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Author: Bernie Aird

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My transatlantic Podcast telephone conversation with Charlie Locke the owner of Lake Louise Ski area in Alberta Canada, preceeded by my introduction and explanation of my travel background and experiences gained.
27 Episodes
Recorded the song and its instrumental parts at home although the video is a little out of sync in parts, I am quite pleased about the overal sound. Dont remember the instrumentation but its my hand slaps on guitar case, touch screen bass, midi keyboard Harpsichord and all vocals. String sound midi keyboard. The last section is my fave part as the video fits the sound most effectively. In hindsight, I needed to shorten this video, it’s too long and I needed to cut out the weird images if truth be told. --- Send in a voice message:
Norman Hurricane Smith, a great artist, voice and Jazz songwriter. This is my version of his biggest hit. Norman in the early years was employed at Abbey Road studios as an engineer working on early Beatles recordings before producing the 1st Pink Floyd long player. Instruments I played…my upright Piano at home, touch-screen bass & hand slaps on my drum box. --- Send in a voice message:
What a Spectre!

What a Spectre!


Drive through of James Bond 'Spectre' film location in Obertilliach Austria. Vocals & guitar yours truly. The track has been made speedier hence the higher voice and guitar parts. --- Send in a voice message:
No words

No words


Filmed on my x-country trail the Hochmoor Loipe, Kitzbühler Alps Mittersill. It was such a lovely day with fabulous views I decided to experiment with some special effects. --- Send in a voice message:
Make it Happen!

Make it Happen!


