DiscoverBible Study - Sabbath School PodcastEpisode 2001 - Lesson 3 Monday April 15: Savage Wolves
Episode 2001 - Lesson 3 Monday April 15: Savage Wolves

Episode 2001 - Lesson 3 Monday April 15: Savage Wolves

Update: 2024-04-15


Read Acts 20:27 –32. What specific warnings did the apostle Paul give to the church leaders from Ephesus regarding the coming apostasy?The purpose of Paul’s counsel was to prepare the church for what was coming. In these passages, he describes his major concern.His concern is that “savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock” (Acts 20:29 , NKJV). In other words, believers would face fierce persecution from within the church.The apostle expressed his concern when he said, “Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them” (Acts 20:30 ). Heresies would enter the church. False doctrines would be substituted for divine truths. Pagan practices would prevail. In the fourth and fifth centuries, compromise subtly crept into the Christian church, with mission advance being the probable justification. But the terrible result was a departure from the truths of God’s Word.Read 2 Thessalonians 2:7–12. How does the apostle Paul describe the coming apostasy? What characteristics should believers look for?Paul’s comment, “the mystery of lawlessness does already work,” is significant. Even in Paul’s day, there was a gradual departure from the truth of God’s Word regarding obedience to God’s law. This departure would flourish in the later centuries.Contrary to the second commandment, idols were introduced into Christian worship. For millennia, idols were in the forefront of all pagan religions. To make Christianity more acceptable to heathens coming into the Christian church, pagan deities were renamed as so-called saints. Sunday, the day of worship for the sun god, was gradually adopted as the day of Christian worship in honor of the Resurrection. This false day, not sanctioned in Scripture, prevails even now.What kind of compromises do we see entering the church today? More important, what compromises might you be making? Is it sometimes by blending truth and error?
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Episode 2001 - Lesson 3 Monday April 15: Savage Wolves

Episode 2001 - Lesson 3 Monday April 15: Savage Wolves

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