,再花2至5小時調整成惹人注目的音樂家和演員肖像。 The 32-year-old’s main job as a seaman involves spending up to eight months a year on cruise ships, and lacking adequate art supplies like paint and sketchpads at sea, Garcia in 2021 turned to using his own hair to create images. He started with self-portraits and eventually moved on to depicting celebrities. 32歲的賈西亞本職是航海員,一年有多達8個月在遊輪上,航海期間欠缺顏料和畫板等藝術材料,所以在2021年轉而用自己的頭髮創作肖像。他從自畫像著手,逐漸開始描繪名人。 Next Article Topic: Top Philippine presidential candidates oppose legalising divorce 菲律賓主要總統候選人反對離婚合法化 The Philippines looks likely to remain one of the few countries where divorce is illegal, based on a survey of the four leading presidential candidates on Sunday. 根據週日一項針對排名領先的4名總統候選人進行的調查顯示,菲律賓看起來可能仍是離婚違法的極少數國家之一。 Vice President Jejomar Binay, Senator Grace Poe, veteran mayor Rodrigo Duterte and former interior secretary Mar Roxas were asked during a presidential debate to raise their hands if they favoured legalisation of divorce. 副總統畢乃、參議員柏吾、經歷豐富的市長杜特爾特,以及前內政部長羅哈斯,在總統候選人辯論會上被要求,若支持離婚合法化則舉手。 Not one raised a hand in the brief segment. They were not given time to explain their stance. 在這簡短片段中無人舉手,他們也沒獲得時間解釋立場。 The overwhelmingly Catholic Philippines is the only country aside from the Vatican that bans divorce. 絕大多數人口為天主教徒的菲律賓,是梵蒂岡以外唯一禁止離婚的國家。 Strong pressure from the Catholic church has stymied previous attempts to pass a divorce law even though a survey last year showed that about 60 percent of adult Filipinos support such a measure. 來自天主教教會的強大壓力,阻礙了此前試圖通過離婚法的努力,即使去年一項調查顯示,約60%菲律賓成人支持這類措施亦然。 In another portion of the debate, the four candidates were asked who supported restoration of the death penalty. 在辯論會的另一部分,4名候選人被問及誰支持恢復死刑。 Poe and Duterte, who openly boasts about killing criminals, both raised their hands despite the Catholic church’s opposition to capital punishment. 公開讚揚處決罪犯的柏吾與杜特爾特舉起手,儘管天主教會反對死刑。 The death penalty was abolished in the Philippines in 2006, partly due to lobbying by the church. 2006年菲律賓廢除死刑,部分原因在於教會的遊說。Source article: ; Next Article Topic: Growing ‘mermaiding’ subculture makes a splash There was a pivotal moment in Queen Pangke Tabora’s life that eclipsed all others: It was the moment, she says, when she first slid her legs into a mermaid tail. 在潘奇.塔波拉皇后的生命中,有一個關鍵時刻令其它時刻都黯然失色:她說,就是當她第一次把雙腳滑進一個美人魚尾巴的時刻。 For the transgender Filipina woman approaching middle age, seeing her legs encased in vibrant, scaly-looking neoprene three years ago was the realization of a childhood dream. And it marked the beginning of her immersion into a watery world where she would find acceptance. 對這位即將步入中年的菲律賓跨性別女性來說,三年前看到她的雙腿被包覆在充滿活力、鱗片狀的紐普韌橡膠中,是兒時夢想的實現。代表著她開始沉浸在一個自己能夠獲得接受的水世界。 The former insurance company worker described the experience of gliding under water, half-human and half-fish, as “meditation in motion.”“The feeling was mermai-zing,”Tabora said one recent morning while lounging in a fiery red tail on a rocky beach south of Manila, where she now teaches mermaiding and freediving full-time. 這位保險公司前員工把在水下滑行、半人半魚的經驗描述成「運動中的冥想」。最近一個早晨在馬尼拉南方一處礁石海灘休息時,身著火紅魚尾服的塔波拉說,「這種美人魚的感覺太驚人了」,她在這裡全職教授如何像美人魚般游泳和自由潛水。 In recent years, a growing number have gleefully flocked to mermaid conventions and competitions, formed local groups called“pods,” launched mermaid magazines and poured their savings into a multimillion-dollar mermaid tail industry. 在最近幾年,越來越多人歡喜地湧向美人魚大會和競賽,形成各個叫做「pods」的地方團體,發行美人魚雜誌,把他們的積蓄投入這個價值數百萬美元的美人魚尾巴行業。 Next Article Philippine collector amasses super-sized collection of fast-food restaurant toys 菲律賓收藏家蒐集極大量速食餐廳玩具 From the age of 5, Filipino graphic artist Percival Lugue has had a passion for collecting toys from fast-food restaurant chains like McDonald’s, Burger King and home-country favorite Jollibee. 菲律賓平面設計師帕西瓦爾‧魯格,從5歲開始就滿腔熱血地蒐集麥當勞、漢堡王及當地人最愛的快樂蜂等速食連鎖餐廳的玩具。 Now, the 50-year-old has about 20,000 toys packed from floor to ceiling in his home and holds a Guinness World Record from 2014, when his collection reached more than 10,000 items. 現在,50歲的魯格擁有約2萬組玩具,在家裡從地板堆到天花板,且2014年起持續保持金氏世界紀錄,當時他收藏的玩具已超過1萬組。 Lugue built his home especially to house his collection. He likens the excitement that getting new toys gives him to Christmas morning. "The toy is like a storyteller in itself." 魯格蓋了自己的房子就是為了放藏品,他把得到新玩具的興奮感比擬成耶誕節早晨,「玩具本身就像個說故事的人。」 While most of his toys were obtained through personal purchases, some were donated by friends and family. 儘管大部分玩具都是他自己花錢買的,但也有朋友和家人送的。 His dream now is to eventually put his collection on display for the public or even open a museum to "give others a chance to revisit their own childhood memories." 他現在的夢想是,最終可以向大眾展示他的藏品,甚至開一間博物館,「讓其他人有機會重溫自己的童年記憶。」Source article: ; Next Article Topic: Philippines Returns to School, Ending One of World’s Longest Shutdowns Millions of students throughout the Philippines headed to school Monday as in-person classes began to fully restart for the first time in more than two years, ending one of the world’s longest pandemic-related shutdowns in a school system already plagued by severe underinvestment. 全菲律賓數以百萬計的學生周一重新上學,這是兩年多來菲律賓首度全面恢復實體課程。原本就投資嚴重不足的學校系統,遭逢新冠疫情開始封校,時間之長在全球數一數二,現在終於結束了。 “We could no longer afford to delay the education of young Filipinos,” said Vice President Sara Duterte, who is also the education secretary, as she toured schools in the town of Dinalupihan, about 40 miles northwest of Manila. 副總統兼教育部長薩拉.杜特蒂到首都馬尼拉西北方65公里處的迪納路匹罕市巡視學校時表示:「我國年輕人的教育再經不起耽擱」。 Even before the pandemic, the Philippines had among the world’s largest education gaps, with more than 90% of students unable to read and comprehend simple texts by age 10, according to the World Bank. 甚至在新冠疫情爆發前,菲律賓的教育落差跟各國相比就十分巨大。世界銀行調查發現,菲國超過九成學童到了10歲仍無法閱讀和理解簡單的課文。 Schools in the Philippines have long suffered from shortages of classrooms and teachers, whose pay is low, leaving the vast numbers of poor children who cannot afford private schools and rely on the public system with inadequate teaching. 菲律賓的學校長期缺乏教室和師資。老師薪水低,導致念不起私立學校只能讀公立學校的眾多窮人家子女,無法接受適合的教導。 Now, after losing more than two years of in-person instruction, schools face the challenge of educating many students who have fallen even further behind. Although the Philippines offered online instruction during the pandemic, many students lacked access to computers or internet connections, and overburdened parents often found it hard to keep tabs on their children’s remote learning. 如今,在面對面授課停擺兩年多後,學校面臨的挑戰是學習進度落後更多的學生。雖然菲國政府在疫情期間提供線上課程,許多學生卻沒有電腦或網路連線,負擔過重的父母親經常發現付不起子女遠距學習費用。 In some cases, students’ already tenuous connection to school may have been severed entirely after so long away. 在某些個案,學生和學校的聯繫原本就斷斷續續,經過疫情封校這麼久的折騰,學生跟學校可能完全失聯。 In many other countries, as the negative effects of online learning became well documented, governments elected to send children back to classrooms even as the coronavirus continued to circulate widely. 在許多其他國家,線上學習的負面效應已經被詳細記載。縱然新冠疫情持續散布,政府仍決定讓學生返回教室。 But in the Philippines, government officials and parents remained hesitant, with fears that schoolchildren could bring the virus to homes crowded with multiple generations of family members, potentially overtaxing a creaky health care system. 但是在菲律賓,政府和父母親仍猶豫不決,擔心子女會把病毒從校園帶回家,殃及數代同擠一堂的家人,可能會讓已搖搖欲墜的健康照護體系負擔過重。 Starting in late 2021, the government began to experiment with conducting in-person classes in about 300 schools, but has begun expanding it to cover all primary and secondary schools. Currently only some schools are in-person all five weekdays; by November, all of the country’s roughly 47,000 schools will be. 從2021年晚期起,菲國政府從300間學校開始實驗師生面對面上課,現已擴及到全國小學和國中。目前只有部分學校一周五天都是實體上課。到11月的時候,菲律賓全國約4萬7千所學校都會恢復實體上課。Source article:
