Authentic Development

Navigating the world of self development, healing and growth can be as challenging as the development itself. My name is Natalia Kiskova, and this is Authentic Development. A journey in a podcast, where together we'll find your authentic way of development.

Meditacia: Smrt a Pominutelnost (anglicky)

Predstavte si, ako vsetky vase veci ktore mate radi, zmiznu. Predstavte si, ako vasi kamarati zmiznu. Ako vasa rodina, mizne. Vasa miestnost v ktorej sedite. A zrazu je prazdno. Ste len vy, bezmyslienkovo. Bez pamatovo. To je pomynutelnost. To je smrt.Smrt prichadza v beznom dni, bez ocakavani. Vsetko mizne, je ticho. Naucme sa rozymslat nad pominultenostou a prestaneme sa bat smrti.Uvedomenie si nasej smrtelnosti nam pomaha sustredit sa na nas pristup k zivotu, na to, kto a na com zalezi, na to, za co sa oplatíi bojovat… a za co nie. Moze to zniet neintuitivne, ale uznanim smrti sa stavame zivsimi. Vsetko dava na pravu mieru.Vsimava smrt znamena celit smrti. Tym, ze budeme celit smrti, ide o to, ze sa zbavíme strachu zo smrti. Smrt je velka neznama – nevieme ako, kedy ani kde – a mysel ma tendenciu bat sa toho, co je nezname.Budme tu a teraz a uvedomme si nasu pominultenost.Namaste✨Meditacia: Secular Buddhism


Meditacia: Zenska Energia

Oslavme spolu svoju Zensku Energiu na MDZ🌷Dnesny den, nieje oslavou socialistickeho sviatku. Je to oslava nas vsetkych, muzov ci zien. Pretoze vsetci v sebe mame zensku aj muzksu energiu. Muzska je dolezita koli ‘doer’ attitude, planovaniu, splnovaniu golov. Ta zenska, je ta kreativna, intuitivna, ta energia ktora sa zamerava na prijatie.Tak podme oslavovat tu zensku energiu, ktora sa nam rozvija hlavne v energii srdca, alebo srdcovej cakre. Toto je energia Lasky, Sucitu, Empatie, Odpustenia. A ak nie teraz, tak kedy, potrebujeme prave tychto pocitov a emocii viac. Potrebujeme ich pre utecenov z Ukrajiny, potrebuju ich oni, ale potrebuju ich aj opresori, agresori, ti, co mozno teraz konaju z hnevu a nenavisti.Dajme si tychto 5 minut meditacie aby sme sebe, nasej zenskej energii, a nasmu srdcu dopraili pocit Lasky, Sucitu a Odopustenia.👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👨Krasny den MDZ Vam vsetkym,Namaste ✨#caspreseba #mentalnezdravieSong credit: Time for Greatness, Fia


Vdacnost & Ocenenie Zapisnik

Kolko krat do dna si poviete ake je nieco zle, ako sa nieco nedari, nebodaj si vynadate ze ste zase nieco zabudli, nedkonocili, nakricali na niekoho. A pre porovnanie, kolko krat si uvedomite co vsetko mate, ake mate stastie mat taky zivot aky mate, podakujete sami sebe za vsetko co ste zvladli alebo za to aky ste? 🤷‍♀️Temnota u nas v zivotoch prevlada. Ci su case miru,alebo vojny ako prave teraz. Malo krat sa pozastavime a povieme si, Dakujem🙏. Za to co mam, za to aka som. Tak podme to spravit spolu. 1x denne, tyzdenne alebo iba ked vas to napadne. Napiste si za co ste vdacny, a co si na sebe vazite. Uvedomite si, aspon na ten moment ked to pisete, ze ste tu a teraz. A kolko dobreho tu a teraz mate.Potrebujete pero/papier ✍️📄alebo len telefon📱 a 3 minuty vasho casu. Vase dusevne zdravie sa vam za to odvdaci, dlhodobo. Namaste✨#casnaseba #mentalnezdravieSong credit: O, I love you : Essie Jain


Shake it off: Zbavenie sa negativnych emocii z tela 💃🏻

Poznate ten pocit ked vidite nieco nechutne, zazijete nieco neprijemne, alebo sa vystrasite a vase telo sa STRASIE? Je to nasa intuitivna reakcia na zbavenie sa negativneho pocitu v tele. V nasej spolocnosti nieje ok tancovat na ulici, vykricat sa, vybijat negativitu. Co sa potom deje je, ze nam tieto emocie zostavaju v tele, su nespracovane a vytvaraju nam dlhodobe fyzicke ale aj mentalne problemy.Shake it off je cesta ako sa zbavit tychto nezprocesovanych emocii a pocitov. Mozte to robit denne, kedykolvek a kdekolvek. Zatvorte sa na 🚽 v praci po tazkom meetingu alebo rano v 🚿 po precitani sprav, alebo po tazkom dni ako rodina, vypeckujte oblubene pesnicky a chodte do toho.Zacnime sami sebou, najdime vnutorny klud a rozvaznost aby sme mohli pomahat tym, ktory to teraz naozaj potrebuju.Namaste ✨Song credit: Intention by EarthRise SoundSystem


