We all have places in our lives where we have room to grow. ALL of us, without exception! Ali is a firm believer in facing these places head on. Dr. Pat and Ali will discuss your options.
Ali and Dr. Pat will talk about acts of kindness that you can do for others and yourself, and what decluttering your life can do for you.
We cannot change the world around us, but we can create a landscape of inner peace within ourselves. Life will never slow down, or stop being stressful, so we need to figure out ways to deal with these triggers, and different things work for different people. It is important to find out what works for YOU.
In order to be the best parent, spouse, partner, friend, child, employee or employer that we can be, we must first be the best version of ourselves. We must get to know ourselves on an intimate level and truly love who we are. We do this by spending time with ourselves.When we sit in meditation, even for a few minutes a day, it is usually the only time we are quiet and alone. Our soul is the essence of us. It isn’t what we want to project to the world and it isn’t our self esteem that is connected to outside validation, it is what looks out of our eyes. We have to first connect before we can love.For so many of us it is like dating…we are meeting ourselves for the first time, dating, then getting serious, then falling in love. Along the way we may find a few things that we don’t like, but we realize that nobody is perfect! Dr. Pat Baccili joins Ali in the discussion.
Ali and Dr. Pat talk about how we can go through life with a mentality of abundance or lack, and whichever one we choose truly shapes our reality. Ali believes that the more we cultivate gratitude in our life, the more the Universe gives us to be grateful. It is an energy and a vibration that you are living in, and you attract what you put out. The Universe understands what you like and will conspire on your behalf. “What we put our attention on thrives” and we choose where to put it. On the good stuff or the negative? Where we put it is what will grow in our lives.
See how meditation can fit seamlessly into everyone's life, no matter who you are and what you do. Meditation can feel really easy, and we are going to show you how, and explain many of the amazing benefits, and how meditation can help make your life better, calmer, and even more meaningful