《15Mins X Roichen》 本集節目由【Roichen正脊坐墊】贊助播出 【通勤學英語】粉絲52折專屬優惠 #市售唯一依男女體型設計的正脊坐墊 它牌只有分大人和小孩的尺寸,但其實男女體型骨盆角度不同, 需要專屬尺寸設計,市售唯一有男、女和兒童3種專屬尺寸可選購。 #獨家支撐設計 坐墊不易滑動,即使不搭配椅子,直接在地面或者平面使用,當作和室椅都可以。 #韓國第一入口網站NAVER家飾配件使用滿意高度認證 榮獲200多項專利、認證、設計以及系統認證的殊榮, 其中包括紅點設計大獎、Good Design、PIN UP等獎項。 #通過SGS檢測不含有毒物質與安全性測試 最大可承受220~350公斤都可維持平穩正確的坐姿, 不會形成椅墊扭曲或晃動。 【通勤學英語】粉絲52折專屬優惠 (品牌限定優惠,請使用 Fb或 Line 登入,即可看到專屬優惠價) ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 歡迎來到本週的《Teacher's Lounge 幕後教師室》,今天John&Patrick老師要來探討面試準備的技巧,希望能夠分享一些實用的建議,讓大家在面試中表現更出色,因此我們挑選了求職者都可以輕鬆面對面試問題的PRER方法。 什麼是PREP ? P - Problem, R-Response, E-Example, P-Plan 源自於公開演講Public speaking方法,PREP可以提供求職者架構,好讓你在面試時不會過份的依賴預先準備的念稿。透過使用談話架構,求職的家族們只要加入自己的專長跟經驗或資歷,就能夠擺脫面試如背誦稿一樣的不自在。 我們也鼓勵通勤家族們主動尋找更多的練習機會。比如說與朋友進行模擬面試、參加工作坊或線上課程,甚至是把自己的面試回答錄起來以後進行檢討改進。通過不斷地練習,將能夠更加自信地應對各種面試場景。 希望今天的幕後教師室能幫助你成功應對面試的挑戰。如果你有任何想法或經驗,歡迎留言給我們!也別忘了追蹤通勤學英語的Instagram帳號,或是訂閱我們的Podcast頻道VIP會員方案,可以獲得更多有關英語學習的資源喔:
------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- This week is Songkran in Thailand! We've been having a streak of festivities since Lunar New Year this year and in the April holiday season, people are going to celebrate the Songkran~ Patrick is going to give us some background to the Songkran, and also three, water related idioms that the 15Mins family can use. If you have celebrated Songkran before, drop us a message and we will give you a shout out in the next episode! Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it! 更多15Mins Cafe節目: 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : 商業合作/贊助來信
安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅.Environment環境造就心境.Texture質感織就情感.Fortune財富成就豐富台茂商圈/五福國小預定地/李天鐸建築/3-4房雙車位2-4房保值首選: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 《15Mins X Roichen》 本集節目由【Roichen正脊坐墊】贊助播出 【通勤學英語】粉絲52折專屬優惠 #市售唯一依男女體型設計的正脊坐墊 它牌只有分大人和小孩的尺寸,但其實男女體型骨盆角度不同, 需要專屬尺寸設計,市售唯一有男、女和兒童3種專屬尺寸可選購。 #獨家支撐設計 坐墊不易滑動,即使不搭配椅子,直接在地面或者平面使用,當作和室椅都可以。 #韓國第一入口網站NAVER家飾配件使用滿意高度認證 榮獲200多項專利、認證、設計以及系統認證的殊榮, 其中包括紅點設計大獎、Good Design、PIN UP等獎項。 #通過SGS檢測不含有毒物質與安全性測試 最大可承受220~350公斤都可維持平穩正確的坐姿, 不會形成椅墊扭曲或晃動。 【通勤學英語】粉絲52折專屬優惠 (品牌限定優惠,請使用 Fb或 Line 登入,即可看到專屬優惠價) ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K755 : Shohei Ohtani's Interpreter Dismissed Amid Allegations of Theft and Illegal Gambling Highlights 主題摘要:Allegations against Shohei Ohtani's interpreter highlight the importance of trust and integrity in professional sports environments worldwide.The incident underscores the pervasive challenges posed by gambling addiction and the need for increased awareness and support.Shohei Ohtani's resilience amid controversy serves as a reminder of the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. Baseball sensation Shohei Ohtani's long-time interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara, has been fired by the Los Angeles Dodgers after allegations of theft connected to illegal gambling surfaced. The controversy arose when it was reported that significant amounts of money were transferred from Ohtani's bank account to an illicit gambling operation, allegedly facilitated by Mizuhara. 大聯盟球星大谷翔平的資深口譯員水原一平因涉嫌參與非法賭博而被洛杉磯道奇隊解雇。當指控指向水原協助將大谷的大筆資金轉移到非法賭博活動中時,這場爭議浮上檯面。 The news came at a critical juncture as Ohtani embarked on his regular season debut with the Dodgers. Despite the excitement surrounding his performance, the allegations against Mizuhara cast a shadow over the team. The Dodgers swiftly took action, terminating Mizuhara's contract as they launched investigations into the matter. 這個新聞爆料時正值大谷首次以道奇隊球員身份出戰例行賽的關鍵時刻。儘管人們因為大谷的表現而興奮,但針對水原指控的陰影仍籠罩著球隊。道奇隊隨後迅速採取行動,終止了水原的合約,並展開調查。 Investigations revealed that approximately $4.5 million was transferred from Ohtani's account to a bookmaker, raising questions about the legality of sports betting, particularly in states like California where it remains prohibited. While Ohtani himself is not implicated in any wrongdoing, the incident has brought to light the stringent policies of Major League Baseball, which prohibit any form of betting related to baseball games. 調查顯示,大約有450萬美元從大谷的帳戶轉移到一名賭博業者手中,這引發了對於體育賭博合法性的質疑,尤其是在像加州這樣的州,這類活動仍然被禁止。雖然大谷本人並未涉及任何不法行為,但這起事件揭露了大聯盟棒球的嚴格政策,禁止任何形式與棒球比賽有關的賭博。 Conflicting accounts have emerged regarding Ohtani's involvement in covering Mizuhara's gambling debts. Initially, reports suggested that Ohtani had transferred funds to assist Mizuhara, but subsequent statements from both parties contradicted this narrative. Ohtani's legal representatives have since accused Mizuhara of perpetrating "massive theft," intensifying the controversy. 關於大谷是否曾協助水原償還賭債的說法仍存在分歧。最初的報導指出,大谷曾轉賬協助水原,但隨後雙方的聲明卻相互矛盾。大谷的法律代表隨後指控水原實施了“大規模盜竊”,進一步加劇了爭議。 Despite the upheaval, Ohtani remains focused on his game, determined to maintain his stellar performance on the baseball diamond. However, the scandal involving his former interpreter underscores the challenges faced by athletes both on and off the field. As investigations continue, the baseball world awaits clarity and resolution in this troubling saga. 儘管風波不斷,大谷仍專注於比賽,決心在棒球場上維持出色的表現。然而,與他的前口譯員有關的醜聞凸顯了運動員在場上和場下所面臨的挑戰。隨著調查的不斷深入,棒球界正等待著這場令人不安的事件得以澄清和解決。 The implications of Mizuhara's actions extend beyond baseball, raising questions about the trust placed in interpreters by athletes. As a long-time companion of Ohtani, Mizuhara played a pivotal role in facilitating communication and ensuring Ohtani's comfort, making the betrayal felt by Ohtani and the Dodgers particularly poignant. 水原的行為影響不僅僅局限於棒球領域,還引發了人們看待運動員對口譯員賦予信任的質疑。作為大谷的多年同伴,水原在促進溝通和確保大谷舒適方面發揮了關鍵作用,使大谷和道奇隊對他的背叛感到格外深刻。 