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Compass Teachers  - 司南老師
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Compass Teachers - 司南老師

Author: Compass Teachers

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“Compass teachers” is on a mission to interview educators around the world and tease out their teaching tactics, education research or tools (edtech) they use. The aim of this show is to offer some ideas for the audience to experiment in their classroom.


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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

35 Episodes
這集司南很榮幸能邀請到侯惠澤教授與我們一起聊聊遊戲式學習和如何融入遠距教學中。惠澤教授長期研究遊戲學習,並提出「微翻轉遊戲式學習模式」,翻開教授著有的『遊戲式學習:啟動自學X喜樂協作,一起玩中學!』,可更深入了解如何運用20分鐘內的小遊戲和學習者互動,有效引起自主學習動機。在實務方面,教授積極於中小學、機構推廣遊戲式學習,已有超過20個的產學計畫,其中的5項教育桌遊已經成功商品化,並有兩款桌游多次榮登博客來網該類別產品單日銷售總冠軍。追蹤惠澤教授個人網頁 | 臉書本集大綱 Show Notes[01:46] 教授投入教育研究的過程[04:05] 對於在研究和教育現場服務間掙扎的研究生,有什麼方式可以了解適合的路?[06:20] 為何選擇研究遊戲式學習? 對遊戲式學習熱情的來源是什麼?[08:49] 融入遊戲於教學中,是否會降低教學效率導致老師無法達到課綱標準?[14:38] 一個微翻轉遊戲必須同時涵蓋三個元素: 自主學習、協作討論與認知鷹架,微翻轉遊戲的鷹架是什麼使此可涵括這些元素[19:14] 如何利用線上軟體,輔助遠距遊戲活動的進行?[24:08] Google meet 有分組的功能嗎?[25:54] Gather Town是一個怎樣的工具和如何應用在班級經營上?[31:33] 現在市面上桌遊不少,如果有位老師想要找一個桌遊融入教學中,您會建議用什麼量尺做篩選,以此找到真正輔助教學的工具?[35:33] 教授喜愛的教育桌遊。[38:55] 這幾年來,一到兩本書深深影響教授的思維或是價值觀。[41:56] 如果您有一個超能力去改變台灣教育,教授最想改變的是什麼?[44:36] 結語音樂來源 Song Track Credits開場與結尾: Smiling at the Sun by Sirus Music中場Simple Meditative Piano by Evan MacDonaldA Piano Tale by Immersive Music誠摯邀請希望您填此簡短回饋單,我們希望聽到您的聲音,幫助我們了解能讓更多人受益的主題,感謝。This is a feedback form for Compass Teachers Podcast. We would love to hear your voice and improve our content to serve all of you better. This should take less than 5 minutes but you will help us grow a lot. Thank you !此外也歡迎到 Apple review 給予我們評價! 不僅讓更多教育人士能發現司南,也可以幫助我們改善平台唷。感謝! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"當我們談到教育,其實就是談生活,所以在這幾年當老師,我覺得我像是在學習如何當一個人,怎麼去跟人互動。" - 吳緯中老師 今天我們要一起聊聊彼得思教育和學習合作的真諦。非常開心能邀請到吳緯中老師與我們分享他的教學理念和技巧。緯中老師目前是台北市開平餐飲學校教師,老師於大學畢業後在不同的行業打滾,而終於在三十三歲那年,毅然轉換人生跑道,離開辦公桌,成為了毫無背景的菜鳥老師。幾年後,已著有數本與教育相關的書籍,其中包括合作課:從我到我們的團隊練習和今年新出的丟掉課本之後,學習才真正開始:啟動學習的9大關鍵字追蹤緯中老師:臉書 | 部落格想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。( )誠摯邀請希望您填此簡短回饋單,我們希望聽到您的聲音,幫助我們了解能讓更多人受益的主題,感謝。This is a feedback form for Compass Teachers Podcast. We would love to hear your voice and improve our content to serve all of you better. This should take less than 5 minutes but you will help us grow a lot. Thank you !此外也歡迎到 Apple review 給予評價! 不僅讓更多教育人士能發現司南,也可以幫助我們改善平台唷。感謝!回顧我們的教學 Reflections當您與學生起衝突時,您會如何去應對? 跟學生賭氣? 還是試者了解學生行為背後的原因?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow與老師們合作時,試著先討論對合作的見解,了解彼此重視的元素,甚至嘗試彼此的生活,例如交換早餐,更進一步增加凝聚力。音樂來源 Song Track Credits開場與結尾: Smiling at the Sun by Sirus Music中場:Simple Truths by Ben BeinyClear Plans by Immersive Music司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode, we will be exploring social emotional learning with brain science and what strategies we can apply in the classroom based on science. We are really happy to have wonderful Andrea Samadi joining us.Andrea Samadi, is a former middle school teacher who began working with success and social and emotional learning principles with students in the late 1990s. Andrea’s book Level Up: A Brain-Based Strategy to Skyrocket Student Success and Achievement using the latest research to help others increase their learning potential. She is also the founder of Achieveit360 which offers programs, grounded in brain-based research and practical neuroscience, helps parents, teachers, coaches and employees to optimize learning, well-being and achievement at home, school or the workplace.Connect with Andrea:Website | Twitter If you enjoy our show and want to support us, leaving an Apple review would help this platform being discovered by more educators! Thank you!Learn more about the show, please visit you ever yelled at your students? What reactions did you get from your students?What can you do tomorrowCreate a calm down corner for your classroom. Check out this practical guide here.Try out learning stations with your students. Here are some guidance to follow:How to Create Learning Stations Students will Love How do I set up a station rotation model in my classroom?Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Smiling at the SunThe breaks in the middle,A Gentle Transition by Immersive MusicClear Lake by Yan Perchuk司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。Our mission is to interview educators around the world and share their teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"我們老師看到的是那麼多小孩,每個都在發光,我們就各自看到他們發光的地方,告訴家長。"- 仙女老師余懷瑾這集我們將一起聊聊實質班級經營的技巧,非常榮幸能邀請到仙女老師與我們分享她多年的教學經驗!仙女老師,本名余懷瑾,目前是高中國文老師,學生都暱稱她為仙女。老師也著有教育相關書籍包括:《仙女老師的有溫度課堂:讓學生不想下課的教學和班級經營心法》和《慢慢來,我等你:等待是最溫柔的對待,一場用生命守候的教育旅程》。老師在教育的付出已受到許多肯定例如:榮獲全國SUPER教師、臺北市特殊優良教師──導師類、全國創意教學獎特優等等。追蹤仙女老師:臉書 | 部落格想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。( )此外歡迎到 Apple review 或我們網站留下任何回饋! 不僅讓更多教育人士能受惠,也可以幫助我們提供更有幫助的內容。感謝!回顧我們的教學 Reflections學生在課堂上是否有機會給予您回饋呢? 如果有的話,您又如何接收這些回饋?在親師關係中,您是如何拿捏與家長之間的互動溫度呢?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow在溫故的時段,嘗試利用分組活動,且分配小白板於各組,給予學生討論及發表的空間。了解六頂思考帽,初步可嘗試在您日常生活的衝突上,再延伸於課堂上的應用。音樂來源 Song Track Credits開場與結尾: Smiling at the Sun by Sirus Music中場:Everlasting Hope by Elliot MiddletonHeart and Soul by Gyom司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode, it is all about amplifying your students’ voices. We are really happy to have Katelynn Giordano joining us and sharing her teaching strategies of years. Katelynn Giordano is a Middle Level Language Arts Educator, a blogger at Curriculum Coffee, a writer for the Teachers on Fire magazine, and a Director of Curriculum & Instruction for the Teach Better Team. She is a dynamic educator who is passionate about student voices, promoting equity, and valuing teachers as professionals.Connect with Katelynn:Website | Twitter | Instagram If you enjoy our show and want to support us, leaving an Apple review would help this platform being discovered by more educators! Thank you!Learn more about the show, please visit your curriculum help your students to see who they are ? Or is the curriculum written by the people from the homogenous or diverse background?What can you do tomorrowStart from one writing assignment. Let your students write about their passion projects and see how that trigger their intrinsic motivations.Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Smiling at the SunThe breaks in the middleLight Up the Stars by GyomThings That Are True by Young Presidents司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。Our mission is to interview educators around the world and share their teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
這集司南老師將帶您深入淺出:如何融入跨領域與資訊科技於教學中,這次非常榮幸邀請到黃加明老師!加明老師已於教育界服務二十來年,目前是臺北市政府教育局支援教師,曾任西松高級中學教務主任,老師在教學設計和行政奉獻甚多,曾獲2016全國學校經營與教學創新KDP國際認證獎,教學創新類佳作,也協助推廣臺北酷課雲數位學習平臺等等。老師時時具備她五「心」級教育信念:『愛心』、『耐心』、『善心』、『真心』與『熱心』。想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。( )如果您想要幫助司南平台,讓更多教育工作者聽到此且受惠,歡迎到 Apple review 留下評語! 感謝!回顧我們的教學 Reflections您覺得學生只需具備學科內的能力,就足以面對新世代的挑戰嗎?您是否融合學科外的能力,例如:說故事或是簡報技巧,於自己的課室中呢?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow若想要培養學生的表達力,不妨給予自由,讓學生選擇有熱情的主題發揮,這不僅激勵更深層的學習,也往往讓師長有意外的收穫,促使教與學的相互成長。音樂來源 Song Track Credits開場與結尾: Smiling at the Sun by Sirus Music中場:Cafe Lounge by FASSoundsDeep Tech by High Street Music司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"I just want them to grow in their confidence and I want them to know that being uncomfortable doesn't mean something impossible. I want them to know the power of their voices and how special their thoughts are. I want them to be good listeners and compassionate with their spoken words" -- Kerry GrahamIn this episode, it is all about Socratic Seminars. Socratic Seminars is a teaching strategy to guide student-led discussion. This time, we are excited to have Kerry Graham joining us and sharing her experience in this strategy. Kerry is not only a teacher but also a writer. She lives and kayaks in Baltimore, MD, USA, after graduating from Johns Hopkins University School of Education,. Kerry prioritizes laughter, compassion, and self-expression