My transatlantic telephone Podcast with Charlie Locke owner of Lake Louise Ski Area. --- Send in a voice message:
helmut erzählt... --- Send in a voice message:
Helmut erzählt von seiner Jugend in Mittersill als 12 jähriger Bub während des WW2. die Frauen von SS Offiziere die in das Eltern Haus/ Appartement wohnten. für ein 12 jährige Bub war das Erlebnis in Salzburg in der Schule zu gehen, denn Angriff von Amerikanischen Bomber zu erleben in der Sicherheit von Schutz Keller/ Stollen, in seiner Worten, “die schönste Zeit” als Teenager. Helmut und Kollege haben am nächsten Tag die armen Leute geholfen von den bombardierten Häuser auszuräumen. --- Send in a voice message:
Helmut erzählt seine errinnerungen über die kriegs jahren. --- Send in a voice message:
Pete tells us the story of Rag Albert the rag & bone man, and how he and his musician friends called themselves Rag Albert, a name that caught peoples attention.  --- Send in a voice message:
Eddie Blackstone talks briefly about his children, about what inspired him to write songs following his first ever trip to Colorado.  Listen to Eddie's 8 self penned songs towards the end of the Podcast, otherwise listen to his song collection on Soundcloud. --- Send in a voice message:
Eddie and I discuss the weather in Austria and England, with new snow in Austria it prompted Eddie to tell me he had called his good friend Arleen in Colorado who is amongst other things, a member of the Voluntary Firebrigade and due to the heavy snowfall that Colorado had, helped put out a huge forest fire at Cameron Peak near Walden. Eddie recalled Arleen taking him to a Rodeo in nearby Walden, small dwelling with 550 inhabitants, 2 bars one on either side of the street and a subsequent fight between drinkers in middle of the street from each bar!  Aged 16 years plus,Eddie had left his Grammer School and taken up a trainee's position at Hoover Limited in Bradford Yorkshire, the year was 1956. This meant a bus journey from Harrogate on a daily basis where he and his friend would sing throughout the whole journey on the back seat of the upper deck. In May/June of this same year, Eddie signed up for the armed forces requesting to be in the Navy as he liked the idea of being on ship's, something he would rue after discovering that he was very often seasick when on boats later in life.  The recruiting Officer made it clear that there were no vacancies for the Navy,but there were for the Royal Marines, Eddie agreed after he was assured there would be an element of boat travel in the Marines. Whilst awaiting further contact from the Marines, Eddie was able to continue in his trainee job at Hoover Limited until the day arrived when a train ticket arrived in the Post, a journey from Harrogate to Lympstone near Exeter to the Commando training centre. Eddie's recalls the train arriving from North East England pulling into Harrogate train station where both his parents came to see him off, his father running a business in the town. There appeared to be a rowdy bunch of youths on this train, unbeknown to Eddie were a group of young men heading to their base at an RAF camp in the south. Eddie remembers giving his mum a hug,and giving his Dad a peck on the cheek in full view of the young and lively RAF group! The RAF group soon gave up giving Eddie stick when they discovered he was going to be a Commando!  Eddie's train took a very long time to get to the south of England arriving at Bristol Parkway at 4 am whereupon Eddie had to wait a further 3-4 hours before the onward train arrived. From Lympstone train station Trucks brought the new recruits to the Commando training camp. The next day Eddie and others were shown the army assault course whereupon Eddie made it known that he was supposed to being placed on a ship, not so said the CO,not if youve been seconded to the Marines! To Eddie's surprise he eventually got fitter and mastered the tough expectation of the Commando traing course lasting 6 weeks in Lympstone,then a further 6 weeks in Bickley, several of his colleagues never made it through the Lympstone course,the Bickly course was tougher still but Eddie came through. Eddie was to see military action sooner than he had imagined, seconded to Cypress where the Commando's were to deal with terrorists causing problems in the otherwise British rule on the island. Arrival in Cyprus came via Malta and Gibralter, the fun during the 3 months of Commando training was all about to come to an end, in Cyprus Eddie's life was also on the line once arriving on New Years day in 1957. The area of Paphos, Nicosia and the Taurus Mountains was where the Commandos were to operate. Whilst there Eddie bought his first ever guitar for a bar of military soap and a tin of Beans! One evening Eddie was on guard duty and came into the barracks for a cup of tea and heard an engaging musical sound coming out of the radio, it was Lonny Donegan and band, Eddie realised that this is what his heart was telling him to do, the lure of music making and showbusiness had begun to have an effect. Eddie and pals were to play and entertain the soldiers during their stay. Eddie and skiffle band drove 16 miles to Nicosia in their 3 --- Send in a voice message:
Eddie tells the story of how he met with fellow singer and Country entertainer Tjaye Martin after his good friend Kelvin Henderson england/bristol/somerset/8605867.stm ; had introduced her to Eddie, and how Eddie, via an agent friend, arranged for Tjaye to perform solo at the Sheraton Abu dhabi in 1989 for a season. Following this, Eddie and Tjaye performed as a duo at the Sheraton for a 5 year period playing in front of an International audience as well as some select people from the UAE. Eddie remembered well a certain Egyptian born army Colonal always immaculately dressed and present at one of the performences and made sure that Eddie was well supplied with several rounds of Jack Daniels, on one occasion,no less than 18 shots were provided for Eddie conveniantely situated at the bar of the Hotel. Artists performing at the Hotel were forbidden to sit at any guest tables and opted for the Hotel bar instead!  On another occasion Eddie and Tjaye were bekonned to Sheik Muhamed's table, something that they'd normally not be allowed to do,but it was not protokol to turn down such an offer from a Sheik of course. The Sheik duly invited Eddie and Tjaye to perform at his Birthday party on their night off from playing the Sheraton, the address Liberty Tower Penthouse. There was a very wide door entrance to the Penthouse, on the dooor a Welcome Tjaye and Eddie notice, they were gariousciously received by the Sheik who was dressed in country and Western style clothing, 40 other invited guests were also present. The Sheik approached Eddie saying I think your favorite drink is Brandy? A full bottle was then provided to Eddie,and  Jack Daniles bottle to Tjaye Martin. Just some of Eddie's recollections and stand out memories of seasons in the sun at the Sheraton.  Eddie who had at one stage been the landlord of the Horseshoe Inn in Bath, had left the pub after a ten year stint, his wife Pat who remained great friends split up in the early 80's. Eddies rise to fame and musical popularity carried on when he started to write his own songs when in Colorado on a visit and meeting Arleen a 'very special lady' and became good friends with Eddie, he had written about 15 songs whilst in Colorado. Eddie goes on to tell several memorable stories of his ventures in the USA. Eddie and Tjaye embarked on a 4 week visit to the US playing and singing as they travelled around starting in New Orleans and driving to Arizona eventually clocking up 5,000 miles in their hire car. Visiting a ghost town named Stein, meeting and befriending Jerry Reed a well known Country and Western singer. https://en, and once back in the UK, being invited by Jerry to perform at the renowned Jamborree in the Hill's,an American Country music institution.  in front of an audience of circa 40,000 spectators. It dosent end there, Eddie tells the story of being invited onto the Marty Robin's TV show, Marty , an established songwriter and performer of country style music, was an acclaimed performer who had his own television show. Marty had big hits in the late 50's and early 60's with songs such as 'El Paso' and 'White Sport coat and a Pink Carnation';  Marty intended to record two of Eddie's self penned songs and invited Eddie to attend the recordings in Nashville, sadly Marty died shortly afterwards.  Finally , Eddie recalled many great occasions and fun memories of his good friend Nigel Robinson once back in the UK.  --- Send in a voice message:
Eddie Blackstone was the Cheerful landlord at the Horseshoe Inn Combe Down in Bath Somerset when we last met in 1978. In 1982 I joined the travel industry and thus started summer and winter seasons in the alps leading on to moving away from Bath and losing contact with some of my closest friends for a while. The friendly Landlord was just a stopgap for Eddie bringing up his young family in the west country,  unbeknown to me Eddie was always a showbiz man, a standup Comedian, a very good singer, a musician and someone who as a pub landlord was persuaded to get back out on stage, record his many self penned songs and even make records, not to mention bit parts in film's! Eddie had good contacts, he knew the right people and it didnt take long before he settled into country music, made friends with Kelvin Henderson a prominent west country singer and musician and was invited to perform at the Jamborree in the Hill's festival on two occasions in the USA.  40,000 spectators was nothing unusual for a festival of its size, playing alongside many of the internationaly afamed country greats such as Willie Nelson, Jerry lee Lewis and many others.  --- Send in a voice message:
James Bond in my backyard