Moreover, Mizuhara's admission of gambling debts highlights the destructive consequences of unchecked behavior and the need for increased awareness and support for those struggling with addiction. As legal proceedings unfold, there are likely to be ramifications for Mizuhara and potentially others involved in the alleged gambling operation, underscoring the importance of integrity and accountability within professional sports. 此外,水原對賭債的承認凸顯了行為不檢的破壞性後果,以及提高人們對於成癮者的認知與支持。隨著法律程序的推展,水原和其他可能涉及賭博的人也會受到影響,進一步凸顯了職業運動中誠信和責任的重要性。 In the midst of this controversy, Ohtani's resilience serves as a beacon of hope, reminding fans and fellow athletes alike of the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. As the baseball world awaits the outcome of investigations, the incident serves as a sobering reminder of the complexities inherent in the world of professional sports. 在這場爭議中,大谷的韌性成為希望之光,提醒球迷和其他運動員,在逆境中堅持不懈的力量。隨著棒球界期待調查結果的公布,這起事件成為一個深刻的提醒,突顯了職業運動界固有的複雜性。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Interpreter (In-ter-pret-er): Allegations against Shohei Ohtani's interpreter highlight the importance of trust and integrity in professional sports environments worldwide.Facilitated (Fa-cil-i-tat-ed): The controversy arose when it was reported that significant amounts of money were transferred from Ohtani's bank account to an illicit gambling operation, allegedly facilitated by Mizuhara.Contradicted (Con-tra-dict-ed): Initially, reports suggested that Ohtani had transferred funds to assist Mizuhara, but subsequent statements from both parties contradicted this narrative.Perpetrating (Per-pe-trat-ing): Ohtani's legal representatives have since accused Mizuhara of perpetrating "massive theft," intensifying the controversy.Upheaval (Up-heav-al): Despite the upheaval, Ohtani remains focused on his game, determined to maintain his stellar performance on the baseball diamond. Reference article: 1. 2.
安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅.Environment環境造就心境.Texture質感織就情感.Fortune財富成就豐富台茂商圈/五福國小預定地/李天鐸建築/3-4房雙車位2-4房保值首選: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Topic: In age-old ritual, Mexican mayor weds alligator to secure abundance A small town Mexican mayor married his alligator bride in a colorful ceremony as traditional music rang out and revelers danced while imploring the indigenous leader to seal the nuptials with a kiss. 墨西哥一個小鎮市長在一場多采多姿的儀式中,迎娶了他的鱷魚新娘,現場演奏傳統音樂、狂歡者翩翩起舞,同時懇求這位原住民領袖用一個吻來為婚禮封印。 San Pedro Huamelula Mayor Victor Hugo Sosa obliged more than once during Thursday’s wedding, bending down to plant his lips on the small alligator’s snout, which had been tied shut presumably to avoid unwanted biting. 在週四的婚禮上,聖.佩德羅.瓦米魯拉的市長維克多.雨果.索薩不只一次答應要求,彎腰把嘴唇湊上這隻小鱷魚的鼻子,而小鱷魚的鼻子被緊緊綁住,大概是為了避免不必要的咬傷。 The ritual marriage likely dates back centuries to pre-Hispanic times among Oaxaca state’s Chontal and Huave indigenous communities, like a prayer pleading for nature’s bounty. 在墨西哥瓦哈卡州Chontal及Huave的原住民社會中,這種婚禮儀式就像是一個祈禱,祈求大自然的恩賜,可能可以追溯好幾個世紀,一直到前西班牙時代。 Oaxaca, located in Mexico’s poor south, is arguably the country’s richest in indigenous culture and home to many groups that have stubbornly maintained their languages and traditions. 瓦哈卡州位在墨西哥貧窮的南部地區,可說是墨國原住民文化最豐富的地區,也是許多堅持維護他們的語言和傳統的群體的家鄉。 Next Article In Mexico, those searching for missing relatives can vanish too 在墨西哥,尋找失蹤親友的人也會跟著消失 70-years-old Maria Herrera is scraping at the earth on a hill in the town of Huitzuco, in southern Mexico, looking for the mounds that indicate a decaying corpse. 70歲的瑪莉亞.赫雷拉在墨西哥南部威特蘇科鎮的山上四處挖掘,希望找到代表埋有腐爛屍體的土堆。 Digging in the dirt with a group of 100 other activists in the violent state of Guerrero, she wants to find her four missing son. 在暴力事件頻傳的格雷羅州,赫雷拉與100名行動人士一起挖土,想要找到4名失蹤的兒子。 More than 40,000 people are missing in Mexico, which has been swept by a wave of violence since the government declared war on the country’s powerful drug cartels in 2006. 2006年,墨西哥政府向勢力龐大的販毒集團宣戰後,這個國家就被暴力事件肆虐,目前已有逾4萬人失蹤。 At first, Herrera and her husband used the profits gained by selling household goods door to door to launch gold exchange business, which involved traveling the country to buy and sell gold. 起初,赫雷拉和丈夫用挨家挨戶賣居家用品的收入,展開黃金兌換生意,包括全國走透透買賣黃金。 They did not realize a bloody cartel turf war was just breaking out in the state. They believe a local cartel mistook the brothers, Jesus and Raul, for members of a rival group and were captured. Two more brothers started looking for them but disappeared too. 但他們沒料到,一場腥風血雨的毒梟地盤之爭已在國內爆發。他們相信,自家兒子赫塞斯和羅爾,是被一個地方販毒集團誤認為敵營的人,才被俘虜。另外2名兒子開始尋找兩人後,也下落不明。Source article: ; Next Article Topic: ‘We’re Living in Hell’: Inside Mexico’s Most Terrified City The violence was already terrifying, she said, when grenades exploded outside her church in broad daylight some five years ago. Then children in town were kidnapped, disappearing without a trace. Then the bodies of the executed were dumped in city streets. 她說,大約五年前,光天化日下手榴彈在她的教會外爆炸,這種暴力已經夠嚇人了。接著鎮上的孩子被綁架,消失得無影無蹤。然後他們被處刑的屍體丟棄在城市街道上。 And then came the day last month when armed men burst into her home, dragged her 15-year-old son and two of his friends outside and shot them to death, leaving Guadalupe — who didn’t want her full name published out of fear of the men — too terrified to leave the house. 接下來是上個月的那一天,武裝男子闖進她家,將她的15歲兒子和兒子兩個友人拖出屋外射殺,讓瓜達魯佩太過驚嚇以致於不敢離開家,因為害怕那些男子,她不希望刊出全名。 “I do not want the night to come,” she said, through tears. “Living with fear is no life at all.” 「我不希望黑夜來臨」,她流著淚說,「活在恐懼中完全不是人過的日子」。 For most of the population of Fresnillo, a mining city in central Mexico, a fearful existence is the only one they know; 96% of residents say they feel unsafe, the highest percentage of any city in Mexico, according to a recent survey from Mexico’s national statistics agency. 對於弗雷斯尼約這個墨西哥中部礦城的大多數人而言,他們知道的只有一項可怕現實。根據墨西哥國家統計局最近一項調查,96%居民說他們感覺不安全,是墨西哥所有城市比率最高者。 The economy can boom and bust, presidents and parties and their promises can come and go, but for the city’s 140,000 people, as for many in Mexico, there is a growing sense that no matter what changes, the violence endures. 經濟可以暴起大落,總統和政黨以及他們的承諾來來去去,但對這座城市的14萬人來說,如同墨西哥許多城市,不論有什麼改變,暴力依舊持續,這種意見正在增加。 In 2018, during his run for president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered a grand vision to remake Mexico. Instead of arresting and killing traffickers as previous leaders had done, he would focus on the causes of violence: “hugs not bullets,” he called it. He was swept to victory. 2018年總統選戰期間,羅培茲提出重塑墨西哥的遠大願景,他不像歷任領導人所做的逮捕並殺掉壞蛋,而是聚焦暴力的成因,他稱之為「擁抱而非子彈」。他壓倒式勝選。 But three years after his landslide win, and with his Morena party in control of Congress, the drumbeat of death continues, suggesting that López Obrador’s approach has failed, fueling in many a paralyzing helplessness. 