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The Ultimate Entrepreneur

Author: The Abraham Group

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Jay Abraham is the world's preeminent business growth expert. So far, he has helped clients generate over $21.7 billion dollars in capital increases across hundreds of industries. He is a legend in entrepreneurship circles and a mammoth-force in original thinking.

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324 Episodes
In this episode, Jay Abraham is interviewed by Yuval Bialik, host of Israel's leading business podcast, "About Life and Business." Here Jay shares his insights on various business growth strategies, drawing from his vast experience across multiple industries and markets.SHOWNOTES[02:47] The Three Ways to Grow Any Business: Jay outlines the fundamental strategies for business growth, applicable across all industries.[11:23] Identifying Hidden Assets and Opportunities: Discussion on how to uncover and leverage overlooked resources within a business.[26:26] Turning Crises into Opportunities: Jay shares strategies for navigating economic downturns and industry changes to drive growth.[37:20] Acquiring Businesses with Minimal Risk: Explanation of methods for business acquisition without significant upfront capital.[53:45] Habits for Long-Lasting Success: Jay provides insights on practices that contribute to sustained business success and personal growth.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
Continuing from the last episode, Jay delves into the power of performance levers in business, drawing from his vast experience working with clients across diverse industries. He shares insights on how to optimize every aspect of your revenue system by identifying and leveraging these levers, ultimately leading to explosive growth and domination in your market. SHOWNOTES[03:12] The Power of Levers: Jay shares the story of W. Edwards Deming and his transformative impact on Japanese manufacturing, illustrating the immense power of identifying and optimizing micro-processes within a larger system.[06:34] Your Business as a Hedge Fund: Exploring the concept of viewing your business as a hedge fund, with various asset classes (revenue drivers) that need to be managed based on their relative risk and yield.[8:58] Geometric Growth and the Potential for Hyper-Exponentiation: Jay explains the mathematical concept of hyper-exponentiation and how it applies to business growth, emphasizing the importance of moving beyond incremental thinking.[11:24] Variability in Sales and Marketing: Discussing the impact of variability in sales and marketing elements such as headlines, propositions, proof, risk reversal, and bonuses, and how optimizing these elements can lead to geometric breakthroughs.[16:00] Aligning Salespeople's Strengths: Jay shares a case study of a 400-person sales organization in the radio industry, demonstrating the power of aligning salespeople's strengths with specific tasks and markets to quadruple business.[20:12] Leveraging Lifetime Value for Optimal Investment: Exploring the concept of investing in marketing and sales based on the lifetime value of a buyer, rather than arbitrarily allocating budgets, to maximize returns and drive exponential growth.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this episode, Jay shares his wealth of experience and insights on unlocking hidden revenue, geometric growth principles, and dominating your market. He delves into the power of thinking differently and borrowing breakthrough strategies from outside your industry to gain a profound competitive advantage.SHOWNOTES[6:05] Unlocking Hidden Revenue: Jay shares examples of car dealerships and driving schools finding untapped revenue streams by thinking differently about their assets and relationships.[13:15] Revenue System Optimization: Discussing the importance of working on the geometry of your business and optimizing every aspect of your revenue system.[15:00] Knowledge Asymmetry and Competitive Advantage: Jay explains how gaining a deep understanding of strategies and principles from other industries can give you an unparalleled edge over competitors.[18:24] 2D vs. 3D Thinking: Contrasting the static, transactional mindset of 2D thinkers with the long-term, yield-focused approach of 3D thinkers.[25:09] Funnel Vision vs. Tunnel Vision: Jay introduces the concept of funnel vision, emphasizing the importance of looking outside your industry for breakthroughs and avoiding the trap of simply following best practices.[26:26] Borrowing Breakthroughs from Other Industries: Providing examples of transformative innovations that originated from outside the industries they ultimately revolutionized, demonstrating the power of cross-pollinating ideas.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this episode, Jay sits down with George Mumford, a renowned mindfulness and performance coach, to explore the power of unlocking one's potential. SHOWNOTES[05:01] George Mumford's Story: George shares his incredible personal journey, from struggling with addiction to discovering mindfulness and transforming his life.[08:30] The Essence of Mindfulness: George breaks down the concept of mindfulness, likening it to a mirror that reflects reality without judgment or self-reference.