James Bond in my backyard


Todays Podcast features a conversation with three young freelance Camera assistants who have been seconded to the filming of the Ski scenes for the James Bond movie Spectre in Austria. The location is Obertilliach in Eastern Tirol. We met at the In the buildup to the recording made on 17th January 2015 Bernie outlines his family background with both parents coming from villages close to Obertilliach where the Spectre main action scenes were filmed, firstly St Lorenzen in Lesachtal ( father), and Sillian Osttirol ( Mother). " My Dad would have been intrigued"!  Bernie explains his growing up in the 60's in the UK, and how the pop music, and the film theme tunes had a big effect on him.  The travel industry continues to occupy my time but my main hobby has always been to create music,playing guitar and Piano, livestreaming and amateur movie making on Periscope and Facebook.  During the year 2014-15 when it became clear the Spectre film production team were coming to Austria to film in Sölden and Obertilliach, my livestreams on Periscope became very Bond like, adopting the name 'Bernie Bond' for several of my livestreams to try and capture the excitement.  Making repeat visits to Obertilliach I was able to see the progress of the building work going into the re-assembled barn specially constructed for the Spectre film, the barn that the aeroplane flys into after shredding its wings in the forest.  Meeting with the three young camera assistants in Hotel Gasthof Dolomitenhof. Talking about several aspects of Blockbuster movie film making with the three camera assistants  Phil the eleder of the three is a technician for Panovision  One of Phils bigger assignments was working  on Avengers 2 movie in South Korea. The boys had never been to Austria, I made sure they ordered Schnitzel for their late afternoon supper, with cranberry jam of course!  The lads all arrived in Obertilliach the day before and found the only spare beds in the village, the mian crew had taken the rest!  Phil had been in Sölden ski resort Austria with the main Production unit. The main production unit were all housed at the Wellness resort Tuffbad in St Lorenzen Carinthia Austria whilst filming in Obertilliach. ## Correction, in the audio I explain that the Barn was built from wood shipped over from Pinewood studios, in fact the Barn had been brought over from Styria ( Steyrmark) and re-assembled in Obertilliach. Who was our favorite 007?  The camera assistants are expecting to have to fly to Mexico for other scenes for the Bond Spectre film. The whole production crew, several hundred in total in Austria had all been issued with Helly Hanson protective winter wear. --- Send in a voice message:
Its our final Episode in the series of Podcasts 'A conversation with Pete Gardner' . Pete's own composition ' Long time Gone' is recorded by his friend Cliff Stocker and his Band Slack Alice. The drummer from Cliff's band Liam Barber joins Pete in a scheduled 40 minute concert for BBC Lancashire which went down so well they kept on playing for 2.5 hrs.  Playing for many hours becomes Pete's fortee once in Austria for his annual visits.  Pete talks about his several visits to the USA, his American musical influences how when in Willits California, he met with Gene Parsons of the Byrds. Meeting and performing with members of the Willy Nelson band in Tennessee. Meeting actor Steven Seagal without even realising who it was,other than convincing himself thathe thought he'd recognised his face.  --- Send in a voice message:
Pete explains how his good friend Cliff Stocker liked Petes song 'long time gone', Pete tells how Cliff and his band 'Slack Alice'  recorded their own version of the song utilising only two of the 4 or more verses. The drummer in the band Liam Barber had played with Pete in various bands that Pete had put together over the years. Liam went on to play in Petes band for a special BBC event for the County of Lancashire where Pete would typically decide what song to play next, the BBC event was supposed to be 40 minutes, it went down so well the band played for 2.5 hrs! Liam had described playing drums for Pete was a baptism of fire! Another local musician in the north of England a certain Andy Nutter joined the Band for the BBC event on Congas, he was a one man show in himself.  Pete talked about the fact he had so many songs of differing styles,that he could play for up to 6 or 8 hours never repeating a song. On one or more occasions Pete was required to play for an open air summer festivity in Mittersill at his base Pletzers Cafe with many hundreds of people milling out the front of the premises being entertained by Pete whilst sitting and enjoying the sun consuming Pletzers cold drinks, icecreams and cakes, Pete explains how a planned 4 hours playing turned into a marathon 8 hrs!  During one of Petes outside Pletzer performences in Mittersill, a young lady came up to Pete asking whether he could play a Townes Van Zandt song for her father a former Mittersill resident now based in Houston Texas, Pete being influenced by what was going on in America it didnt take long to discover and play Van Zandts great music one of Petes favorite artists. The final section of the Podcast dwells on the adventures and people Pete met whilst in the USA for a period of three months. Pete was based for a period of time in Willits California,_California where he was a guest at Bill Meyerhoff's ranch where Pete had been given use of a ranch cabin by helping the Meyerhoff family with certain duties on the ranch. During one of his several visits to the USA, Pete had driven to the Smoky Mountains in Tennesee and had met some ethnic country blue grass musicians and had even sat in on one of their sessions to sing and play guitar. Most people are intrigued by Petes Yorkshire accent wherever he happens to be, these people in Tennesee and Willits California were no exception!  