但在他壓倒式勝利以及他的國家復興運動黨掌控國會三年後,死亡的鼓聲持續著,暗示羅培茲的方法已經失敗,激起許多人有如麻痹的無助感。 “We’re living in hell,” said Victor Piña, who ran for mayor of Fresnillo in the June elections and watched an aide gunned down beside him during a pre-campaign event. 「我們活在地獄裡」,今年6月參選弗雷斯尼約市長的維克多.皮納說,他在一場選前活動中看到一名幕僚在他身旁遭槍擊。 Zacatecas, the state Fresnillo is in, has the country’s highest murder rate, with 122 deaths in June, according to the Mexican government. Across Mexico, murders have dropped less than 1% since López Obrador took office, according to the country’s statistics agency. That was enough for the president to claim that there had been an improvement on a problem his administration inherited. 弗雷斯尼約所在的薩卡特卡斯州,謀殺率為全國最高,根據墨西哥政府,6月有122人死亡。根據國家統計局,羅培茲上任以來,墨西哥全國各地謀殺率下降不到1%,這已足夠讓總統宣稱,在他的政府上任後,這個問題已有改善。 Many in Fresnillo disagree. 弗雷斯尼約的許多人不這麼認為。 “‘Hugs not bullets’ doesn’t work,” said Javier Torres Rodríguez, whose brother was shot and killed in 2018. “We’re losing the ability to be shocked.” 「擁抱而非子彈沒有用」,哈維耶.托雷斯.羅里奎茲說,他的兄弟2018年遭槍擊死亡,「我們正失去感到震驚的能力」。Source article:
首款多平台開放世界遊戲《原神》 點擊下方資訊欄了解更多 連結: ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 本週的《幕後教師室》由John老師和Angel老師值班,內容從報復性旅遊(Revenge travel)聊到最近Instagram上的動態。 近期15Mins.Today的Instagram經常在限時動態貼出各種英語小遊戲,其中許多是由Angel老師從各國搜集的圖片製作而成, 歡迎大家每天挑戰練習!想要參與挑戰嗎?立即關注我們的Instagram: 這集的《幕後教師室》也分享了一個將生活點滴轉化成英語練習的幾個方式。因為我們都知道,透過口語輸出(output)才是真正提升口語能力的關鍵,單純吸收知識的input對於口語能力的提升效果有限。 將生活所看到的聽到的點滴轉化成英語練習步驟包括: - 透過聯想Association開始 - 換句話說Other words for (找出同義字或反義字 - 聯想的延伸) - 進行描述練習Description Exercise,可以從簡單的描述開始 - 將以上所產生的英語變成Storytelling - 轉述給親朋好友聽 Storytelling的好處: - 對於口語輸出的練習至關重要 - 可以幫助激活大腦,促進腦神經的連接 - 不必在意故事的好壞,重要的是激活腦神經 如果本節目對你有所幫助,歡迎在Facebook或Instagram上留言或私訊給John老師。同時,我們也歡迎你訂閱我們的VIP會員方案,以獲得更多英語學習的資源。
------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- The latest "ultra-fast" fashion e-commerce site is taking Tiktok and Instagram by storm. This site not only has the most affordable goods, but also lightning fast design turnaround times. In this episode, Lydia and I discuss the rise of Shein and some of the latest info we dug up about this company about to be listed in the United States. If you are a frequent Shein shopper, let us know what goodies you bought and we will give you a shout out! Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it! 更多15Mins Cafe節目: 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : 商業合作/贊助來信
HP Elite Dragonfly 頂級商務筆電,專業設計,頂尖安全!1kg 輕盈機身搭配13.5吋 3:2 螢幕視野,搭配先進的 AI 降噪功能,不限時空從容應對線上會議,工作更有效率! —— 以上為播客煮與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K755: The Success Story of Daiso: From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon Highlights 主題摘要:Daiso's success stems from its unique ¥100 concept, offering quality products alongside upscale boutiques, catering to diverse clientele.Hirotake Yano's unconventional business approach, rooted in living day by day, has guided Daiso's rapid expansion and global success.Despite nominal prices, Daiso prioritizes quality, debunking perceptions of inferior goods and maintaining customer satisfaction across its extensive product range. Daiso Industries Co., Ltd., renowned for its ¥100 stores, has a captivating story behind its success. Founded by Hirotake Yano, a man of humble demeanor, Daiso has flourished into a multi-billion-dollar enterprise with thousands of stores across Japan and abroad. 株式會社大創産業以其百元商店聞名,而它的成功背後有一個引人入勝的故事。由謙遜的矢野博丈創辦,大創已發展成一家市值數十億元的跨國企業,在日本國內外擁有數千家店鋪。 Yano's journey began modestly, operating out of a nondescript office with minimal staff. Despite its unassuming appearance, Daiso's headquarters serves as the nerve center for a company that boasts an impressive annual turnover of over ¥202 billion. What started as a venture selling goods out of a truck has burgeoned into a retail giant with around 2,000 stores nationwide. 矢野的旅程起初很謙卑,他在一個不起眼的辦公室裡以最少的工作人員運作。儘管看上去平易近人,但大創的總部作為一家年營業額超過2020億日元公司的中樞,其重要性不言而喻。從一輛售貨卡車上開始的冒險,已演變成在全球擁有約2000家店面的零售巨頭。 Daiso's uniqueness lies in its ¥100 concept, distinct from conventional dollar stores found in other countries. Unlike their counterparts, Daiso outlets stand alongside upscale boutiques and department stores, catering to a diverse clientele. Despite the absence of elaborate business plans or forecasting meetings, Daiso continues to expand rapidly, opening an average of 30 stores per month. 大創的獨特之處在於其百元概念不同於其他國家的傳統百元店。與其同行不同,大創商店與高檔精品店和百貨公司並立,迎合多元化的客群。儘管沒有複雜的業務計劃或預測會議,大創仍在快速擴張,每月平均開設30家商店。 Yano's unconventional approach to business is reflected in his philosophy of living day by day. With no fixed projections for store expansions, he entrusts the company's growth to destiny. This laid-back attitude belies a history of perseverance and resilience, stemming from Yano's experiences, including overcoming family bankruptcy and personal setbacks. 矢野另闢蹊徑的業務模式反映在他的日常哲學中。大創沒有對店面擴張的固定企劃,他把公司的增長交給了命運。這種悠閒的態度掩飾了矢野一路以來的堅毅不拔,包括克服家族破產和個人挫折等經歷。 The essence of Daiso's success lies in its commitment to quality and affordability. Despite the nominal price tag, Yano ensures that products meet stringent standards, debunking the myth that low price equates to inferior quality. Daiso's extensive product range, sourced globally, offers customers a diverse array of items, ranging from household essentials to novelty goods, all priced at ¥100. 大創成功的精髓在於其對品質和價格的承諾。儘管標價低廉,但矢野確保產品符合嚴格的標準,打破了便宜等於劣質的迷思。大創廣泛的產品種類來自全球各地,為客戶提供從家庭必需品到新奇好貨等各種各樣的商品,全部售價都是100日元。 In addition to its domestic triumphs, Daiso has embarked on a strategic international expansion, setting up stores in countries like Singapore and Taiwan. Yano's cautious approach to overseas growth reflects his aversion to corporate greed, a principle he upholds steadfastly. As Daiso continues to evolve, it remains a testament to Yano's vision and the enduring appeal of the ¥100 phenomenon. 除了在國內取得的成功之外,大創還開始它戰略性的國際擴張,在新加坡和台灣等國家開設了商店。矢野對海外展店的謹慎反映了他對企業貪婪的厭惡,這也是他堅持的原則。隨著大創的不斷發展,它依然是矢野願景的見證,以及百元現象持久吸引力的象徵。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Captivating (Cap-ti-va-ting): Daiso Industries Co., Ltd., renowned for its ¥100 stores, has a captivating story behind its success.Elaborate (E-lab-o-rate): Despite the absence of elaborate business plans or forecasting meetings, Daiso continues to expand rapidly.Unconventional (Un-con-ven-tion-al): Yano's unconventional approach to business is reflected in his philosophy of living day by day.Perseverance (Per-se-ver-ance): This laid-back attitude belies a history of perseverance and resilience, stemming from Yano's experiences.Affordability (Af-ford-a-bil-i-ty): The essence of Daiso's success lies in its commitment to quality and affordability. Reference article: 1. 2.
