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Bible Truth Revealed

Author: Chazaq EliYahu

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Our lifelong dedication is to find the truth of the Hebrew scriptures and when we do, we speak about it on the Bible Truth Revealed Podcast.
13 Episodes
ALL TRUE BELIEVERS ARE SLAVES? All true believers are slaves? What do we mean by this? Slaves? What about the liberty (freedom) that is in HaMashiach? There is liberty (freedom) in Yahusha HaMashiach. But Galatians 5:1 has to be balanced with this verse from 1 Peter: The meaning of the word “servant” in 1 Peter […] The post Why All True Believers Are Slaves appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
PATIENCE AND THE KINGDOM Patience and the kingdom of the Most High? While doing the Live at 5 program on August 20, 2024, I was led away from the topic that I planned to do. I was down to look into 2 Baruk, but Ruach HaQadosh led me from the start to concentrate on a […] The post Patience And The Kingdom Of The Most High appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
Why America is the Scriptural Modern Babylon There are many prophecies in the bible about Babylon. They often point to the first destruction of Babylon. However, that is not all. It also points to the latter days destruction of Babylon as well. Let me just say, this post is hard pill to swallow, especially for […] The post Why USA (America) Is Modern Babylon (Soon to be Destroyed) appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
Sexual Intercourse for pleasure? Today we look at a very sensitive topic: whether or not we should look to have intercourse for pleasure. The post Sexual Intercourse for Pleasure? What Does the Bible Say? appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
How do you blaspheme the Holy Spirit? Some may ask, how do you blaspheme the Holy Ghost? But we prefer to use the Hebrew “Ruach HaQadosh.” Actually, I believe we are blaspheming Ruach HaQadosh by calling the Ruach of the Father a “Ghost.” Anyway, you may see why I say so when you see from […] The post How Do You Blaspheme The Holy Spirit? appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
Christianity is our curse? Who in the world could say such a thing? Surely, this person is an “ungodly” person who needs help?! This is the most likely response from someone who does not understand the level of deception that is upon the earth. We must know that Job did not say this in vain! […] The post The Curse Of Christianity appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
HEAD COVERING FOR WOMEN IN THE BIBLE The question of head covering for women in the bible is another area of disagreement. Well, everything in the bible seems to be some form of conflict in doctrine, but this one is high in rank as one of the most disputed. We don’t have to look far […] The post The Truth About Head Covering For Women In The Bible appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
THE LAW NEW TESTAMENT MANIFESTATION The law new testament manifestation? This is a very strange topic, but what we are really looking at is the proof of the law in the new covenant. The writers of the new testament did not refer much to the keeping of the law, but rather to faith. As such, […] The post The Law New Testament Manifestation appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
GALATIANS 3:24-29 Galatians 3:24-29 is one of the most debated passages in the bible. What is its true meaning? Let’s first see what it says. Gal 3:24  Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto HaMashiach, that we might be justified by faith.  Gal 3:25  But after that faith is come, we are […] The post Galatians 3:24-29 True Meaning appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
Should I Tithe?

Should I Tithe?


SHOULD I TITHE? Should I tithe? This is a question that is not asked enough. Why? The majority of the Christian world believes in tithing. So the questions more likely asked are “where should I pay my tithe according to the bible?” or even “what happens when you don’t tithe?” However, this podcast looks past […] The post Should I Tithe? appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
Is Communion Biblical?

Is Communion Biblical?


Is communion biblical? What does the bible say about communion? Communion or the eucharist, is a pillar ritual of the religion of Christianity. It is held dearly by many in that religion. It is a drinking of wine and eating of bread that they took from Matthew 26:26-28. Every Sunday (for some), or every first […] The post Is Communion Biblical? appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
STIFFNECKEDNESS IN BIBLE SCRIPTURE Stumblingblock of stiffneckedness in bible scripture looks at the danger of us being stubborn and obstinate. We will look at the danger this poses for our salvation. In the bible, stiffneckedness is the reason the children of Israel had to go through forty years wandering in the wilderness. Refusing to be […] The post The Stumblingblock Of Stiffneckedness In Bible Scripture appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.
THESE ARE THE SONS OF ANAKIM Who were the sons of Anakim? In the book of Deuteronomy, we see the children of Israel who went to scout the land of Canaan coming back afraid of the Anakims. These were great giants that look so imposing, the children of Israel lost all emuna (faith) in the […] The post Sons Of Anakim: Who Are They Today? appeared first on Bible Truth Revealed!.