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Toddlers Made Easy with Dr Cathryn
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Toddlers Made Easy with Dr Cathryn

Author: Dr. Cathryn

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Toddlers Made Easy is a short, 10 minute, bite-sized podcast that gives you the insight, tools, and confidence you need to not only handle anything toddler-related thrown your way —but prevent problem behaviors before they start. Toddlers Made Easy is hosted by Dr. Cathryn, a nationally recognized pediatrician with more than 30 years of experience and a mother of 4.

99 Episodes
Potty Training Made Easy In this episode of "Toddlers Made Easy," Dr. Cathryn shares stress-free tips for potty training using a no-pressure approach. Learn how to make this milestone smooth and positive for you and your toddler. Key Takeaways: 1. No-Pressure Approach: Encourage without pressure to foster confidence and self-accomplishment. 2. View Accidents as Lessons: Treat accidents as learning opportunities without shame. 3. Bare Bottom Day: Start with a no-pants day to help your child recognize bodily signals. 4. Choose the Right Time: Dedicate a few relaxed days for focused potty training. 5. Genuine Encouragement: Support progress without inadvertently pressuring your child. Dr. Cathryn emphasizes that a no-pressure approach empowers your child, making potty training a positive experience. Happy parenting! Subscribe to "Toddlers Made Easy" for more big-hearted, practical parenting advice. Have a lovely week! LINKS AND RESOURCES: Instagram Made Ridiculously Easy! Follow me here →@insta.for.mompreneurs ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: SPONSORS: Hello Fresh It's faster than delivery! CrunchLabs: Purchase this limited Camp CrunchLabs subscription and get 2 boxes free, a $60 value. Go to to sign your kids up for Camp CrunchLabs today!  Better Help: Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode, we dive into the essential topic of helping children manage disappointment and build frustration tolerance. Sharing personal stories, including a time when my daughter bravely tried out for a boys' soccer team and another when my son lost a baseball game, we explore the importance of allowing kids to experience their emotions fully. Instead of shielding them from discomfort, we should validate their feelings, empathize, and provide support without immediately trying to fix the situation. By doing so, we help our children develop resilience and the skills needed to navigate life's challenges. Tune in for practical tips on how to respond thoughtfully to your child's frustration and why it's crucial to let them feel their emotions while ensuring they don't face them alone. Plus, stay tuned for some exciting news coming up next week! LINKS AND RESOURCES: ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: SPONSORS: CrunchLabs: Purchase this limited Camp CrunchLabs subscription and get 2 boxes free, a $60 value. Go to to sign your kids up for Camp CrunchLabs today!  Better Help: Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Today, we explore whether manners matter for toddlers. Manners, like small acts of kindness, show care and respect, creating a more compassionate world. Teaching "please" and "thank you" instills empathy, helps kids value others, and fosters self-respect. Leading by example is crucial as children learn from us. Ready for a positive change? Check out the Toddlers Made Easy online course to reduce meltdowns, increase cooperation, and build a happier, more confident child and a closer, more positive relationship. Happy parenting! LINKS AND RESOURCES: ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: SPONSORS: A Place Of Yes Podcast: Better Help: Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode of "Toddlers Made Easy," we're diving into the EASY method—a transformative technique to help you navigate toddler tantrums with grace and effectiveness. Inspired by my own experiences as a pediatrician and a mom, EASY is all about creating a calm and connected approach to those challenging moments. Let’s break it down: **E**valuate: Take a power pause to create space between your child’s behavior and your reaction. Use deep breathing or grounding techniques to calm your nervous system. **A**cknowledge Feelings: Show your child that you understand their emotions. A simple acknowledgment like, "You’re upset because you wanted that toy," makes them feel seen and valued. **S**tick to Boundaries: This is where the real work happens. Being gentle is important, but so is being firm. Setting clear, consistent boundaries helps your child feel safe and learn what's acceptable. **Y**es: Pivot to a positive yes. It’s not about giving in, but about teaching what they can do instead. “You can’t play with Joey’s truck, but you can choose another toy.” We’ll see this in action with real-life examples, like how Lily’s hitting at daycare was managed with EASY, leading to a week without incidents. Or handling bedtime slaps with calm acknowledgment, firm boundaries, and offering choices.  Remember, discipline at this age is about teaching, not punishment. Toddlers need guidance and support, not fear and shame. Implementing EASY helps them develop the skills they need to manage their impulses and emotions. Join us to learn more about this compassionate approach to parenting and become the parent you’ve always wanted to be. LINKS AND RESOURCES: ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: SPONSORS: ONE SKIN: BRIGHTSIDED PODCAST: Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