------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Topic: Water-Stressed India Seeks a Tap for Every Home The pipes are laid, the taps installed and the village tank is under construction — all promising signs that, come spring, Girja Ahriwar will get water at her doorstep and finally shed a lifelong burden. 管子鋪好,水龍頭裝好,村子的水槽正在建造。這些充滿希望的跡象顯示,春季來臨時,吉爾嘉.艾里瓦可以在家門口取到水,而且終於解除長期以來的負擔。 “I go out and put the jerrycans in the queue at around 5 a.m. and wait there with the children,” Ahriwar, a mother of three who lives in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, said about her routine of fetching from the village hand pump. “Sometimes it could take five or six hours. I have to stay there because if I leave, someone else moves ahead.” 「我大約在清晨5時出門,把大水桶排進隊伍,然後和孩子們一起等待」,住在印度中部中央邦、三個孩子的媽艾里瓦說,她的例行公事就是從村子的手動泵浦取水,「有時候得花五或六個小時,我必須一直留在這裡,因為如果我離開了,其他人就會搶先往前」。 India, one of the world’s most water-stressed countries, is halfway through an ambitious drive to provide clean tap water by 2024 to all of the roughly 192 million households across its 600,000 villages. About 18,000 government engineers are overseeing the $50 billion undertaking, which includes hundreds of thousands of contractors and laborers who are laying more than 2.5 million miles of pipe. 印度是全世界用水最吃緊的國家之一,在2024年之前提供60萬個村落共約1億9200萬戶乾淨自來水,這項宏大的計畫已進行到一半。約1萬8000名政府工程師監督規模500億美元的工程,包括數十萬名包商和工人,鋪設超過250萬哩的水管。 The project has a powerful champion in Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has slashed through India’s notorious red tape and pushed aside thorny political divisions to see it through. His success thus far helps explain his dominance over the country’s political landscape. 這項計畫有個有力的擁護者:總理莫迪,他打破印度惡名昭彰的官僚作風,把棘手的政治分歧暫放一邊,推動計畫。目前為止他的成功也顯示他在這個國家政治版圖的主導力。 Modi has remained popular despite a weak economy and a bungled initial response to the coronavirus that left hundreds of thousands dead. He has increasingly relied on communal politics, continuing to consolidate a Hindu nationalist base he has worked for decades to rally. 即使經濟疲弱,且一開始對新冠病毒的笨拙反應造成數十萬人死亡,莫迪仍舊廣得人心。他日漸依賴宗教團體式政治,持續鞏固印度教國族主義基本盤,他投注數十年整合這些勢力。 But the mission to deliver water to every household combines two of Modi’s political strengths: his grasp of the day-to-day problems of hundreds of millions of India’s poor and his penchant for ambitious solutions. Modi, who grew up in a poor village, has spoken emotionally about his own mother’s hardship in fetching water. 不過,將水送到所有家戶的任務,結合莫迪的兩個政治力量:他對印度數億貧窮人口日常問題的理解,以及喜好採取極具雄心的解決方案。在貧窮村莊長大的莫迪,曾充滿感情的談到母親以前取水的困難。 About one-sixth of India’s households had a clean water tap when the program, called Jal Jeevan Mission, began in 2019. Now, almost half have one. 當這個「水生活任務」2019年開始時,印度家戶有潔淨自來水者約六分之一。現在,幾乎一半。 “You rarely have this drive from the government, the head of state, and it is well funded. Behind the concept, there is budget,” said Nicolas Osbert, who leads the UNICEF water and sanitation unit in India. “All social sectors were impacted by COVID. Not this one. This one was preserved.” 「你很少能從政府或國家領袖獲得這種推動力,而且資金充裕。在這個概念後面,重點是預算」,聯合國兒童基金會印度分部水資源和衛生主管歐斯柏特說,「所有社福單位都遭遇新冠病毒衝擊,但這個沒有,這個計畫保留下來」。 The country’s water problem speaks to the mismatch between its global economic ambitions and the dire conditions of much of its 1.4 billion population, two-thirds of whom still live in rural areas. 這個國家的用水問題顯示,其全球經濟野心和14億人口中許多人的悲慘情況,頗不相配。印度人口三分之二住在鄉村地區。Source article: Next Article Topic: Typhoonless year brings water shortage in fall/winter Most years, Taiwan is hit by typhoons during the summer and fall, but we have yet to see a typhoon this year. This unusual situation has put pressure on water supply levels in reservoirs around Taiwan. 台灣每年夏、秋兩季颱風頻繁,但詭異的是,今年截至目前為止,竟無任何一個颱風登陸台灣,造成水庫缺水問題。 Due to global warming, the typhoons generated in the Pacific Ocean this year have all moved northward, bypassing Taiwan. Although successive fronts and afternoon showers have brought rainfall, it was only fragmented, covering limited areas and did little to replenish reservoirs. As a result, the reservoir storage this year is lower than in previous years. 這是因為全球暖化之影響,今年大平洋生成的颱風往北移,導致沒有任何一個颱風進來台灣,雖然陸續有鋒面及午後陣雨帶來雨量,但下雨範圍多為局部地區,導致水庫蓄水量較往年低。 According to the Water Resource Agency, as of 2pm yesterday, the Shihmen Reservoir’s water storage was 44 percent of capacity, the Feicuei Reservoir’s was 62.3 percent and the Zengwen Reservoir’s was 31.3 percent. Two of the three major water reservoirs have less than 50 percent of their water storage capacity. 水利署資料顯示,截至昨日下午二時為止,石門水庫蓄水量為百分之四十四,翡翠水庫蓄水量百分之六十二點三,曾文水庫蓄水率百分之三十一點三,三大水庫中有兩座儲水量低於五成。 In order to prepare for demand for water next year, the government has decided to implement three measures to control water usage. Firstly, starting from last Wednesday, night water pressure in the Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli areas was to be lowered from 11pm through to 5am the following day. Secondly, the irrigation of some areas of Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli was to be suspended, and farmers affected by the measures will receive government compensation. Thirdly, the Ministry of Economic Affairs is setting up a central drought response center to better respond to the crisis and to distribute water resources according to needs. Taiwanese are advised to take water-saving measures. 為審慎因應明年用水需求,政府實施三項因應措施。第一,桃竹苗中自上週三起,每天晚上十一點至隔日清晨五點實施減壓供水;第二,桃竹苗部分地區的農田,將停止供灌,政府也會給予補償,維持農民生活;第三,經濟部將成立抗旱中央應變中心,拉高應變層級,做好調度節水,更請全民配合省水。Source article: Next Article Topic: Gel-like ice is the lightest form of waterer ever discovered 迄今發現最輕盈的水形態,凝膠般的冰 The frosty cubes we pull from our freezers are just one of 17 possible types of ice, and an 18th type isn’t far from being made real. 我們從冰箱裡拿出來的冰塊,只是17種可能出現的冰類型之一,而第18種冰類型的出現,距離也不遠了。 Hexagonal ice, and the occasional cubic ice in our upper atmosphere, are the only two forms that occur naturally on Earth. Other ices might be found on exoplanets or in the atmospheres of the outer planets. 