Ep. 28: Why Do We Avoid Adolescents and Teens? - Dr. Richard Albright
Counselor (TN), school counselor, and associate professor Dr. Rick Albright joins Robert and Jeff to talk more about the seemingly intimidating populations counseling students face. Dr. Albright shares why even seasoned professionals may avoid adolescents and teens, what he's learned about how best to connect with them, how the counselor can effectively enhance their sense of self, and some insight regarding shifting needs - particularly in the area of gender.
Today's episode is also RENAR Voice's One Year Anniversary!
* Spotify users - visit here for episodes pre-dating Ep. 23
Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, November 29). Ep. 28: Why do we avoid adolescents and teens? - Dr. Rick Albright [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.