A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters

A Changed Mind takes listeners on a deep personal journey into the topics that matter most - from the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth and relationships, to open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture, and democracy. Visionary leader and philosopher David Bayer reminds us each and every episode of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real lasting change in your life and in the world. If you’ve been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, vibrancy and potential you have inside – you won’t want to miss an episode of this life changing show.<br/><br/>This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: <br/><br/>Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

048 Stop Comparing: Put An End To The ‘Not Enough’ Trap Once And For All

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we address the common issue of comparing ourselves to others and its negative impact on our mental well-being and personal growth. We explores how social media and external achievements can lead to feelings of inadequacy and stressJoin us as we discuss the three key distinctions to help us overcome this habit: recognizing that our vision is divinely inspired, understanding that others' achievements can pave the way for our success, and being cautious about the authenticity of what we see online. =======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:01:32: The Impact of Comparing Ourselves to Others00:04:34: The Negative Effects of Comparing00:07:08: Trusting Your Vision00:09:09: The Importance of Encouragement and Different Perspectives00:15:14: The Role of Non-Resistance00:19:19: Avoiding Social Media Comparisons00:22:23: Reducing Time Spent in a Primal State00:25:26: Acknowledging Everyone's StrugglesMemorable Quotes"There's a direct correlation between the personal healing that I've done, and the transforming of my beliefs, and an increase in the level of joy and the level of income and the level of impact.""You should be wearing your name on your back. Because no matter where you are right now, the vision you have is possible, and you're on your own unique hero's journey to achieve it.""You have a masterpiece inside of you. All you need to do is remove what doesn't belong. And what doesn't belong, in terms of today's conversation, is the comparing."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/coachdavidbayerInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidbayer33YouTube - / @davidbayer33🎙️🎙️🎙️Podcast Production Support by


047 12 Minute Well-Being Meditation: Listen To This Every Morning

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, I speak with you directly, offering a unique meditation experience designed to help you let go of limiting beliefs and create the life you desire. Whether you're listening in a quiet room, on your commute, or while exercising, this meditation is all about shifting your focus away from habitual, resistant thoughts and opening up space for new, empowering ways of thinking. As you listen, you'll find yourself naturally relaxing and tuning into the qualities you already possess—courage, compassion, curiosity, and more.I truly believe that transformation is simple and starts with just listening and being present. This meditation isn't about making an effort or figuring things out; it's about allowing yourself to feel good and aligning with the abundance and well-being that already exist around you. By the end of this episode, you'll feel more connected to your inner power and ready to embrace the synchronicities and opportunities life has to offer.So, take a deep breath, relax, and join me on this journey to a changed mind.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:02:16: Starting the Meditation00:03:18: Changing Your Habit of Thought00:04:49: Relaxation and Letting Go of Resistance00:06:22: The Loving System of Intelligence00:07:24: Tuning Your Vibration00:08:25: Creating Extraordinary Experiences00:09:26: Living in Joy and Curiosity00:10:29: Giving Up Old WaysMemorable Quotes"Transformation is not engaging in the old ways anymore, but allowing space for new ways to emerge.""The key to you creating everything you want isn't about figuring it out. It's not about hustle and grind. It's not about having enough time or money. The key is simply about being in non-resistance.""When you live in your joy, curiosity, and anticipation of a beautiful future, your present moment quickly transforms into that future you desire."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/coachdavidbayerInstagram...


046 Fourth Dimension Explained: How to Materialize Your Future Right Here Right Now

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we dive deep into the concept that everything you desire already exists in the field of consciousness. We discuss how our visions and dreams are not just figments of our imagination but are real possibilities waiting to be materialized. I shared my own journey, from envisioning a successful coaching company to manifesting a loving family and a thriving business, illustrating that the gap between where you are and where you want to be can be bridged through a scientific process of tuning into the right energy.We emphasize the importance of aligning your thoughts and emotions with your desired future and how living in anticipation and excitement can help you access the ideas and solutions you need. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who has a vision for their life and is eager to learn how to bring it into existence. Join us as we explore the physics of creating your reality and discover how to make your dreams come true.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:05:05: The Concept of the Fourth Dimension00:09:09: The Role of Imagination in Creating Reality00:12:12: Understanding Problems and Desires00:16:19: Translating Desires into Reality00:19:23: Accessing Ideas and Solutions00:21:25: The Importance of Relaxation and Non-Resistance00:23:27: Desire Plus Non-Resistance Equals Desired Result00:28:33: Steps to Materialize Your VisionMemorable Quotes"Your reality is constantly changing. It seems like it's not changing because you keep thinking the same thoughts and feeling the same emotions. Every single moment is a new creation.""The problems you're experiencing right now aren't problems. They are designed to catalyze and focus your attention on what you do want.""All of creation already exists. Everything that has ever existed, that exists right now, and that will ever exist already exists in this quantum field, this fourth-dimensional space."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - 