「六角形晶體結構冰」和偶爾出現的「立方體構冰」存在於我們的上層大氣,是唯二能在地球上自然形成的冰類型。其他類型的冰,則可見於系外行星或外行星的大氣層中。 Under atmospheric pressure or higher, water molecules get squeezed and freeze into a solid denser than normal ice. But when the pressure drops below this, water molecules become a less-dense, lightweight crystal that’s more air than molecule – like an icy candy floss. So far, we only know of two kinds of low-density ice: space fullerenes and zeolitic ices. But lighter ice structures hadn’t been spotted until now. 在一般大氣壓力或更高壓的情況下,被擠壓的水分子凝固成比正常水冰更密集的固體。不過,當大氣壓力降低,水分子會轉變成輕盈、密度較低的晶體,分子內含有更多空氣,就像是冰的棉花糖。目前,我們只知道兩種低密度的冰:「富勒烯冰」和「沸石冰」。更輕盈的冰結構,迄今仍未被辨識。 Masakazu Matsumoto at Okayama University in Japan and his team played molecular Jenga to find this new type of ice, removing and reconfiguring existing zeolitic ice structures to make them lighter. They found more than 300 different nanoscale structures through computer simulations. 日本岡山理科大學的松本正和研究團隊,透過分子疊疊樂,發現這款新類型的冰;他們移除並重新配置既存的「沸石冰」結構,使其更加輕盈。研究團隊透過電腦模擬,找出超過300種不同的奈米尺度結構。Source article:
------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 接續上週的幕後教師室,今天的《Teacher's Lounge》John老師和阿鍵老師要來談談怎麼將《高效人士的七個習慣》應用在英語學習啦! 《高效人士的七個習慣》(The seven habits of highly effective people)是由史蒂芬‧柯維 (Stephen R. Covey) 所撰寫,七個習慣依序是: 1. 積極主動 Be Proactive 2. 以終為始 Begin with the End in Mind 3. 要事第一 Put First Things First 4. 雙贏思維 Think Win/Win 5. 知彼知己 Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 6. 統合綜效 Synergize 7. 不斷更新 Sharpen the Saw 這七種習慣不管是在人生的各種階段都可以有不同的領悟,熟悉這些心法對你的生活可以說受用無窮, 快來收聽今天的節目,了解該怎麼將它應用在生活上吧! 另外通勤學英語的IG最近也有很多動作喔,包含每週精選字卡, 限動小遊戲等等,現在就追蹤起來吧: 如果今天的內容對你有幫助,歡迎到FB/IG留言或私訊給John老師, 也歡迎訂閱我們的跟讀VIP會員或是學習大禮包方案,獲得更多英語學習的資源。 如果今天的內容對你有幫助,歡迎到FB/IG留言或私訊給John老師,也歡迎訂閱我們的VIP會員方案,獲得更多英語學習的資源。
------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Ever experienced romance that made you lost your way? The feeling of wanting something so bad, yet making you so weak? Before the season of Summer, it's the best time to start a romantic pursuit so that it will blossom when Summer holidays arrive. Shimin and I discuss a song that was inspired from an in-flight experience that became a Jazz sensation. Check this song out: . Want a shout out? Send us your shares and comments using the comment link and we'll give you a shout out in the next episode. Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it! 更多15Mins Cafe節目: 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : 商業合作/贊助來信
安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅.Environment環境造就心境.Texture質感織就情感.Fortune財富成就豐富台茂商圈/五福國小預定地/李天鐸建築/3-4房雙車位2-4房保值首選: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀VIP Ep.K751: 台灣對食品中的蘇丹紅實施永久禁令 Taiwan Implements Permanent Ban on Sudan Reds in Food Products Highlights 主題摘要:Taiwan's FDA enforces a permanent ban on Sudan red in food products, emphasizing zero tolerance for this carcinogenic dye.Rigorous testing since December has resulted in the removal of over 205 tons of Sudan red-contaminated chili powder imports.The FDA's proactive measures aim to safeguard public health, target entities deliberately including harmful substances, and uphold international trade relations. In a significant announcement, Taiwan's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken a decisive step in combating the presence of Sudan red, a known carcinogenic dye banned in food products. The FDA's recent declaration underscores the gravity of the situation, with manufacturers and importers facing severe consequences if traces of Sudan red are detected in their food items. This includes the imposition of a permanent importer ban, signaling a zero-tolerance policy towards the substance. Notably, the FDA's strategy also involves the destruction of imports containing Sudan red, rather than opting to return them to manufacturers, as emphasized by FDA Director-General Wu Shou-mei during the announcement. 在一項重大宣告中,衛福部食藥署(FDA)採取了決定性的步驟來打擊蘇丹紅的存在,這是一種已知的食品禁用的致癌染料。食藥署最近的聲明凸顯了情況的嚴重性,製造商和進口商如果在其食品中檢測到蘇丹紅的痕跡,將面臨嚴重後果。這包括對進口商實施永久禁令,表明對該物質的零容忍政策。值得注意的是,在公告中,食藥署署長吳秀梅強調,食藥署的策略還涉及銷毀含有蘇丹紅的進口品,而不是選擇將其退回給製造商。 Since December of the previous year, the FDA has rigorously tested every shipment of chili powder from China. This meticulous approach has led to the removal of over 205 tonnes of products found to contain Sudan red. Plans are underway to destroy these tainted food products, pending authorization from a panel of experts. The introduction of these new guidelines serves a dual purpose: to prevent Chinese manufacturers from attempting to relabel contaminated products and to deter any further attempts to export them to Taiwan. 自去年12月以來,食藥署已經對每一批來自中國的辣椒粉進行了嚴格的測試。這種細致入微的方法已導致超過205噸含有蘇丹紅的產品被移除。正在制定計劃銷毀這些受污染的食品產品,等待專家小組的授權。這些新指導方針的推出具有雙重目的:防止中國製造商試圖重新標記受污染的產品,並阻止進一步試圖將其出口到台灣。 The FDA's proactive measures form part of a broader initiative aimed at safeguarding public health and upholding stringent food safety standards. Notably, the measures do not target exporters from countries with different food safety regulations but focus on penalizing entities that deliberately include harmful substances in their products. This careful delineation is essential for maintaining harmonious international trade relations while ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers within Taiwan. 食藥署的主動措施是更廣泛的保護公共健康和堅持嚴格的食品安全標準的倡議的一部分。值得注意的是,這些措施並不針對具有不同食品安全法規的國家的出口商,而是主要針對那些故意在其產品中包含有害物質的單位實施懲罰。這種細緻的界定對於維護和諧的國際貿易關係以及確保台灣消費者的安全和福祉至關重要。 Sudan red, classified as a Group II carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO), presents significant health risks, necessitating swift regulatory action. Recent incidents involving tainted food products highlight the pressing need for proactive measures to combat food adulteration effectively. The FDA's decisive action not only sets a precedent for the strict enforcement of food safety regulations but also underscores the government's unwavering commitment to protecting public health and consumer interests across Taiwan. 