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Sell With Authority

Author: Predictive ROI

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The Sell with Authority Podcast is all about helping marketing agencies sell more of what they do for a higher price. How do you attract a steady stream of well-prepared prospects into your sales pipeline? How do you step away from the sea of competitors so you stand out? How do you price your services? How do you get clients to say yes to your proposal?

Each episode contains valuable insights, recommendations, and tangible examples of best practices — not theoretical prose. Every step — every tool you need to establish your authority position, to grow and nurture your audience, and to sell more of what you do is all here in full transparency.

The podcast is hosted by Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. And — Drew McLellan, CEO of Agency Management Institute and co-author with Stephen of the book “Sell with Authority”, will be a frequent guest expert and contributor.
130 Episodes
Before I tell you about today’s episode of Sell With Authority, I want to share a quick update on our upcoming 2-day Intensive happening Wednesday and Thursday, November 6th & 7th, on Zoom. We’d love for you to join us as our free guest if you haven’t already RSVP’d! During these sessions, we slice apart Predictive’s best strategies for helping agencies sell more of what they do. We break everything down — with full transparency so you can take and apply the key takeaways directly to your agency. Our goal for the November Intensive? To help you nurture leads with excellence — so you can sell more of what you do. Back in July, we offered 30 guest seats, and they were reserved almost immediately. This time, we’ve opened up 100 guest seats for November — they’ll go just as fast. Would you like to join us as our free guest on November 6th & 7th? Here’s the magic — the Intensive is a private, client-only event: no selling, no pitching — just pure value. You’ll be one of us, learning and collaborating with other agency owners. If that sounds helpful, just shoot me an email with the word “ONWARD,” and I’ll send you all the details, calendar invites, and private Zoom links you’ll need. My email is Speaking of nurturing leads with excellence — it’s only fitting that I invited today’s guest expert, Hannah Roth, our Director of Strategy and resident Mad Scientist here at Predictive. Hannah works with agency owners and their teams daily to raise the bar on their nurture content, helping them sell more of what they do. In addition to leading strategy, Hannah also heads up Right-Fit Clients University. If you’ve ever downloaded one of our eBooks, strategic frameworks, or seen results from one of our Predictive Lab experiments — Hannah was instrumental in designing and leading that process. If you take and apply the insights and action steps Hannah shares today, you’ll nurture leads with excellence, remove friction from your sales process — and yes — sell more of what you do. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: What it means to nurture relationships with right-fit prospects Why nurturing a prospect is a critical part of a strategic, relationship-focused sales process What an effective nurture process looks like How to close the gap between building a community and lead gen How you can join us as our free guest at the November Intensive Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Go here to download our WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Go here to download our WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Go here to download our HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Go here to download our How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority
This episode of Sell With Authority is packed with insights around a BIG topic — building a methodology that will not only earn — but keep your agency in that coveted strategic seat at your client’s table. But — building a methodology is just the first step. Once you have it, you’ve got to talk about it, and you’ve got to build a content strategy around it. It’s what we call the Content Blueprint — and we pull back the curtain on building a Content Blueprint with the help of today’s guest expert, Lisa Evano. Lisa is the President of Counterpart, and their mission is to help clients implement a sales enablement system that actually gets adopted by their salesforce. Lisa is joining Hannah Roth and me to help us sift through these big topics — methodology, content blueprint, and selling outcomes instead of selling stuff — and how she is leading her team down this very path. If you take and apply the golden nuggets Lisa shares in this episode, you’ll be able to not only put your methodology on paper — but get crystal clear about how to talk about it to stay in that strategic seat at your client’s table. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 45 days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: How customer-centric processes can prevent inefficiency and fuel growth Key steps to preparing and implementing effective employee training from day one Why reinforcing core values can significantly improve employee satisfaction and retention Strategies for ensuring sales teams utilize the materials created by marketing to run like a well-oiled machine The 9 needs of adoption critical for successful sales enablement How value-based selling can create stronger relationships and boost your bottom line Resources: Website: LinkedIn Business: Instagram: YouTube: Vimeo: Behance: SlideShare: Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group