045 My Daily Personal Practice for Transforming My Limiting Beliefs

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we delve into my personal journey from being a drug addict and alcoholic to becoming a successful entrepreneur and family man. Imintroduce a powerful three-step tool that is the most effective practice for transforming limiting beliefs. This tool, which i describe as a "living meditation," can be used anytime, anywhere, to help you shift from a primal state of stress and anxiety to a powerful state of joy and calm.These insights are rooted in both neuroscience and spirituality, and emphasizes the importance of recognizing and changing the thoughts that lead to negative emotional states. This episode explains that our beliefs shape our reality and that by changing our thinking, we can change our lives. The approach is practical and accessible, making it easy for anyone to start using his methods to create real, lasting change. Join us for this enlightening conversation and take the first step towards a transformed mind and life.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:02:33: The Three-Step Tool for Transforming Limiting Beliefs00:08:10: Powerful States vs. Primal States00:11:13: The Emotional Scale and Transitioning States00:14:16: The Science of Change and Untrue Thinking00:19:20: The Importance of Powerful States for Solutions00:21:23: The Living Meditation Practice00:24:56: The Gift of Challenging Experiences00:25:26: Taking Responsibility for Our ThoughtsMemorable Quotes"Your beliefs create your reality. Your brain is a goal-achieving machine. If there is some situation or circumstance that you want to transform in your life, the transformation or the change is a result of a changed mind.""Every experience is an opportunity for growth, evolution, and for you to have more joy, abundance, and well-being. The key is to notice when you've moved into a primal state and understand that the only thing causing it is your own thinking.""If you want to change your beliefs, you have to change the habit in the midst of experiencing the limiting belief. When you notice that you're in a primal state, acknowledge that the thinking causing it isn't true, and give it space to reveal what is true."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - a...


044 Ignore the Doom and Gloom: Why I Believe 100% in the Certainty of the Goodness of the Future (And Why You Should Too.)

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we dive into the importance of not getting entangled in fear-based thinking but instead, aligning ourselves with the certainty of a positive future. This wisdom is rooted in neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality, offering practical steps to move from a state of survival to one of thriving.Throughout the conversation, we explain how to navigate personal and collective challenges by focusing on what we truly want to create in our lives. This encourages us to relax into our desires and trust the process, highlighting that our beliefs and focus directly influence our outcomes. This episode is a heartfelt invitation to shift your mindset, embrace the abundance around you, and become a powerful creator of your own reality. Join us for an inspiring discussion that will leave you feeling empowered and ready to manifest the life you desire.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:05:30: The Influence of Media and Fear00:15:20: The Role of Beliefs in Shaping Reality00:25:00: The Detoxification of Old Beliefs and Systems00:30:45: Personal Transformation and Overcoming Challenges00:35:50: The Power of Faith Over Fear00:40:30: The Role of Leaders and Media in Shaping Perception00:45:15: The Importance of Positive Focus and VisionMemorable Quotes"Wherever you put your attention, that's where you're creating. That's where you're making things matter in your life. That's where you're materializing a change in your reality.""The most important decision you make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe. What you believe will become your reality.""Focus on the problem and you'll get more of the problem. Focus on the desire that the problem catalyzes, and the solution will emerge from that focus."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/coachdavidbayerInstagram - 


043 The Science of Synchronicity: How to Make Miracles on Demand

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we dive into the practical steps you can take to cultivate more joy in your everyday life. We share insights on how small, intentional changes in our daily routines can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being. From the power of gratitude to the importance of social connections, we cover it all in a way that's easy to understand and apply.Together we break down complex psychological concepts into simple, actionable advice. This episode is driven by a warm and genuine passion for helping others, making it not just informative but also incredibly uplifting. Whether you're looking to boost your mood, improve your relationships, or just find a little more peace in your day-to-day life, this episode is packed with wisdom and practical tips that you won't want to miss. Join us for a heartfelt discussion that promises to leave you feeling inspired and ready to embrace more happiness in your life.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode02:35 - The Concept of Everyday Miracles05:00 - David's Personal Miracle Story10:15 - The Science Behind Miracles20:45 - Life Organizing to Fulfill Desires30:00 - Neuroscience and Miracles35:15 - The Coordination of Life Events40:00 - Practical Steps to Create MiraclesMemorable Quotes"Miracles are meant to be everyday occurrences, and there's something specific that you're doing that is actually blocking you from experiencing on a more regular basis the miracle of everyday living.""If you have a desire and then you realize that all of life is now reorganizing itself to fulfill on the desire, and you're in non-resistance, that's how you can start to experience miracles.""The only reason why we call it a miracle is because it happens infrequently. And the only reason that it happens infrequently is because we just get too focused on the absence of the thing that we want in our life."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/coachdavidbayerInstagram...