These were members of the Willy Nelson Band who Pete had met at Kinocti Lake in California, one of the band who Pete briefly chatted to was Michael Raphael the Harmonica Player, Willy Nelson himself was never present.  Whilst in Willits on his initial visit to the town, Pete had net someone who invited him over to a house opposite Andy's bar where a recording studio was based, Pete saw a lovely Fender Stratocaster on a stand and asked who the guitar belonged to, it belonged to Gene Parson's a former member of the Pop group the Byrd's who Pete then met. Pete explained to Gene where he came from and where he was staying in Willit's, Gene immediately knew who the people were, and even knew the man that Pete had met on his first visit to Willits a certain Lloyd Gullick Gene knew everyone it seemed, in fact he was to tell Pete that his father used to drive cattle down from Oregon to California via the Drover's roads with non other than Lloyd Gullick a local rancher and Cowboy!  Whilst at the Meyerhoff ranch Pete was asked by Bill if he'd like to join him in a long drive into the mountains to collect two wrought iron gates that somebody had sold to Bill, the owner of the gates made of Bronze was non other than actor Steven Seagal Bill had had no idea who he was, and Pete only realised who it was when they got back to Meyerhoff's ranch!  --- Send in a voice message:
Pete tells us his period in life where he would spend time in Scotland, solo performences or duets, socialising and music making with Hamish Imlach, Danny Kyle, Tam Harvey and Josh McRae and even Billy Connolly!  How these people would make funny lyrics out of a popular song, how Bill Mcintyre was made fun of in a rendition of McCartney's Mull of Kintyre. Very often a certain Maggie Bell would also attend these social gatherings in a popular pub where people were getting slowly under the influence of drink.  Pete Gardner decided also to put his own funny lyrics to both Johnny Cash's 'St Quentin' & 'Ring of fire' all about the after effects of eating vindeloo curries after a gig!  Pete Gardner was a regular visitor to Scotland driving his truck from Barnoldswick to collect tonnes of Denim to be delivered to places such as Leicester and London.  Pete tells us of his longest ever stay in Austria due to being given the job of solo performing to a public in the Mozart platz in Salzburg, an Austrian emtrepeuner was responsible for organising the Public viewing and all pre and Post match ceromonies for the Euro football championships jointly staged by Austria and Switzerland in 2008. Pete played every night for 30 nights in a row to audiences of up to 2,000 people.  Pete talks about his good friend and musician Cliff Stocker who had unexpectadly died after a routine surgery had gone wrong, Cliff was always on the prowl for good lyrics to songs, a strength that Pete gardner had in abundance. Cliff had told Pete he should record his songs as he felt they had great potential, up to that point Pete was'nt interested in the hassle of recording studios,but following the death of his friend Cliff, Pete decided to finish off many songs and song ideas he had and recorded them at home as videos now available on 'Pete gardners music page' on facebook. https:// Pete talks about inspiration to write good lines,he'd even get up in the middle of the night to write something down rather than forget it in the morning. Pete talks about his regular trips to Austria to perform and his favorite base of Mittersill, how in recent years his ability to play guitar was hampered by his carpal tunnel syndrome affecting to hands and fingers. Pete wrote a song called 'Long time gone' about his friend Erich Pletzer who ran the Cafe and Konditorei in Mittersill. The market village of Mittersill with a population of 6,000 had been upgraded to a town in 2008, Pete Gardner wrote a song titled 'Mittersill Forever' available on Youtube which became a minor hit on the internet. Pete talks about his style of writing songs being greatly influenced by the American artists he had long admired.      --- Send in a voice message:
Pete tells us of the thriving Glasgow pub scene with musicians, artists and comedians including  where on his Scottish truck driving trips to collect tonnes of Denim at his brothers factory, he'd mixed and socialised with artists such as Hamish Himlach, Danny Kyle, Tom Harvey and Josh Mcrae, not to mention Billy Connolly and his Humblebums and the occasional visit of a certain Maggie Bell. It was in this company that Pete developed an interest in writing humourous lyric's not surprisingly! In Petes performence reportoir, he had written a fine rendition of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, this after a Vindeloo Curry night it appears.  Pete talks about his many visits to Austria to perform solo on guitar, vocals and Harmonica, his biggest contractual obligation was to perform daily for 30 days during the Euefa European Soccer tournament hosted by Austria and Switzerland in 2008. This saw Pete perform in the centre of the city of Salzburg in Mozart Platz freuquently to audiences of 2,000 spectators.  Pete's songwriting relied largely on his penchant for writing interesting and creative lyrics, this frequently came to the attention of his good friend and musician Cliff Stocker who would know when Pete returned from his annual stint in Austria,that he'd have a coffer full of lyrics and song ideas which might suit what Cliff had in mind. In this Episode we hear Pete perform three of his song's ' Long time Gone', 'Mittersill Forever' and 'Harry and Juliet'. Long time Gone was written for Mittersill's Erich Pletzer who traditional employed Pete to perform at his roadside Konditorei and Cafe after his short term stay in the Kramkenhaus. Harry and Juliet about his good friends and Bikers, finally Mittersill Forever about the market village becoming a fully fledged town some years ago.  --- Send in a voice message:
Do I sound familiar?