For this episode of Sell With Authority, we have a special treat for you — we’re taking a big twist. We’re celebrating a significant milestone — episode 500 of StrategyCast, hosted by the brilliant Lori Jones. Lori is a seasoned marketing executive with a proven track record in strategic communications. Her expertise spans innovation, disruption, and visionary leadership — making her a standout in the agency space. For this milestone episode, Lori graciously allowed me the honor of interviewing her — flipping the script and delivering golden nuggets of wisdom galore. If you and your team are looking to maximize strategies and tactics that can help you close out 2024 strong — or to push past a plateau in your biz dev — don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Lori. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30 days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: Why innovation, disruption, and vision are meaningful words for Lori Maximizing technology and strategy for right-fit clients Differentiating your agency from the sea of competitors Emerging trends in marketing and communications that we should be paying attention to Ways to adapt to recent innovations in marketing and strategy How to streamline the sales process by removing friction Examples of successful innovative marketing strategies Resources: Podcast: Website: LinkedIn Business: LinkedIn Personal: Facebook Business: Twitter Business: Twitter Personal: Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group  
Welcome to the Sell with Authority Podcast – I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. If we happen to be meeting for the first time — Predictive ROI helps agency owners and their teams sell more of what they do…typically for a higher fee. We do that by helping our clients build an authority position in the niche they’ve decided to serve — and then — monetize that position by creating a steady stream of right-fit prospects flowing into their sales pipeline. If learning proven strategies, tactics, and best practices to help you sell more of what you do aligns with where you want to take your agency — you’re in the right place. Today’s episode is going to be a solocast. If you’ve been listening to the show for a while now – you know that about every 4-6 weeks, I record an episode where it’s just you and me — so we can explore a topic with some real depth. But you may have noticed that within the last couple of months — I’ve recorded more solocasts than my normal cadence. I’ve done that for a couple of reasons. First — there have been a lot of biz dev situations, questions, etc., that we’ve helped agency owners in our community work through — and some are helpful examples that turn into specific teachable moments to share. Second — my Predictive team and I have been running at a breakneck pace with new experiments that we’re putting through our Lab and then sharing the results during our Intensives. If you joined us for our July Intensive — you saw the results of an experiment that included 121,000 repetitions in the data set. Wowza. We’re kicking off a brand new experiment in the Lab tomorrow that will include at least 50,000 repetitions, and we’ll share the data set in full transparency during our next Intensive on November 6th & 7th. And Praise God — we’ve had the blessing of onboarding some new clients into the fold here at Predictive. All of that is to say — my schedule for interviewing guests has been challenging. But thankfully — that is changing. In fact — during our quarterly leadership team meeting — my fellow leaders…Erik, Megan, and Hannah — said, “Okay, Stephen — what needs to come off your plate so you can stay in the biz dev lane.” Staying in my lane will give me the time and space I need to interview the long list of guests that I have been wanting to invite to the podcast…so stay tuned. But for today — I’m going to start us off by looping back to the new experiment and the 50,000 repetitions that I mentioned a minute ago. For years — we’ve taught a nurture and lead gen cadence that we’ve called “The 6:1 Ratio.” It was published back in my second book and focused primarily on social media and how many personal or professional posts ought to be made — 6 — to every 1 “ask” post to create the optimal opportunity for conversion. One of our core values here at Predictive is “Life is not static,” and we’re always testing, adjusting, testing, adjusting, and testing some more. So on Thursday — we’re launching a brand new, 4-part nurture email campaign and sharing it with all 50,000 agency owners and their teams inside our community. If you’re on our email list — you’ll receive a new email every Thursday for the next four weeks. We’re doing this for three reasons: One — 50,000 repetitions for the November Intensive — the full data set. Two — nurture matters — it removes friction from the sales process. Three — to break down and illustrate our “4-part Nurture Methodology.” A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30 days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is: How to use the Transformational Triangle to create the foundation of your content strategy (Episode 124, “No Friction Lead Generation,” breaks down the Triangle in specific detail) How to write effective emails to give your audience the impression that you have an inexhaustible stream of helpful content (Episode 116, “Email Writing Workshop,” breaks down our email writing framework and process in specific detail) How to design and build your own strategic frameworks. Hannah Roth, our mad scientist and strategist here at Predictive, just authored a new ebook coming on strategic framework design. If you’re part of our community — you’ll receive a copy in your Inbox in mid-to late-September. And lastly — why creating a series of Transitional Moments that all work in unison will help nurture your prospects and move them up and down the sales funnel without them ever being made to feel like they’re one of your prospects. You can go here for a specific video training on Transitional Moments. Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Go here to download our WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Go here to download our WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Go here to download our HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Go here to download our How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority  
