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Real Mother Fuckers

Real Mother Fuckers

Author: Stephanie Cooley and Vanessa Anderson

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Real MOTHER F*ckers is hosted by Vanessa Anderson and Stephanie Cooley. Like you, they are real, they are moms, and they f-up, too. Join them in a mothering adventure where they dissect, explore, and get honest about parenting, relationships, marriage, career, mental health, caregiving conundrums and domestic work. They won’t air out all their dirty laundry but you’ll likely see a period panty in the mix. Support this podcast:
58 Episodes
Ali has an impressive imaginative fire in her and she joined us to share how she makes that creativity spark. She is a TV writer (Apple TV’s The Morning Show), director + producer (Comedy Central, BuzzFeed) & the creator of This episode is for nearly everyone. You don’t need a title as an artist to be creative. We think everyone has room for a little extra creativity, whether it’s doodling in your journal, writing a funny caption to your IG post, watercolor painting, or just driving a new route home. Studies show that creative pursuits are good for your mental health. Are you ready to cultivate creativity in your life? FOLLOW ALI VINGIANO FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
This interview is a testament to the power of authenticity and vulnerability, as Anna Alcorn fearlessly opens up about the realities of raising a child with Down syndrome. Her story is a beacon of hope for parents facing similar challenges, reminding us all of the beauty and resilience that lies within every individual, regardless of ability. RESOURCES FOLLOW DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Steph leaves the pod