042 You’re Not Stuck: Shift This One Belief and All the Others Must Follow

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we dives deep into the mechanics of personal growth and the mind's role in shaping our reality. David shares his insights on how our mind's focus on survival often leads us to fixate on the absence of what we desire, creating a cycle of resistance that hinders our progress. It explains the powerful equation of "desire plus non-resistance equals desired result," emphasizing that the key to transformation lies in relaxing and letting go of the pressure we place on ourselves. The wisdom offers a refreshing perspective on how to navigate personal growth with ease and flow, making it accessible and achievable for everyone.Throughout the conversation, the warmth and genuine appreciation for the journey of self-discovery shine through. It reassures that there's nothing wrong with where we are in our personal growth journey and that our limiting beliefs are simply disguised messengers of joy, guiding us towards deeper wisdom and connection. By shifting our focus from resistance to non-resistance, we can unlock the potential for profound change in our lives. Join us as we explore the practical advice and heartfelt encouragement will inspire you to embrace your journey with newfound confidence and ease.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:03:45: Introduction to the Episode's Main Topic00:06:16: The Mind's Focus on Survival and Absence00:13:30: The Equation for Personal Growth: Desire + Non-Resistance = Desired Result00:16:10: The Role of Limiting Beliefs in Personal Growth00:19:34: The Two States of Being: Powerful and Primal00:27:33: Transforming Limiting Beliefs into Empowered Beliefs00:33:02: Evidence for New Empowered BeliefsMemorable Quotes"The mind has a filter focused on survival. The moment you desire something, it pays attention to the absence of that thing, thinking that focusing on the problem will help solve it.""Desire plus non-resistance equals desired result. If you have a desire and no resistance to it, given enough time, you will achieve it.""The key to progressing in your personal evolution is to relax about the speed and how it's occurring. Often, we put unnecessary pressure on our personal growth journey."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter...


041 How I Trained My Nervous System to Be Unafraid

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we delve into the profound impact of fear on our ability to create and manifest our desires. We explore how various forms of fear, such as anxiety, stress, and indecision, can stem from deep-seated beliefs and past traumas. The discussion opens with an examination of how fear can disguise itself in everyday emotions and actions, influencing our decisions and our lives more than we might realize.learning how to manage and retrain the nervous system to overcome fear has significantly transformed my life. This transformation allowed me to achieved remarkable success in both my personal and professional life. We discussed practical tools and strategies, such as the decision matrix, which helps identify and transform limiting beliefs by questioning the validity of the thoughts that cause fear. This process involves acknowledging these fears as remnants of past experiences and actively choosing to adopt more empowering beliefs.Join us as we discuss cultivating a more powerful, fearless approach to life. This shift is essential for anyone looking to lead a fulfilled and successful life free from the constraints that fear imposes.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:02:10 - The Various Forms of Fear and Their Impact00:10:20 - The Neuroscience Behind Fear and Personal Growth00:15:30 - Strategies for Retraining the Nervous System00:25:55 - Practical Tools for Transforming Fear00:35:25 - Real-Life Applications and Success Stories00:40:00 - The Importance of Belief Systems in Personal Development00:45:15 - How to Identify and Transform Limiting BeliefsMemorable Quotes"Fear is the biggest thing holding us back. Whether it's making more money, growing your business, improving relationships, or health, think about it. If you're unafraid and give it enough time, your thoughts and actions will consistently and predictably produce the desired result.""The two states of being are powerful and primal. Powerful states feel good, like joy and enthusiasm, while primal states, such as stress and anxiety, do not. Understanding this helps you evaluate how much time you spend in fear, which is crucial for personal growth.""Detoxifying yourself of fear leads to happiness and the realization of your dreams. Behavioral psychology shows that our beliefs, formed early in life, dictate our thoughts, which in turn affect our emotions, actions, and ultimately, the results we see in our lives."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:


040 I Stopped Taking Anxiety Meds After 15 Years (Here’s What Happened)

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we delve into my personal journey with anxiety, a condition that has been a significant part of my life since I was 17. My experiences with anxiety began with a misdiagnosed gallbladder issue, which led to unnecessary surgery and subsequent health complications. This medical ordeal during my teenage years was the precursor to my first encounter with severe anxiety and panic attacks. The decision coincided with the engagement in a twelve-step program and therapy, which introduced the new frameworks for dealing with stress and anxiety. The process of discontinuing the medication was arduous and accompanied by intense withdrawal symptoms. Through therapy and personal reflection, I uncovered that much of anxiety stemmed from deep-seated beliefs about the self-worth and capabilities, beliefs that were inadvertently inherited from my family dynamics. Addressing these issues head-on allowed me to reconnect with my emotions and intuition, which had been numbed by years of medication and substance abuse. This newfound clarity brought about a significant shift in how I processed everyday stressors and led to a more fulfilling engagement with life.Join us as we explore the testament to the power of personal growth and the importance of addressing mental health issues at their roots. together lets explore the paths to healing and start viewing anxiety not just as a barrier, but as a gateway to deeper self-discovery and resilience.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:06:16 - Understanding Anxiety and Its Origins 00:13:30 - The Breakthrough of Getting Off Medications 00:16:10 - The Impact of Twelve Step Programs and Therapy 00:27:33 - The Realization of Root Causes of Anxiety 00:33:02 - The Transformation Through Personal Growth 00:35:18 - The Importance of Processing Childhood Traumas 00:40:13 - The Role of Limiting Beliefs and Misunderstandings Memorable Quotes"Therapy was helpful, but as I developed my own toolsets and frameworks, I found a much greater level of support for handling daily stressors.""After getting off anxiety medications, I realized I had been numbing out. Without them, I began to feel again, experiencing a deeper connection to life and my emotions.""The anxiety I experienced was a compressed form of energy that my body was managing. As I processed and transformed this energy, it significantly contributed to my personal growth."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:


039 The Controversy Behind Kennedy’s VP Pick: Why Nicole Shanahan?

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn this episode, we delved into the strategic aspects of political campaigns, particularly focusing on objection handling in marketing and how it parallels political maneuvering. We discussed the recent announcement of Nicole Shanahan as a Vice-Presidential Candidate alongside Bobby Kennedy Jr., emphasizing the importance of addressing potential objections to strengthen their campaign. The conversation extended into the broader implications of such strategic decisions in the political landscape, highlighting the need for campaigns to anticipate and skillfully manage public perceptions and objections.The intersection of marketing strategies and political campaigning draws parallels between anticipating customer objections in business and voter concerns in politics. This approach is crucial for crafting compelling narratives that resonate with the electorate, particularly in a polarized environment. By analyzing the Kennedy-Shanahan campaign, I illustrated how political figures could leverage these strategies to navigate complex political waters and potentially secure electoral success.Join us as we deep dive into the mechanics of political campaigning, the role of strategic communication, and the importance of handling objections effectively. By drawing lessons from marketing and applying them to political contexts.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode00:02:10 - Discussion on Political Campaigns and Handling Objections 00:10:45 - Insights into Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s Political Strategy 00:18:30 - Analysis of Vice Presidential Pick and Campaign Dynamics 00:25:50 - Deep Dive into Nicole Shanahan's Background and Controversies 00:35:00 - Examination of Political Alignments and Funding Sources 00:42:30 - Strategies for Addressing Public and Media Concerns 00:50:15 - Reflections on Political Integrity and Campaign Challenges Memorable Quotes"Our thoughts are creating our reality. This isn't woo-woo; it's physics, metaphysics, neuroscience, and behavioral psychology.""Fear holds the old system in place. Fear keeps us sick, scarce, and maintains broken relationships, both individually and collectively.""In marketing, we anticipate objections and design handlers that use these objections to our advantage to further the sale. This approach should have been applied to the Nicole Shanahan announcement."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn...


038 Gates, Soros, Schwab: How The Great Reset Is Really A Catalyst for Hope

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we explore the intriguing concept that our greatest challenges often set the stage for our most profound desires and achievements. Whether it's battling illness, financial difficulties, loneliness, or professional setbacks, these experiences can deeply motivate us to seek betterment and fulfillment. This perspective is not just about personal growth but also about leveraging our struggles to define and achieve a more desirable future for ourselves and collectively. Throughout the podcast, we emphasize how personal adversities are not just obstacles but pivotal moments that help us clarify and pursue what we truly want. Join us as we aim to shift our focus to fulfillment, not only to better ourselves, but also for leave a lasting positive effect on the world.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality======= What We Explored This Episode 00:02:10 - The Role of Contrast in Personal Development 00:04:45 - Overview of Episode Topics 00:07:30 - Managing Emotional Responses to Global Issues 00:17:50 - The Importance of Right Thinking and Productivity 00:22:35 - Discussion on Global Control and Fear 00:31:55 - Personal Development and Overcoming Fear 00:41:25 - The Power of Detoxifying from Fear Memorable Quotes "It's through the contrast and the contracted experience, emotional experience of that which we do not like, that we are able to actually get clear on what we do want." "Every time I see a wrong in the world, I get more aligned with the right that is in the process of materializing and emerging." "If you have a desire, the result will materialize in your life, no matter what it is, if you can operate consistently in non-resistance." Connect With David Interested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/coachdavidbayerInstagram - 


