Brand Builder TV

Dave Daley, the Monster Motivator, is the straight-talking authority on leveraging your business and your personal brands to rise above the noise and elevate your position! An accomplished entrepreneur, CEO and dynamic speaker, Dave Daley, the Monster Motivator, captivates audiences with his high-voltage presentations and real-world practical steps for audiences’ to implement immediately. Title Trifecta: Motivation, Inspiration, and Perspiration leaves your attendees with a 3-step process to leverage both their business and personal brands and stand out as a top industry leader.

Ep 31: Solutions to Securing Your Data with Don Litzenberg from 2B Advice

The current state of data privacy and online security is something that all companies should be aware of and responding to. Issues arising from information security can cripple a business in a number of ways, whether it is through exposure and leaks or infringement on new laws. It is an area that definitely cannot be ignored in 2020! Our guest today is Don Litzenberg from 2B Advice, where he is the VP of Sales, and he joins us on the show to explore the current climate of online and cloud security and share the important steps we should all be taking, personally and professionally. We get to hear from Don about his background and how his upbringing in the military has informed his career.


Ep 30: The Power of Perception with P.J. Dixon

Welcome to another episode of Brand Builder TV where we bring your insight straight from the world of branding! We talk to people who are in the trenches, and joining us today to share his perspective on the power of perception is P.J. Dixon. P.J. is a speaker and international transformational coach who helps people who struggle with low self-esteem and with an unconscious mind that prevents them from having the life they want. He is the perfect embodiment of what it means to create your life rather than becoming a victim to it as he suffers from a rare form of muscular dystrophy which has bound him to a wheelchair and over the years severely restricted his bodily freedom.


Ep 29: From the Loan Wolf to the Lion of Lending with Joe Nicolosi, CEO of Starcade Capital

The rise of automation in the lending industry puts middlemen at risk, but the good ones will never go out of business because of that personal touch they provide. Joe Nicolosi understands this perfectly, and it was an honor to have him on the show to talk about the methods and mentalities he uses to knock it out of the park as a master lender. Joe is the CEO of the commercial financing firm Starcade Capital which helps clients scale their businesses to the next level by leveraging outside capital.


Ep 28: Q&A Monster Motivator Style with Dave Daley

Today’s episode runs a little differently than the normal Brand Builders TV Podcast structure. Dave has been asked to do a Q&A session for The More You Know Podcast. So on the show today, he dives right into the questions they’ve sent over, answering them in the most real way possible. This Q&A session covers everything from public speaking, the importance of having discipline, and the correlation between building good habits and staying motivated.


Ep 27: Underdog Empowerment: Getting Your Business to the Next Level with Zachary Babcock

Are you looking to build and exploded your brand? Then today’s guest, Zachary Babcock, is one you don’t want to miss. Zachary is all about winning, but his passion is helping people, especially the underdogs. His business plan is built on impacting people, but he’s also about getting rich himself because, through that, he believes he can help more people along the way. Zach spent over 5 years in prison, missed the birth of his twin sons, and became an entrepreneur — it wasn’t a unicorn story, he worked hard.


Ep 26: How You Do Anything is How You Do Everything with Bedros Keuilia

Are you struggling to find a way to grow your business to its full potential without the stress and frustration that most often accompanies this type of goal? The guest on today’s show is the king of masterminds! So, if you want to learn how to build a very influential mastermind, this is the guy to talk to. He walks the walk, and talks the talk. Bedros Keuilian joins us today on Brand Builder’s TV podcast, where 90% of getting the business done is passion and energy. Bedros immigrated from Armenia and is now a 45-year-old serial entrepreneur with multi-million dollar generating businesses ranging from franchising, software, digital marketing, and business consulting.


Ep 25: Your Vulnerability Becomes Your Credibility with Ray “Cash” Care

Let’s get down and dirty — thirty thousand foot view! Welcome back to another episode of Brand Builders TV where we are exploring new ways of building your brand. These days, it’s all about who you know but also who knows you. Today we welcome Ray Cash, someone who has been there, done it, and is currently still doing it. Ray was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, and not on the best side of town. His father was murdered when he was 11 and so he was raised by his mother. After some traumatic events in his high school career, he was faced with jail time or military school.


Ep 24: One Rental At a Time with Michael Zuber

A powerful brand is a story that your clients want to share with others. When it comes down to it, your story is your brand! Today on the show we hear from Michael Zuber, who went on a 15-year journey of one rental at a time that ultimately led him to be able to retire his wife six years ago and himself two years ago by simply working with a tried and true rental property portfolio, building their finical freedom one rental at a time.


EP 23: Conscious Living: Empowering People and Inspiring Communities with Virginia Rodriguez

Welcome back to another episode of Brand Builder TV, where we want to share with you, how to brand and market in 2020, not 2004. In the world we are living in today, there are so many different resources at our disposal, whether you are a business owner or whether you are a commissions salesperson — it doesn’t matter! You have to brand yourself first and your business will follow. On today’s episode we are excited to welcome Virginia Rodriguez. Virginia is a publisher at E.P.I.C, a magazine that aims to empower people and inspire communities.


Ep 22: Fortify Your Brand through Trademarking with Tom Ladegaard

Trademarking should be one of the first things any new company thinks about before they work on their branding and marketing at all. Today’s guest is Tom Ladegaard and he comes onto the show to give us an idea of what this process typically looks like for any new business or endeavor. Tom is a trademarking lawyer with 15 years of experience in courtroom litigation, and now he runs his own highly successful firm called the Office of Thomas E. Ladegaard. His real-world experience in the courts makes him an even better trademarking lawyer because it has given him the ability to see what poorly handled business transactions could turn into a few miles down the road. In today’s episode, Tom walks us through what a typical trademarking process would look like, why a company should take it so seriously, and the differences between trademarking and copyrighting.