Steph leaves the pod


Hey Mother Fuckers, this is Steph. I’m bowing down from the podcast and Vanessa will keep it alive as a solo podcaster. In this episode, we talk about our business divorce, why I decided to leave, and I answer Vanessa’s lingering questions. I’ve read that this sort of a breakup is called a “conscious uncoupling” and I like the sentiment. I’m just glad to have my old friendship with Vanessa again. I’ll transition out slowly from the pod so you will see me on interviews over the next couple of months. If I’m lucky, I’ll be a guest in future episodes. Let’s support Vanessa and watch this bitch fly solo. Podcasting is a lot of work and I look forward to seeing her take on the wonderful beast, like everything she does in her life – with grit and grace. FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Lux ATL is a former stripper with a PhD in literature. If you're feelin' fancy, you may call her Dr. Lindsay Byron even though she ditched professor life to focus on being an author, a podcaster, a mom of two, a wife, and she hosts world class retreats teaching women sensual movement. Lux ATL turns societal norms upside down and we love her for it. Through her thought-provoking content and captivating storytelling (literally, we were on the edges of our seats when she spoke to us), she inspires everyone who listens and reads her work to embrace their flaws and celebrate their uniqueness. We talk about what it's really like to be a stripper, why she stayed with her stripping career for so long even with a doctorate, and how she drastically transformed her life and work. FOLLOW LUX ATL FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Reyna Beckler runs a thriving yoga studio (also our first sponsor!!!) and has built a loyal customer base yet she has dealt with a phenomenon many of us encounter: imposter syndrome. According to a VeryWell mind article, it “is the psychological experience of feeling like a fake or a phony despite any genuine success that you have achieved. It can show up in the context of work, relationships, friendships, or just overall.” Imposter syndrome can affect anyone. Reyna shares her life story to remind us that this mindset is holding us back from our dreams and deprives us from the self-confidence we deserve to feel. We have a feeling that our listeners will resonate with her path, as a child of Mexican immigrants, a survivor of domestic abuse, and a determined woman who carved her own career path in a male-dominated industry before taking the plunge into starting her own business. FOLLOW REYNA FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Mikaela is a trailblazer who defies norms and we love her courage, her passion, and our educational experience with her on the pod. She is on a mission to provide open-source, community-driven data for a seldom studied area in psychedelic research – mushrooms and mothers. She is currently working on preliminary results from 300 testimonies in the Mothers of the Mushroom survey. We talk about psilocybin use as a sacrament and a spiritual medicine, its categorization by the US government as a schedule 1 substance, the history of its use dating back to our ancestors, and its place in the home today. Some may think this is a controversial episode and we think it’s enlightening and educational. As always, listen with an open mind. FOLLOW MIKAELA AND RESOURCES The Family Trip (documentary described in the episode) FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Our modern lives lead us in constant search to chill the F out. Mom rage is a thing. Anxiety and depression are in our regular vernacular. We are stressed. Some of us address these issues with a vacation, a trip to the spa, therapy, meds, and other options. None of these are bad but what if we can address them with something we have with us at all times and is completely free? Chintu Shah, an ER doc in Southern California, and a father of 2, joined us to talk about our breath. As you can imagine, his job ain’t no walk in the park. During his shifts, it’s high intensity all the time. Through years of work, he uses his breath to help him regulate his nervous system on overdrive. He gives us very practical tips on how to approach our breath. Anyone can do it. No apps are needed. Just a few minutes of your day and a bit of curiosity. FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Nicole is a Peloton founding master instructor, four-time Ironman triathlete, and has spent a decade in NYC as a writing professor at Columbia and Rutgers (she has 4 masters degrees, what!!!). She joined the pod to gives moms words of wisdom on how we can achieve the art of hustle and flow. Oh boy, don’t we all need to hear this one?! This interview was a personal favorite for Vanessa because she rides with Nicole on many 5 am rides on her iFIT-enabled bike. Listen to this episode where we talk about limiting beliefs, growing courage in our vulnerability, and how it all deepens as we age. And even though Nicole is a mentor for the mind, body and spirit, we love how she still got vulnerable with our questions around her personal baggage and f*ck ups. FOLLOW NICOLE MELINE + RESOURCES RMF listeners get 20% off the Envision Planner with code MOTHER: Get a free 5-day trial of the Alter Together membership at with code MOTHER FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
What’s it like to grow up in Generation Z? Often labeled as the lonely generation, the young adults of our society grew up in a confusing time, warping their sense of belonging, self, and community with the help of the Internet and social media. We spoke to Anaya, who is a beautiful soul and an open book. She gets in-depth about a topic we explored last week – suicide. She is a suicide-attempt survivor and she bravely told us about her struggles with mental illness and how she got help (with so much support from her mother). She also gives helpful tips for parents – from a child’s POV – on how to talk to your kids struggling. Anaya was fortunate to attend a rehabilitation center and she shares what she learned from her time there and how listeners also struggling can add these options to their wellness toolkit. In our previous episode, we talked to a mother whose son died by suicide. Let’s continue to learn and bring awareness to suicide, the second leading cause of death of our young generation. FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Julia’s son, Kyle, died by suicide at age 22. Steph found her on the writer platform, Substack, where she writes about mental illness, suicide, and alternative treatments for depression. She wrote about recent statistics: “Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people in the US — those ages 10 to 14 and 25 to 34.” Did you know that nearly 800,000 people a year die by suicide worldwide? How do we change this number? Could an answer be to bring more awareness to alternative treatments, methods, and therapies? We discuss this in-depth in the episode. Julia wants more awareness of a topic we do not talk about enough. So here we are, doing what we can. This episode may be hard to hear but it’s important for us to listen. We discuss her experience working with doctors and the healthcare system when it comes to mental illness and how she would do it differently if she had another chance with Kyle today. FOLLOW JULIA FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Shana has opened our eyes on how we might want to think, act, and talk about food in our homes. 