Boiled Over

<p>A podcast all about animation! Listen to interviews with independent animators from around the world with host Lije Morgan.</p>

Raman Djafari

After a brief hiatus, Boiled Over is back with an incredibly fun interview featuring Raman Djafari! Raman and I sat down last October, and while I had to put the podcast on hold due to medical shenanigans and work, I've been incredibly excited to share this episode with you all!I truly cannot begin to express what a joy it was sitting down to edit the episode after all of this time and revisit the topics we discussed-- from finding your voice as an artist to exploring new mediums and so much more. It feels so good to finally be back with a new episode, and I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did getting to speak with Raman! Recorded by Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Elenor Kopka

This week I’m sitting down with one of my all-time favorite animators: Elenor Kopka. I’ve been a huge fan of Elenor’s work for years and years, so it was an absolute joy getting to finally speak with her about her process and take a peak behind the scenes into how she crafts her grainy and gorgeous worlds. We had a lot to talk about, so strap in and welcome back! :-) Recorded by Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Magda Kreps

This week's interview is with someone who truly knows how to embody the natural playfulness in the medium of animation: Magda Kreps! I've been a fan of Magda's work for awhile now, and am particularly interested in her character animations and sense of the cartoon body. In this episode, we talk about her sense of character proportions and what it means to break away from traditional anatomy, the struggles of working digitally vs. physically, and so much more. I hope you enjoy listening to our conversation as much as I did getting to speak with Magda, and I definitely recommend checking out her work (@magda_kreps on Instagram) before listening! Recorded by Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Weronika Marianna

Today’s interview is with one of my all time favorite animators: Weronika Marianna. Weronika’s animated worlds are filled with beautiful colors and absolutely incredible painterly textures—I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with her work on Instagram (@weronikamarianna) if you haven’t already before listening. I couldn’t be more excited to share our conversation with you today, and hope you enjoy listening as much as I did getting to speak with her! Recorded by Lije Morgan Editing by: Stuart Kimball and Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Jenna Caravello

In this episode, I sat down with multidisciplinary artist, animator, and game designer Jenna Caravello! In this incredible conversation, we discussed everything from the grey area between video games and the fine art world to the ethics of using other people's tools to create your own work and so much more. With her performance piece, 'lovelike' coming up this Friday (08/18) in Los Angeles, listen to find out what magic you can expect to see if you attend! Find more of Jenna's work on Instagram as @jennafruit. Recorded & Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Yuval Haker

To kick off season 2, I had such a lovely chat with Yuval Haker: a multidisciplinary animator with a wealth of stories to share about his journey in discovering his artistic voice, finding one's footing in freelance, and so much more. I'm so excited to be back in the swing of things, and couldn't be happier to finally be sharing this episode with you. Find more of Yuval's work on Instagram as @yuvaroo! As a side note, you can expect Boiled Over to regularly appear in your feed every other Monday for the foreseeable future. Exciting things ahead! Recorded & Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Ted Wiggin

Wow! It's been a minute since we've seen each other last. Welcome back to Boiled Over, where this week, we're sitting down with one of our favorite experimental animators: Ted Wiggin! Ted has made a handful of films that we feel challenge what animation is and can be in its traditional sense. In addition to producing animated films, Ted works to build unique programs that serve as the tools for creating these films. He truly has an incredible workflow that we couldn't be more excited to share with you in this episode! As a side note, there has been a bit of restructuring to the format of the podcast to keep it as sustainable as possible. We would love to avoid having another year-long gap between interviews, so listen to the intro of this episode to gain some more insight on how Boiled Over is changing and evolving to bring you more of the content that we've missed delivering to you all so, so much! We hope you enjoy this last episode of Season One and continue with the podcast through these changes on its ever-growing journey forward :-) Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Anna Firth

This episode of Boiled Over features one of our favorite animators and dear friends: Anna Firth! Join us in episode lucky number 13 as we ask Anna about her process, her funky anthropomorphic characters, and her new screening series: Soft Screen! Follow Anna on Instagram @tallgrill Featuring music by Butter Bean / Arius Zaiee (@the.marooned) Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Sarina Nihei

After a brief hiatus and a couple of very long months, we're back! Join us for this episode of Boiled Over where we sit down with one of our long-time favorite animators: Sarina Nihei! We discuss Sarina's unique style and how it developed with influences and inspiration ranging from Estonian animation to her history in graphic design. We've been incredibly excited to release this episode, and hope you enjoy listening as much as we did recording! Sarina Nihei's Rabbit's Blood: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Kohana Wilson Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Benchwarmer