[19:20] Embracing Discomfort for Growth: George emphasizes the importance of pushing beyond comfort zones to unlock latent potential and achieve remarkable results.[46:52] Freedom as a State of Mind: George explains how true freedom lies in one's mindset and the ability to respond to life's challenges with grace and resilience.[51:26] Insights from High-Performing Athletes: George shares profound lessons learned from working with icons like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, highlighting their unparalleled work ethic and resilience.[59:33] George Mumford's Mission: George articulates his life's mission to unlock the divine spark within every human being, guided by values of love, curiosity, truth, and wisdom.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
Join us for part 3 of our revisit to the legendary ‘Business Mastery’ series, where Jay and Tony Robbins deliver timeless strategies and transform businesses in real-time.SHOWNOTES[00:00] Podcast Introduction[05:20] Participant 1: A legal marketing recruiter shares the challenge of attracting the best talent for marketing and recruiting roles at top law firms. While the recruiter has a strong reputation and a steady flow of open positions from clients, the difficulty lies in sourcing the highest caliber candidates.[13:28] Participant 2: A SAT tutor shares his challenge in transitioning from primarily having $150/hour clients to getting more $500/hour clients. The discussion delves into the importance of identifying the referring sources for the different client segments and understanding what differentiates the higher paying clients.[22:04] Participant 3: The owner of a chain of 40 martial arts schools across 8 states shares his challenge in centralizing and systematizing key business functions like lead generation, sales, retention, and referrals.[36:58] Participant 4: The participant is a major shareholder in an Australian public company that has developed a patented technology to convert end-of-life non-recyclable plastic into road-ready diesel and gasoline. While the company is achieving commercial success, they are struggling to fulfill their environmental mission of reducing the amount of plastic pollution in the world's waterways and landfills.[43:31] Podcast OutroLINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this throw-back episode, Tony Robbins interviews Jay on the transformative power of marketing, exploring innovative strategies for business growth and stability. Discover how leveraging marketing can lead to exponential success, as illustrated through compelling case studies and expert insights. SHOWNOTES:[00:02:22] Introduction: Tony introduces the session, emphasizing the transformative power of marketing with guest expert Jay Abraham. [00:05:23] Jay Abraham's Marketing Expertise: Jay shares his insights on leveraging marketing strategies to drive business growth and security in a competitive landscape.[00:11:50] Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Returns: Jay discusses strategies for enhancing business performance by optimizing marketing and sales operations.[00:19:35] Icy Hot Success Story: The narrative of how the Icy Hot brand achieved exponential growth through innovative marketing and customer engagement strategies.[00:25:42] Three Fundamental Growth Strategies: Jay outlines the three key ways to grow a business: increasing customers, transaction value, and purchase frequency.[00:40:29] The Concept of Business Optimization: Inspired by Deming's principles, Jay and Tony discuss the importance of optimizing business processes for efficiency and growth.[00:49:56] Case Study of Exponential Growth: Jay recounts the growth of a precious metals company from $300,000 to $500 million by diversifying marketing strategies and building customer trust.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our All-New "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
Join us for part 2 of our revisit to the legendary ‘Business Mastery’ series, where Jay and Tony Robbins deliver timeless strategies and transform businesses in real-time. This episode offers actionable insights for entrepreneurial growth, from leveraging upselling to navigating franchise challenges. SHOWNOTES[00:00] Podcast Introduction[02:16] Participant 1: A participant shares an enlightening moment about the potential to triple revenue by introducing complementary products to an existing customer base of 200,000 nurses. The conversation delves into strategies like upselling, social proof, and the power of preeminence to build trust and loyalty.[12:20] Participant 2: Discussion with a nonprofit leader who utilizes media to find living organ donors for critical cases. The conversation delves into the nonprofit's aim to achieve consistent media coverage globally to increase awareness and inspire more individuals to consider becoming living organ donors.[24:35] Participant 3: A business owner describes the challenge of operating in a commoditized market of conference calling services, where competitors offer similar services for free or at a lower price. The focus is on finding a new value proposition and repositioning in the market amidst stiff competition from giants like Google Hangouts.