No More Picky Eaters

No More Picky Eaters


In this episode of Toddlers Made Easy, we explore effective strategies to prevent and manage picky eating in toddlers. Understanding toddler behavior is key, as food choices become a primary area of autonomy. How you respond to this natural pickiness can influence whether it becomes an entrenched habit. We delve into the concept of the Fussy Food Loop, highlighting how to avoid common reactions that may worsen picky eating. From a developmental perspective, babies are generally open to various foods, while toddlers' growth and cognitive changes can lead to unpredictable eating habits. A Big-Hearted Interpretation (BHI) encourages looking at mealtime from your toddler's perspective. Trusting and empowering your child, rather than pressuring them, is crucial. We discuss the importance of using positive language to encourage trying new foods and avoiding the pitfalls of becoming a short-order cook. Recognizing red flags is essential, as picky eating might sometimes indicate a more serious issue, such as poor weight gain or developmental concerns. For more strategies and support, check out the Toddlers Made Easy course, linked in the show notes. Remember, you don’t have to be a perfect parent to raise an awesome kid. LINKS AND RESOURCES: ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: SPONSORS: ONE SKIN: BRIGHTSIDED PODCAST: Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode of Toddlers Made Easy, Dr. Cathryn, a pediatrician and mother of four, along with her lovable Goldendoodle Smudge, dives into the topic of kids and pets.  From the benefits of having a furry friend to considerations when choosing the right pet for your family, Dr. Cathryn explores it all. She discusses how pets can boost children's self-esteem, provide companionship, and teach responsibility. Plus, she shares fascinating insights into how pets can contribute to children's physical health and academic development. There is a link for free Toddler and Dog Guide link below. Dr. Cathryn also addresses important safety considerations, regarding toddlers and dogs. She provides valuable tips from Domenika @dogmeets_baby. Domenika is an expert in safety on ensuring harmonious and safe interaction between your little one and your four-legged family member. You’ll find the link below for an amazing dog meets baby guide. Also, don’t miss out on our amazing Mother’s Day Sale, more about it in the shownotes. LINKS AND RESOURCES: Dog Meets Baby Guide ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: SPONSORS: ONE SKIN: BRIGHTSIDED PODCAST: Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Dr Cathryn is tackling a topic that might seem simple but is actually a big deal for little ones: understanding time. Hear about Marcus, a 3.5-year-old who loves the swings but struggles when it's time to leave. Why? Because his mom is giving a warning like this: “We’re leaving in 5 minutes.” Kids can't see or touch time, so they don't understand it like adults do. But as they grow, they start to get it through routines and daily patterns.  Today’s Tips: 1. Use Sequences: Tell your child, "First park, then lunch, then playdate." It helps them understand the order of events. 2. Visual Timers: These show how much time is left in a way kids can see. 3. Sand Timers: A simple tool that helps kids see time passing. 4. OK WAKE UP Clocks: Helps your child know when it's okay to get out of bed by showing a green light. 5. Bonus Tip: Use calendars or a bead necklace to countdown to special days. Thanks for tuning in to Toddlers Made Easy, where we make the tough parts of parenting easier! Interested in more tools and big ideas to help during these challenging but crucial years? Check out our Toddlers Made Easy course for parents of 1 to 6-year-olds. It's a game-changer for your sanity and your child's development! LINKS AND RESOURCES: ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: ONE SKIN: Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Welcome to the Toddlers Made Easy podcast with Dr. Cathryn. Today, we're exploring why toddlers can appear selfish and how to handle it. We’ll discuss how toddlers’ brain development impacts their behavior, and offer strategies for teaching them to manage their emotions without shaming or punishing them. Whether it's dealing with gift disappointment or sharing struggles, we're here to help you understand these challenging but normal developmental phases and turn them into teachable moments. If you're navigating the highs and lows of toddler behavior, this episode is packed with insights and tips for more harmonious days. Don't miss out on our course, "Toddlers Made Easy," for more in-depth