Roman Muradov

This week, we got the incredible fortune of getting to sit down with animator, illustrator, and cartoonist Roman Muradov! We spoke with Roman about his recent adventures into the world of 3D animation and Blender and what it's been like learning such a new medium coming from a very different background having done hand drawn still images. Discussing his experiments with digital animation had us on the edges of our seats, and we couldn't be more excited to share our conversation with you! Roman Muradov on Instagram: Dory Bavarsky / Full Color Sound Record on Instagram: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Emmet Zelo / Dory Bavarsky's Full Color Sound Records


Erma Fiend

This week, we had the absolute pleasure of getting to do another in-person interview with the one and only Erma Fiend! Erma is truly the definition of a "jack of all trades"-- constantly mixing photography, stop motion, hand drawn animations, After Effects, and so much more to create some of the most unique worlds we've ever seen. Having done a tremendous amount of work in the medium of gifs, we dive into an incredible conversation about what animated loops mean to them among many other wonderful topics that we explore. Erma Fiend on Instagram: The Cake Boys on Instagram: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Kohana Wilson Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Charlie Kilgore


Jamie Wolfe

We're back this week sitting down with experimental character animator Jamie Wolfe! Jamie creates vibrant, beautiful, and electric worlds filled with incredibly unique characters and movements that look like nothing you've ever seen. She's well known for her music video work with King Krule, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, and Local Natives (to name a few), and has created a number of her own films and gorgeous loops that all exist in their own eccentric worlds. To view some of Jamie's work, be sure to follow her on instagram @jamikwolfe or check out her personal site here: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Ryan Hunt


24 Memes Per Second

After a bit of a hiatus and an exciting change to a new name, we're back this week with legendary animation meme page: 24 Memes Per Second! The group that runs 24MPS was incredibly kind to sit down with us and talk about their page, the work they've done for community building, and educating the masses about animation through comedic brilliance. In an effort to protect their anonymity as admins, we've distorted their voices for this episode. Follow them on Instagram to get a good laugh at some great memes and learn more about the history and culture of animation: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Kohana Wilson Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Iteko


Julian Glander

Join us for our first ever in-person interview this week as we sit down with 3D sweetie Julian Glander to chat! Listen as Julian has us laughing straight through our conversation in which we talk about his video game 'Art Sqool,' getting started in the world of 3D, and having to working with others as an independent artist. To download Blender (for free!) and get started making your own 3D creations, visit the official website here: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Hellavision Television // Malt Adult

Join us for this very special episode and our first ever two-parter! Listen to back to back interviews with the brains behind community favorite animation screenings Hellavision Television and Malt Adult! We first sit down with Peter Steineck and Michael Swearingen to ask the what the hell Hellavision is!? After a little break, we return to discuss much more in the world of animation and screenings with Sarah Schmidt and Ian Ballantyne of Malt Adult. If you're interested in submitting work to either Hellavision or Malt Adult, find more info on their websites here: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan & Kohana Wilson Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Adriel.SFX


Amy Lockhart

Join us this week as we sit down with the incredible independent animator Amy Lockhart! We discuss what she's been up to since the release of her recent graphic novel, our favorite film of hers, and so much more! Watch Walk to Walk by Amy Lockhart here: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher


Jeff Scher

Join us for this week's episode as we sit down with legendary experimental animator Jeff Scher! Jeff has worked with some of the biggest names in music and has an incredibly prolific portfolio, much of which can be seen on his Vimeo page here: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Kohana Wilson Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Charlie Kilgore


Amanda Bonaiuto

Join us for this week's episode as we sit down with independent animator Amanda Bonaiuto! In our conversation, she shares some wonderful stories about where she derives her inspiration and color palettes from as well as some insights into her process and much more! Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Kohana Wilson Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Charlie Kilgore


Jeanette Fantone & OliOli Buika

In this episode, we sit down with Jeanette Fantone and OliOli Buika to talk all about their work! Watch the Ricky Reed visualizer here: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Charlie Kilgore


Lale Westvind

In our very first episode we interview animation and comics legend Lale Westvind!Our favorite films from the past year: Recorded by Kohana Wilson & Lije Morgan Edited by Lije Morgan Theme music by Point.Reyes Background music by Zack Dresher Featuring music by Max Gausepohl


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