[31:37] Participant 4: A participant shares their journey from starting a business as a hobby at Munich's Oktoberfest to its growth into a significant enterprise. The focus is on utilizing the co-packer model to meet rising demand, leading to challenges in maintaining product quality.[40:48] Participant 5: A franchising business owner discusses the limitations imposed by franchisers on marketing strategies and budgets. The main conflict lies in the franchisers' focus on brand expansion and opening new stores, which may not directly translate into increased customer traffic for existing franchisees, leading to a tension between top-line growth and bottom-line profitability.[48:48] Podcast OutroLINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our All-New "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this throwback episode, we return to the most powerful series of episodes we've released on this podcast yet. Listen in to Jay and Tony Robbins as they take the stage to shape and transform businesses for their audience members in real time.SHOWNOTES[00:00] Podcast Introduction[02:08] Breakdown of Event: Jay and Tony break down the live business mastery session, explaining how they'll provide real-time guidance and insights to audience members seeking to elevate their businesses.[08:21] Participant 1: We delve into the challenges faced by a provider of training materials and manuals for the aviation sector, targeting airlines and training centers. The discussion highlights their struggle against internal departments of potential clients, which hinders their business expansion.[23:43] Participant 2: A well-respected yoga teacher shares their challenges and successes of marketing yoga teacher training programs worldwide. This participant seeks guidance on separating their personal brand from their business identity to manage expectations and scale their enterprise effectively.[28:53] Participant 3: The founder of a marketing SaaS company discusses their platform's role in helping local businesses, particularly real estate professionals, generate consistent revenue by engaging with their communities. Despite offering a compelling money-back guarantee, the company seeks strategies to double this success rate.[40:15] Participant 4: An entrepreneur discusses the launch of a new website designed for business owners in the Caribbean looking to sell their businesses. Despite the innovative concept, the site struggles to attract its initial listings due to low traffic.[48:43] Podcast OutroLINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our All-New "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Consulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this episode, we delve into the nuanced concept of risk reversal. We’ll shed light on how risk reversal is more than just a refund policy or money-back guarantee, extending into various aspects of business and personal endeavors.SHOWNOTESDefining Risk Reversal: Detailed overview of complete, better than complete, and partial risk reversal.Importance in Business: Real-world examples demonstrating the impact of effective risk reversal in various scenarios.Application Across Different Industries: Tailoring risk reversal strategies for product sales, services like consulting, and even real estate - finding creative approaches to risk reversal in industries where traditional methods may not apply.Customer Psychology and Risk Perception: Insight into how customers perceive risk and the psychological impact of risk reversal on buyer behavior.Impact on Sales and Profitability: Analysis of how risk reversal strategies can significantly increase sales and profitability, even with the potential for refunds.Risk Reversal in Digital and Physical Products: Case studies on the effectiveness of risk reversal in the sale of books and digital products.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our All-New "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Colsulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this episode, we explore effective strategies for wealth creation in the advisory and business world, featuring insights from Jay Abraham and John Bowen, a distinguished figure in the world of financial advisory.SHOWNOTES:Insights on Wealth Creation: Explore Jay Abraham's journey to becoming a leading business consultant, emphasizing rapid wealth creation for financial advisors and business owners. Strategies for Elite Advisory Success: Discover the strategies to reach the top tier in financial advisory, including working with high-value clients and understanding the hierarchy of success. The Concept of Preeminence in Business: Learn about the importance of adopting a client-focused strategy and how to achieve preeminence by deeply understanding and advocating for client needs.Accelerating Business Growth: Insights on leveraging marketing alliances, strategic partnerships, and organic growth to create substantial business wealth. Client Wealth Management and Planning: Strategies for effective wealth planning, especially for entrepreneurs, and the significance of building wealth outside of business ventures. Adopting an Entrepreneurial Mindset: Explore how to foster resilience, continuous learning, and adaptability in the rapidly evolving business landscape. Maximizing Client Lifetime Value: Understand the importance of focusing on the lifetime value of client relationships and strategies for successful business valuation and liquidity events. Overcoming Mindset Challenges: Addressing common struggles like imposter syndrome in financial advisors and entrepreneurs, and encouraging a mindset shift for exponential growth.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our All-New "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Access John's Content and His Podcast: 'The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast'Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Colsulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