For this episode of Sell With Authority we are doubling down on value-based pricing to help you future-proof your agency. Our guest expert is a true authority when it comes to pricing and sales strategy. Blair Enns, the CEO of Win Without Pitching and the author of the widely acclaimed Win Without Pitching Manifesto joins the podcast. His latest book, Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour, is a must-read for anyone looking to get a handle on pricing in their business. I was inspired by one of his articles on quantifying the value of pricing. Specifically, the part about ‘the elephant in the room’ when it comes to pricing really hit home — because we’ve all been there. The uncertainty pricing brings to agency owners is a challenge we just can’t ignore. So, I knew we had to bring Blair on the show to dive into this topic and help us all navigate the complexities of pricing with confidence. And to make this conversation even richer, also joining is our very own Mad Scientist and Strategist, Hannah Roth. Hannah works tirelessly in the trenches with our clients, helping them fill their sales pipelines with right-fit clients so they can sell more of what they do best. If you’re an agency owner struggling with pricing, this episode will give you the framework and confidence you need to untether from time-based billing. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: How to shift from selling inputs and outputs to focusing on value creation for right-fit clients Why mastering the value conversation can radically transform your agency’s profitability Blair’s simple – yet powerful – four-step framework for implementing value-based pricing How to view your client portfolio as an investment portfolio to tailor pricing strategies The pitfalls to avoid when transitioning away from traditional pricing models Resources: Website: LinkedIn Personal: LinkedIn Business: Win Without Pitching Manifesto Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group
For this episode of Sell With Authority, we’ve got something really special lined up for you — something we’ve never done before. We’re calling it a “Fireside Chat.” It’s a more laid-back, informal conversation, but packed with expert insights on a crucial topic for your agency’s success — strategic partnerships. Also in the category of things we’ve never done before — Hannah Roth, our Mad Scientist and Strategist, and Erik Jensen, my business partner here at Predictive — are co-hosting the episode and interviewing our guest experts Tim Burk and TCB from Conduit Digital. Conduit Digital focuses on being a strategic partner, tailoring their methods to fit each agency’s needs. Discover how agencies like yours can streamline, upgrade, and scale while reducing the inherent risks that come as your agency grows. What you will learn in this episode:  Why articulating your point of view is critical — it can make a big difference for your agency! Creating your ideal client profile or Right-Fit Client avatar and how it can guide your strategies Why building a methodology to teach from is key Why you should aim for partnership over outsourcing The expectations you should have when creating strategic partnerships Expert advice for agencies looking to scale and improve performance Resources: Website: LinkedIn Business: Facebook Business: Instagram: YouTube: Twitter: TikTok: Additional Resources: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our book: Sell with Authority  
Today’s episode of the podcast is a solocast so that you and I could take a strategy from last week’s episode and explore it with more depth. Last week — you may recall — I shared that one of the strategies that we taught during our July Intensive was what we call “No Friction Lead Generation.” When you have built up enough trust, respect, and authority in the minds of your audience or prospects — that when they have an issue inside their business that aligns with your expertise — you get the call. Or — when you reach out to your audience and let them know you have a new program, service line, event, etc. at the agency — they raise their hands and want to attend or become your next new client. When that process runs smoothly — we call it No Friction Lead Generation — because, through your content and trust building, you have removed the “friction” from the sales process. And your prospects already know how you can help and they are eager for you to help when they have a need. No Friction Lead Generation is what we’re going to focus on in this episode so you can create the right content — without it being a heavy lift on your shop — and you can build a steady stream of leads flowing into your sales pipeline because you followed the right recipe. Sound awesome? I promise you — if you put the takeaways into practice — you and your team will sell more of what you do — for a higher fee. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is: How to create what seems like an inexhaustible supply of helpful content for your audience How to identify the three or four business issues and challenges that you and your agency solve with excellence for clients How to take the business issues you identified and turn them into the foundation of your content strategy that builds your authority Why you should schedule time with someone on your team so they can interview you about each business issue and how your agency solves them How to implement the “7-1” cadence so that it delivers a steady stream of right-fit prospects flowing into your sales pipeline Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Go here to download our WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Go here to download our WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Go here to download our HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Go here to download our How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority  