Do I sound familiar?


Using an Anchor sound that sounded awfully like the ending of a monumental LP track, I decided to try and finish it off with my Upright Piano at home! --- Send in a voice message:
Pete at aged 80 has met a fair few people in his lifetime, musicians, artists, business people etc, one of the musicians he became friendly with was the UK singer guitar legend John Martyn. John had been recording at Trident studios London with the assistance of Eric Clapton and Phil Collins, Pete gardner told the sory of how he supplied a special beer from a Northern Brewery called Brahms & Liszt , Pete actually drove it down to Trident and delivered it to John Martyn at the studios on one of his trucking runs to the Capital from Barnoldswick. Pete tells the story of how he had a telephone call from someone who identified himself as Eric Clapton, after a hard working day and Petes supper on the table, he was in no mood to be played around with, Pete told the caller to F...K off only then to realise it was Eric Clapton, Eric had asked Pete if he could send down another crate of that special beer, Brahms & Liszt! Pete wife ( the accountant) had already cashed the cheque that Eric Clapton had sent, what a story!  Pete tells the story of how his neighbour, local engineering firm Hope Engineering, made the Harmonica harness that Pete had designed producing 500 in total which Pete had over a period of time, sold to musicians in various parts of the world, even to Neil Young and Bob Dylan with their names engraved, not to mention the transatlantic telephone call Pete received from a certain John Sebastian from California's lovin Spoonful, John just wanted to tell Pete he felt he could get used to the Harness!  Pete who had driven over 900 miles to from his home town of Barnoldswick to Mittersill Austria to tell his story for my first ever series of Podcasts, Pete had travelled through 5 country borders and not once did anybody stop him to warn of Covid virus tests or protocol, all of Europes countries were applying Quarantine and generally restricting peoples travel whether by air or road, Pete had a completly trouble free journey!  Finally, Pete as a songwriter had written a song about 'the Chicken and the dog' a few years ago after an experience he had had whilst in Austria, this Podcast ends with Pete telling the story in Poetry form much like his poem about 'the Cut' on Episode 3 Podcast. Both 'the Cut' and the 'Chicken and the dog' reflect actual happenings and told in a unique Northen way and accent.  --- Send in a voice message:
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