蘇丹紅被世界衛生組織(WHO)列為二級致癌物,存在著顯著的健康風險,需要迅速的監管行動。最近涉及受污染食品的事件凸顯了採取積極措施有效打擊食品掺偽的迫切需要。食藥署的果斷行動不僅為嚴格執行食品安全法規設立了榜樣,還凸顯了政府對保護台灣公眾健康和消費者利益的堅定承諾。 In conclusion, Taiwan's FDA has adopted a resolute stance against Sudan red contamination in food products, implementing a permanent ban on importers and manufacturers found with traces of this carcinogenic dye. These measures signify a proactive approach aimed at ensuring food safety and safeguarding consumer health. They serve as a testament to the government's dedication to maintaining robust regulatory oversight within the food industry, thereby reinforcing public trust and confidence in the safety of food products available in Taiwan. 總之,衛福部食藥署已經採取了堅定的立場,反對食品中的蘇丹紅污染,對被發現有這種致癌染料痕跡的進口商和製造商實施了永久禁令。這些措施表明了一種積極主動的方法,目標是確保食品安全並保護消費者健康。它們也證明了政府對在食品行業嚴格執行食品安全法規設立了榜樣,從而加強了公眾對台灣食品安全的信賴與信心。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Carcinogenic (Car-cin-o-gen-ic): Taiwan's FDA enforces a permanent ban on Sudan red in food products, emphasizing zero tolerance for this carcinogenic dye.Rigorously (Rig-or-ous-ly): Since December of the previous year, the FDA has rigorously tested every shipment of chili powder from China.Safeguard (Safe-guard): The FDA's actions stem from a broader initiative to safeguard public health and ensure stringent food safety standards.Adulteration (A-dul-ter-a-tion): Recent incidents involving tainted food products underscore the importance of proactive measures to combat food adulteration.Deliberately (De-li-ber-ate-ly): Notably, the measures do not target exporters from countries with different food safety regulations but focus on penalizing entities that deliberately include harmful substances in their products. Reference article: 1. 2. 3.
安美大望|買房新哲學 ETF概念宅.Environment環境造就心境.Texture質感織就情感.Fortune財富成就豐富台茂商圈/五福國小預定地/李天鐸建築/3-4房雙車位2-4房保值首選: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案: 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結: ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 主題投稿/意見回覆 : 官方網站 加入Clubhouse直播室: 訂閱YouTube頻道: 商業合作/贊助來信 ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Topic: The Magazine Business, From the Coolest Place to the Coldest One I miss magazines. It’s a strange ache, because they are still sort of with us: staring out from the racks at supermarket checkout lines; fanned wanly around the table in hotel lobbies; showing up in your mailbox long after the subscription was canceled, like an ex who refuses to accept the breakup. 我懷念雜誌,這是一種奇怪的痛,因為它們在某種程度上仍與我們同在。超市排隊結帳時,它們從架上盯著我們;在飯店大廳桌子周圍憔悴晃動;取消訂閱很久後還會出現在信箱,像是拒絕接受分手的舊愛。 But they’re also disappearing. This accelerating erosion has not been big news during a time of pandemic, war and actual erosion, and yet the absence of magazines authoritatively documenting such events, or distracting from them, as they used to do with measured regularity, is keenly felt. 但它們也在消失。在疫情、戰爭與雜誌真的衰微的時期,這種加速衰微並不是什麼大新聞,但人們敏銳地感覺到,缺乏權威性雜誌來記錄這些事件,或像過去那樣定期的讓注意力從這些事情轉移。 Time marches on, or limps, but Life is gone. There’s no more Money. The print editions of their former sister publications Entertainment Weekly and InStyle, which once frothed with profit, stopped publishing in February. It’s been au revoir to Saveur and Marie Claire; shrouds for Playboy, Paper and O. (As I type this, people are tweeting about The Believer being bought by a sex-toy site.) 「時代」雜誌還在前進,或說蹣跚前行,但「生活」雜誌已經逝去。「金錢」雜誌沒了。它們以前的姊妹刊物「娛樂周刊」和「InStyle」印刷版曾獲利豐厚,但已在2月停止出版。大家向「Saveur」和「美麗佳人」告別,也讓「花花公子」、「紙」與O雜誌穿上壽衣。(就在我撰寫此文時,人們在推特上說「The Believer」被一個情趣用品網站收購了。) Two recent books — “Dilettante,” by Dana Brown, a longtime editor at Vanity Fair, and a new biography of Anna Wintour, by Amy Odell, formerly of — are graveyards of dead or zombie titles that were once glowing hives of human whim. 最近出版的兩本書,「浮華世界」資深編輯達納.布朗的「Dilettante」及柯夢波丹前成員艾咪.歐德爾的安娜溫圖新傳記,有如亡者的墓地,或曾是人類奇想的光輝巢穴冠上了殭屍名號。 “There were so many magazines in 1994,” Brown writes. “So many new magazines, and so many great magazines. All the young talent of the moment was eschewing other industries and flocking to the business. It was the coolest place to be.” 布朗寫道:「1994年有很多雜誌。很多新雜誌,很多很棒的雜誌。當時所有年輕人才避開了其他行業,湧向這個行業。那是最酷的。」 Then suddenly the coldest. On the big fancy cruise ship that Brown had just boarded — Vanity Fair, where he’d been beckoned by Graydon Carter while a barback at the restaurant 44 — he and so many others then could only see the tip of an enormous iceberg they were about to hit: the internet. Smartphones, little self-edited monster magazines that will not rest until their owners die, were on the horizon. These may have looked like life rafts, but they were torpedo boats. 然後突然變成最冰冷的地方。布朗在44號餐廳吧檯用餐時,被總編輯卡特招攬,剛登上有如大型豪華郵輪的「浮華世界」,但他跟其他許多人只能看到他們即將撞上的巨大冰山一角:網路。智慧手機這種自我編輯、直到擁有者死去才會停止的小怪物雜誌也即將來臨。這些東西可能看起來像是救生艇,但它們其實是魚雷艦。 Every year, the American Society of Magazine Editors issues a handsome award, a brutalist-looking elephant called the Ellie, modeled after an Alexander Calder elephant sculpture. Any writer would be proud to have it on the mantelpiece. 每年,美國雜誌編輯協會都會頒發一項大獎,這是一頭野獸派風格、名叫「艾利」的大象獎座,模仿考爾德大象雕塑設計而成。作家都以把它放在壁爐上為榮。 The history of modern American literature is braided together with its magazines. The future can feel like a lot of loose threads, waving in the wind. 現代美國文學史與它的雜誌彼此交織在一起。未來就像是許多鬆散的線,在風中飄揚。Source article: Next Article Topic: The Not-So-Glossy Future of Magazines One evening in mid-September, a gaggle of writers and bon vivant editors gathered by the outdoor fireplace and ivy-covered trellis of a West Village tavern. Steak was served, and the toasts lasted late into the night, the revelry trickling out to the nearby sidewalk. 九月中旬的一個夜晚,在西村的一家小酒館,一群作家和喜歡享受生活的編輯們聚集在一個室外壁爐和常春藤覆蓋的格狀架子旁。牛排上桌後,眾人杯觥交錯直到深夜,歡鬧聲流瀉到鄰近的人行道上。 It could have been a scene from the Jazz Age heyday of the Manhattan magazine set — or even the 1990s, when glossy monthlies still soaked up millions of dollars in advertising revenue, and editors in chauffeured town cars told the nation what to wear, what to watch and who to read. 