A Bit of Everything

I'm Sarah Adeima, and as a trilingual presenter, I'm excited to share with you a bit of everything we experience in our everyday life, that can help inspire every one of you. Let's look at things from a different perspective. New episode every two weeks, on Friday. Join me on my podcast journey, with a new Bit of Everything. Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. Listen on 👇🏻 Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-bit-of-everything/id1713970580 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3MnkQtppISOgn4xFlzEA9q SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/8XMVz Telegram: https://t.me/Abit_of_Everything You can also get in touch with me through my Email: Samah19sara@gmail.com

Fast Movement

We live in a fast-paced word. Sometimes, we just need to slow down. In this episode, we talk about “Fast Movement” in the modern world. Sometimes, we just need to slow down.


New Adventure

Sometimes, we need to break the monotony, get out of our everyday routine & experience a new adventure! In this episode, I talk about my exclusive experience with a new adventure & how this can help us create a meaningful life.


The Meaning of Life

Does it ever happen to you when you’re demotivated? Everything feels empty & life becomes so meaningless? In this episode, we talk about how we experience different life situations and how things become meaningless at some points.


Judging a Book By its Cover

Have you ever met a person and after some time, you realize that the person is completely different from what you had previously thought? In this episode, we talk about how judging a book by its cover can affect our communication and relationships.


Christmas Around the World

Don’t miss the Christmas Special Edition from A Bit of Everything! Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays in the world! Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated in every country? As a result of my extensive research on how Christmas is celebrated all around the world, I’ve created this special episode to share with you some of the interesting customs & traditions across the globe. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, let me know in the comment section and don’t forget to share it with others. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2024 to everyone! 


Yalda Night

Check out this special edition on Yalda Night! For the ancient festival in Iran, I’d like to invite you to listen to this exciting Podcast episode, in which I’ve got a surprise for you! If you enjoyed listening to this episode, let me know in the comment section and don’t forget to share it with family and friends.Happy Yalda Night to all Iranians across the world! 


The Art of Listening

The biggest communication problem we have is we don’t listen to understand, we just listen to reply.In this episode, we talk about the power of listening as a key element in effective communication.


Together is Better

Wanting to experience a new adventure in life, I decided to create a hiking community and build a sense of connection together.In this episode, I share with you my first experience in creating a community and the power of togetherness. 


English Lifestyle

Have you been trying hard to improve your English? Are you feeling lost and frustrated? If English has turned into a conflict, this episode is just for you! I have dedicated this episode to share with you the golden secret, English Lifestyle, and how it can take your language to the next level.


Consistency is Key

There’s a lot of things in life that we want to achieve. But have you ever asked yourself the key questions?In this episode, we talk about the key element that differentiates the successful from the unsuccessful, the power of Consistency!


A New Beginning

One whole year has passed. And today is the first day in my new chapter of life. It's a new beginning! In this episode, I share with you my feelings on this special day and some of the golden life lessons I've learned. If you're looking for some inspiration in this unpredictable world, this episode is just for you!


Expressing Emotions

How generous are you with your emotions? Do you tend to express your feelings? In this episode, we talk about the power of expressing emotions and how emotional generosity can make the world a better place.



The number of people immigrating to different parts of the world is on the rise, hoping they'd lead a better life. But the question is: does Immigration lead to a happier life? In this episode, we talk about Immigration as one of the hottest subjects in today's world! Let's dive right into it.


Be Yourself

We are constantly trying to be someone we are not. Some go their entire lives without living their true self! In this episode, we talk about the importance of Self-discovery and how "Being yourself" can help you live a true life.


It's Ok to Not Be Ok

When something unpredictable happens, we need to choose to live with it. In the present moment, we need to accept things as they are. In this episode, we talk about the power of Acceptance as a valuable tool in our everyday life.


Multidimensional Living

Life is like a puzzle. Every missing piece of this puzzle affects our life in a different way. In this episode, we talk about the concept of Multidimensional Living and how it can help us lead a fulfilling life.


The Power of Exercise

You don't have time to exercise? This podcast episode is for you. In this episode, we look into the difference between "Time" & "Priorities" and the power of Exercise to change your life!


The Truth Behind Social Media

"When I'm on social media, I see everyone is brilliant and I'm the only one who is miserable" Is this how you feel most of the time? In this episode, we look into "the death of truth on social media."


Recovering Perfectionism

Are you struggling with Perfectionism? Do you think being a Perfectionist can make you a better person in life? In this episode, we look deeply into the concept of Perfectionism and how this habit impacts our everyday life.


Do What You Love

Do you love what you do and do what you love? How much do you enjoy what you do? In this episode, we look at one significant element that plays a key role in the experience of our everyday life.


Mohammad Farhadian


08-14 Reply

Zahra Yah

that's right we can enjoy of our direction that leads us to our Destination.that makes us live better.

05-19 Reply


Thank you for this podcast, I really needed it

04-21 Reply


brilliant. I've just started listening to your podcasts and to my mind these moments can happen for each person but learning of them happens seldomly so it's really depends on a person to look at that event differently or change their life completely by considering to such a simple event with a different perspective

04-03 Reply

savan zandi

like always, this podcast was great đź‘Ť

03-18 Reply
















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