in her English classroom. She's grateful for and humbled by her ten years as a public school teacher. Connect with Kerry:Twitter | FacebookIf you enjoy our show and want to support us, leaving an Apple review would help this platform being discovered by more educators! Thank you!Learn more about the show, please visit is your teaching goals personally for any student led discussion in your class?What can you do tomorrowWhen there is a topic you want your students to discuss in class, try to ask them coming up their own questions before the class. In class discussion, give your students a safe space to speak without intervening too much.Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: SmilinThe breaks in the middle:Softy Soulful by Jonathan BoyleCool to Be Kitsch by Jonathan Boyle司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。Our mission is to interview educators around the world and share their teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In order to prepare teachers to do this, number one you have to have them to work on adult SEL (social emotional learning). So work on their social competencies in terms of developing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. - Wendy TurnerIn this episode we are going to deep dive into how to infuse social emotional learning into your classroom. Today, we are really honored to have Wendy Turner joining us.Wendy is a 2nd grade teacher and 2017 Delaware Teacher of the Year. She teaches at Mt. Pleasant Elementary School, a large suburban school in Delaware, with over 750 students and a diverse population. Wendy is interested in trauma-informed practices, global education, social-emotional learning, and empathy in education, and she loves every moment spent with her seven- and eight-year-olds.Connect with Wendy:Twitter | Facebook | WebsiteIf you enjoy our show and want to support us, leaving an Apple review would help this platform being discovered by more educators! Thank you!Learn more about the show, please visit did you know your students' emotional state in the distance learning environment?How did you explain to your students about events like BLM or Capitol riot in the US?What can you do tomorrowPractice SEL ourselves. Be transparent with your progress and encourage them to work together with you.Check out these optimistic closure activities and experiment in your own classroom.Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Smiling at the Sun by Sirus MusicThe breaks in the middleLight Up the Stars by GyomFalcons Kingdom by Tanager Kid司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。Our mission is to interview educators around the world and share their teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"我們需要了解教學的教材是什麼,它的本質又是什麼,所以教學障的孩子並不是把教材簡化,教學速度放慢,這樣是不能解決問題。" - 李雪娥老師哈囉司南聽眾們,這集我們將探索如何使用有生命的漢字課程幫助孩子解決讀寫問題,這次非常開心能邀請到李雪娥老師,雪娥老師不僅是一位老師,也是學習障礙孩子的家長,老師最為人所知的就是他所推廣的部件意義化識字,除此之外,老師主編的<有生命的漢字>,集結了許多生動的學習教材,幫助縮小孩子與漢字間的距離。追蹤雪娥老師: 臉書想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。( )如果您想要幫助司南平台,讓更多教育工作者聽到此且受惠,歡迎到 Apple review 留下評語! 感謝!回顧我們的教學 Reflections當您孩子時常無法記起某個字時,您會如何教導他們呢?對於學習有困難的孩子,您的教導策略是什麼呢?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow從醫學或科學角度了解學習狀況較特殊的學生或孩子,進而之,您或許能發現適合他們的方式而非簡化教材。對於孩子無法了解的漢字,嘗試拆解部件且教導其意義。(不知如何踏出第一步? 歡迎參考雪娥老師的臉書,其分享許多解析鷹架。)音樂來源 Song Track Credits開場與結尾: Smiling at the Sun by Sirus Music中場Taking Inspiration by L-Ray MusicAbove the Waterline by L-Ray Music歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode, we are going to explore how we can integrate technology in classroom to cultivate life skills for special young adults (Age 16 -18). And we are really lucky to have Tarja Tolonen to join us today.Tarja is a Finnish special education lecturer at Savo Vocational College. She has extensive experience in early education , adult education and special education. She is Apple Distinguished Educator since 2015 (ADE). As an ADE, she is a trusted advisor in integrating technology into learning environments and passionate about sharing her expertise in using technology to help engage students in new ways with other educators around the globe. Connected with Tarja:Twitter | FacebookIf you enjoy our show and want to support us, leaving an Apple review would help this platform being discovered by more educators! Thank you!Learn more about the show, please visit you use any technology in your own classroom? What do you think the role technology plays in teaching and learning?What can you do tomorrowTry out Book Creator app to help your students to build their own cooking book, personal interests..etc with vivid pictures.Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Swinging Little Christmas Tree by Jonathan BoyleThe breaks in the middlePlanting Hope by Taizo AudioOde to Life by Tiny Music司南老師的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。Our mission is to interview educators around the world and share their teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
這集我們將一起探索如何落實差異化學習,,讓「因材施教」不再只是一句口號,這次很開心邀請到劉繼文老師與我們分享他在此的教學鷹架.繼文老師目前是新北市新泰國中數學教師.2020新北市SUPER教師 .學思達核心講師和均一教育平台顧問教師.「讓大象動起來」 是 近期老師出版的書,書中集結了許多實質的技巧讓老師們能打造以學生為中心的課室追蹤繼文老師: 臉書想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。( )回顧我們的教學 Reflections您覺得老師在這資訊爆炸的時代下,與以往扮演的角色有何不同?您是如何顧及課室中進度超前或進度落後的學習者呢?在培養終生學習者的浪潮下,您如何提升學生自學能力呢?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow探索線上教學影片如均一課程,選擇一個可輔助您課堂的影片,給予學生空間用自己速度學習。音樂來源 Song Track Credits開場與結尾: Smiling at the Sun by Sirus Music中場Just Add Sunshine by Jonathan BoyleBoardwalking by Midway Music歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How much time do you spend on social media daily? How about your students or kids? It is hard to deny that social media is more and more ubiquitous. And today we have Jennifer Casa-Todd who is specializing in social media in K-12 context to guide us about teaching kids to become not only a digital citizen but also a digital leader.  Jennifer Casa-Todd is an award-winning educator, wife, mom, Teacher-Librarian at Cardinal Carter CHS in Aurora and a former Literacy Consultant for the York Catholic District School Board. She is also the author of the book, Social LEADia which gives out practical tips for moving students from digital citizenship to digital leadership. Jennifer is passionate about showing teachers and students how they can use technology and social media to make the world a better place. Connect with Jennifer:Website | TwitterPlease visit our website for more show notes: ( )ReflectionsHow do you teach your kids the usage of social media?Are you the role model for your kids as being a digital citizenship?What can you do tomorrowCheck out Global Education Student Chat to learn how you can engage your students in a digital world with positive impact.Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Swinging Little Christmas Tree by Jonathan BoyleThe breaks in the middleThe Neighborhood by Harrison AmerGrowing Inspiration by Nick Petrov“Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom.歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
這集我們將一起探索跳脫傳統的教案設計技巧,例如我很愛的密室逃脫與教學的結合等等。這次很榮幸能邀請到張崴耑老師與我們分享他的多年經驗。張崴耑老師現任臺中市大明國小教師和翰林社會教材作者。崴耑老師於他個人搜秀資源網上分享無數創意教案,且也以他創新的教學方式,受獎無數,例如榮獲教育部師鐸獎、親子天下百大創意翻轉教師和未來教育台灣100等等。閒暇之餘,崴耑老師以「風聆」為筆名,著有數本輕小說、網路小說與奇幻小說。想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。( )回顧我們的教學 Reflections能力指標如何幫助您的教學設計?你喜歡你自己的課嗎?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow尋找一個半封閉式的安全環境 (如公園),與親朋好友試玩Holiyo。音樂來源 Song Track Credits:開場與結尾: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.中場Tarantella by Adieu AdieuMidnight Mischief by Jonathan Boyle歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How is your feeling now?  Do you feel exhausted or feel like your life is okay?  In this bizarre year, I’ve heard so many educators feel overwhelmed or anxious for the enormous change.  Today we are really lucky to have Amber Harper to guide us how to tune in ourselves in these crazy days.  