Last week (July 30th and 31st) — my Predictive team and I hosted our latest “2-day Intensive.” Every March, July, and November — we get our Predictive clients together for an “Intensive” where we peel back the curtain and share the results of the most recent experiment in the Lab, the actual results, and how to install it into their agencies. We promised all our clients—and the guests we invited- for the July Intensive—that we’d share the exact recipe for how we 10’xed our email list from 3,900 agencies to over 40,000 agency contacts in about six months. We walked everyone through the strategies, process, and every step-by-step ingredient in the recipe. After two amazing sessions, we looked back on the experience and thought, “Holy bananas—there were some really awesome takeaways here…not just the content we taught.” For this episode of Sell With Authority, I will share that debrief with you and all of those bonus takeaways. Hope it’s helpful! I promise you — if you put the takeaways into practice — you and your team will sell more of what you do — for a higher fee. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is: Why, when your agency “Eats its own dog food,” you create trust with your prospects and clients Why you should never be scared about teaching the best of what you’ve got in full transparency How to build out and document your agency’s methodology in a way that is unique and will set you apart Why you should never mix deliverables and outcomes — they are not the same, and clients will pay you much more when you deliver outcomes Why, when you include all five ingredients of our recipe in your proposals, you’ll make your agency a much easier YES! for prospects Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Go here to download our WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Go here to download our WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Go here to download our HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Go here to download our How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority  
I am thrilled about this episode of Sell With Authority because it is super fun — and ridiculously helpful! Hannah Roth, our mad scientist and strategist at Predictive, is back for another episode to debunk the myth that niching down is just about picking an industry. Hannah has been diving into the latest Agency Edge research report. We walk through her observations and distillations — at a high level. One standout point in the research is the importance of having a well-defined niche. People are often scared to niche down because it feels like saying “NO” to revenue. But — niching down allows you to say no to clients that cost you time, money, and sanity, and say yes to clients that are more profitable, better to work with, and actually appreciate the work your agency is doing. We also discuss how to build a reputable brand, why consistent, helpful content is your golden ticket — and the importance of a solid referral system. Evolving through multiple lenses — from industry and audience to methodology — can make your agency stand out and make it so much easier for clients to say yes. Double down and future-proof your business by mastering your niche with the strategic lenses Hannah shares. You and your team will remove friction from the sales process — and sell more of what you do. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode:  How to leverage six different lenses for niching down Why niching down does not just mean picking an industry Why building a rock-solid reputation within your niche is crucial Steps to repurpose existing content into multiple formats Key insights from the Agency Edge research report Resources: Predictive ROI Free Resource Library: LinkedIn: Agency Edge Research Series:
This episode is going to be one of those episodes where you ask yourself… “What in the world was that!?! – because that was ridiculously fun and super helpful!” My guest expert today is Erik Jensen. In case you’re meeting Erik for the first time — he’s my business partner here at Predictive ROI, and we’ve worked alongside each other for well over a decade. Erik has a depth of expertise in helping agency owners go deep into their niche to build their authority position — and then — monetize that position in the form of a steady stream of right-fit clients flowing into their sales pipelines so they can sell more of what they do. If you’re a Predictive client — or if you’ve been a member of our community for a while now — you may also know that one of Erik’s superpowers is system design — and in particular — CRMs — so think all things email marketing, content, process automation, workflows, and e-commerce. When Erik and I were thinking about him coming back to the podcast for another conversation — we explored the idea of focusing our time together around CRMs — and, in particular — how putting the right strategy and tech into practice inside your shop could help you streamline biz dev and ops — and in the process — help you sell more of what you do. If you’ve ever considered or questioned how the right CRM — combined with the right automation — might help you and your team grow your audience, nurture leads, and increase sales — while streamlining processes and workflows — then this conversation with Erik is for you. I promise you — if you take and apply the insights, wisdom, and expertise Erik shares during this episode — you and your team will find new ways to streamline biz dev and ops inside your shop so that you have the capacity to sell more of what you do. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30 days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: What is the difference between CRMs and email marketing automation platforms? What are the top 3 questions Erik is asked when it comes to CRMs or email/marketing automation? How could an agency owner and their team tell if or when they should consider moving from a MailChimp or Constant Contact to a CRM like Keap, Hubspot, GoHighLevel? When Erik was evaluating all of the CRMs when choosing one for Predictive — what features and criteria were important to consider? Why is Erik a fan of Keap’s automation builder? If you’re considering onboarding a CRM — what would Erik recommend as your initial three action steps to start down that path? Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Get the WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Get the WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Get the HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Get the How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority
My guest on this episode of Sell With Authority has spent nearly 20 years working in strategic and leadership roles focused on growing national and local client brands with award-winning, ROI-generating digital strategies. Corey Morris, President and CEO of Voltage returns for an encore interview. Corey recently released his new book, The Digital Marketing Success Plan, and I’m thrilled to dive into the insights and strategies he shares. To set the stage for our conversation, here’s an excerpt from Chapter 10 of Corey’s book where he touches on a significant trend in the digital marketing landscape. Quoting Corey: “A trend I’m seeing personally and can validate through feedback I see with over two dozen other agency owners — that I believe will continue to grow–is brands having less patience with agencies. On the positive side — companies want to work with agencies that know what they’re doing and are the best at doing it. That means constantly bringing new ideas and thinking deeply about their business overall. Unfortunately — many companies have been burned by bad agency relationships. Whether due to talking big and not delivering, trying to be full service and do everything at a level of deep expertise, or just not being a right fit for other reasons like niche, price, strategy, etc. — most companies have had a bad experience with agencies at some point. Combine that with shorter-than-ever tenures for CMOs and the fact that so many agencies sound the same and have similar messaging — agencies are getting fired at a record rate. That means that being an expert or specialist and owning a niche is important to gain trust early, drive results, and have a quality relationship among all of the people on both sides. Shortening patience isn’t a one-way street. Agencies can be different and should be — and accountability will be a factor that wins out more and more in the coming years.” Corey’s observations are compelling and timely — and they resonate deeply with the challenges and opportunities faced by agencies today. I want to reinforce the relevance of his insights with some data from the latest Agency Edge research study conducted by Agency Management Institute and Audience Audit. This study aimed to quantify what clients want from their agencies, allowing respondents to choose more than one factor. Hannah Roth, our resident mad scientist and strategist here at Predictive, delved into the Agency Edge research and shared her thoughts on the implications. She summarized: “Clients want the strategy, the path, and the overall goal in nearly equal parts. To pack a powerful punch, agencies that want to attract advocates and exacting experts should offer elements of all three.” I couldn’t agree more with Hannah’s analysis — and it’s fascinating how the data aligns with Corey’s insights. This synchronicity is exactly why I invited Corey back for an encore. We explore how his book can serve as a roadmap for your agency to create winning strategies, paths, and goals for your clients. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: The importance of having a documented, transparent plan that aligns all stakeholders Why chasing the shiny object of AI might be leading you astray from effective, proven strategies How focus on strategic planning can help you withstand sudden changes and distractions in the marketing landscape Real-life examples of clients who thought they were profitable but were actually losing money — and how you can avoid those pitfalls Tips for agencies to provide strategic guidance and not just project execution Resources: Website: Facebook Business: LinkedIn Personal: LinkedIn Business: Twitter Personal: Twitter Business: Instagram Business: The Digital Marketing Success Plan: Sell With Authority EP 103: How to Get to the Top of Google, with Corey Morris Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group
For this episode of Sell With Authority — I break down a sales strategy that we’ve used here at Predictive for nearly a decade — but not until recently — did we build a framework around it. We call it the “Sales Crucible” — and I will tell you — whenever we have a new service line to begin selling here at Predictive – I design what we call a “Sales Crucible.” And just like a literal “crucible,” — I design a schedule and accountability points that intentionally put me under pressure so I’m forced to figure out the best way to talk about our newest offering, get at-bats in front of real prospects, strike out, and then eventually get some hits and score some wins. I know this might sound ridiculous — why would someone want to do that to themselves? Right? I promise you — if you put our Sales Crucible framework into practice — you will cut the time it takes to gain traction in your sales process. But before we dive in — have you heard about our upcoming July Intensive? Three times a year — we get our Predictive clients together on Zoom. We call it the “2-day Intensive.” We slice apart our best strategies for helping agencies sell more of what they do — and we break everything down in full transparency so you can install it into your agency. I know I’m biased — but holy bananas — each Intensive is off-the-charts awesome. Our next “Intensive” is Tuesday & Wednesday, July 30th & 31st, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Central (on Zoom). Our goal for the July Intensive is to help you sell more of what you do. We have 30 guest passes available. Would you like to join us? And here’s the magic. The Intensive is a private client-only event. That means no selling. No pitching. You just get to be one of us. If that sounds helpful — just send me an email at with the word “ONWARD,” and I’ll get in touch with the full details, calendar invites, and Zoom links. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is: How to create your own “XYZ Statement” so you can easily introduce yourself to prospects using a statement that is designed for them and not you How to connect the dots between your strategies and tactics — with the outcomes delivered for your clients Why build a list of confidants to practice your pitch shortens your path to success How to move quickly into the real batter’s box and swing away Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Get the WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Get the WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Get the HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Get the How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority
For this episode of Sell With Authority, we’re shaking things up a bit. Instead of our usual format — I’ve got something special in store for you. Why this twist, you might wonder? There are a few reasons I’m excited to share with you. But before we dive in — have you heard about our upcoming July Intensive? Three times a year — we get our Predictive clients together on Zoom. We call it the “2-day Intensive.” We slice apart our best strategies for helping agencies sell more of what they do — and we break everything down in full transparency so you can install it into your agency. I know I’m biased — but holy bananas — each Intensive is off-the-charts awesome. Our next “Intensive” is Tuesday & Wednesday, July 30th & 31st, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Central (on Zoom). Our goal for the July Intensive is to help you sell more of what you do. We have 30 guest passes available. Would you like to join us? And here’s the magic. The Intensive is a private client-only event. That means no selling. No pitching. You just get to be one of us. If that sounds helpful — just send me an email at with the word “ONWARD,” and I’ll get in touch with the full details, calendar invites, and Zoom links. Okay — now for the twist with today’s episode. Jody Sutter of The Sutter Company. For this episode — I’m sharing the full recording of a recent LinkedIn Live that I did alongside Jody Sutter. Jody invited me — and I was like — Holy Bananas, yes!! And here’s the thing — from the outside looking in — someone might look at Jody’s company and Predictive as competitors — and yet — we share content, and support each other any way we can — because we both want the same thing for agency owners — for them to win more business. So we’re going to play the entire LNKD Live recording here inside this episode. Enjoy. Hope you find it helpful. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is: How building an authority position can help you sell more of what you do. How you can make time to create or generate all that content. How long will it take before you see traction in your niche and results. How to easily get past the obstacle of thinking “What if I don’t have anything interesting to say?” Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Get the WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Get the WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Get the HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Get the How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority
I’m thrilled to welcome Jay Owen to this episode of Sell With Authority. Jay is the Founder and CEO of Business Builders, and this is a bit of an encore because Jay and I connected a few years ago for episode 777 of Onward Nation. Today’s conversation is packed with insights you can apply to your own agency — to help you sell more effectively by focusing on how we help our clients grow as the catalyst for our own success. By leaning in to assist our audience, right-fit prospects, and clients, we can guide them through their most pressing business issues, challenges, and roadblocks. When we help them achieve their most vital priorities, remarkable things happen for them — and for us. Jay’s mission, shared by his team, is to help others grow their businesses because when we do that, good things happen. Jay has a vision for assisting other agency owners in overcoming the persistent challenges we all face. Or — more candidly — those issues we repeatedly bang our heads against the wall over. If you take and apply the insights and wisdom Jay shares during this episode — you and your team can find new ways to lean into the recurring issues and challenges your clients face — and then — find new, helpful solutions your clients will value — and value you more in the process. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: How Jay scaled Business Builders from a small agency to a thriving enterprise Internal leadership and management in navigating technological changes Why outsourcing and a contract model can be the key to agility The importance of maintaining core values during tough times Why community and human connection are crucial in today’s business world Resources: Website: LinkedIn Personal: Instagram: Book: How to Build a Business that Lasts, with Jay Owen Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority
Welcome to the Sell with Authority Podcast – I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. If we happen to be meeting for the first time — Predictive ROI helps agency owners and their teams sell more of what they do…typically for a higher fee. We do that by helping our clients build an authority position in the niche they’ve decided to serve — and then — monetize that position by creating a steady stream of right-fit prospects flowing into their sales pipeline. If learning proven strategies, tactics, and best practices to help you sell more of what you do aligns with where you want to take your agency — you’re in the right place. Today’s episode is a solocast — just you and me. I’ll take you behind the curtain into the content we created for an email writing workshop we delivered for Predictive ROI clients and then recently transformed into a new guide entitled “How to Write Effective Emails and Improve Your Open Rates.” The guide is so new that it hasn’t been added to our Resource Library yet. But — if you’d like a copy — just email me at and I’ll be sure to send it your way. During this episode — I’m going to share with you in full transparency our “Where to Begin” process for writing effective emails on behalf of our clients and as part of our own content strategy. How the content we create leans into the common questions we know our audience cares about. How our emails address the pain points we know our audience is feeling and how each message is designed to be helpful by sharing a relevant story. Honest — writing effective email content can be that simple. I look forward to your thoughts. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is: How Box 1: What are the common questions you know your audience, clients, and prospects typically ask you when you’re spending time together? How Box 2: What are the pain points, business issues, roadblocks, and challenges you know your prospects are trying to overcome? How Box 3: What are the outcomes they desire the most — so that when they look back on the last year — they will feel like they made measurable progress? How Box 4: What are the strategies, tactics, and solutions you know will help make a difference in their business — if they only took the time to apply what they learned from you? How Box 5: And lastly — what is a relevant story you can share that packages all of that into an easily digestible piece of content…an email? Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Get the WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Get the WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Get the HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Get the How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority Build a Better Agency Summit 2024:  
