Breathe & Release | Guided Meditations

Join Gillian Rose, a yoga & meditation teacher and breath work facilitator, for short guided meditations which cover a variety of topics such as anxiety, insomnia, gratitude, self-esteem, and manifestation. Join our meditation community and find out more about Gillian's offerings through Instagram: @gillian_embodiment

Inner Elder Meditation | 16 Minutes

This guided meditation takes you on an imaginative journey to meet your inner elder, as you listen to the wisdom that already resides within you. 


RAIN Meditation for Difficult Emotions | 17 Minutes

This guided meditation utilizes a mindfulness practice called RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. Through this practice, you are invited to bring loving kindness and compassion towards negative feelings during hard times.  This practice has helped me immensely throughout my life - I hope it will help you in yours. 


Morning Meditation for an Amazing Day | 12 Minutes

This 12 minute meditation is intended to be a practice that you can come back to each morning. Gillian guides you through a cleansing practice that emphasizes present moment awareness, gratitude, and personal affirmations that will leave you feeling peaceful, connected, and ready to have an amazing day. 


Evening Meditation & Breathwork for Relaxation, Acceptance, and Deep Sleep | 15 Minutes

Relax and fall into a deep, restful sleep with this 15 minute meditation with 4-7-8 breathwork (pranayama). 4-7-8 breathing has shown to reduce anxiety and allevaite insomnia. 


Evening Meditation & Breathwork for Relaxation, Acceptance, and Deep Sleep | 15 Minutes

Relax and fall into a deep, restful sleep with this 15 minute meditation with 4-7-8 breathwork (pranayama). 4-7-8 breathing has shown to reduce anxiety and allevaite insomnia. 


Body Scan Guided Meditation | 10 Minutes

  This immersive body scan meditation is designed to bring awareness to each part of your body, promoting relaxation and a profound sense of calm. 


Stress-Relieving Guided Meditation | 5 Minutes

Whether you're in need of a quick break during a hectic day or seeking a moment of serenity, this calming 5-minute meditation will help you release tension and promote inner peace. 


Heart-Opening Guided Meditation | 5 Minutes

In this short meditation, Gillian guides you through a heart-centered practice designed to bring peace, love, and mindfulness into your day.


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