DiscoverJCO Oncology Practice PodcastImproving the Time to Activation of New Clinical Trials at a National Cancer Institute–Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center
Improving the Time to Activation of New Clinical Trials at a National Cancer Institute–Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

Improving the Time to Activation of New Clinical Trials at a National Cancer Institute–Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

Update: 2020-02-05


Dr. Nathan Pennell, Dr. Muhammed Beg and Ms. Erin Williams discuss improving the time-to-activation of new clinical trials at an NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Read the article:




DR. PENNELL: Welcome to the latest Journal of Oncology Practice podcast brought to you by the ASCO Podcast Network, a collection of nine programs covering a range of educational and scientific content and offering enriching insight into the world of cancer care. You can find all recordings, including this one, at

My name is Dr. Nate Pennell, medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic and consultant editor for the JOP. Today, I'd like to talk about clinical trials, specifically the complex process that goes into opening a clinical trial and the surprising amount of time and individual steps that go into what might otherwise seem like a straightforward process. And while we all agree that trials are critically important for patient care and making scientific advances, as a clinical investigator, I can tell you that they can be quite a challenge to open and sometimes take a surprising amount of time and resources, which can be frustrating.

With me today to discuss this topic are Dr. Shaalan Beg, associate professor of medicine in the division of hematology and oncology at the University of Texas Southwestern Cancer Center, and Ms. Erin Williams, associate director of clinical research operations at the Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center. We'll be discussing their paper, "Improving the Time to Activation of New Clinical Trials at an NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center," to be published in the November 2019 JOP.

Welcome, Shaalan and Erin, and thank you for joining me on the podcast.

DR. BEG: Thanks for having us.

DR. PENNELL: So can we start off by talking a little bit about what's involved in the clinical trial opening process and why this ends up being such an important issue that leads to projects, like what you describe in your paper?

DR. BEG: Yes. It's a pretty complicated process. And I think I say it a lot, like, how a bill becomes a law. So how does a trial protocol become an open clinical trial available to our patients? So when you have a document which embodies the principles for the clinical trial or the clinical trial protocol, you have a consent form that will be a patient-facing document that the patient sees, which summarizes, in layperson's terms, what the procedures will be for the study. And then these documents have to go through multiple steps of approval within individual institutions.

For example, the institution review board will look at the document in terms of risk management or risk assessment for the institution. Scientific committee will review the scientific integrity and see whether it suits the patients that that specific center is taking care of. And then, in parallel, you have a group of experts who want to see if that trial is something which they can feasibly execute. So hypothetically speaking, if a trial needs treadmill tests, do we have a treadmill to actually do that? So really the rudimentary, sometimes, feasibility questions.

And then, as the studies are becoming more complicated, some of these studies have biomarkers which we want to identify patients for, and we need to test patients before we can find the right patients for the clinical trial. So that entire process is becoming more and more complicated.

DR. PENNELL: That all sounds like it makes perfect sense, but I know a lot of our listeners might be surprised to learn that this entire process from beginning to end can take a long time-- sometimes six months or longer. What are the consequences to an institution of taking a long time to activate a trial?

MS. WILLIAMS: So this is Erin. Well, the consequences can mean our access to clinical trials, right? So it can also mean access for patients to the clinical trials. So both of those things. If we take too long to open the study and a lot of other centers around the country or around the world have a study open-- and specifically, there are a lot of trials that are open internationally, and sometimes it's easier to open trials internationally more quickly-- then our patients lose access to those trials as the spots for enrollment fill up and the study goes closer and closer to its enrollment target.

But in addition, sponsors, industry sponsors, pharmaceutical companies that are bringing trials to their cooperative groups in which we participate-- these are NCI-funded large-cluster groups for phase III clinical trials, we participate with those as well-- they're looking at how long it takes us, as an institution, to activate a new study. And if we start to take longer than most other institutions, they may not favor us for a particular trial to offer that trial to us.

DR. PENNELL: This is such an important process, and I think this is really going to resonate with lots of people who work at centers that open clinical trials. So why don't you take us through the process? So what exactly did you do there?

MS. WILLIAMS: So this is Erin again. We convened a group of stakeholders, along with a leader from our institution's Lean Six Sigma program, to really map out the process. So we convene about four or five hours of a day for everyone to come in. And it didn't just include cancer center stakeholders, but it included stakeholders from our sponsored programs administration office at the institution, our institutional review board, human research protections office, our hospital review committee. We really wanted to gather together all those people who touch the process in some way throughout the course of the time to activation.

And so really with Patrice's help, who is our Lean Six Sigma expert, she really kind of started the process out, and we did kind of what your traditional Lean Six Sigma mapping might look like-- use sticky notes and words on sticky notes, mapping out the process on the long board, and then ultimately creating what the map looks like. And I think what it did was allowed everyone who was in the room to really take a look at the process and how sequential everything came out to look.

One of the biggest impacts that we identified and that we highlighted in the paper is what you really saw was this gap between our scientific review committee submission and the IRB review, and then everything else in the process, because a lot of steps hung on IRB approval and didn't want to move forward, including hospital review, contract execution, things like that, until the IRB had given their stamp of approval, which of course is the review board for patient safety.

So what we tried to do is, immediately, you could kind of see this visible gap in-between the steps, and that really showed us that potentially aligning that scientific committee review with the IRB review and allowing that IRB approval to happen more quickly might trigger some of the other steps.

DR. PENNELL: One of the things that I found really interesting when you were talking about the various steps in the process was when you chose to start the clock, because I know that there is a lot of attention paid to how long it takes to open trials. And, you know, in my experience, I have heard that there are institutions that somewhat game their numbers by not starting their clock to opening until they've actually gotten a lot of steps already done before they do, say, a regulatory submission. And then it looks as though they're opening the trials quite quickly, but they may have already had the protocol for many months ahead of time, working on things ahead of this.

And you guys chose to start from the time you actually receive the regulatory packet and the protocol to start, which makes sense. I mean, that's really when, I think, you, as an investigator, would think the clock would start. But did you ever get any pushback from your leadership or others to starting that early?

DR. BEG: No. I think it's a matter of being consistent with how we report our numbers. Similar to you, we are an NCI-designated center. We report these to our advisory boards and to the NCI in regular intervals.

I think whenever we're measuring numbers and we set metrics for any target, we run the risk of people trying to cut corners and gaming the system to make the number look good. I think that's pretty well-documented in any industry. And our time-to-trial activation has become this shared quality metric across the cancer center, across the institution. And we were worried that it may start being that way, that folks are trying to, "well, should we take out the weekends, those aren't really work days, or how about the time the sponsor has the packet, or--," you know?

And I think, as humans, we all have tendencies to try and come up with ways to make our numbers look better. But the advantage of publishing this to a journal like the JOP with transparency on how we're measuring it, and, you know, I think we had faith that our audience would recognize when our time is-- when our time clock is starting. And there wasn't any pushback.

MS. WILLIAMS: I'll just add to that. The reason why I think it's so important to be transparent with these numbers is because-- being in an administrative role and an operational in a clinical research office for a long time, investigators who are bringing a trial forward for us to activate, the calendar has started as soon as the

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Improving the Time to Activation of New Clinical Trials at a National Cancer Institute–Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

Improving the Time to Activation of New Clinical Trials at a National Cancer Institute–Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center