Discover"The Claims Coach" Podcast with Kevin Quinley
"The Claims Coach" Podcast with Kevin Quinley
Claim Ownership

"The Claims Coach" Podcast with Kevin Quinley

Author: Kevin Quinley

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This podcast from insurance claim expert Kevin Quinley delivers tips, tools and techniques to help great claim and risk professionals get even better at managing •their claims, •their time, •their resources and •their careers.
64 Episodes
Heads-up about a webinar and podcast series that every claim professional should access, from the Goldberg Segala Law firm in New York.
To do lists have many fans and many detractors. Kevin Quinley is in the first camp. Here, he offers specific tips on building the optimized daily to do list for adjusters and claim professionals and discusses the importance of aligning and linking daily action items to your overarching professional goals in the claims and insurance profession.
Insurance companies and claim departments struggle to find time and resources to foster continuous improvement and education among their claim staff. This podcast offers six specific tactics for claim managers, supervisors and executives to embrace in order to foster a continuing education culture within the loss adjustment process. Failure to weave this into an organization’s ethos can invite institutional bad faith claims and cost companies much more than the cost of training programs. Six concrete, practical steps discussed in this podcast will show the way.
In this episode, Kevin Quinley offers his unvarnished views on the recently published book by claim expert Chantal Roberts CPCU and explains why this resource should be a part of any claim professional's bookshelf.To order your copy from Amazon: from the Author's Website:  Home | The Art of Adjusting
If Hamlet was a risk manager, Shakespeare would have him ask, "To report or not to report -- that is the question."In the context of incident reporting to insurance companies, that is the risk management conundrum this episode addresses.Why are insureds wary of reporting incidents? Why do insurance companies want to know about incidents? What are the potential perils to policyholders of foregoing incident reporting?These are among the questions addressed in this episode of The Claims Coach!
For years, Donna Popow headed Knowledge Resources for Claims at the Insurance Institute of America, and served as its Ethics Counsel.In this episode of The Claims Coach, Donna reflects on a claims career that spans six decades. Among the topics she discusses:*  Whether technology changes in the claims industry have been for the better or worse.*  Will adjusters be replaced some day by AI and bots?*  The one key to success for advancing within the field of claims.*  The most important quality for a successful claims career.*  Lessons learned from training canines for athletic dog competitions applicable to  training adjusters.* . . . and much more!Tune in or download this episode of The Claims Coach podcast for an insightful and entertaining look at the world of claims!
A (modulated) rant about what drives adjusters and other claim professionals crazy.What pet peeves do you have to add to this list?(Just remember – – consumers, clients and attorneys can doubtlessly have their own rants about adjuster qualities the drive THEM nuts...)
By its very nature, handling or managing claims is extremely stressful.Covid has heightened the stress levels on claim professionals for multiple reasons.Self-care for adjusters and other claim professionals requires attention to managing stress.Stress is not altogether bad, in the right doses and measures.This brief episode of the Claims Coach identifies practical strategies for managing stress in order to boost self-care and optimize the ability to perform the functions of effective claim professionals at peak capacity.
Self-care for claim professionals includes fueling the body with the right nutrients to foster health and optimal performance on the job.GIGO is an acronym signifying, "Garbage In - Garbage Out."Without diving deep into the arcane (and at times controversial) features of nutrition and diet, this podcast episode highlights the importance of fueling the nutritional engine of claim professionals to infuse them/us with the energy, health and stamina that we need to perform our demanding jobs day today.Snickers commercials talk about getting "hangry." A combination of hungry and irritable.What nutrition tips do you embrace in order to fuel your success?
As a claim professional, your greatest ability is . . . your AVAILability!Availability is the opposite of LIABILITY.This short podcast discusses the importance of exercise, movement and fitness in cementing a platform of self-care to optimize your daily performance as a claim professional.  
Are you getting enough rest, sleep and downtime?This episode of The Claims Coach argues that claim professionals are the cognitive athletes of the insurance world.Investigating, evaluating and negotiating requires brainpower, mental and physical stamina.While many people begrudge sleep and lionize CEOs who get by with 4 to 5 hours a night, most of us need more than that.Consider these tips to establish an effective sleep regimen that gives you the physical and mental energy necessary to optimize your performance as a claim professional.
In this brief episode kicking off 2021, Kevin Quinley discusses the importance of self-care for claim professionals and why it is the foundation for any productivity and performance system. Adjuster self-care is an often ignored topic and that leads to burnout and deteriorating job performance. In subsequent podcast episodes, we will cover some of the foundations of adjuster self-care that provide the basis for personal and professional productivity.
In this installment #4 four of a series focusing on building a reasonable Covid-19coverage claim investigation, Kevin discusses the vital role of insurance intermediaries in the claim communication process. He gives three reasons why claim handlers should consult with the insurance agent and broker before "going life" with a coverage denial or reservation of rights.Aim to "inoculate" your own claim files from bad faith assertions by embracfing this step!
What one step, if left neglected, may deeply expose an insurance company and its adjuster to a bad-faith claim of deficient investigation? This episode discusses that step in what adjusters can do to bulletproof their claim files from allegations of deficient investigation of Covid-19 coverage claims.
In this episode, Kevin sets the stage for future brief podcasts addressing specific practice tips that adjusters can use to build a framework for reasonable coverage investigations of Covid-coded 19 claims. This investment of time can mitigate the risk of bad faith claims arising from a breach of contract and bad faith, as well as avert allegations of deficient claim handling processes in reaching hair-trigger coverage decisions without an adequate fact-finding process.Tune in for following short podcasts with specific investigating steps to consider incorporating in investigating coverage for Covid-19 claims.
Comments (2)

Tom Murin

I enjoyed listening to a couple of claim professionals.

Jul 30th
Reply (1)
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