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Author: 許正

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30 Episodes
If you ever find yourself in Taiwan, and never tasted the well known Stinky Tofu, then you simply aren’t in Taiwan. A stinky(not so stinky) dangerously delicious food that produces a lot/ hate feelings. You might not welcome the odour at first trial but will surely fall in love with it after you are accustomed to it. Stinky tofu is a fermented soybean with a different cooking method that varies according to the regions. The commonest is the fried one which is a good way to start if you have never tried it before. You are probably wondering right now that it undergoes a complex process that should be best left in the hands of professionals. However, here is a simple, practical method for you and your loved ones, given by 許正, one of the best Taiwan chef. From the fermentation to the preparation, have a fabulous stinky tofu time in the kitchen. Fermentation The processing of tofu is similar to cheese making and it is based on fermented soy milk that has undergone brining process. The fermentation process starts with the marination of tofu in a brine of fermented milk. Vegetables, fermented shrimp, and meat are added. It is put in an open jar for several months and this can be attributed to its stinkiness. Then, the tofu is marinated in the brine for 4-6 hours for more flavour.
許正 - Tens of thousands of talented, hard-working chefs are creating delicious meals in restaurant kitchens all across the globe every day, but nearly all work in relative obscurity. 
A lot of people confuse Taiwan food with Chinese food and simply don’t know the difference. This can be partly because Taiwan’s has its roots traced back to China soil. However, just like any other different countries, there are remarkable differences between Taiwan cuisines and china. Each with its uniqueness, peculiarities and features. 許正, a well-known Taiwanese, who has made a remarkable success as a former head chef in China, now owns one of the best restaurants, is the best fit to help us know the difference between Taiwanese and Chinese food. Read on!
1-2 black tea bags (per serving) 1 cup of boiled water 1/4 cup quick-cooking tapioca pearls (per serving) Whole milk (or any other preferred milk) 1/2 cup sugar granulated sugar (or more as preferred)
查泰珍珠奶茶是您的癮君子還是偶爾的零食?這是台灣最有名的飲料,是如今在時尚商店和幾乎每個街角出售的每個人的消遣。但是,您知道您可以在家自製這種奶油狀,美味的喜歡的飲料嗎? 許正知名廚師許徵分享了他的簡單食譜,讓您入門。
Food is a must for survival and it is something we eat every day. However, how much do you know about those things you shelve down your throat to quench your hunger or satisfy your cravings. I bet not much!  許正, an excellent renowned chef gives some fun facts that everyone needs to know about food.
Making pineapple jam

Making pineapple jam


When the filling becomes thick enough, the filling is ready and you can use a spatula to pile up.
許正 is a one of the best chef in Taiwan and he has also a good work experience in this field.



If you ever find yourself in Taiwan, and never tasted the well known Stinky Tofu, then you simply aren’t in Taiwan. A stinky(not so stinky) dangerously delicious food that produces a lot/ hate feelings. You might not welcome the odour at first trial but will surely fall in love with it after you are accustomed to it. Stinky tofu is a fermented soybean with a different cooking method that varies according to the regions. The commonest is the fried one which is a good way to start if you have never tried it before. You are probably wondering right now that it undergoes a complex process that should be best left in the hands of professionals. However, here is a simple, practical method for you and your loved ones, given by 許正, one of the best Taiwan chef. From the fermentation to the preparation, have a fabulous stinky tofu time in the kitchen.
Chatime pearl milk tea has been called different names in different countries. Chatime pearl milk tea also called milk tea, pearl tea, bubble tea, boba nai cha, boba tea, tapioca tea(to name a few) originated from Taiwan and has gained popularity worldwide.



Put oil on low medium heat, fry green onion until it is golden,      remove the onion, put the flour into a small bowl, add the hot oil and mix      well. Another option is to use sesame oil or chicken lard and then add      salt to it. It is time to roll the ball until it is round and flat. Place it on      the board or surface, use a rolling pin to press the ball until it is flat      and thin. You can also rub the rolling pin with flour to ensure it is not      sticky. Rub the oil mixture or paste on the surface of the rolled out      flour. Then, put a generous amount of the finely chopped scallion on it. Now, roll up the dough into a strand or rope. Take the end of each      rope and rolled up tightly together to form a snail shell shape. Repeat      the process with the rest of the dough. Flatten out the rolled-up dough to your desired thickness and      repeat with the rest of the circled dough.
Taiwanese Shanghai Scallion Pancakes boast of being among the most loved pancakes in Taiwan, with addict all over the world. The crunchy outside, the softness inside with the combination of flavored Scallion, what’s not to love about Cong You Bing. Either it’s only for snacks, breakfast or quick fix on the go, you bet you will keep craving for more! Xu Zheng, a top-world cook gives you a simple Taiwan recipe to help boost your confidence while having your way in the kitchen. Ignore the pancakes, can we call it flatbread?



《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》電影主題曲「有一種悲傷」 歌聲演繹極度催淚揪心虐戀故事   韓片熱潮中,台灣近十年來的首部翻拍韓國賣座片的電影作品《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》,習取賣座韓片精髓元素,延續原作極度浪漫愛情元素,刻劃一段動人心弦的生死之戀。由滿滿額娛樂及好好看文創聯合出品&製作,邀請擅長刻畫細膩感情的療癒系導演林孝謙、編劇呂安弦重新改編故事,擅長詩意光影的香港攝影師關本良擔任攝影指導,同時集結劉以豪、陳意涵、張書豪、陳庭妮、鬼鬼(吳映潔)、禾浩辰(布魯斯)等台灣高顏值一線偶像俊男美女的新鮮配對組合,打造一齣極度唯美又感人揪心、無可救藥浪漫的偶像虐戀電影。  主題曲「有一種悲傷」是一首極度催淚的揪心情歌,由負責《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》電影配樂的製作人陳建騏擔任製作,作曲則是有「金曲製造機」之稱的張簡君偉,這是A-Lin繼「忘記擁抱」之後再度演唱張簡的作品。導演林孝謙親自填詞,「有一種悲傷 是你義無反顧 讓愛成為 我身上的光 給我溫暖 卻不准我遺忘」,從歌詞當中就能一窺劇情中愛的溫暖與失去的不捨。A-Lin發揮了她細膩入心的情感渲染力與強大的歌聲張力,從平靜內斂到放聲激昂再回歸帶著悲傷的倔強,光是聽A-Lin的演唱就如同用耳朵搶先體驗了整部電影的精華所在。
根據我們的客戶,台灣早餐漢堡的味道就像包子裡的餃子!我們已經在小餡餅上煮了那麼多的風味,然後在上面加了香脆的煎雞蛋。準備早餐了嗎?許正大廚與您分享美味的自製漢堡食譜! 台灣美食是由中國,日本和東南亞等地的當地美食所組成。漢堡是台北市受歡迎的街頭小吃,一旦嘗試它,您就會明白為什麼。麵包的鬆脆質地令人難以置信。
歸根結底,我是經典,簡潔的五花肉包的吸盤。它結合了傳統包子的枕頭質地和經典的中國紅燒豬肉(紅燒肉)的肥美鮮味,在我看來,這是最終的脂肪+麵包組合。 (甚至沒有烤奶酪。)對於這道台灣食譜,我使用了我媽媽可信賴的bao食譜,該食譜在過去的20年中一直為她服務。至於紅燒五花肉,我改用了貝蒂·劉(Betty Liu)的家庭食譜,可以更好地用作保鮮餡(長條狀而不是切丁的塊狀),並且略帶菜刀味,因此您可以將更多鮮味美感塗抹到寶。 -許正
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