Today we dive into the fascinating world of business growth and wealth creation with Anthony Scaramucci and Jay Abraham, where they share invaluable insights into the art of income and wealth creation with minimal risk.SHOWNOTES:Jay Abraham's Background: Discover Jay's journey from a struggling young adult to a marketing legend, his experiences across multiple industries, and the lessons learned along the way.Acquisition as a Growth Strategy: Jay and Roland Frazier's approach to business growth focuses on bottom-line moonshots through smart acquisitions, minimal risk, and maximizing EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization).The Power of Relationships in Business: Leveraging existing relationships and trust to accelerate business growth and reduce risk.Resilience and Overcoming Obstacles: Jay shares powerful stories and principles on resilience, highlighting the importance of seeing problems as solutions to someone else's bigger challenges.Innovative Thinking and Business Growth: Leveraging lifetime value and preemptive advantage, understanding the importance of pattern recognition and diverse thinking.The Concept of 'Acquire-preneur': This unique term coined by Jay and Roland refers to entrepreneurs who achieve exponential growth through strategic acquisitions rather than starting from scratch.The Intersection of Wealth, Success, and Failure: Jay offers profound insights into the definitions and interconnections of these concepts, stressing the importance of continuous learning and growth.LINKS AND RESOURCES:Access Our All-New "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Colsulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this episode, Jay shares his wealth of knowledge on copywriting and marketing, providing insights into the evolving world of advertising and the psychology of effective sales strategies. The conversation covers a range of topics, from the role of headlines in copywriting to the importance of understanding your audience's psychology for creating persuasive content.SHOWNOTESThe Essence of Effective Copywriting: Jay discusses the critical importance of headlines in attracting and retaining audience attention, emphasizing their role in conveying the main message or benefit.Target Audience Focus: Insights on the 'You' attitude in copywriting, which prioritizes the reader, listener, or viewer over the seller, are shared.Positioning in Advertising: The episode explores the techniques for establishing and reinforcing a brand or product's position in the market.Evolution of Copywriting and Advertising: Jay talks about the transition from traditional long-format ads in print to the concise, direct formats prevalent in online advertising, and the shift towards impactful video content.Challenges in Modern Copywriting: Strategies to address audience uncertainty and skepticism in a saturated market, and the importance of establishing perceived value, are discussed.Webinar Strategies: Jay shares his perspective on the effectiveness of webinars, their comparison to traditional advertising methods, and how to create a value exchange that encourages audience commitment.Practical Copywriting Techniques: The significance of the 'reason why' approach in marketing, methods to overcome consumer doubt, and the role of storytelling and testimonials in engaging the audience are examined.LINKS AND RESOURCESAccess Our All-New "Podcast Mini-Workbook" For This Episode!Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Colsulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this episode, we explore the proactive strategies for business growth during a recession. We delve into the significance of understanding your revenue system, the power of decision science, and how to harness the Promethean approach to business. The conversation also addresses the importance of adapting to economic indicators, crafting compelling and believable offers, and segmenting your market effectively.SHOWNOTESControlling Business Outcomes: We discuss how most aspects of business success are within our control, and why it's crucial to focus on proactive, not reactive, approaches.Maximizing the Revenue System: Insights on the different components of your revenue system and how to optimize each part for better performance are shared.Incremental Improvements and Their Compound Effect: The episode highlights how making small improvements across your business can result in substantial growth.Decision-Making in Business and Its Impact: The role of decision-making in shaping your business's trajectory is examined, emphasizing the