Dychove Cvicenie: Ukludnenie

Dychove Cvicenie: Ukludnenie 🙏Dnes zacneme dychovym cvicenim. Dych je nasa tajna zbran. Dychom vieme ukludnit nase telo, nasu mysel. Pomaha nam brzdit akutnu stresovu reakciu, ktora vie dlhobodo sposobovat rozne zdravotne problemy.V dnesnom cviceni budeme vdychovat cez nos a vydychovat ustami so zvukom PSSSHHHT. Prave tato technika nam pomoze predlzit svoj vydych. V situaciach kedy pocituje strach alebo uzkost a chceme sa ukludnit, je dych nasim najlepsim kamaratom.Budeme robit nadych nosom, na 4 doby a vydych ustami na 8 dob. Prave dlhsi vydych dava telu znamenie, ze nieste v zivote ohrozoujcom prostredi, nepotrebujete utekat alebo bojovat. Telo sa tym padom uvolni a pomaha uvolnit aj mysel.Toto cvicenie mozte robit hocikedy cez den, ked pocitujete uzkost, hnev, strach. Alebo aj vecer pred spanim, aby sa vam mysel ukludnila a mali ste lepsi spanok.Prajem vam krasny den,Namaste ✨Music credit: Breathe it In, Beautiful Chorus#breathwork #dychovecvicenie #ukludnenie #caspreseba


#12 Executive Coaching w.Jerry Colonna

In this episode, I talked to the founder and CEO of Reboot.IO, Inc Jerry Colonna.We talk about #blacklivesmatter movement, corona pandemics, and most importantly, about compassion. How being compassionate, living a life with compassion can not only change our lives but the lives of our society. Jerry is a certified professional coach. He draws on his wide variety of experiences to help clients design a more conscious life and make needed changes to their career to improve their performance and satisfaction. He established his coaching practice in 2007. Prior to this work, Colonna was a venture capitalist focused on investing in early stage technology-related startups.In 2019, Colonna published a book Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up. find all the books at’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


#11 Art Therapy

Jaroslava Sickova-Fabrici is an active sculptor, working in collaboration with her husband Jan in Slovakia and around the world. Prof. Sickova founded the field of arts therapy in Slovakia. She lectures, at Commenius University the pedagogic department, participates in international conferences, leads workshops, and has published several books including Art Therapy. She cofounded a nonproift organizations Terra terapeutica, art therapy in Slovakia. She Works in art therapy since 1984 and is planning a new project Rebirth this summer.In our episode with Jaroslava, we talk about art therapy, it’s effects on adults & kids with disabilities, how she can diagnose her patients without words and what art can mean for society as a whole. Enjoy!


#N9.10 Natalia & Michael on COVID19 Quarantine

Special episode where Michael (my partner) and I talk about our life in quarantine. What has changed? How are we handling us, our relationship, our work during this period? You will also find some fun ways how to make your days a bit more interesting!


#10 Development in COVID-19 Pandemic

*SPECIAL EPISODE* How can we cope with quarantine? What are the typical coping mechanisms? What needs should we have met to then be able to feel safe? Can we grow in the environment? How to talk to our children about what is happening? How can we survive being alone, at home, or being in a relationship and not having that ‘alone’ time?This special episode was created in the midst of pandemics of COVID-19 or corona. There is a lot of fear coming out in people, worry, boredom, laziness or activity, introspection, love and empathy. I spoke to a child psychologist Rebecca Wandel from Denmark and Keil Davis, mental health counselor in Houston, Texas on this topic. Keil Davis is a licensed professional counselor who works primarily with teenagers, as well as adult individuals, couples, and families. He has worked in public and private schools, psychiatric hospitals, and now owns and operates his own counseling practice called HTX Counseling and Wellness. Rebecca Wandel is a child psychologist based in Denmark. She works in a private clinic in Copenhagen with kids, teenagers and their families and she mainly works with clients who have anxiety using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).Don’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


#9 Isolated (Remote) Work

*SPECIAL EPISODE* Organisational psychologist, Kristina Pomothy, will talk about a new way of work: Isolated working. Isolated work is the work of today. For those lucky ones who didn’t lose their jobs due to the pandemic, new way of working came about: not remote work, but isolated work. We discuss what are the best practices to working from home, what the difference between remote and isolated work is (it is quite huge), how to keep our productivity and we look at the new way of working from 3 perspectives: employer, employee and self-employed. Kristina is an organisational psychologist focusing on environments for innovation and learning, organisational change, resilient leadership and employee wellbeing. After working and studying in San Francisco, Milan and London, she has returned to the CEE and started an independent consulting practice wanting to bring social science to the process of transforming companies. Also, In an effort to raise awareness about gender equality among young professionals, Kristina has also co-founded Trust Women, a non-profit for open dialogue about women not only for women. Her book recommendations are: ‘Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success’, ‘Dare to Lead’, ‘It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work’ (find all the books at Don’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


#N8 Natalia & Sports Mental Coaching

Authentic confessions of imperfect person on each topic. My experiences, my life, my hurts and my wins on each topic, on each self development method. Safe space for my thoughts from me, to you!