037 United We Stand: Overcoming the 'Us Vs. Them' Mentality in Political Discourse

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we delve into the intricate world of personal identity, and the power of informed opinions. This is not a political discourse but a profound exploration of how our beliefs and the media shape our perceptions and decisions.If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the divisive nature of politics or struggled with maintaining personal beliefs amidst widespread societal pressures, this episode will offer you a sanctuary. It’s a chance to explore how personal healing and understanding can lead to broader societal change.In a past episode, we discussed my dinner with RFK Junior, which was intended as an intimate platform for open dialogue. Despite this noble intention, the event led to a loss of subscribers and a slew of negative comments, highlighting the deep political divide and the intolerance for diverse viewpoints in current American society.It's conversations like these that inspire us to think more deeply about the roles we play in our communities and how we can contribute to meaningful change. Join us as we explore these vital topics and consider what it means to truly engage in the democratic process.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality======= What We Explored This Episode 00:00:00 - Introduction and Overview of Social Media Opinions00:02:30 - Discussion on Political Divides and Social Media Impact00:10:20 - Analysis of Current Political Figures and Policies00:15:35 - Personal Experiences and Observations at Political Events00:20:50 - Reflections on Media Influence and Public Opinion00:35:40 - Broader Implications of Political Choices and Media Narratives00:40:55 - Closing Thoughts on Political Engagement and Media Literacy Memorable Quotes "It requires intellectual fortitude and effort to get to the root cause of what's going on in the world, and most people are not willing to do it. It's much easier to just have an opinion and share it on social media, leading to a collective of uneducated, emotionally charged opinions that people take on as a personal identity." "We treat politics like sports teams, which keeps us divided and prevents us from having intelligent conversations. This approach creates dogmas and orthodoxies, and no matter who wins, about 70% of the population is unhappy because they haven't taken the time to understand the policies." "Each episode of this podcast is a journey into topics that matter, from neuroscience and spirituality to global issues like the environment and democracy. It's about creating real, lasting change in your life and in the world, providing a sanctuary for your spirit away from negativity and doom." Connect With David Interested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?


036 Knowing The Difference Between When To Push And When To Rest [ENTREPRENEURSHIP]

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Are you an entrepreneur caught in the relentless pursuit of success, or perhaps you find yourself procrastinating, unable to take the necessary steps forward? In the latest episode of "A Changed Mind," I delve into the critical balance between action and rest, and how understanding your internal emotional seasons can lead to innovation, creativity, and ultimately, a thriving business.Many entrepreneurs find themselves on the brink of a burnout, constantly pushing their limits without adequate rest. This relentless drive can lead to a decline in neurophysiology, biology, and mental health, preventing them from operating at their highest level.On the other end of the spectrum are those who procrastinate, engaging in activities that feel like work but are essentially forms of self-sabotage, such as excessive social media use or unnecessary website tweaks. If you've ever felt like you're on a treadmill in your business, working hard but not getting anywhere, or if you're on the other end, avoiding the work you know you need to do, this conversation is for you. We talk about the importance of stepping back to gain clarity and how sometimes, the best thing for your business is to take a break, to allow space for innovation and creativity. And for those who are stuck in fear, we discuss the power of taking action despite resistance. This episode is a heartfelt reminder that your business should not be your taskmaster, but rather a dynamic expression of your evolving self. So, if you're ready to learn how to work with your internal seasons and create a business that thrives in harmony with your personal development, tune in and let's get started.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality======= What We Explored This Episode 00:01:03: The Challenge of Balancing Action and Rest00:09:35: The Importance of Rest for Innovation and Creativity00:13:30: The Metaphysical Approach to Business00:19:34: Taking Control and Recalibrating Your Business00:33:02: The Importance of Space for New Ideas00:35:18: The Balance Between Action and Rest00:45:29: Building a Regimen of Discomfort Memorable Quotes "Entrepreneurship is what's going to change the world. It's the only way to have true financial freedom, time freedom, location freedom, emotional sovereignty, psychological sovereignty." "If we're not in appropriate rest, we're not in the space where innovation emerges, new ideas, new creativity. We're not connecting with ourselves." "Your business is a rendering process of your own journey. You've accumulated character, skills, values, and experiences, and as an entrepreneur, you're packaging that into structures that represent a version of you, which we call a business." Connect With David Interested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more...


