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The Lawyer Stress Solution

Author: Kara Loewentheil | Anxiety hacks from a cognitive life coach for lawyers, d

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The Lawyer Stress Solution is the only podcast that teaches lawyers concrete, practical and specialized tools for dealing with the stress, anxiety, and pressure of a legal career. Harvard Law School graduate and Certified Life Coach Kara Loewentheil combines her legal experience and coaching wisdom to teach lawyers how to deal with the unique challenges of the legal profession. You’ll be surprised how much you can enjoy practicing law when you know how to manage your “lawyer brain.” Download a free worksheet to help you kick-start this process and feel better today at
23 Episodes
On this episode, I want to talk to you about the two main reasons why we neglect advocating for ourselves in our work and personal life. We explore how your self-talk holds you back and how following internalized conditioning, and then criticizing yourself for doing so, creates a limiting force in all areas of your life. Get full show notes and more information here:
Today, I explain the importance of not taking things personally and I prove to you that what other people choose to do means absolutely NOTHING about you. Tune in to find out what you can start doing today to stop taking someone else’s actions personally and dramatically improve your romantic and professional life. Get full show notes and more information here:
On this episode, we’re taking a deep dive into the topic of guilt – what creates it, what to do about it, and what you might want to consider feeling instead. Join me to find out what small change you can make today to counter feelings of guilt, stop being a victim and become a powerful actor in your own life. Get full show notes and more information here:
Today, we’re talking about healthy habits and why they are so difficult to keep up in a high-stress work environment. From managing your all-or-nothing thinking to building a better relationship with your body, you’ll find out everything you need to know to begin building new habits that alight with your goals. Get full show notes and more information here:
I invited Heather Hubbard to the show to share what she’s learned in her legal career and how she implements that into her coaching practice. In this episode, we explore the concept of staying in the flow of life and why it’s absolutely necessary in our daily lawyer hustle. From the importance of meditation to Heather’s tips for making partner without going crazy, you’ll get a good understanding of what you can begin doing today to lead a balanced life as a lawyer. Get full show note and more information here:
Today, I’m talking about the core of everything I teach – the importance of thinking new thoughts. I explain why simply thinking positive doesn’t work for most people and share a powerful tool that I use in my coaching for adopting new thinking. Join me to find out exactly what you need to do in order to make those new thoughts more believable and how you can create routines that will actually help you make lasting changes. Get full show notes and more information here:
LSS 17: Fear

LSS 17: Fear


This week’s episode is a short but important message to help you work through your fear and take the risks you want to take in life. Tune in to find out why your fear IS NOT a true reflection of any “danger” that might be happening to you at the moment and how you can coach yourself to believe that. Get full show notes and more information here:
On this episode of The Lawyer Stress Solution, we’re taking a look at why lawyers are so sensitive to rejection and why it hurts so much. I explain what rejection really is and what you can do to lessen its impact. Listen in to find out how you can begin rewiring your brain to stop always looking for rejection and instead create feelings of security, safety, and stability. Get full show notes and more information here:
In this episode of The Lawyer Stress Solution, we’re talking about the mental aspects of improved productivity such as anxiety, cultivating productive thoughts, and reducing shame around the subject. I also teach you what you can begin practicing in your own daily life to help you be more productive. Get full show notes and more information here:
This week, I’m sharing advice on how you can advocate for more professional development, get more opportunities, and take your career to the next level.         Join us to find out why so many lawyers have a problem standing up for themselves when it comes to career advancing opportunities and why you’re really the only person who can advocate for your own professional development. Get full show notes and more information here:
August is finally here, the time of year when a lot of people go on vacation. Inspired by all the travelers in my life, I decided to dedicate this week’s episode to taking how to take time off from work... without constantly worrying and checking your email. Learn why you really resist taking time off from work and what you can do in order to enjoy any time off. Get full show notes and more information here:
n this episode, I explain what actually contributes to substance use and abuse and how you can solve those problems without using *or* quitting your job. If you’re using substances more often than you would like and you want to better understand why you use and how to cut back, this podcast is for you. Tune in to find out how you can break your habit of using and abusing substances and better manage your urges to use. Discover three things that you can start practicing today to reduce your desire to use alcohol or other substances and create lasting change in your life and career. Get full show notes and more information here:
On this episode, we explore what makes you avoid tasks and how to change that habit. Join us on the show as I lay out a step-by-step process that will help you deal with any task you’re avoiding and finally get it done! Get full show notes and more information here:
On this episode, we look at a couple of different things that you may think would make you a better lawyer and why they don’t actually matter. I also reveal what truly DOES make a difference to your performance, and three primary ways that practicing this skill will make you a better lawyer. Get full show notes and more information here:
It’s the beginning of July, and that means one thing for a lot of you – mid-year reviews. Today, we delve into the outcomes of mid-year reviews and why they bring up so much anxiety about your performance and career. Tune in to discover a step-by-step process for successfully navigating your performance review and find out how you can use this information to take your practice to the next level. No meltdown required. Get full show notes and more information here:
There’s a specific set of reasons why lawyers are anxious. On this episode, I go through these reasons and explain why your lawyer brain works the way it does and why knowing this is important if you want to reduce your stress level and get better at your job.  Get full show notes and more information here:
LSS 7: Perfectionism

LSS 7: Perfectionism


This week, we look into the intricacies of perfectionism and examine the reasons why it is so common among lawyers, especially ones who are already self-critical. I explain where perfectionism comes from, how it affects all areas of our life, and why it never works. I also share my coaching strategies for overcoming it and starting to be able to accept yourself where you are. Get full show notes and more information here:  
This week on The Lawyer Stress Solution, we’re delving into the ins and outs of working with difficult clients. Join us as I talk about two different ways that difficult clients can cause stress, and share actionable tools and strategies to help you manage both your clients and your own brain better. Get full show notes and more information here:
On this episode of The Lawyer Stress Solution, I’m excited to talk about one of my favorite topics – the way that thinking and talking like a lawyer impacts your personal relationships outside of work to a less-than-desirable outcome. I explain how you can keep your lawyer brain at bay and stop defaulting to being on either attack or defense at all times when communicating with others. Get full show notes and more information here:
As lawyers, we’re no strangers to feeling overwhelmed by our workload and doing our best to balance it with our social, family, and personal lives. In this episode, I share my process for managing overwhelm, calming yourself down quickly, and setting yourself up for success. Get full show notes, resources, and more information here: