Chakras and Shotguns

<p>Chakras and Shotguns is a wellness podcast hosted by Mik and Jenn, a married couple who ditched their corporate jobs to become healers.  Jenn's a former corporate lawyer, now yoga instructor, Tarot card reader and medium. Mik's a former brand marketer, now a Reiki Master, Shaman, life coach and prepper.</p><p><br></p><p>And yes, we know Chakras and Shotguns sounds like an odd combo, but it's all about balance and the duality of life! "Chakras" symbolizes your spiritual journey towards enlightenment, while "shotguns" represents your need for security and protection in this crazy world.</p><p><br></p><p>Get ready for some fun conversations about astrology, growing your own veggies, manifesting your dreams, solar panels, energy healing, cosmic beings, and even unlocking your psychic powers. And, of course, you'll hear about that one time Mik and Jenn braved a powerful winter storm thanks to their prepper skills.</p><p><br></p><p>If you're looking for a podcast that will help you become a more secure interdimensional being, then Chakras and Shotguns is for you.</p><p><br></p>

E109: Rituals & Rhythm - Exploring Shamanism's Past and Present

Let's immerse ourselves in the world of shamanism. We discuss the rich traditions across cultures and their enduring relevance today. Mik shares his own shamanic journey, including the initial calling and the journey of completing his shamanic rites. Mik’s touches on overcoming spiritual imposter syndrome to embrace using his shamanic gifts to help others. Tune in as we discuss the spiritual rituals, healing modalities, and profound wisdom embedded within shamanic traditions.Some things that ...


E108: Demystifying Feng Shui - A Guide for Beginners feat. Meghan Ripoche

Join us on Chakras and Shotguns as we delve into the profound impact of your home's energy on your overall well-being. In this episode, we're joined by Feng Shui expert Meghan Ripoche to explore how the layout and organization of your home can influence various aspects of your life. Discover actionable insights as we discuss the connection between clutter, cleanliness, and abundance in different areas of your home. Tune in to learn how simple changes can transform your space and enhance your ...


E107: Unmasking Our Hidden Conditioning

How is your conditioning keeping you from fully living the truth of you? Join us as we explore the process of shedding societal norms, beliefs, and conditioning that no longer serve your highest good. Discover practical insights and powerful techniques to navigate through deconditioning and awaken to your authentic self. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on embracing inner freedom and reclaiming your spiritual sovereignty.Support the Show.Click here to join our mailing list, support our ...


E106: New Earth or New Age BS? Breaking down the New Earth Theory

Ever wish you could just leave our planet and find a more spiritually aligned place? Have you heard of New Earth? Join us as we look into this New Age theory and examine whether it holds true or falls into the realm of recycled "rapture" talk. Discover the perspectives on whether high vibrational individuals are destined to escape to higher dimensions or if there's more to the story. Some things that we talked about in this episode: Want to learn more about time and the Large Hadron...


E105: Essential Medical Gear For Any Disaster feat. Dr. Adrian Boscolo-Hightower

Are your first aid kits stocked? Do you even have a first aid kit? Join us as we dive into the world of medical preparedness with Dr. Adrian Boscolo-Hightower, an ER resident and former Illinois Army National Guard member with search and rescue experience. In this episode, we explore the crucial elements of first aid kits for various scenarios, from hiking adventures to traveling and emergency situations at home. Discover expert insights and practical tips to ensure you're equipped to handle ...


E104: Dreams On Demand - Lucid Dreaming 101

What is lucid dreaming and how can you navigate your own journeys within the dream realm? In this episode, we delve into the secrets behind controlling your dreams, providing you with practical insights and techniques to unlock this extraordinary state of consciousness. Is a dream just a dream? Tune in to learn how to harness the power of your dreams and transcend the boundaries of reality.Interested in the Hatch Restore 2 that we mentioned? Check out this link.Some things that we talked abou...


E103: Unlock Your Potential - Leaning Into Authenticity feat. Dr. Tori Ellis

Are you looking for ways to ignite your passion in life? Have you found your path? Finding your authentic self can help unlock insights that can help you on your journey. In this episode, we talk to Dr. Tori Ellis, a human and organizational psychologist and life coach, about the importance of helping people be their authentic selves. Dr. Ellis shares her passion for helping others and her belief that personal development is essential for both individual and organizational success. She also t...


E102: Why You Should Be Filtering Your Water

Do you really know what's in your tap water? In this episode we get into the truth about contaminants in our water, how to find out what's lurking in your tap and some DIY water filtration options that can help you keep harmful chemicals away from your family. Whether you're a prepper stocking up for the apocalypse or just a health-conscious human, this episode is your roadmap to crystal-clear confidence in every glass. Tune in and reclaim your right to pure, delicious hydration!Some things w...


E101: Whispers from Within: Healing Your Inner Child

Ever hear that voice whispering "not good enough" after a presentation or a date? That might be your inner child still feeling unseen and unheard. In this episode, we explore inner child work. Learn to heal hidden hurts, ditch self-sabotage, and unlock your full potential. Get ready for signs to watch, a healing visualization, and a journey to rediscover your inner spark. Some things that we talked about in this episode: Want to read more about how the Germans raise their kids? Chec...


E100: Astral Projection 101 - Your Guide to Out of Body Travel

Want to get out-of-body? Let's talk about astral projection. This episode dives into the mysteries of out-of-body experiences, guiding you through what it is, simple techniques for launching your soul into the astral realms, and tips for navigating the cosmic corridors like a seasoned traveler. Ready to ditch the earthly snooze and unlock your limitless potential? It's time to journey beyond the boundaries of your body, explore hidden dimensions of yourself, and discover more than you e...


E99: How Can We Detoxify Masculinity?

Confused by "podcast bros" and "high-value men"? Ditch the toxic stereotypes and join us as we explore divine masculinity, what it ACTUALLY is and healthy expressions of strength, leadership and emotional intelligence in men.Some things that we talked about in this episode: Want to read that book on masculinity (or gift it to one of your favorite men)? You can find THE WAY OF THE SUPERIOR MAN by David Deida on Amazon.*In the LA area and want to attend the next Brotherhood on the Be...


E98: What Are The Akashic Records?

Life got you swirling? Let's crack open the universe's ultimate library: the Akashic Records. This episode plunges into past lives, unearths soul secrets, and helps you ditch karmic baggage. Get ready for practical tips, earthy wisdom, and a journey towards discovering your purpose and limitless potential.Some things that we talked about in this episode: A couple of books that we talked about: HOW TO READ THE AKASHIC RECORDS by Linda Howe and SCIENCE AND THE AKASHIC FIELD by Ervin Laszlo...


E97: The Power of Gratitude

Join Jenn and Mik on Chakras and Shotguns as they explore the profound impact of gratitude and gratitude journaling. Dive into the science-backed benefits of gratitude, and positive psychology, and discover how expressing thanks can improve mental health. Learn practical tips for consistent gratitude journaling, making it a sensory-rich experience that enhances your well-being. Don't miss exclusive Black Friday deals on intuitive readings with a 40% discount (50% for patrons) using code THANK...


E96: 5 Crystals You Need Now

There's a lot going on in the world right now and we're all looking for ways to cope. In this episode, we unveil five crystals to help you stay grounded, find clarity, and invite abundance into your life. From the "stone of opportunity" to crystals for calming or protection, each crystal offers a unique energy to support you in these trying times.Support the Show.Click here to join our mailing list, support our Patreon, or check out our merch store.


E95: Body-Ody - Five Tips To Connect More With Your Body

Nowadays we're constantly being bombarded with distractions that keep us living in our heads. In this episode, we explore five powerful techniques, including meditation and bodywork, to help you step out of your head and into your body. Discover the profound benefits of grounding yourself in the present moment, strengthening your intuition, and nurturing a more harmonious mind-body relationship. Some things we talked about in this episode:Get your cropped hoodie or crewneck sweats...


E94: Soul Mate vs. Twin Flame: Recognition, Tips, and Insights

Join us on a journey to demystify the concepts of soul mates and twin flames. What do these terms mean, and how do they influence our pursuit of love and deep connections? Can you have more than one soulmate? In this episode, we investigate the world of soul connections and their significance in our search for meaningful relationships. Learn how to recognize and nurture these unique bonds on your path to love.Support the Show.Click here to join our mailing list, support our Patreon, or check ...


E93: Trust Issues - Exercising Discernment When Evaluating Spiritual Information

In Part II of our exploration into problematic spirituality, we shift the focus to arming you with the tools to vet and cross-reference sources while you take in knowledge along your spiritual journey. Discover how to research authors, sift through information, and develop your discernment in identifying trustworthy spiritual leaders and influencers. Join us as we explore the keys to ensuring your spiritual journey is guided by authenticity and wisdom, not clickbait and manipulative tactics.S...


E92: Caught Up - Problematic Areas of New Age Spirituality that Can Cause Harm

So you're on your spiritual journey, but what red flags should you make sure you avoid? Join us in this episode as we dig deeper into New Age spirituality, shedding light on its challenges. From problematic gurus to cultish followings, gaslighting and zealotry, we explore the potential pitfalls on the path to enlightenment.Some things that we talked about in this episode:Want to know more about hell? We talked all about it in episode 69.Want to know more about spiritual bypassing and toxic po...


E91: Kids See Ghosts - Exploring the Connection of Children with the Spirit World

Join us in this episode as we explore the world of children and their unique connection to the paranormal and even the spooky. From imaginary friends to unexplained encounters, we delve into the mysterious realm where kids see ghosts. We discuss beliefs across cultures and even talk about the phenomenon of children remembering past lives. Mik shares his imaginary friend experience, and we talk about our own kids' experiences with the unseen.Some things that we talked about in this episode:&nb...


E90: Where My Dogs At? - Exploring Animal Communication and The Healing Power of Cows feat. Ellie Laks

Join us as we get into the world of animal communication and spiritual healing. Ellie Laks, our special guest and animal intuitive, shares her insights on bridging the gap between humans and animals, using her abilities to help others make profound connections and find healing. Listen to this episode for a heartwarming exploration of the bonds between humans and the animal kingdom.Want to know more about Ellie Laks and her work? Here are links to her website, Instagram and her foundatio...


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