importance of understanding the drivers of success.The Concept of the Promethean Business Approach: We contrast the Promethean approach to business with the Sisyphian mindset, explaining why it's critical to be forward-thinking.Adjusting to Economic Changes: Strategies for adapting your business model in response to economic downturns are explored, including how to understand and react to consumer behavior.Building Consumer Trust Through Risk Reversal: Techniques for risk reversal and how they can build consumer trust in uncertain times are discussed.The Art of Crafting Irresistible Offers: The importance of creating offers that are both compelling and appropriate for the current market is dissected.Storytelling as a Sales Tool: The episode discusses how using stories, metaphors, and similes can help connect with customers and sell your product or service.Maintaining Marketing Efforts in a Recession: We talk about why it's beneficial to continue investing in marketing during a recession and how to do so effectively.Leadership and Its Role in a Recession: The critical role of leadership during economic downturns is highlighted, focusing on how leaders can instill confidence within their teams.Beliefs and Their Influence on Business Results: The impact of belief systems on business outcomes and how a positive mindset can drive success is discussed.LINKS AND RESOURCESRevisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Colsulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
Stephen M.R. Covey returns with transformative insights on leadership and trust in the modern world. Exploring the shift from traditional command-and-control approaches to a trust-and-inspire philosophy, Covey delves into how these principles are not just about business efficiency, but also about fostering meaningful work and inspiring both teams and consumers in a world brimming with choices.SHOWNOTESThe Outdated Command-and-Control Model: Stephen explains that the old way of leading through command and control is becoming obsolete in a knowledge-worker economy characterized by service and collaboration.The Rise of Trust-and-Inspire Leadership: The discussion centers on the necessity for leaders to evolve and adopt a trust-and-inspire approach that is more suitable for today's interconnected and choice-rich world.The Distinction Between Leading and Managing: Stephen emphasizes the importance of managing systems and leading people. When people are treated as things, it diminishes their potential and desire to be part of the organization.Inspiration as a Learnable Skill: Contrary to the belief that inspiration is an innate trait, Stephen explains that it is a skill that can be cultivated through empathy, belonging, and connection to a shared purpose.Consumer Relationships in the Trust Economy: The conversation turns to how trust-and-inspire principles apply not only internally within organizations but also externally in customer relationships, advocating for a pull strategy over a push strategy.The Imperative of Winning in the Workplace First: Stephen stresses the importance of creating a high-trust culture internally to foster collaboration and innovation before translating these successes to the marketplace.Global Reach and Resources: Stephen mentions the availability of his work "Speed of Trust" in Japan and the various resources and workshops offered by the Franklin Covey Japan team.LINKS AND RESOURCESInterested in Stephen’s Work? Check Out His WebsiteStephen’s Latest Book: "Trust and Inspire"Revisit Our Top 25 Podcast EpisodesFor More In-Depth Resources, Visit Our Knowledge CenterInterested in Colsulting? Work With Jay For Consulting Inquires: jay@abraham.comFor Podcast Inquiries:
In this final episode of the Entrepreneur Disrupted series, Jay and Dave answer questions via a Facebook live. From learning how to start a business with no prior experience to using high-level marketing, this episode is a great way to peek inside the business minds of Jay and Dave.In this series, Jay partners with Dave Asprey to cover many of the questions, topics, and issues that entrepreneurs will face in their journey. Learn more about how Leverage can help you with Asana here:•0:00 – Introduction•2:05 – Is it better to get a loan or an investor (or neither)?•3:30 – What is the chance of a new US recession?•4:40 – How to start a health and wellness company •8:10 – Do you practice affirmations and what is your self-improvement mindset?•9:30 – How to start a business if you didn’t study business at school•12:20 – Is marketing deception? How to stay ethical when marketing•17:20 – How you can master Asana through Leverage•19:40 – The methods of monetizing a podcast•22:25 – What is the best way to reach out to influencers?•27:15 – How to cut through the digital clutter & push or pull marketing?•30:25 – Learn how to generate more leads•31:20 – What is the most exciting “coming up” industry •36:25 – How to master Asana