Amber Harper is an educator, author, Google Certified Trainer, and Teacher Burnout Coach. She’s the founder of and author of Hacking Teacher Burnout which empowers burned-out teachers to believe that they deserve and can achieve a happier and more fulfilled  life with her 8-step BURNED-IN process.Amber hosts a weekly podcast dedicated to action, inspiration, and support for teachers dealing with burnout.  The show is  called The Burned-In Teacher Podcast.Connect with Amber: Website | TwitterPlease visit our website for more show notes: ( )ReflectionsHow do you feel every morning after getting out of the bed? Do you feel excited to start the class and meet you students?Do you have a special time for yourself to pause or exercise every day?What can you do tomorrowTake the burned in teacher quiz and learn where you are now.Ask your students or colleagues about how they feel about you to understand your teacher brand and what your strengths are.Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.The breaks in the middleUnfolding Piano by Immersive MusicSomething Positive by Robert Meunier“Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom.歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
您們曾經懊惱無法激起您學生的讀寫興趣嗎?還是您小時候像我一樣很討厭閱讀和寫作文嗎?這集我們將一起探索讀寫教育的滋養。非常開心這次邀請到林怡辰老師與我們分享她多年的經歷。怡辰老師是彰化縣原斗國民小學的高年級導師兼教務組長和國語日報講師。老師已是許多教師培訓的資深講師,生動有趣地分享她的讀寫實務教學。大家最熟知老師的作品就是他去年出版的暢銷書從讀到寫,林怡辰的閱讀教育:用閱讀、寫作, 讓無動力孩子愛上學習。追蹤怡辰老師:臉書 | 部落格想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。( )回顧我們的教學 Reflections您如何引導高年級的學生閱讀較艱深的文章或是書籍呢?在日常教學中,您如何依學生程度,給予不同的課題?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow利用早晨的十分鐘,一起和您學生或孩子閱讀各自喜愛的書籍。舉辦一場小辯論會,藉由貼近學生日常的主題,增進口語與思辯能力。音樂來源 Song Track Credits:開場與結尾: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.中場Seek My Future by L-Ray MusicUke Can Swing by Jonathan Boyle歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This episode is all about hacking assessments. If you have been thinking about changing assessment but don’t know how to do it, I hope in this episode, you can get some practical actions to take.   If you have never thought about changing it, this episode will give you a different insight. Today we are excited to have Starr Sackstein to share with her amazing hacks for transforming this paradigm. Starr Sackstein has been an educator since 2001 and left her role as the director of humanities in the West Hempstead Union Free School District to become a full-time consultant with the Core Collaborative. Starr was named an ASCD "Emerging Leader" class of 2016 and gave a TEDx Talk called "A Recovering Perfectionist's Journey to Give Up Grades." She has authored many books for teachers. For example , Teaching Students to Self-Assess,  Hacking Assessment: 10 Ways to Go Gradeless in a Traditional Grades School, Peer Feedback in the Classroom and the list goes on. Starr has traveled the world sharing ideas about assessment reform in Dubai and South Korea and is hoping to continue changing the system for kids everywhere.Please visit our website for more show notes: ( )ReflectionsHave you been frustrated with the struggles to give meaningful feedback?How confident are you with your understanding of every student's learning progress?What can you do tomorrowGuide your students with reflections after an assessment which can help you understand if the assessment is helpful. Few steps to take:Ask students what they think the assessment is asking them to do?Ask students what steps they took to complete it? How they overcame the struggles?Students find the evidence to support the standards they achieved.Students grade themselves by evidenceReflect what they would do differently next time.Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.The breaks in the middleDancing in the Isles by Sonny LauderdaleSunny Sunday Swing by Jonathan Boyle“Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom.歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