Welcome to the Sell with Authority Podcast – I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. If we happen to be meeting for the first time — Predictive ROI helps agency owners and their teams sell more of what they do…typically for a higher fee. We do that by helping our clients build an authority position in the niche they’ve decided to serve — and then — monetize that position by creating a steady stream of right-fit prospects flowing into their sales pipeline. If learning proven strategies, tactics, and best practices to help you sell more of what you do aligns with where you want to take your agency — you’re in the right place. Today’s episode is a solocast — just you and me. I’ll take you behind the curtain into what we call the “Help Me Understand” framework here at Predictive — and how we use it every single time we have a conversation with a prospective client. We use it every single time because the framework keeps us on track and focused on the most important thing during those meetings…the person we’re meeting with. This type of meeting is never about selling — and the last thing we ever want to do is look like we’re trying to close a sale. You don’t like when someone tries to close you so we would never suggest you try to “close” one of your prospects. Instead — the Help Me Understand framework sets the stage for a great business conversation where you ask helpful questions. Then — there’s some leaning in, peeling back the layers, asking more questions…and if you’ve applied the framework in full…your prospective client will ask you, “So — I’ve done all the talking. How do you think you can help us?” Honest — it can be that simple. I look forward to your thoughts. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is: How Box 1: “Who you help” sets you and your prospective client for success because you’ll find out how focused they are or if they’re generalist. How Box 2: “What problems do you solve” will give you a glimpse into the strategies and tactics they consistently deploy to help their clients. How Box 3: “How does it work” will quickly show you if your prospective client has a methodology in place. Or — are they throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks? How Box 4: “Top 3 Most Vital Priorities…” gives you permission to ask about their goals — the data points agencies always want to know, but few are bold enough to ask. How Box 5: “Roadblock in your way…” will peel back the curtain and show you the “back of stage” problems and constraints — and if you can solve them — holy bananas — you may have just won your agency a brand new client. Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do: Get the WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients. Get the WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee. Get the HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals. Get the How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients. Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group Stephen’s LinkedIn: Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority Build a Better Agency Summit 2024:  
For this episode of Sell With Authority, I am thrilled to welcome back Jane Pfeiffer, the brilliant Founder and President of Fieldtrip, for an encore interview. Jane and her team have developed a new service offering that’s a game-changer for clients and prospects in their niche. We discuss how to design a service offering that is limited in scope, with a defined start and end date, and a set budget. This approach leaves your clients wanting more because you demonstrated your expertise, were incredibly helpful, and built trust from start to finish. Jane takes us behind the curtain to reveal how you can be the most helpful to your clients by showing them all the problems — but in a way that prevents them from getting overwhelmed. Jane also shares strategies for enrolling your team, preparing for client discussions — while creating a service line that makes your agency an easy yes for right-fit prospects. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: The measured approach Jane and her team use to identify and address key client problems How to simplify and focus on a single impactful solution rather than over-engineering plans Steps for enrolling your team and preparing for client conversations effectively The shift nonprofits need to make from transactional fundraising to inviting transformational investments Methods to engage right-fit prospects and shift conversations from deliverables to meaningful business solutions Resources: Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group