這幕場景可能來自爵士時代曼哈坦雜誌業全盛時期,甚至是90年代,以亮光紙印刷的月刊還是廣告收入淹腳目,編輯們坐在司機駕駛的豪華轎車內,告訴全國該穿些什麼、欣賞什麼、閱讀什麼人的年頭。 This night, however, had an elegiac tinge. The staff of Vanity Fair was saluting the magazine’s longtime editor, Graydon Carter, who had announced that he was departing after a 25-year run. In the back garden of Carter’s restaurant, the Waverly Inn, star writers like James Wolcott and Marie Brenner spoke of their gratitude and grief. 不過,這一晚透著一種悲傷的況味。《浮華世界》的員工正向雜誌的長期總編輯葛雷登.卡特致敬。卡特在任職25年後,宣布即將離職。在卡特自家餐廳「韋佛利餐廳」的後花園中,一些明星作家如詹姆士.沃科特、瑪麗.布倫納都表達了他們的謝意和感傷。 Carter has always had a knack for trends. Within two weeks, three other prominent editors — from Time, Elle and Glamour — announced that they, too, would be stepping down. Another titan of the industry, Jann S. Wenner, said he planned to sell his controlling stake in Rolling Stone after a half-century. 卡特一向走在趨勢前端。不出兩星期,又有3位知名雜誌總編,分別是《時代》、《ELLE她》、《魅力》的總編也宣布準備下台。另一個業界巨頭,《滾石》創刊人詹恩.溫納則表示,打算出售他在《滾石》已保有半個世紀的控制性持股。 Suddenly, it seemed, long-standing predictions about the collapse of magazines had come to pass. 突然之間,長久來有關雜誌業終將崩潰的預言,似乎成真了。 Magazines have sputtered for years, their monopoly on readers and advertising erased by Facebook, Google and more nimble online competitors. But editors and executives said the abrupt churn in the senior leadership ranks signaled that the romance of the business was now yielding to financial realities. 雜誌業步履蹣跚已有多年,雜誌對讀者和廣告的壟斷遭到臉書、谷歌和更靈活的網路競爭對手侵奪。編輯和高管表示,高階領導階層的突然異動,說明這一行業的羅曼史正向財務現實低頭。 As publishers grasp for new revenue streams, a “try-anything” approach has taken hold. Time Inc. has a new streaming TV show, “Paws & Claws,” that features viral videos of animals. Hearst started a magazine with the online rental service Airbnb. Increasingly, the longtime core of the business — the print product — is an afterthought, overshadowed by investments in live events, podcasts, video, and partnerships with outside brands. 隨著發行人尋找新的收入來源,「無所不試」的作法開始出現。時代公司因此有了新的串流電視節目《寵物》,主要播出網路瘋傳的動物影片。赫斯特集團與網路出租服務公司Airbnb合辦了一份雜誌。但是雜誌業長久以來的核心─紙本產品卻越來越像後來才添加的產品,對於現場直播、播客、影片的投資,以及和外面品牌的合作關係,都讓紙本產品黯然失色。 The changes represent one of the most fundamental shifts in decades for a business that long relied on a simple formula: glossy volumes thick with high-priced ads. 這些變化代表這一行出現了數十年來最根本的轉變,而這個行業一向仰賴一個簡單公式存活,光鮮亮麗的書冊和滿滿的高價廣告。 “Sentimentality is probably the biggest enemy for the magazine business,” David Carey, president of Hearst Magazines, said in an interview. “You have to embrace the future." 赫斯特雜誌集團總裁大衛.凱里受訪時說:「多愁善感恐怕是雜誌業最大的敵人。你必須迎向未來。」 Source article: Next Article Topic: Edward Enninful Is Named Editor-in-Chief at British Vogue Edward Enninful, the creative and fashion director of the U.S. magazine W, is set to replace Alexandra Shulman as editor-in-chief of British Vogue, its parent company, Conde Nast, confirmed Monday. The first man and the first black editor to take the helm of Britain’s most powerful fashion publication in its 100-year history, Enninful will begin his new role Aug. 1. A top stylist and acclaimed fashion director who migrated to Britain from Ghana as a child, the 45-year-old Enninful is known for his cheerful demeanor, his legendary fashion covers and for having an army of loyal fans in and out of the fashion business. He received an Order of the British Empire in June for his services to diversity in the fashion industry. 英國版Vogue雜誌的母公司康泰納仕4月10日證實,美國W雜誌的創意與時尚總監艾德華.恩寧佛將接替亞歷珊卓.舒爾曼,擔任該雜誌總編輯。恩寧佛將在8月1日走馬上任,他將是這個英國最有影響力的時尚刊物創立一百年來,執掌大權的第一位男性,也是第一位黑人總編輯。 45歲的恩寧佛是頂尖造型師和備受讚譽的時尚總監,他孩童時期從迦納移民英國,以快活的舉止表情、傳奇的時尚雜誌封面,以及在時尚圈內和圈外擁有大批鐵粉聞名。去年6月獲頒大英帝國勳章,表彰他對時尚產業多元化的貢獻。 Conde Nast’s international chairman and chief executive, Jonathan Newhouse, called Enninful “an influential figure in the communities of fashion, Hollywood and music which shape the cultural zeitgeist,” and added that “by virtue of his talent and experience, Edward is supremely prepared to assume the responsibility of British Vogue.” The appointment comes three months after Newhouse named another man, Emanuele Farneti, to the helm of Italian Vogue, following the death of Franca Sozzani. 康泰納仕國際集團董事長兼執行長強納森.紐豪斯說,恩寧佛是「形塑時代思潮的時尚界、好萊塢和音樂界一位具有影響力的人物」,「憑他的才華和經驗,艾德華已為承擔英國版Vogue的責任做好了萬全的準備。」 在決定這項任命的三個月前,紐豪斯任命了另一位男士艾曼紐爾.法內提出掌義大利版的Vogue,接替去世的法蘭加.索薩妮。 Enninful was an unexpected choice. Born in Ghana, Enninful was raised by his seamstress mother in the Ladbroke Grove area of London, alongside five siblings. At 16, he became a model for the British magazine i-D after being scouted while traveling on the Tube, London’s subway system. He has called modeling his “baptism into fashion.” By 17, he was assisting on photography shoots for the publication with the stylists Simon Foxton and Beth Summers. In 1991, at 18, he took over from Summers as i-D fashion editor, making him one of the youngest-ever leaders of a major fashion publication. He also obtained a degree from Goldsmiths, University of London. 恩寧佛是出人意料的人選。他在迦納出生,當裁縫的母親在倫敦蘭僕林區把他和5個兄弟姊妹撫養長大。16歲時,他在搭乘倫敦地鐵時被星探相中,成為英國i-D雜誌的模特兒。他把自己的模特兒經驗稱為「進入時尚界的受洗禮」。 到了17歲,他協助造型師西蒙.佛克斯頓和貝絲.桑默斯為這本刊物拍攝照片。1991年18歲時,他取代桑默斯,成為i-D雜誌時尚編輯,使他成為主要時尚刊物有史以來最年輕的主管之一。他並取得倫敦大學金匠學院的文憑。 Although there are a handful of n
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Comments (18)

Eve Ko


May 3rd



Oct 4th



Oct 25th
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歡迎通勤家族們用Castbox的社群功能留言與分享喔~ 最近Himalaya人氣播客票選也請大家多多支持!連結:

Jun 19th

Rachel Mo

發音很清楚,really good👍

Jul 6th
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上面例子,都是過去進行式, 而非標題上的過去完成式喔

Jun 9th
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May 7th
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Petty Chan

天啊!這個節目超棒的! 可以利用零碎時間練習,省時又有效率。 篇幅不長,不會有負擔。

Apr 24th
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Corinna Chen

內容豐富多元 短篇文章對聽讀都很有幫助!

Feb 13th
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