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Mind, Mood & Food

Author: Margaret Bell & Adele Darbyshire

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Join me Margaret Bell, Anti - Diet empowerment coach, gut health expert and owner of Naturally Empowered Health Transformational Coaching and Adele Darbyshire - Yoga teacher & creator of find your inner sparkle - 50 ways to help you feel & look better from the inside out. Each fortnight we will be delving deep into different topics all about mind, mood and food and the effects of each. Spend some time with us, grab a brew and take a breath for the next 20 minutes or so.
Connect with me Margaret here
Connect with me Adele here
62 Episodes
Calling all women over 35! Are you ready to take charge of your hormonal and gut health? Join us on a journey of discovery as Margaret unveils the secrets behind the "Dirty Dozen" list of fruits and vegetables. In this eye-opening episode of Mind Mood and Food, we delve deep into the impact of herbicides and pesticides on our well-being. Learn how these chemicals disrupt our endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalances and gut health issues. But fear not! Margaret our hormonal and gut health specialist is here to arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle. Tune in now to uncover the small changes you can make today for significant improvements in your overall health and well-being. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation—it's time to reclaim control over your health destiny! #WomenOver35 #HormonalHealth #GutHealth #Empowerment
Breathe yourself calm

Breathe yourself calm


Take a moment. Close your eyes. And just breathe. In a world that's constantly demanding our attention, it's easy to forget the simple power of our breath. But here's the thing – breathing isn't just about survival; it's about thriving. It's about tapping into the innate wisdom of our bodies and minds. Yet with a plethora of breathing exercises and techniques flooding the wellness market, finding what works for you can feel like an overwhelming task. That's why today, on the Mind Mood and Food podcast, we're inviting you to embark on a journey of self-discovery through breath. Let's explore together, let's experiment, and let's find the practices that resonate with each of us individually. Because when we learn to harness the power of our breath, we unlock a gateway to inner peace and well-being.
Dive into the fascinating world of minerals with us on Mind Mood and Food. In our latest podcast episode, we're unravelling the mysteries of these essential nutrients that power your body's functions. From supporting cell repair to ensuring proper oxygen flow, minerals are the unsung heroes of your health. Join your expert hosts Margaret & Adele as they break down which minerals your body needs, how to incorporate them into your diet, and how to maintain balance for optimal wellness. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion – tune in now and empower yourself with the knowledge to nourish your body from within.
Are you seeking lasting happiness in a world dominated by instant gratification and dopamine rushes? Join us on the Mind Mood and Food podcast, where we're diving deep into the science behind happiness and pleasure. From exploring the addictive nature of emotional eating to the allure of smartphone dopamine hits, we're dissecting how these fleeting pleasures impact our quest for genuine contentment. Tune in as we unravel the secrets to lasting happiness and discover practical strategies to cultivate a more fulfilling life. Start your journey towards true contentment today.
Let's talk poo!

Let's talk poo!