For this episode of Sell With Authority, I invited Corey Quinn, who has a 25-year record of extraordinary success as an entrepreneur, sales leader, and marketing executive, to come back for an encore. In episode 86 of the podcast, Corey and I went on a bit of a mining expedition where we unearthed a ton of golden nuggets around how to narrow down your target market — and then — how to avoid some of the typical roadblocks that agencies run into when they begin to specialize and focus on a particular vertical market. Today, we dive into an area that we’ve never explored with any real depth on the podcast before. And that’s — how to escape founder-led sales. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve chatted with agency owners celebrating the hire of that mythical, unicorn new biz salesperson who’s supposed to ignite a fire of new clients and profitable work, I’d be rolling in it. On the flip side — I’ve also heard countless stories of disappointment — owners lamenting yet another failed biz dev hire who couldn’t even cover their salary. Then there are the founders who desperately want to focus on biz dev, but just can’t find the time. As a result, lead generation stalls and conversations with right-fit prospects fall by the wayside. That’s why I asked Corey to join us today. He is a powerhouse in outbound marketing strategies, and he shares game-changing insights to help agency owners generate consistent sales and communicate their expertise. And — if you apply the strategies Corey lays out in his book, Anyone, Not Everyone, A Proven System to Escape Founder-Led Sales, you’ll be well on your way to filling your sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients — the clients you want to serve and those that bring opportunities to sell more of what you do. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode is about: How to focus on a vertical market and get razor-sharp positioning The power of a strategic, long-term gifting approach How to transition from founder-led sales to a more scalable sales model Why investing in a well-curated list is crucial for outbound success Key components of a strong sales process to capitalize on generated opportunities Common outbound marketing mistakes and how to avoid them Resources: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Newsletter: Anyone, Not Everyone, A Proven System to Escape Founder-Led Sales Episode 86 of Sell With Authority: How to Narrow Down Your Target Market, with Corey Quinn Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group
I am thrilled to welcome our guest expert, Sharon Toerek, back to this episode of Sell With Authority. It’s her fourth time appearing on the show with us, but for those who are meeting her for the first time, she’s the Founder of Toerek Law and the host of the podcast “The Innovative Agency”. Sharon is also Predictive’s wicked smart intellectual property attorney and has reviewed and advised us with our client agreements and created our buy-sell and partnership agreements. She has been helping professionals in the advertising, marketing, and creative services industries protect and monetize their intellectual capital, and manage the legal implications of their marketing and advertising work. Many of us have faced the dilemma of wanting to have certain crucial conversations with our clients — but not knowing how to approach them without causing friction or damage to the relationship. On this episode, Sharon and I focus our discussion on how to ensure you get paid by having the right conversations with your clients at the right times. And — we discuss how to start relationships with clients on the right foot from the very beginning. Ensure that you and your agency get paid for your hard work. Sharon’s expertise provides the tools and confidence to have these essential conversations with your clients. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: Smart ways to set up payment terms with clients so we’re aligned right from the start Crucial elements of an effective payment agreement Strategies for setting assertive negotiation tones with clients to establish professionalism and confidence Steps to address payment delays Pros and cons of different payment structures How to attend Sharon’s next virtual free Q&A session Resources: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: The Innovative Agency Podcast Get Your Money – Legal Strategies that Get Agencies Paid Q&A Episode 52 of Sell With Authority: How to Protect Intellectual Property, with Sharon Toerek Episode 59 of Sell With Authority: AI Copyright Law, with Sharon Toerek Episode 99 of Sell With Authority: Building Profitable Agency-to-Agency Alliances, with Sharon Toerek Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group  
This episode of Sell With Authority is one I have been eagerly anticipating! I’m excited to reintroduce you to our special guest expert — because this conversation has been about 6-months in the making. When Marcel Petitpas, the Co-Founder and CEO of Parakeeto, joined us for Episode 95, the insights he shared were just the tip of the iceberg. That’s why I immediately extended the invitation for an encore. Marcel has an unparalleled understanding of agency profitability and the essential metrics we need to focus on as agency owners to ensure not just growth — but profitable growth. Today, Marcel and I pick up right where we left off, delving deeper into the nuances of agency profitability. But that’s not all. Thanks to the timing of this encore, we have a unique opportunity to gain some exclusive insights. Marcel has been on the move, traveling the country, sharing his wisdom on countless stages, and fielding questions from eager agency owners like you. So, during this encore, we take a peek behind the curtain. I’m beyond excited about this encore with Marcel — because when you sell more of what you do at a higher fee — that’s awesome — but it’s only awesome if you’re also more profitable. A big dose of gratitude to our presenting sponsor for the podcast, Conduit Digital. By using their expertise in streamlining, upgrading & scaling your clients…they promise to reduce your risk so you can become the best digital agency in your market in 30-days. You can find Conduit and all their helpful insights and smarts here. What you will learn in this episode: Why finance, operations, and sales alone won’t solve profitability problems Common misconceptions about where profitability problems stem from How to dig deeper — beyond surface-level and address the underlying problems Strategies for renegotiating resulting in better profitability Marcel’s key takeaways from conversations with agency owners and their teams at the most recent events where he was a guest speaker How to get Marcel’s free Agency Profitability Toolkit with everything you need to start measuring the basics in your business Resources: Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: Agency Profit Toolkit SWA Episode 95: Strategic Planning for Growth & Profit, with Marcel Petitpas Additional Resources: Website: Visit our newly expanded Resource Library Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group