Ep 21: The Importance of Building Audience Trust with Sunni Hepburn

As we know, marketing in 2020 is a whole different beast than it was in 2004. While the choice of different platforms can seem overwhelming, they present an opportunity to get content out in as many ways as possible. Our guest today, Sunni Hepburn, uses various platforms to great success. In today’s episode, we learn about what Sunni is currently involved in. From her sales position to her dog biscuits company, she certainly wears many hats! We also uncover her ‘why’ and how her dog falling ill helped ignite her passion. Sunni shares with us how she leverages the power of social media platforms to build audience trust. As we know, people buy things from people they know, like, and trust, so getting in front of your customers in as many different ways as possible helps build a rapport. Sunni is doing some hugely exciting things so tune in today to hear more! 


Ep 20: The Long Game with Steve ‘Mr. Smash’ Orosco

Networking is one of the key practices that differentiate marketing and branding in 2004 versus 2010. Steve ‘Mr. Smash’ Orosco, who we are honored to have as our guest on the show for today, is killing the game when it comes to that side of the business. As a side note, Mr. Smash is also one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. Steve did his time as a broker on Wall Street before becoming a legend in the MMA world, and now he owns a hugely successful events company called Smash Global.


Ep 19: How to Make America Great for YOU, with Josh Vizcay

Today on the show we welcome Josh Vizcay. Josh has two Master’s degrees in Business and is the Founder of Eco Business Concierge and the I Love South Orange County Podcast. Through Josh’s Cuban immigrant upbringing, he was exposed to entrepreneurship and learned how to approach business with an abundance mindset from a very young age. In this episode, Josh shares his philosophies on successful immigrant mentality, black markets in socialist societies, and how immigrants can make the capitalist system work for them in the USA. In addition, he gives his wise insights on failure, mindfulness, gratitude, and using the digital world to advance your credibility through social media and podcast platforms. If you’re looking for some practical tips to help you to tap into your entrepreneurial DNA, this is the episode for you!


Ep 18: The Power of Personal Boundaries with Jillian Christy

Do you find yourself depleted, run-down, and fulfilling other people’s expectations rather than your own? Then, you probably have a tough time establishing boundaries. This is difficult for so many of us, especially women, who are often in caregiving roles. Our guest today, Jillian Christie, is a personal boundaries coach. As a nurse with over 20 years of experience, she saw firsthand the damaging effects that a lack of boundaries has on people.


Ep 17: Getting Off the X with Jason Redman

Every person on the planet experiences life crises – moments of ambush where circumstances take a drastic turn and leave them in a position of vulnerability. People often find themselves walking out of these incidents carrying around mental, physical, or emotional scars for the rest of their lives. Today’s guest is Jason Redman who has been through three such crises, but instead of allowing them to pull him into a place of stagnation, he has used each incident to propel himself onward to ever greater heights. Jason is a Purple Heart recipient and ex-Navy SEAL leader who has also written a New York Times bestselling book called The Trident. When Jason was serving his country in Iraq he came under heavy gunfire, got shot multiple times and nearly died, but ended up surviving.


Ep 16: Learning to Lead Yourself with Donnie Hill

Who says that you can’t do many different things at once while also achieving excellence in every one of them? There’s no better person to prove that being multi-skilled is possible than Donnie Hill who we are honored to have as our guest on today’s episode. Donnie is a professional speaker, advisor to executives, communication coach, marketing strategist, and best of all, a life maximizer! When most people look at Donnie’s story they get bewildered at a seeming lack of cohesion, but the truth is that for the past ten years his work has all been centered around learning and personal development.


Ep 15: Swapping Dollars Versus Swapping Ideas with Michael Samrah

We are absolutely pumped to have Michael Samrah, legendary realtor and sales coach from Toronto, as our guest on the show today. Michael stands as a testimony to the idea of following your heart, learning from the school of life, and not taking heed of dissuasive naysayers. After switching through careers in dentistry, HR, plumping, and even selling vending machines, Michael finally found his groove in real estate. He has excelled as a realtor and speaks today about the value of constantly honing his craft, which for him has meant transitioning into the world of coaching too. Michael reminds us that success is not all smooth sailing though, and shares some stories about the tremendous hustle he had to make to get where he is today.


Ep 14: The Power of Video with Joel Duran

In 2020 the role of video in branding and marketing cannot be overestimated. Aside from face to face conversations, video is the most powerful way to connect with and convert an audience. Our guest today is Joel Duran, who is taking his passion for video and personal branding to the next level! He and Dave met at a conference recently and the connection they made over the two-day event led to this episode! We hear from Joel about his early days in entrepreneurship, how he gravitated towards video and the step he has made in his young career to help his clients on the way to their own success.


Ep 13: Be Authentic, Prepared, and Ready to Shake More Hands, with Brad Lea

If you had to choose between building your brand based on a fake, curated image, or on authenticity instead, which would you pick? If you think like Brad Lea, our guest on today's show, authenticity would win hands down. In Brad's opinion, this whole game is about finding your tribe, the people who you truly resonate with, so you might as well start from a place of honesty. Brad is the CEO of LightSpeed VT, host of the Dropping Bombs podcast, and has just started a brand new project called the Closer School.


EP 12: Insights from a Fractional CMO with Angelo Ponzi

Today we welcome a phenomenal guest, Angelo Ponzi, onto the show. Angelo has had a varied career and now works as a fractional Chief Marketing Officer. We kick off this episode by discussing what this fascinating role entails. We also learn from Angelo why it is crucial to be able to leverage your strengths and weaknesses and how to make the most of them. Angelo walks us through the importance of guiding your audience, particularly customers, through content in 2020. He believes that personalization is one of the most important aspects of branding and will only continue to rise in prominence.


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