Today's topic: poo. Yes, you read that right! Your bowel movements can tell you a lot about your body's health, regardless of your gender. While it's true that women may experience fluctuations in their bowel movements during their monthly cycles, men's health is equally impacted by what happens in the bathroom. Tune in to this Mind Mood and Food episode as we dive into the fascinating world of poo assessment. We're here to shed light on why understanding your bowel movements matters for everyone, not just women. From the consistency and color to the frequency, your poo holds valuable clues about your gut health and overall well-being. Join us as we explore how paying attention to what's happening in the toilet can guide you onto a path of better health and balanced hormones. It's time for some eye-opening revelations that will revolutionise the way you think about your body and its signals.
Are you feeling a bit disconnected from your loved ones lately? Maybe you're finding it hard to express your feelings or understand where they're coming from. Don't worry, you're not alone! In our newest episode we're delving deep into the captivating realm of love languages, just in time for Valentine's Day! You see, each of us has a unique way of expressing and receiving love. It's like we're all speaking different love dialects, and sometimes, without realizing it, we might be misinterpreting each other's messages. But fear not, by uncovering your own love language and learning about those of your loved ones, you can bridge the gap and foster deeper connections. From acts of service to words of affirmation, quality time to physical touch, there's a love language that speaks to each of us in a profound way. Our podcast episode explores how understanding and embracing these love languages can transform your relationships, whether romantic, familial, or platonic. So, if you're ready to strengthen your bonds and enhance your communication skills, join us for an insightful journey into the world of love languages. Let's make this Valentine's Day a celebration of love, understanding, and connection.
January's here, and it's not just a new year – it's your chance to recalibrate your focus. Pouring your energy into things that don't serve you is like sucking on a bitter lemon, leaving you stuck on life's treadmill. But fear not, we've got the antidote – an audit for your life. Our Mind, Mood, and Food podcast this week is your guide to breaking free from the mundane. Let's talk life balance, where the Wheel of Life becomes your compass. It reveals which areas need a little extra love and care. Are you feeling the imbalance? This podcast is your prompt to realign and thrive! Today, let's assemble your life garden together. Dive deep and discover the plants that deserve a spot in your life story. It's not just about presence; it's about creating a conscious, vibrant life canvas. Let's weed out what no longer serves you and plant seeds of purpose. Are you ready to step off that treadmill of monotony? It's time to live with intention and break free from the ordinary. Tune in now, because your journey to a more balanced, conscious life starts here.
1000's of years ago our ancestors had to navigate through periods of feasting and famine just to survive. Fast forward to the present day, where food is abundantly available, our ancient ancestors' survival tactics seem outdated. However, this surplus of food has brought forth a whole new set of challenges, affecting our physical, hormonal, and emotional well-being. If you're intrigued by the concept of fasting or already practising it, don't miss out on the latest episode of the Mind Mood and Food podcast. Our modern habits and behaviours clash with our innate systems, but there's a way to reignite that primal power. Discover how fasting can potentially enhance your gut health by checking out "Can fasting improve your gut health?"
As the year comes to a close in 2023, after the delightful festivities, January can often present itself as a challenging month. Be it the weather, financial concerns, or high levels of stress, January can amplify these situations ten-fold. The media bombards us with constant pressure to set goals, make resolutions, and nagging us to lose weight, creating a feeling that we are swimming against the current. Despite being in the midst of winter, there are ways to overcome the January blues with a gentle approach. The Mind, Mood, and Food podcast is here to support you with proven tips that will help you navigate through this sometimes gloomy month. Allow Adele and Margaret guide you, so you can find appreciation for the chilliness while looking forward to the warmth of spring. The latest episode is now available for you to discover.
A question Margaret frequently gets asked is, "Is there anything I can drink that won't mess with my gut health?" We've all heard that red wine might be the solution, but can we really be certain? Well, join us for our Mind Mood and Food Christmas episode, where we delve into whether your gut health can prevent hangovers and offer some exciting options for you to try during the festive season. It's all about having a blast when you're out, but making some preparations beforehand can definitely mean less suffering later on!
Stress is a common and often overlooked issue that many people have to deal with. It is important to address and manage stress properly as it can have detrimental effects on our bodily functions. In this episode of mind mood and food, we will explore the impact of stress on the gut and how it can lead to a condition called leaky gut. Join us as we uncover the signs of stress that you should look out for. By being aware of these signs, you can start taking steps to improve your gut health. Taking care of your gut health is crucial for optimal bodily function. We will provide you with practical advice and strategies that you can implement right away to enhance your overall well-being.
