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香港電台:English Everywhere(Work Chat Video)
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香港電台:English Everywhere(Work Chat Video)

Author: RTHK.HK

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電台節目“English Everywhere - Chatterbox”,內容精選香港人在日常生活及工作時使用英語的情景,讓大家從多角度學習英文文法、詞彙和慣用語。
其中一個“Work Chat”環節更以影片方式,講解工作間的英語應用。
26 Episodes
Episode 26 - Farewell

Episode 26 - Farewell


Episode 26 - Farewell
Episode 25 - meeting

Episode 25 - meeting


Chairman: Good morning. David can’t be with us today; he’s visiting a client in Guangzhou. OK, let’s start the meeting. Mandy will go through the minutes of our last meeting. [teaching points: Apologies for absence; starting; going thru minutes] Mandy...
Episode 24 - socialize

Episode 24 - socialize


[In a cocktail/trade fair] Dialogue 1 (showing bluntness) A: Hello. How’re you? B: Who are you? I don’t know you. X A: Oh … Dialogue 2 (showing careful language and proper etiquette) A: Hello, Mandy Wong? B: Oh, hi … Have we met before? A: I...
Demonstrating mistakes: Telephonist: Hello. Who is it? Caller: My name is Laura. Telephonist: What do you want? Caller: I'd like to speak to Mrs. Hutch. Telephonist: She isn't here. Leave a message. Caller: (frustrated) Could you …? Impoved:...
Client: Good morning. I have an appointment at 4 pm. Receptionist: May I have your name, please? Client: My name is Mandy Wong. Receptionist: Miss Wong, you have an appointment with Dr Chin, but I’m afraid that Dr. Chin is out of the clinic for an...
Version showing errors: Interviewer: Tell me about your academic qualifications, please. Interviewee: F.7. Interviewer: Do you have any work experience? Interviewee: Yes. X (Elaboration required) Interviewer: What is your job? Interviewee: Recen...
Policeman: Madam, do you know that it’s against the law to jaywalk? Woman: I know. The man’s green! Policeman: Yes, it’s green now. But it was red when you crossed the road. Can I see your ID? Woman: Am I under arrest? You’re putting me in jail? P...
(In a pet shop and the customer has just bought a pet dog/cat) Customer: I’ve never kept a pet before. Can you give me some tips on taking care of a dog/cat? Is a vet visit necessary? Shop assistant: These are the things you should do. Have your...
(1) Manager: Hello, Mary, do you feel better now? Employee: Yes, much better. I went to the doctor and here’s the doctor’s note. Manager : Well, we require a doctor’s note for any sick leave beyond 2 days. You took one day off, so you don’t have t...
(1) Customer: How much is this? Sales Assistant: That’s $580, ma’am. Customer: Is there any discount? Sales Assistant: I’m afraid there is no discount on this item. It’s new arrival. Customer: OK, thank you. (2) Customer: How much is this? Sa...
Dialogue: Situation 1 (shop): Customer: Excuse me, you have short-changed me. Employee: I must apologise, ma'am. That was my mistake, and I hope you'll forgive me. Here's the correct change. Customer: That's OK. I understand. Situation 2 (s...
Colleague A: Now, we have to list the important instructions for riders of our new roller coaster. Colleague B: I've got 2 things they shouldn't do. 1. Don't eat or drink on the ride. 2. Don't attempt to take photos during the ride. Colleague A:...
Dialogue: Boss: Laura, I need these dry-cleaned. Also, note that this shirt has a hole here. Laura: I see. You need it mended. I'll tell the dry-cleaner. Boss: My car needs to be serviced. Please can you call the garage to get it booked in? Laura...
Dialogue: A: Both candidates, Ada Chan & Bill Cheung passed our writing test. B: I agree. But Ada Chan's writing is better. A: Well, they are very similar, but Ada's memo is more concise. B: Ah, yes. She wrote 'is entitled to' but not 'has the rig...
Dialogue: A: We need to consider some conditions where club users should take great care. Let's list some important advice for them, to prevent misuse of our facilities. B: That's right. Some people may have not done exercise for a long time. They ...
Presenter:好多人出外公幹,在過海關的時候,都要回答一d問題,譬如你起程的城市、旅程的目的等等,預早準備答案,你就可以輕鬆過關啦! Dialogue: Customs officer: Where are you coming from? Traveler: Hong Kong. Customs officer: What is the purpose of your visit? Traveler: I'm here on business. Customs offic...
Presenter: 譬如問'宜家幾點?'有兩個方法表達: A: Do you have the time? B: It's 6 10. A: Oh, I have to rush, or I will miss the deadline. A: What's the time now? B: It's 6 10. Presenter: 'Do you have the time?' 係問人'宜家幾點',但 'Do you have time?' 就係問人 '你得唔得閒' ,...
Dialogue 1: Customer: I'd like to date your manager, Mr. John Lee. Employee: Erm… do you mean you want to see our manager? Dialogue 2: Customer: Hi, I'm Lily Wong. I have an appointment with Mr. John Lee. / I'm meeting Mr. Lee. / I'm here to see...
Dialogue: Venny:I'm confused. Employers will pay employees 5% more. Should I write in the active or the passive form? Salaries will be raised by 5%. (focus: the action) Salaries will rise by 5%. (focus: the trend) Laura:Both make sense. In ...
Venny: Laura, have you prepared the powerpoint slides for tomorrow's presentation? Laura: Yes, here's my draft. Title: Preparing for Retirement 1. Employees should find out whether the employer offers a pension. 2. Ask if they can benefit from th...