In part 2 of this conversation on disruptive business growth, Dave shares his must use tools and strategies to ensure your business experiences growth. From knowing how to tell your story to making the best use of your time, this final part of the conversation is pivotal to your success in building a company. In this series, Jay partners with Dave Asprey to cover many of the questions, topics, and issues that entrepreneurs will face in their journey. Learn more about how Leverage can help you with Asana here:•0:00 – Introduction•1:00 – The #1 tip for business growth •3:50 – How to make the correct hires•5:25 – Making sure you get out of your own way•7:05 – The best way to tell your story•14:15 – How to scale your company with technology•17:15 – Scale your company with Leverage and Asana•19:30 – Learning to delegate tasks and understanding your time•22:10 – Measure it but get out of the way•24:00 – Jay’s thoughts on Dave’s tips•27:45 – Summary and closing thoughts•30:50 – Scaling your own company through Asana
Jay shares his “Abraham 101” of how to grow a business, from defining the segments of growth to thinking outside of the box, this is an episode that is not to be missed. This is a two part conversation, in this first part you’ll hear how Jay creates growth and in part two you’ll hear how Dave implements growth strategies within Bulletproof.In this series, Jay partners with Dave Asprey to cover many of the questions, topics, and issues that entrepreneurs will face in their journey. Learn more about how Leverage can help you with Asana here:•0:00 – Introduction•0:55 – The immutable strategies to grow businesses according to Jay•11:40 – How to use your intellectual capital•14:40 – How to use your relational capital•15:20 – Setting up the best business model possible•17:40 – Using Asana and Leverage to grow your business•19:55 – Leveraging your relationships•21:10 – Creating new and growing your existing distribution channels•25:25 – Maximize what you’re currently doing and examine your marketing•26:40 – The 3 ways to grow your business model•28:10 – How to see creative methods of growth •33:50 – Learn as much as you can from people in other industries•37:40 – Don’t make assumptions and learn from what you don’t understand•40:00 – A unique opportunity from Leverage to master Asana
How flexible should you be with your business plan? Perhaps more flexible than you would initially think. In this episode, Jay and Dave discuss how you can experiment inside of your company to make sure you stay ahead of the industry. You’ll hear how to overcome fear and how to test your idea.In this series, Jay partners with Dave Asprey to cover many of the questions, topics, and issues that entrepreneurs will face in their journey. Learn more about how Leverage can help you with Asana here:•0:00 – Introduction•1:40 – Should companies by flexible to meet market needs?•3:40 – Advanced R&D: How to experiment in your company•7:45 – How to skyrocket your company’s productivity with Leverage and Asana•10:00 – Dealing with fear and how to figure out if your idea is good•15:20 – Why entrepreneurs get stuck•17:00 – Adjusting your mindset to overcome overwhelm•18:40 – A unique opportunity to master Asana
How ethical is it to be involved in your employees’ lives? In this episode, Jay and Dave will discuss how to increase the performance of your team by “hacking” their brains through food, nootropics, and other methods of changing their thought patterns. They’ll discuss the ethics behind this subject and the success Dave has seen by implementing a “brain hacking regime” at Bulletproof. In this series, Jay partners with Dave Asprey to cover many of the questions, topics, and issues that entrepreneurs will face in their journey. Learn more about how Leverage can help you with Asana here:•0:00 – Introduction•1:00 – Using food to affect a person’s biology and creating a less reactive and more proactive team•5:55 – How Bulletproof “hacks” the brains of their employees and why their team views this as a perk•8:35 – Jay’s opinion on “hacking” the brains of employees•13:35 – How to skyrocket your company’s productivity with Leverage and Asana•15:50 – Brule: How to identify traits that are holding you back•22:20 – How to implement “hacking” within your company•23:40 – Mutual self interest is the greatest motivator•24:35 – Using cognitive enhancing products•26:35 - How to skyrocket your company’s productivity with Leverage and Asana
Knowing how to incentivize your employees and what perks to give is pivotal in keeping a happy workforce. In this episode, Jay and Dave discuss how they incentivize their teams and why they’ve managed to keep a happy and productive team over the years. From stories of the craziest and most unique perks to how to ensure employees don’t abuse the perk system, this episode is a perfect guide to building the right incentive system for your company.In this series, Jay partners with Dave Asprey to cover many of the questions, topics, and issues that entrepreneurs will face in their journey. Learn more about how Leverage can help you with Asana here:•0:00 – Introduction•1:30 – How Jay incentivizes his teams: What perks to give and what to avoid•8:15 – Shared or personal compensation, learning from Google and how Bulletproof manages perks through working locations.•14:15 – Managing productivity via Asana and Leverage•16:30 – How to avoid employees abusing the perk system•18:00 – The Bulletproof perk systems•22:45 – The unique stories of how Jay incentivizes people•29:20 – Vacation time allowances•31:30 – An opportunity to skyrocket your business through Asana and Leverage