22% of children and adolescents worldwide show disordered eating, according to JAMA Pediatrics. What if there’s a better way for us to have a relationship with food? A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Shana gives an approachable look at wellness topics that are inclusive, non diet, and weight neutral, all with an intersectionality of social justice. What does healthy really mean? What if we no longer shame foods? What if we reframe how we talk or look at our diets? A lot of this is a practice of unlearning what we’ve grown up with, what society and social media and influencers shove in our faces — on how to eat, how to look, how to be “healthy.” We invite you to keep an open mind, for you and your families. FOLLOW SHANA FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Vanessa was fortunate to have experienced working with a doula for her second birth. What a difference she made. We talked to the thoughtful, lovely and elegant Jeanne-Marie to explore why one of these professionals might be a great option for your birth, no matter where you plan on having your baby – at a hospital, a birth center, or at home. We like to think of a doula as your birth experience’s COO, the homie that will always have your back, and your bedside therapist. We talk about the role of the doula (they are not just for mom!) and how to find one that works for you. According to Dona international, a doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to their client before, during and shortly after childbirth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. FOLLOW JEANNE-MARIE FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Kristen is a widely followed woman online. As of writing this description, she has 691K followers on IG, 580K on YT for her personal channel, and 188K for her animal channel. She talks about the early days of being online, before it was even called “influencing” and we discover how much it’s changed back in the day, to now. This woman does it all. She’s a mom of 2 under 2, she’s an entrepreneur, she’s an animal lover, a first-responder’s wife, and much more. Kristen is raw and real and it’s what she’s known for online. In this episode, you will find out: how she deals with haters, how much she actually documents her life and what her husband thinks of it, and how she was able to fish out a cashew from her daughter’s nostril, delicious! Lots of funny and juicy stuff in this one! FOLLOW KRISTEN LEANNE FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
In 2000, Julie Stotlar’s 6-year-old daughter, Lauren, was killed by the school bus that took her to school every day. In their grieving process, Julie and her husband found that the support available just didn’t resonate. They found that the most helpful way to support families was connecting them with others who had been through a similar loss. Vanessa read about Julie’s story in the book by internationally acclaimed spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen, called What’s Your Heaven? She was so touched by Julie’s story and how she created hope out of tragedy through her organization GrieveWell and we are so honored she came to talk to us on the pod. We talk about unimaginable loss, grief, and healing. She gives us tips on how to make a shittier day even slightly better. Some of these include singing even if you suck at singing, yoga, going outside, and more. This isn’t just a sad story, it’s a meaningful and hopeful journey of loss and love and working on forgiveness. FOLLOW JULIE AND GRIEVEWELL/RESOURCES What’s Your Heaven? by Rebecca Rosen: GrieveWell: FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
In America alone, an estimated 11.3 million tons of textile waste – equivalent to 85% of all textiles – end up in landfills on a yearly basis (source: EPA). Today’s guest, Grace Spath has many incredible talents as an artist, fiber artist, fashion designer, master of sewing textiles – and she’s made it her mission to honor nature and our environment while she makes these works of art. She is a true inspiration to create mindfully. She wrote on her Etsy shop, ShopNeedlesandSpines, “When I became pregnant with my first child my husband and I stated that our life and our interests were to continue. Having children changes your life in so many ways, we didn’t feel it should have to change the things we enjoy doing and who we are at our core.” That’s right, sister! You do you! We discuss how she makes time for what she loves to do. She draws, dyes fabrics and fibers from nature, she shares her process of upcycling stuff that would otherwise be considered as “trash” into really rad new pieces, and she talks in-depth about being part of San Diego Fashion Week. Grace has lit up a creative fire in us and makes us think about our clothing consumption (thrifting and secondhand shopping is cool, guys!). We have a feeling she might inspire you, too. FOLLOW GRACE AND SHOP FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Anita has been a widow since January 3, 2019, when her husband Jason, died of sudden cardiac death while lap swimming. They were married for 19 years. She is a mom to 4 kids and gets very honest about how she does it all after her husband’s death. Spoiler: she doesn’t, and it’s refreshing. This badass woman has been on the cover of Triathlete magazine and uses physical activity as her outlet. You can find her mountain biking and racing off-road triathlons. Since she talks about death often (she co-hosts the cleverly named podcast Widow We Do Now), she has seen so much heartache in the grief process because spouses and families aren’t prepared for an untimely death. It can happen to anyone, even though we don’t want to believe it could. Listen for her practical tips. Also, this woman is funny! We didn’t think having a mom on such a sad topic could be so lighthearted. FOLLOW ANITA Widow We Do Now is on all the pod platforms, follow them FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
How many sex editions can we get to?! We can’t believe we are actually writing these words down for our description but here goes… this sex episode is about two topics… ANAL + AGING. Can we destigmatize doing it up the butt? It’s an exploration of doing it there, for both men and women, for all sexualities. A lot of our listeners have been with their partners for a long time and the curiosity is there for many of them. Dare we say everyone is curious about this!? We also talk about sex as we age. How many of you remember thinking in your younger years that “old” people don’t have or need sex anymore? Yeah, let’s debunk that myth and, yet again, destigmatize the idea that sex when you age sucks. It doesn’t! it’s just different. Listen for ways you can continue to have a great sex life as our minds and bodies change as we age. FOLLOW LOLA ***Lola is hosting a women’s pilgrimage to Scotland Scotland! March 18th-24th, 2024. Check out her website journeys to find more information. FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Professional organizer Amy Brockhaus joined the pod to talk about our relationship with consumption, owning and chucking things, and how our spaces make us feel. In an article from 2022: “Jennifer Baumgartner, clinical psychologist and author of the book You Are What You Wear, most Americans don a mere 20% of their closets 80% of the time. So, if you own 103 pieces of clothing (the actual average among American women), you typically wear approximately 20 of those pieces.” We’ve got a stuff problem. We explore what to do with it. We also ask Amy a lot of questions you might also be wondering. Listen to find out the answers: Can you fix your hoarder family member’s mess? Where do you start if you’re feeling overwhelmed with your space? Does Amy have a junk drawer or a closet like Monica’s secret closet?! FOLLOW AMY FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
We took a winter break, folks. It was lovely, it was difficult, it was weird, and it was much needed. Some people think we spend a lot of time together, that we’re joined at the hip, and we’re always texting and talking. We actually don’t! In this episode, we decided to catch up on each other’s time off, on air. Tune in to hear about a 40-year-old tantrum, a cancer diagnosis, mood meds and microdosing shrooms, puppies, budding friendships, and more. FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
Get your seatbelt on. Jenna is a vibrant mama to Josh. She is a badass with very little filter, especially when she talks about her life’s #1 passion: fighting for her son's rights and well-being. Jenna has been through so much with her son’s disorder, a rare neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in one in 15,000 live births. According to the Angelman Syndrome Foundation, “symptoms and characteristics with other disorders including autism, cerebral palsy and Prader-Willi syndrome. Due to the common characteristics, misdiagnosis occurs often.” Another common symptom, which we talk about in-depth, are seizures. They suck, they’re scary, and they are a part of Jenna’s reality as Josh’s mama. We discuss an alternative form of medication that has changed everything for Josh and his seizures: CBD, a chemical found in marijuana. There’s lots to unpack in this episode. Josh is an angel and so is his mom for sharing their story. FOLLOW JENNA FOLLOW US DISCLAIMER This podcast has mature language and content. Moms ears only — don’t have this one on with your kids in the room. These are our opinions and experiences as moms, take what you like, or leave it. Don’t be thinking we’re telling you what to do. Seek professionals, do your research, and call the experts for help. --- Support this podcast:
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