這集我們將聊聊幫助特殊孩子專注力和口語表達得實質方式。不知道司南聽眾們是否有接觸過較特殊的孩子呢?我本身大學時因服務性社團的關係,陪伴了一些特殊孩子一小段的人生旅程,也因此對這方面感觸很深。這次很開心能邀請到怡蓉老師和我們分享她的教學。怡蓉老師又稱小魚老師,現任高雄市中庄國小不分類資源班導師。獲選高雄市109年度優良特殊教育人員。老師相信藉由教育,我們可以找到孩子深埋的能力。我會怡你為蓉,是怡蓉老師對每個孩子的期待。追蹤小魚老師:臉書回顧我們的教學 Reflections您如何提醒學生不妥善的行為呢?您會直接指名道姓地在課室中提醒嗎?改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow嘗試選擇一個球類運動,讓孩子每天花五到十分鐘練習。(專注力的培養)試玩 Card Talk ,一起與您的學生有效創造圖卡,增加更多有趣的表達工具。音樂來源 Song Track Credits:開場與結尾: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.中場:Easy as It Goes by Viljami MehtoOld Fashioned Fella by Jonathan Boyle歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This episode is all about cultivating our young readers.  I’m really happy to have Elisa Guerra joining me who is a well-known expert in early childhood development. Elisa Guerra is the founder and teacher at Colegio Valle de Filadelfia . It is a school for (PreK -9th), helping students achieve their fullest potential. Her school model has been replicated in 11 campuses and 5 Latin American countries. She was one of the  TOP50 finalists for the GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE  in both 2015 and 2016. This award has been called the “Nobel Prize” for Teaching.Elisa has authored many great books for teaching. For example,   "Learning to read at 3: Doman Method applied in the Preschool Classroom" . This book has been, consistently, first placed in sales in Amazon Mexico.  The most recent book of hers is Hope where are you? is the story of six children around the world who are experiencing school closures because of the pandemic. The book is free and has more than 30 languages. Please visit our website for more show notes: ( )Song Tracks CreditsOpening & Ending: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.The breaks in the middleCafe Bossa by Jonathan BoyleLatin Manhattan by Jonathan Boyle“Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom.歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
這集我們將探索如何結合數位學習於英語教學中。這次很開心能邀請到廖婉雯老師與我們分享她多年融合教育科技經驗,婉雯老師目前是臺北市大直高中英文老師,同時也是Apple傑出教育工作者和Google認證訓練講師,婉雯老師曾受獎無數,其中包括:台北市行動研究 翻轉英文 以科技創新教學 用數位點亮學習 優選 和臺北市 「百大菁英資訊科技應用 人才教育獎」等等。婉雯老師對於一成變得教學感到不安,認為教學沒有標準答案,因此在多年的教學經驗中,他不斷精進自己,希望以身作則,激勵他的學生勇於嘗試。了解更多婉雯老師的分享:Facebook | 部落格想要了解更多本集內容,歡迎到我們網站。Go to Website for more show notes:( )回顧我們的教學 Reflections平時您會利用什麼小技巧提升學生專注力與參與度學生在您課堂上如何練習英語表達改變的一小步 What can you do tomorrow如果學校有硬體資源,試著玩玩免費的Flipgrid,思考可以如何利用此軟體應用在您課堂上,增進學生參與度您的閱讀策略是什麼? 或許可以嘗試避免逐字為您的學生翻譯,教導更宏觀地閱讀,掌握精隨。音樂來源 Song Track Credits:開場與結尾: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.中場This World Is Yours by GyomWalking Together by L-Ray Music歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中。 “Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This episode is all about Phenomenon based learning. Given Finland’s Phenomenal Education site , Phenomena-based learning and teaching is that “holistic real-world phenomena provide the starting point for learning. The phenomena are studied as complete entities, in their real context, and the information and skills related to them are studied by crossing the boundaries between subjects”.We are lucky to have Ilona Taimela joining us who is specialised in Phenomenon based learning, design thinking, participatory processes and sustainability. Ilona has an over 25 years of experience from training teachers in Finland nationwide and now more internationally. She is the CEO of Helsinki Education Consulting Group. She provides consulting services to cities and schools in implementing the new Finnish National Curriculum with her long experience from being a classroom and subject teacher, a university researcher, to an executive director and an administrator. She is no doubt an engaging, energising and a sought after speaker.Song track credits:Opening & Ending: Inspiration written by Rafael Krux. Positive, uplifting and inspiring track suitable for commercials and advertising.The breaks in the middleA Little Bit of Rhythm by Jonathan BoyleRio Sunset by Harpo MarksPlease visit our website for more show notes: ( )“Compass teachers” is to share educators around the world with teaching tactics, education research or helpful tools. Amazing ideas to experiment in the classroom.歡迎來到司南老師頻道。我們的任務是去訪談來自各地的老師,汲取他們實用的教學技巧,工具或是教育研究。希望這頻道能提供一些想法讓您可以落實在教學中 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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