1st Estate Life Coach

We re-establish broken lives & lifestyles, through inner work by supplying free DIY resources hosted inside our FREE Online Classroom. Plus supported by our FREE 1-day Open Door Retreat. A place to meet an walk issues out with people. This is our non-profit, while we also have other services that are commercial this service is specificly opened for those that struggle to afford help. While it is also the place our Our 1st Estate Life Coachs’ start their training from. https://www.ayin.nz/classroom/ Is a FREE Registration, that both Coachs’ & public use. We welcome anyone that has a deepening to change life results by reignitting their 1st Estate understandings.

Evidence Log #346 : Revealing Spirit of Castration

This topic is a case i was thrown into, at the time I knew something would come from this case that would benefit others. This case was about frozen shoulder, where medical had said there is nothing more they can do. This testimony was about a person who had lost flexibility / movement in both arms. Making toilet actions difficult, lifting & eating were all movements that became unbearable & painful, through restriction & nothing could be done, until we went into the Courtrooms of Heaven!  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'    


Evidence Logs Q&A : Courts of Heaven, Case Profiling, Online DIY Classroom, 1-Day Retreat

Case profiling has been a journey since 2017, through learning how to establsihing evidence logs has been critical in breaking through issues both big & small. What we have noticed there can be good reasons for delays between establishing evidence & presenting evidence into the Courts of Heaven. In those moment our DIY Classroom becomes your personal investigation tool. We encourage people to work as their own DIY Detective. The Classroom host audios & video & word documents with background thesis content. As you engage with the content Holy Spirit will deliver unique inner wisdom that will take people into a variety of the classroom 32 Trading Keys. Sometimes Holy Spirit evidence will make perfict sence & other times it will be not so easy for you! Our FREE classroom will help you with those un-expected daily life encounters. We gaureentee that these moments will speak volumes when you bring your evidence logs into our 1-day retreat. Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'        


Life’s Twists : 1st Estate Conversation

Have you ever researched about how restraining orders from the spirit-world works. How trades across Self, Others, DNA governing actions matter. How they can be matched up with sickness, diseasess & other life restrainst. For many of you, you know something is holding you back, something is out of reach! You know its spiritual but you have no idea of the how & who or what to do to remove such things. 


Life’s Eternity : 1st Estate Converstaion

Each of these topics are growing at a rapid pace in our world right now. From AI, Abortions, Eternity,Demons and its all pointing to one common factory that I have with you, "Humans" Humanity & beyond! Here i speak  frankly, very direct for a reason & a purpose. Its up to you to listen and be "sparked" by my words or not! For I am no longer caged, but those that murder need to know what eternity looks like for murders with out repentence!  What does eternity class as murder is a good question? What does eternity already look like as hybrids, hybridization, clonying or transhumanism? I do have encounters on all these topics, if you are reading this it effects you and your bloodline weather you believe in it or not its here and its coming first for youth, for me I remeber the very first time I witnessed "Satans Children" & many encounters after that initial exposure. 


Life’s Symbols : 1st Estate Conversation

Dealing with unseen secret societies can be one trejectory linking issue attached to daily life struggles, especially mental illnesses. Most will never connect the dot's, becuase of their positions or jobs they hold, while others just dont want to understand the human trichotomy & the trejectory of evil & their opposite 1st estates! This topic is a brief intro & one we cover inside our online classroom  https://www.ayin.nz/classroom/   Think of an iceberg! so goes the "zig systems" hidden in plain sight, what I go deep into in our workshops https://www.decodinglife.co.nz/ unveiling the evil agenders hidden in systems of this world. Be it caged, cloaked, frozen, embreyos & more. Hell has a laboratory & when you visit it you will find a matrix of humanities fluids & body parts, cloned for the next phase of evils hybridisation programs. This topic holds many answers to questions around mental illness & each illnesses trejectory. 


Life’s Veils : 1st Estate Conversation

Is witchcraft part of your children's & teens everyday life? Was it part of your own everyday life growing up? Most would say absolutely NOT! But what if its hidden in plan sight, veiled to look as normal. Once you see through that normal, then what do you do? in that revelatory moment! what does one do when you know nothing about this evil . More importantly what can you do to fix the issues hidden behind many modern-day pill popping diagnosis.  


Life’s Illnesses : 1st Estate Conversation

Inner Healing & Deliverance inside the Courts of Heave. An investigation journey that teachers how to turn sickness down & say yes to a full life. Witnessing peoples journey through disease all the way through to life threatning disease has & still is a jounry worth investigating. Through Forensic Boardroom Consulting Service.  https://www.forensicboardroom.com/  I run industry leaders through a 1-day process of trichotomy awearness & healing initiatives. I say to alot of people, as you enter into your local hospital on the directory board were do it say "Soul Healing Department" or "Spiritman Healing Department. This would also be the same for goverment departments setting up community welafear across a nation! For man is 3-part / trichotomy, yet only viewed from 1-part-body by medical! People spend millions of dollars collectively for life insurance but few; ever invest in eternity life insurance. 