035 Understanding The Nature Of Reality And The Simple 3-Step Process Of Creating Any Result Effortlessly

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever wondered how deep-rooted beliefs sculpt the reality you live in? Transforming these belief systems is akin to steering the ship of your life towards uncharted, more prosperous waters. In our latest episode, we navigate through the mind's intricate interplay of thoughts, emotions, and actions that ultimately dictate success in health, wealth, and relationships. I reveal a sanctuary of wisdom, with a simple yet revolutionary three-step process that guides listeners toward personal growth and an aligned, abundant future—no matter the hurdles previously faced.Aligning our inner selves isn't just about wishful thinking; it's the art of manifestation, an art that I dissect, moving beyond traditional methods to wellness and happiness. With insights from thought leaders like Esther Hicks and the teachings of Abraham, we scrutinize the invisible forces at play. Delving into the concept of quantum imagination, I unpack how even our unwanted experiences can pave the way to realizing our true desires, emphasizing the transformative power of our focus and consistent attention. To cap off, we explore the role of belief in achieving financial abundance without sacrificing what's dear to us. By sharing the story of how I met my Colombian wife, I reveal the magnetic power of aligned beliefs and actions, and dissect the internal resistances that often hold us back. Plus, I introduce the Whole Human Framework program, designed to help overcome these barriers. Join us as we not just discuss, but actively engage with these life-changing principles, and don't forget to connect and contribute your own experiences on this journey toward abundant living. =======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode (00:00) Transform Your Belief System for Success(11:18) Mastering the Art of Manifestation(16:08) Manifesting Desires Through Quantum Imagination(27:31) Law of Attraction and Manifestation Explained(32:01) Achieving Financial Abundance Through Belief(36:20) Law of Creation and Manifestation(48:39) Spread the Gospel of Living Intelligently Memorable Quotes "Your beliefs at a very early age form how you think now as an adult, how you perceive as an adult, and essentially alter your experience of life." "Every time you have a thought, you have an emotion, and your emotions determine what action you take. So, stressed out people take stressed action, while those who feel abundance take bold, abundant-oriented actions." "You're the only one who can muck it up, but that's a good thing because if you can become educated and then actually integrate that education into a changed mind, there isn't anything that you can't create." Connect With David Interested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?a...


034 Wealth Unlocked: Financial Insecurity To Freedom In Minutes

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever wondered why the size of your bank account doesn't necessarily equate to financial freedom? Join me, David Bayer, as we peel back the layers of what it truly means to be wealthy. This isn't just another chat about saving pennies; this episode is a masterclass in leveraging the world's resources to your advantage. We'll confront those pesky money blocks that might be barricading your path to abundance and equip you with the strategies to attract prosperity like a magnet. Now, imagine breaking free from the corporate grind and cultivating a garden of intellectual property that blooms all season. That's the story of a client who dared to dream with us and is now living that very reality. This episode isn't just about her journey, though; it's about the potential in every one of us to make that profound shift in consciousness. We're blending mystical wisdom with the cutting-edge science of behavioral psychology and neuroscience to ignite a revolution in how you approach your finances and your life. It's time to stop putting your financial freedom on layaway. In this heart-to-heart, we dissect the crucial alignment of beliefs with financial ambitions and why feeling abundant today is non-negotiable. We'll share how embodying this richness in the present can close the gap to the financial freedom you seek.Ready to transform into an insider with the inside track on true wealth? Let's do this.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality======= What We Explored This Episode (00:00) Unlocking Financial Abundance and Prosperity(03:08) Wealth Creation Through Behavioral Awareness(06:00) Closing the Gap for Financial Freedom(11:01) Understanding True Financial Freedom Memorable Quotes "True wealth is the ability to harness really the infinite amount of resources, financial and otherwise, that exist in the world today.""If you're not where you want to be financially, you probably have some of those money limiting beliefs.""True financial freedom is an understanding that you, as a powerful creator and in the interconnectivity of all of the human beings on this planet, have access to the resources of the total." Connect With David Interested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - 