guidance. Check the link in the show notes to learn more! LINKS AND RESOURCES: ONLINE COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: FactorMeals Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Dr. Cathryn takes a deep dive into what happens when standard parenting advice doesn't seem to cut it. Despite trying expert strategies, some problems persist, and today, we're focusing on sleep issues that remain challenging despite parents' best efforts. We'll explore real-life struggles parents face when routines don't pan out as planned, and discuss tailored approaches that might work better. In this episode: 1. The Easy-Does-It Method Fails: A parent shares the struggle of bedtime battles with their 3-year-old, from hitting to hair-pulling. Dr. Cathryn discusses the possibility of overtiredness, the importance of understanding behavior triggers, and strategies for teaching kids to express their frustrations constructively. 2. Endless Bedtime with Mia: Four-year-old Mia can't seem to settle down at bedtime, constantly asking for "one more story." We'll talk about adjusting bedtimes, acknowledging feelings while maintaining boundaries, and practical tips for helping Mia feel connected and calm at bedtime. 3. Nighttime Fears: A parent is concerned about their 3.5-year-old's recent bedtime fears. Based on effective research findings, Dr. Cathryn introduces a comforting strategy involving a stuffed animal to help the child manage fears and build empathy. Dr. Cathryn wraps up by reminding listeners that while generic advice can be helpful, personalized adjustments are key to meeting your child's unique needs. Remember, you're the expert on your child.  Thank you for tuning in, and keep nurturing those little ones with love and understanding. Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes, LINKS AND RESOURCES: Our *bestselling* online courses are already helping thousands of parents: Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: FREEBIES: eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  FactorMeals Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Public tantrums often embarrass us—but why is that the case? Even though we understand that tantrums are a normal part of a child's development, these moments can still make us feel incredibly uneasy. We worry about being judged by others, fearing they might see us as less capable parents. There's also an innate discomfort with displaying strong emotions in public, a societal pressure to keep everything looking 'perfect'. We're bringing you new ways of seeing and solving public tantrums. We're diving into new perspectives that will change how you think about and manage these situations. LINKS AND RESOURCES: COURSES Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  INSTAGRAM: FREEBIES: FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: FACTOR MEALS: Get 50% off first box Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes. Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Join Dr. Cathryn as she shares three science-backed tips to help parents maintain their composure with their children. Discover the importance of identifying your triggers, recognizing early stress signs, and implementing a power pause. Dr. Cathryn also highlights the crucial role of self-care and previews the EASY method for managing tantrums. In this episode: - Why parents lose their temper and how to prevent it. - Strategies to stay calm in challenging parenting moments. - The significance of self-care in effective parenting. - An introduction to the EASY method for tantrum management. Sign up for the 'Tame Those Tantrums' masterclass to dive deeper into managing difficult behaviors with empathy and firmness. Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes. LINKS AND RESOURCES: Our *bestselling* online courses already helping thousands of parents: Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: FACTOR MEALS FREEBIES: FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode of "Toddlers Made Easy," Dr. Cathryn tackles toddler night wakings, sharing insights from her experiences and scientific research. Highlights include: - The reasons behind toddlers' frequent night wakings and their sleep cycles. - Tips for teaching toddlers self-soothing techniques for better sleep. - The effects of sleep deprivation on parents and kids, including safety and mental health. - Common parenting pitfalls that exacerbate night-waking issues. - Advice for fostering independent sleep habits in toddlers. Dr. Cathryn touches on extra factors that can disrupt sleep, such as new siblings and health issues, and suggests checking out related episodes for more guidance on bedtime routines. Listeners are encouraged to connect with Dr. Cathryn through Instagram DMs or email for personal advice and to access a free masterclass on tantrum management. REGISTER FOR FREE TAME THOSE TANTRUMS masterclass here Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes. LINKS AND RESOURCES: Our *bestselling* online courses already helping thousands of parents: Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: FREEBIES: FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode of "Toddlers Made Easy," Dr. Cathryn shares insights from her own parenting journey, focusing on how to effectively handle toddler tantrums. Discover why traditional methods like time-outs may not always work and learn about the natural stages of a tantrum, from anger to sadness. Dr. Cathryn emphasizes the importance of understanding toddler behavior as a form of communication, not misbehavior. She offers practical strategies for prevention and calm intervention, highlighting the importance of empathy, understanding, and clear communication. These methods are specifically designed JUST for toddlers. This episode is packed with tips for maintaining your cool and turning challenging moments into opportunities for growth and connection. Whether you're dealing with bedtime resistance, picky eating, or public outbursts, "Toddlers Made Easy" provides the tools you need to navigate toddlerhood with confidence. Join us to learn how to support your toddler's emotional development and strengthen your parent-child bond. Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes. LINKS AND RESOURCES: Our *bestselling* online courses already helping thousands of parents: Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: FREEBIES: FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode of "Parenting Together: When You Don't Agree," Dr. Cathryn dives into the real-life struggles of balancing different parenting styles, just like Cheryl's story where she and her husband can't seem to find common ground on discipline. Discover how open communication and mutual support can transform co-parenting challenges into opportunities for growth. Join us as we explore practical steps to harmonize your parenting approach, ensuring you both work towards the ultimate goal: nurturing and loving your child. Plus, get a sneak peek into the "Toddlers Made Easy" course, a resource packed with expert advice for smoothing out the bumps in the parenting journey. Remember, despite the differences, it's your shared love for your child that truly unites you. Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes. Links and Resources: Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: Check out our bestselling online courses:  Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- Please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode, Dr. Cathryn explores the emotional and social challenges children like six-year-old Leo face when feeling unliked. We discuss empathetic parenting strategies, the importance of validating children's feelings, and how a Big-Hearted Interpretation can guide them through social hurdles.  What You'll Learn: How to validate your child's feelings and encourage open communication. The stages of friendship development from toddlers to preschoolers. Effective strategies for observing your child's social interactions and intervening constructively. The importance of empathy, kindness, and emotional intelligence in nurturing your child's social skills. How to use Big-Hearted Interpretations to strengthen your connection with your child and help them understand their social experiences. Send Us Your Stories and Questions: We love hearing from you! Share your own experiences or questions. Email us to have your questions answered in future episodes. Links and Resources: Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: Join us at our Potty Party: Mar 7,8,9th: there's a 20-minute masterclass on 7 Must-Do's Before Starting Potty Training Listen to the private podcast: ONLY AVAILABLE MAR 7, 8, 9 Check out our bestselling online courses:  Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Factor Meals: Click Here To Learn More E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In this episode, we delve into fostering kindness within our families, prompted by a study showing kids often think their parents value success over empathy. As a pediatrician and mom, I share actionable steps for embedding kindness in our daily lives, from acknowledging the grocery store clerk to engaging in family volunteer work. We discuss the importance of leading by example, celebrating small acts of kindness, teaching the value of apologies, and making amends. This journey towards raising caring, respectful, and responsible adults starts with our actions more than our words. Join us as we navigate the path of nurturing compassionate children poised to make a positive difference. Links and Resources: Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: Check out our bestselling online courses:  Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  Join our upcoming FREE Potty Party! E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