#8 Sports Mental Coaching

Dag Palovic is a world renown pro poker player, actor & entrepreneur. Couple years back, he turned his life around and started consulting in sports mental coaching, psychology, psychosomatics, motivation meditation, working with energies and yoga. He is an author who wrote a book called The Eye Opener or Otvor Oci in Slovak and founder of The Eye Opener Center. With Dag, we will talk about his journey of transformation from a man who wouldn't be missing at any party, to a strict ascetic working with sportsmen and women to grow. Dag mentions how he starts mental coaching by reteaching people how to brush teeth, walk and eat. We also talk about sexuality, and the importance of concentration in life.  I would like to apologise about the noise, as my daughter was at this recording, you might hear some banging sounds and cries. His book recommendations: ‘Otvor Oci’, and ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’(find all the books at Don’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


#N7 Natalia & Social Media

Authentic confessions of imperfect person on each topic. My experiences, my life, my hurts and my wins on each topic, on each self development method. Safe space for my thoughts from me, to you! 


#7 Social Media

With Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová, journalist & influencer, we looked at the other side of social media, the side of self development. We talk about how the media is changing to become more available to anyone, what the role of influencers should be, how Veronika but also you can handle hate & discomfort that social media may bring. We also talk about publishing kids on social media and why we chose to not show faces of our daughters to the public. Veronika Studied political science in Paris and later at NYU in New York. Currently on maternity leave, Veronika is a journalist focusing on topics of health care & international & local politics. She is a major influencer on social media, especially on instagram where she has over 180K followers and on youtube with her channel known as Very veri. She also hosts a popular Talk Show Sit down S Veronikou where she talks to influential people from all over Slovakia. Her husband is a known moderator & influencer Sajfa, with over 500K followers, with whom she has a beautiful daughter Sara 6months. Her book recommendations can be found on her youtube channel (find all the books at Don’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


#N6 Natalia & Conditioning Training

Authentic confessions of imperfect person on each topic. My experiences, my life, my hurts and my wins on each topic, on each self development method. Safe space for my thoughts from me, to you!


#6 Conditioning Training

Martin Nosko is Strength & Conditioning Specialist with whom we will talk about the mental & physical need for strength, how the Netflix movie The Game Changers is a bit bogus, we look at physical strength as main focus for mental and self development and more. Martin finished University of Physical Education in Slovakia, & Australian College of Sport & Fitness, He spent 3 years on the WTA professional tennis tour. With player Karolina Pliskova went from ranking 16 to number one in the world. Now he is working with professional hockey players (NHL (Tatar, Fehervary), National ice hockey team, 1st leagues from Czechia, Finland, Sweden, Canada), tennis players and general population. His book recommendations: ‘Functional Training and Sports’, ‘Conscious Coaching’, ‘Peak Performance’ (find all the books at Don’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


#N5 Natalia & Sound Healing

Authentic confessions of imperfect person on each topic. My experiences, my life, my hurts and my wins on each topic, on each self development method. Safe space for my thoughts from me, to you!


#5 Sound Healing

Lucia Nosko is a sound healing therapist who studied the art of sound and its healing in Nepal, India & Germany. She is a master of gong and learned from world renown guru grand gong master don Conreaux. She opened the first Sound Healing center in Slovakia and works with many sound healing methods: gongs, bowls, sticks and others. Today with Lucia you will hear almost all of her musical instruments and explanation how they work on the body.  Lucia will tell us her life story and how she transformed her life to become freer & happier after a hard break up, and how sound healing can heal and transform mental illnesses and pains for children & adults. Her book recommendations: ‘Law of Resonance’, ‘Ancient sound for new age’, and books by ‘Eckhart Tolle’ (find all the books at Don’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


#N4 Natalia & Burnout

Authentic confessions of imperfect person on each topic. My experiences, my life, my hurts and my wins on each topic, on each self development method. Safe space for my thoughts from me, to you!


#4 Burnout

With journalist at Forbes, Lucia Okša, co-author of the book Non-burned out aka Nevyhovreni, and a mental health activist we talk about her personal experience with burn out, what burn out actually is, how to get through it and also how to identify the symptoms. Could burnout be a form of self development? Lucia with her co-author Zuzana Matuščáková did hours of interviews to discover in depth the topic of Burn Out. Their final product is a book with stories of different people with different burnout stories. Spoiler alert: I also realized through this discussion I definitely went through burn out myself. Her book recommendations: ‘Nevyhoreni’, ‘The defining decade why your twenties matter--and how to make the most of them now’, ‘Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience’, ‘Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world’ (find all the books at Don’t forget this is Authentic Development where everyone can find their own way of authentic development. For more, follow me & this podcast on social media: @natalia.kiskova @authenticdevelopment


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