Evidence Log #258 : Not Sir Ed

Hillary Commission, not what you think! As a kiwi by birth when this came up over & over again I could not work out the contex of the " Hillary Commission' word of knowledge I would hear in the midst of govermental spiritual warfear! Until one day I witnessed a circle of cloaked women in the famious oval office in the spirit. I leave you to work out your take on my encounter!   Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information.  


Evidence Log #151 : Ancestors Blocking Next Generation!

Patterns & cycels produce stagnint lives, blocked life, creatting troubeled lives, that transform into damaged life results. Leaving a snails trail of issues for future generations to unpack! One example; you may be surprised at how many babies are placed on family altars in the spirit-world. And what trade was made & which generation made that transaction for this to happen. Our DIY Online Classroom you will find a thesis of 200,000 words spread across 32 Trading Key's (topics) explaining the in's & out's of DNA bondages, curses, bloodline sicknesses & dysfunctions. Spanning generation after generation. At some stage humanity has to stop and think. If God made creation & humanity why are we all so sick, broken, damaged & why are so many drowning in filth, poverty & more? For me (Karyn) when I see items, body parts, soul parts, business, industries, goverment officials,  & others topics set upon an evil altar you have to wounder whos behind this evil act & WHY?  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #348 : Mother in-law spinning you out!

Not everyone is ready for the forgiving part of lifes unveiling of humanities role. This evidence is directly linked to freedom! It is a matter if the person is ready to deal with the truth presented or not! Free Will Deliveres & Binds a person, the choice to forgive is in your free will!  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #335 : Unconditional Love Known NOT!

Helping to walk with change, standing in the gap waiting for the Free Will to connect  with truth of the soul, while walking out soul wounds & darkened soul nature. A nature that was boulted in brokenness. Bloodline curse of first born boys! was & has been a triel of trust & lets see... Beyound the physical are many matrix traps & snears. Without the Holy Spirit one would be decieved like a medium, card readers &/or astrology do! One who channels is more dangerious than a loaded gun in the hands of a child, becuase advise from these typs of services will deliver death, & death is to enter into a Christless eternity! Life is to enter into A Christ Eternity, remeber the Rick Joyner Book i mentioned go listen to his audio version and listen to him describing the Tree outside the gates of Heaven.  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #309 : Break Bondage

Out of the darkness into the the light, through seeking identify & truth in life. From witchcraft curses, bloodline curses & language barriers, to fullness of blessings in their new adopted country. No more communisms!  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #274 : When Rage Leaves you Hollow

Freedom out of rage is a complex soul issue, across all three trejectories, self, others, DNA all are woven into a tapestry of self distruction, isolation of brokeness. If you have ever looked at deliverance clips and seen people screaming through the process then I can enlighten you on the who & the how! Then if you look from the trajectory of this clip you begin to ask what's inside of a person that gets to the rage point. Think like this of a praying mantis the size of an baby elephant, embedded with the bit of 1000 scorpions in one breath! There is so much more to share! but more importantly how does one find resolution in a peaceful way.   Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #164 : White Flags

When I saw a white flag in the spirit realm it took me a while to compose the actual meaning. While this meant something to this case file it doe snot always mean the same for another. Everything that is in the spirit is eternal therefore impeaches on the physical from generation to generation until someone deals with the case in the Heavenly Courts. (Note their is a 's Court & a Heaven Court)  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #271 : Inmate Soul Travels

When you are in the middle of a case profiling, and you see a inmate controlling all the contraband inside a prison! Your conversation & questions begin to change the cores of your own understanding. Terminologies you may find helpful : SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse. PRA = Pagan Ritual Abuse. MRA = Media Rituial Abuse. ERA = Elderly Ritual Abuse. The SRA is what this prisoner was operatting from!  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #286 : Battle Strategy

A mother overwhelmed by repeating patterns. A prayer session that blew up evil pyramids and more. This client lived in another country, they had a prophetic gift and together we encuounter what you would call Transformers movie enviorment in the realms of the spirit. Holy Spirit delivered an amasing result & spoke a horrific dondage that got healed.  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #301 : Deliverance Ministry Delivered

A wonderful person who has worked supporting many ministries in deliverance. Her story was so beautiful & humbling to work through and with.  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'    


Evidence Log #337 : Living in a car while working a corporate job!

Understanding those in need, assisting by standing in the gap. Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'    


Evidence Log #340 : 1/3 Courts of Heaven Case Files

This file is about clients that today trade inside the Courts of Heaven for their on family & daily life. They have had such amazing journey, Mark is witness to a miracle in healing his diabetic eye.  Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


Evidence Log #142 : RE-opening Ancient Doorways & Gateways by lack of wisdom

Closing the doorways in the spirit realms is a process, when you do it don't re-open! This is a story even I could not believe how fast the spirit-world worked AGAINST a family line! Open Door Retreat is our free event a place for our team to walk with you in revletory content. Open Door Retreat is a safe place for people to interact with Karyn & some of her 1st Estate Life Coachs.  Look for summary section on this page for website links & other important information. Disclaimer : each audio I am calling out evidence logs from real life case files. This is an insight podcast, not an information podcast. Meaning I share to awaken the sleeping giants out of people to bring them into a life filled with inner FREEDOM! These recordings are used for training our 1st Estate Life Coachs'  


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