033 Three Shocking Takeaways From My Private Dinner With Robert Kennedy Jr

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Prepare to be captivated by my enlightening dinner with RFK Jr., a journey that will challenge your perspective on public health, personal growth, and political integrity. With RFK Jr. at the heart of our discussion, we traverse his unwavering activism and the contentious debates that follow him, impacting my own life decisions and those concerning my son Gabriel's health. This episode sheds light on the complex world of vaccine efficacy, environmental toxins, and the pervasive influence of pharmaceutical companies in a narrative that is as compelling as it is critical.Step into a space of genuine commitment as I recount an expansive social gathering that inadvertently transformed into a profound interaction with Bobby Kennedy Jr. His resilience against public scrutiny and his spiritual discipline offer a lesson in the power of aligning words with action. I also delve into the harrowing chronic disease epidemic among children, revealing how Bobby's sobering viewpoint on this issue underscores the urgency for public dialogue and funding for research.Concluding with a riveting discussion, we navigate the intricate web spun by influential figures like George Soros and their role in shaping our democracy. Kennedy brings to light the generational divide in politics, the nuanced narrative of global conflicts such as the Ukraine crisis, and the paramount importance of unity in tackling society's pressing issues. Join us for an episode that not only brings you thought-provoking revelations from my time with Bobby Kennedy Jr. but also invites you to be part of a community intent on creating transformative change.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality======= What We Explored This Episode (00:00) Uncovering RFK Jr's Beliefs and Activism(11:28) Commitment and Integrity in Action(15:51) Bobby's Recovery and Autism Epidemic(19:07) Pharmaceutical Company Influence on Children(33:04) George Soros and American Politics(41:00) Deep Dive With Bobby Kennedy Jr Memorable Quotes "You have to create an extraordinary amount of justification for the fact that products like Roundup are related to cancer, and you can actually take down the big corporations if you have the research. But the challenge is they control the research mechanism.""There's something has happened to our children. They are being bombarded with environmental toxins, food toxins, medical toxins, and it's destroying their lives from the very beginning. And nobody's doing anything about it.""We're in strange times. If he didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to say. But when you see things happening that you can't really describe, it reminds me of what was starting to happen in Middle Earth when dark forces were moving." Connect With David Interested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?a...


032 This Is Why Law of Attraction Isn't Working (And How To Fix It)

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Have you ever felt locked in a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies, where your deepest beliefs seem to conjure the very reality you dwell in? This episode unravels the intricate ties between our mindsets and the life we lead. We dive into behavioral psychology and the law of attraction, detailing how our early-formed beliefs sculpt our current experiences. Peppered with personal stories, this dialogue illuminates the potential for profound transformation when we confront and reshape the core of our thought patterns.If you're seeking a metamorphosis and ready to rewrite your life's narrative, this episode is your guiding star. Following the wisdom of Abraham Hicks, we delve into the art of consciously evolving our thinking patterns to manifest a new reality, irrespective of the present scenario. We discuss the significance of nurturing patience and faith during the interim of belief alteration, citing the pivotal 30-day period to cement these changes. Moreover, we spotlight neuroplasticity, showcasing our brain's remarkable ability to rewire and support new thought paradigms, thus forging a new life canvas. This session is an empowering call to action, urging you to cling to rejuvenating beliefs with the conviction that they will, indeed, bring forth a tangible shift in your reality.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality======= What We Explored This Episode (00:00) The Power of Changed Mind(09:15) Changing Your Reality Through Belief Shifts Memorable Quotes "Your thoughts are creating your reality. This isn't just some new age notion; it's a fundamental principle of behavioral psychology.""When you change your thinking, you're still experiencing a reality produced by your previous thoughts. It's critical to understand this transition if you want to change your reality effectively.""Neuroplasticity shows that you can use your mind to change the way you think and therefore change your reality by changing who you are." Connect With David Interested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - 


031 The Cork Meditation: The Most Powerful Meditation In The World

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeEmbark on a journey with me as we uncover the profound effects of visualization and meditation on emotional resilience. Over the past decade, I've refined a practice that quiets the mind and nurtures the art of letting go, and it's time to share that wisdom with you. Our discussion traverses the landscape of mental patterns, revealing how to break free from negative cycles and embrace our most desirable emotional states. With nuggets of knowledge and personal experiences, this episode serves as a guide to rewiring the nervous system and fostering a life rich with positivity and clarity.This conversation wouldn't be complete without delving into the transformative concept of non-resistance in meditation, and how it shapes our emotional well-being and the vibrational energy we exude. I introduce you to the cork meditation—a visualization technique that symbolizes the effortless release of burdensome thoughts and a return to natural harmony. If you're yearning to dissolve those persistent negative neurophysiological patterns and unlock a world of vibrancy, creativity, and spiritual connection, this episode is your key. Join us for an enlightening experience that will elevate your meditation practice and align you with the boundless potential of your true essence.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode(00:00) Powerful Meditative Practices for Mindset(09:55) The Power of Non-Resistance MeditationMemorable Quotes"Your life is really a reflection of your habit of emotion and your habit of thought. The reason why you're drinking as much as you're drinking is because of what you're thinking. The amount of money you've made in your bank account is a result of your thoughts. The type of relationship you have is based on what you've been thinking and what you've been feeling.""We are essentially radioactive beings. Every time you have a thought, the neural networks of your brain light up and produce an electrical impulse. That impulse gets transmitted through your nervous system, and your entire being resonates at a frequency that correlates to these emotions, becoming a broadcast to other people.""The key is to be in non-resistance. The visual that Abraham uses is that most of the time we're living our lives holding the cork of everything we desire under the water. When you let go of a cork, it naturally bobs to the top. You don't have to push your desires to materialize in your lives. That action becomes inspired, coming from good feeling emotions, not from fear or frustration."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:


030 Why Your Man Isn't Acting Like One (And Why It's Your Fault)

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeHave you ever considered the delicate dance of dynamics that dictates the strength and balance within your relationship? Join me, David Bayer, as we journey into the heart of what it takes for men to truly stand in their power as protectors and providers, and how women can play a pivotal role in that process. Together, we'll explore the vision of an empowering partnership, decoding the archetypes of men and understanding how to navigate the dance between control and support to foster a connection where both partners thrive. In a tale as old as time, control and resentment have been silent saboteurs in the waltz of love, often leading couples down a path of criticism and disempowerment. This episode peels back the layers on these destructive patterns, offering a mirror for self-reflection and a roadmap for recalibration. Join us as we discuss how to break free from the grip of negativity and set the stage for a relationship that elevates both individuals, where men reclaim their role not just as participants, but as equal partners in a dance of mutual respect and admiration.Communication, the silent symphony behind any successful relationship, is an art form we dissect with care. Learn how to conduct a conversation that builds instead of breaks, fostering self-confidence in your partner and nurturing an environment ripe for growth. We'll share strategies on how to cherish and support each other, turning the ordinary into extraordinary. Whether you're looking to reignite the spark or simply enhance the flame that already burns brightly, this episode is a beacon for those navigating the journey of partnership, shining a light on the path to a future filled with understanding, support, and love.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode(00:00) Understanding Manhood in Relationships(10:29) Understanding and Reversing Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics(22:00) How to Communicate With Your Husband(26:22) Supporting and Improving RelationshipsMemorable Quotes"Every woman wants a provider in a relationship. They want a protector, they want certainty, they want safety, they want security, and they want to get that from their man. You want to feel like you can just relax, that your man will be able to take care of things.""So stop criticizing and start acknowledging. Start acknowledging the things that he is doing. The energy that you bring to a situation is everything. Are you asking from a loving place? Are you using kind words? Is it loving energy?""We would never talk to our husband or our wife, hopefully and ideally, like we would talk to our children, and again, you could have a reaction which is well, why do I have to talk to my husband with my kid gloves on? Well, because it's called love, and you're in the process right now of helping him to rebuild his self-confidence, and this is a great way to do it."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience:


029 How to Fall Back in Love With Your Business Again Once Your Passion Has Died

📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeHave you ever found yourself caught in the undertow of stress while pursuing the very passion that once made your heart soar? Carol and I have been there, riding the highs and navigating the inevitable lows of transforming our passion into a flourishing and serene business. In this episode, we dive into the gritty details of our journey—mistakes, triumphs, and the lessons learned in the trenches of online advertising, branding, and course launching. Join us as we share deeply personal stories, offering a beacon of hope and a roadmap for others on the entrepreneurial path, ensuring the fire of your initial vision isn't snuffed out by the winds of challenge.The mind is a powerful ally, yet it can be a formidable foe when fears and limiting beliefs take the helm. We will focus on the philosophical underpinnings that can steer your business away from rocky shores. We'll offer tips on how to navigate through the trying times of financial insecurity and learn how to anchor yourself in emotional control. We unravel the four philosophical tenets that have not only shifted our own businesses, but have also been the cornerstone for countless others seeking success without the burden of stress. Our candid conversation aims to light the path for you towards prosperity, passion, and peace of mind.As Carol and I reflect on our own experiences, we consider how our thoughts create the reality of our businesses and the impact of gratitude in bridging the gap between today's reality and tomorrow's aspirations. We invite you to join us as we embrace the journey, trust the process, and believe in the inevitability of growth and opportunity.=======Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality=======What We Explored This Episode(00:00) Turning Passion Into a Successful Business(06:00) Principles for Building a Stress-Free Business(15:44) Metaphysical Understanding and Closing the Gap(18:47) Gratitude and Trust in BusinessMemorable Quotes"The key to closing the gap between where you are right now and where you want to go is to not need to be anywhere else, because you love so much exactly where you're at.""If you want to have a business, you love love the business you have. If you want to have a bank account, you love love the bank account you have.""The only reason that your business is not growing the way you want it to is because you've developed an adversarial relationship with it, and it's time to heal that relationship."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us...


Steven Hagen

please stop the brutally annoying background music. your voice recording sounds like it's in the background compare to the music or whatever that crap is called.. it is very difficult to listen to what you are saying with that horrible ecrap

01-02 Reply

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