In today’s episode, Dr. Cathryn delves into the crucial balance of big-hearted parenting, navigating the fine line between gentleness and permissiveness. Highlighting a listener's question about sibling name-calling, Dr. Cathryn offers practical advice on fostering a supportive family environment where feelings are acknowledged, and teaching needed skills is encouraged over shame and punishment. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to strengthen their parent-child bond with compassion and effective leadership, ensuring their child feels valued and understood, all while learning to manage their emotions and actions constructively. Links and Resources: Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: Check out our bestselling online courses:  Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Is your toddler’s desire to delay dozing off driving you to distraction? Bedtime fears usually start at around two years and may last several years. They happen very commonly because children spend their days in imaginative play, and it is tough for them to turn that off at bedtime.  Even though there are many valid reasons for your toddler to fight at bedtime, you still need a chance to get some rest. Your needs matter and you have less to give when you need to recharge. So there is no need to feel guilty about wanting your child to sleep so you can take some time for yourself.  In this episode, I talk about bedtime fears and how to overcome them. I go into why children have those fears and explain why they tend to happen from a developmental perspective.  Stay tuned to learn how to lovingly, respectfully, and effectively manage your toddler’s bedtime fears. Five things likely to contribute to your toddler’s bedtime fears: Young kids experience separation anxiety, so it makes sense that they fuss when you leave the room. Toddlers tend to be defiant by nature because they want more control over their world.  A toddler’s brain is still developing. So they have so little control over their emotions. Toddlers do not understand the concept of time. So when you tell them you will see them in the morning, it seems forever away. The frontal lobe of a toddler’s brain is still developing. That is the part that allows us to reason, problem-solve, and make plans. So they are not able to talk themselves down.  Show highlights: Five things likely to contribute to bedtime fears from a developmental perspective. Why is an early bedtime best? The benefits of creating a short bedtime routine. Some effective ways to manage your toddler’s bedtime fears. The importance of creating a responsible and healthy bedtime routine. How to take charge of your child’s bedtime routine. Some calming strategies that you can teach your child to develop. How to use deep breathing in the present moment. How to stay on the same team as your child. Some easy steps to help you manage bedtimes without getting wound up. I have a bite-size course coming up soon on managing bedtime like a pro. I’ll tell you more in a future episode. Links and Resources: Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: Check out our bestselling online courses:  Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Struggling to set boundaries without caving in or feeling guilty? In this episode, Dr. Cathryn dives into big-hearted parenting, where setting limits meets understanding and love. Learn how acknowledging feelings and clear communication can transform challenging moments into opportunities for connection. We'll share practical strategies for maintaining calm and consistency, even when it’s hard to do. Ready to turn tough parenting moments into positive learning experiences? Tune in for insights and tips that make all the difference. Links and Resources: Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: Check out our bestselling online courses:  Toddlers Made Easy Course Potty Training Made Easy  FREE eBook: 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE Masterclass: Tame Tantrums  E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Join Dr. Cathryn in this episode as she guides you through handling tough toddler moments with calmness and empathy. Learn to see past the surface behavior and understand your child's emotions. For example, if your toddler says "I hate the baby", instead of ignoring these feelings, acknowledge and understand them. Think about how you feel when someone dismisses your bad day; your child needs to feel heard just like you do. And teach them to express big emotions with words, not actions. Keep in mind, it's completely natural for toddlers to go through a wide spectrum of emotions. The key is in how they convey these feelings. In today’s discussion, we’re zeroing in on addressing the emotional side of handling challenging behaviors. Next week, we'll shift our focus to the behavioral side – setting boundaries and maintaining them effectively. Links and Resources: Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: @healthiest_baby Check out our bestselling online course: Toddlers Made Easy Course Our NEW Potty Training Made Easy course is here! FREE: Does potty training terrify you? Discover 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success! FREE: Watch our FREE Tame Tantrums workshop and stay calmer with tricky toddler moments. E-mail: Rate, Review, & Follow ❤️❤️❤️ If this sounds like you: "I love Toddlers Made Easy." <-- please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more parents -- just like you.
Comments (3)

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May 23rd
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