Our barometers for detecting our stress response can often be unreliable in today's fast-paced world. Many of us are completely unaware that we are constantly operating in our stress response mode - the fight, flight, or freeze. In order to better comprehend the state of our nervous system, it is crucial to understand the role of the vagus nerve, which extends throughout our entire body. This vital nerve provides insight into whether we are trapped in a state of chronic stress, hindering our ability to absorb nutrients and repair our bodies. How would it feel for you to slow down and take a moment to understand where you are with stress? In this episode, we will provide insights and suggestions on how to start dealing with your stressed response. Let's explore together where your body holds stress and support you in taking your first steps towards managing it. By tuning in and learning more about your own stress patterns, you can begin to develop healthier ways of coping and find a sense of balance and well-being.
Listen to this week's episode to find out how to move away from this distorted perception, into the light and more balance. Margaret & Adele will provide you with practical tips and strategies to challenge black-and-white thinking, allowing you to embrace the shades of grey in your thoughts and emotions. By recognizing and questioning extreme statements and absolute beliefs, you can expand your perspective and open yourself up to new possibilities. Additionally, we will explore the importance of self-compassion and acceptance in countering this cognitive distortion.
We've released this episode at the best time of year to 'lift the lid' on the possibly negative side of your personality. Admitting that your shadow is there is the first step to self-awareness. We all have parts of our personality that we reject and push down. But what if our darker side has a message for us? Listen in to see if your shadow side has something important to say. May the force be with you.
Self Sabotage, would you agree that it is always a bad thing? Or is their a hidden meaning in our sabotaging behaviours that needs to be heard? Does self sabotage even exist. In this episode of Mind Mood and Food we explore the emotions behind self sabotage to understand what is the big lesson for us to learn. So does self sabotage have positive connotations - tune in for your chance to grow.
You may be wondering what the heck we are talking about, but bare with us and this is a fantastic tool invented by Marshall Rosenberg. In an attempt to resolve why human beings constantly find themselves in violent dispute, Marshall identified two lenses through which we see and interact with the world—Jackal and Giraffe. At an early age, most of us were taught to speak and think Jackal. A jackal communicates by telling people what's wrong with them: "Obviously, you're emotionally disturbed (or rude, lazy, selfish etc.). This language is from the head. It is a way of mentally classifying people into varying shades of good and bad, right and wrong. Ultimately, it provokes defensiveness, resistance, and counterattack. The Giraffe is tall enough to look into the future, and lives its life with gentility and strength. Giraffe is a language of requests; Jackal is a language of demands. As Giraffes, we make requests in terms of what we want people to do, not what we want them to feel. All the while, we steer clear of mandates. Without the freedom to choose, life is prompted by directives and injunctions—people do not take responsibility for their actions. Join us as we learn to steer clear of mandates and provide people with the freedom to choose their actions. Let's embrace a more effective way of communication.
In this edition of Mind Mood and Food, we will explore the practice of Seed Cycling. We understand that you have eagerly awaited this moment. Now that you possess the desired seeds, let's discuss how to consume them and what to consume them alongside. We will provide guidance on the optimal timing for seed consumption, even for those who do not experience a menstrual cycle. Additionally, we will suggest various delectable combinations to enjoy with the seeds. Margaret's experience with Seed Cycling revolutionized her overall well-being, particularly in relation to women's hormonal balance. She extensively examines this aspect within her gut health practice, emphasizing its significance for women of all ages. Embark on your journey towards more harmonious hormones by joining us today.
Today we dive deep into the realm of the human mind and explore how we can tap into our true higher selves to experience ultimate joy, bliss, and love. In a world where we often wear masks to protect our pride or maintain a sense of being right, this episode challenges us to shed those barriers and embrace our authentic selves. By dismantling the ego-driven separation that plagues humanity, we can rediscover what it truly means to be profoundly human. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the depths of self-discovery and personal growth through looking at the emotional scale.
Are you familiar with seed cycling? In our journey through perimenopause, Adele and I have learned a number of useful techniques, including seed cycling, that will help all women during their cycle. There has been seed rotation in eastern medicine for centuries, and it has only recently been gaining popularity in the western world, where it can be a part of your diet no matter your age. In today's episode, we discuss the benefits of seed cycling and the seeds involved. You may benefit from this podcast episode of mind mood and food if you are experiencing a lot of ups and downs during your monthly cycle. Take your monthly cycle to the next level even beyond menopause by joining us today.
Is confidence something that you struggle with? It can be seen as the opposite to anxiety. The Italian interpretation is 'Fidere - To Trust' which makes perfect sense as self confidence or confidence in another is to have that trust. How confident are you in yourself, do you trust yourself to follow through or do you often let yourself off the hook?We can all feel confident in brushing our teeth, but when it comes to something new that can cause some issues. Join us on a new podcast episode of Mind Mood and Food as we talk about our own confidence and how you can build your own so your fear doesn't take control.
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