
Welcome to Coexisting! Audio stories of those currently sheltering at home due to Coronavirus all over the world. Part information, part human story archive but mainly trying to get an uplifting bent on this insane situation we find ourselves in.We have people from from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, United States Australia, UK, Portugal, Iceland, France, Italy and Taiwan so far and the list keeps growing.

MEXICO: the power of people/inclusivity and judgment/the meaning of resilience and how to practice gratitude S3 I Ep36

Today we speak to speaker and life consultant Jose Carlos (JC) in his home office in Tijuana, Mexico. JC and I met through a podcast network and his enthusiasm for this project and his commitment to creating in a crisis really stood out for me. And as it is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities today, December 3, JC's episode was important to share as he highlights so eloquently the particular challenges Covid has brought to people who are living with a disability. * Every seventh person alive today – more than 1 billion people in total – lives with some form of disability. Despite this persons with disabilities are still overwhelmingly overlooked in times of emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. What did this mean for JC personally? * When we spoke it was the height of lockdown in Mexico, and the challenges Mexico faced in particular due to late shut down, high numbers hospitalised and lack of resources; * the power of people, and what he is missing without this physical contact. * the power of awareness and how that has changed in a quieter, slower world. * What resilience means to JC and how gratitude is the cornerstone of his approach to life. This episode was recorded on June 17, 2020 ***** Guest Insights You can learn more about JC and his life coaching and speaking work here:  Website: English language and Espanol Twitter FB IG: Podcast Inside My Mind: ***** If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *follow Coexisting wherever you listen to your pods, so each new episode comes up automatically!  * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


In the NHS: Campaigning and Activism/NHS Survival/Healthcare work in the Covid Crisis/What a psychotherapist does for mental health S3 I Ep35

Today we speak to Alia in an exhausted evening between her many media appearances, sitting between her bed and her desk in London on the edge of summer.  CW: limited mention in episode of suicide and domestic violence * how Alia went from psychotherapist to activist appearing on our screens almost daily, fighting for the survival of the NHS during Covid for the campaign 'Keep Our NHS Public' and creating the first 'People's Covid Enquiry' * what the NHS, the National Health Service is in the UK - why it is so unusual and why its existence is in danger. * how the Covid crisis has played out in the UK, lack of PPE, corruption in government procurement, unclear lockdown rules and the pressure that is falling on our healthworkers as a result. * how mental health services are seeing the results of Covid mismanagement firsthand.  * feeling hopeless about what you can do? Alia has ideas.  This episode was recorded on 4 March 2021. ***** Episode links: Alia our interviewee @QualiaInterAlia   NHS Staff Voices Twitter @NHSStaffVoices FB @nhsstaffvoices Or email them at NHSStaffVoices.KONP at Website: Keep Our NHS Public website: Twitter @keepnhspublic People's Covid Inquiry   **********   If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting wherever you listen to your pods, so each new episode comes up automatically!  * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


DUBAI: International Aid Work in a Pandemic/Myths and Denial/Pro-Science in 2021I S3 Ep 34

It is a year from the date that the World Health Organisation declared Covid a global pandemic and exactly 365 days since today's guest, Mario, set foot on a plane - an anniversary of deep significance for this international aid worker, sitting in the corner of his home where he has carved out an office, overlooking a sea of skyscrapers in Dubai * Dubai, known internationally for its jaw dropping architecture and multicultural buzz, Mario paints a vivid picture about what happened in this city that never slept before this year.  * the challenges faced by international aid workers globally - during the expected and unexpected of the worst of the Covid pandemic. *What happens when our countries' leaders deny the crisis and a question we may ask - who will be held accountable? * what it meant to deliver aid to help people where they never thought it would be needed - in Italy and America and how we capture the stories, the voices of those that cannot speak for themselves * What it means to say "I am Pro Science" in 2021 and what we all need right now - the rallying cry to action within all our power. This episode was recorded on March 3 2021 ***** If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting wherever you listen to your pods, so each new episode comes up automatically!  * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


CHINA: World Environment Day/Reflecting on Great Change. Catalysts and Climate/The Right Side of History I S3 Ep33

Its World Environment Day and in honour of this we pop back to China in Month 5 to speak to Grant, global sustainability and environmental advisor - at his desk, between night and day, China and Holland - with a deep hold on the historical legacy of this year.  * the changes he has seen take place overnight in the sustainability world as a result of Covid and why this can't be wasted - its the test run the world needs.  * the deeply personal reflection on the loss of his father at this time. And what it really means to celebrate a life and empathy in the virtual space. * reflecting on what 'lockdown' and 'spike' meant in China, words its quite hard to fathom when you think of the size of cities involved * his genius and simple idea to deal with zoom/meeting burnout (seriously me right now) * and something we are all reflecting on now:-being on the right side of history This episode was recorded on July 16, 2020 ***** If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting wherever you listen to your pods, so each new episode comes up automatically!  * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


ZIMBABWE: On writing and loving, protest and crackdowns I S3 Ep32

Day 134 and we speak to poet Togara Muzanenhamo at his writing desk in Harare, Zimbabwe. We spoke at an incredibly tense time in Zimbabwe and covered what was happening out on the street, but also how Togara was carving out space during the crisis to write. Including at the end of the episode a beautiful quiet and transporting reading of one of his works that he had written during lockdown - an extract from long form poem, Sundogs. * Zimbabwe's economy in collapse and the very real danger of a pandemic in this context, with healthcare workers striking to protest Government corruption * a new wave of protests were taking place as we spoke sparked by the arrest of a prominent journalist and activist and it was suspected that the Government was using Covid to implement a crackdown on protestors and to put a curfew in place * we speak about working within a crisis and how to create a refuge in writing when the world is going mad around you * the surprising new intimacy created during this time This episode was recorded on 10 August 2020 ***** Guest Insights Togara read from his poem, Sundogs, that he has been working on during lockdown. It details the 1910-12 Japanese Antarctic Expedition lead by Lieutenant Nobu Shirase. Sundogs will appear in Togara's  collection of poems ‘Virga’ published by Carcanet Press in August 2021. Virga retells stories of the twentieth century using the weather and the memory of the wind. Read more of Togara's work here: And listen to Togara reading more of his work: ******* If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting wherever you listen to your pods, so each new episode comes up automatically!  * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


VIETNAM Lunar NY Special:How has Vietnam become such a virus success story with not one single death from Coronavirus? Re-release I S2 Ep31

Its Lunar New Year and the Year of the Ox! As a love letter to those that celebrate this beautiful holiday a re-release of our Vietnam episode to celebrate the lunar new year or Tết  - a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán meaning "Festival of the First Morning of the First Day" We spoke to Creighton at his desk in a dark noisy night in the capital Ho Chi Minh City. A fascinating episode from back in June 2020 where we discussed how despite proximity to China, Vietnam, a densely populated country of 97 million and a developing infrastructure has been a success story - with only 300 cases of Coronavirus and not a single death. Figures that to this day remain EXTREMELY low and could so easily have gone the other way. We talk about why and how Vietnam has handled things so well, what is different in the attitude in America We were just at the beginning of the year that was to be, but Creighton spoke movingly and with great thought about how to put self-care at the very centre to help you cope with the personal and professional upheaval so many are going through. If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: It all helps people to find us!   


CHINA Lunar NY Special: Reporting the Coronavirus crisis Wuhan and beyond. Re-release I S2 Ep29

Its Lunar New Year and the Year of the Ox! As a love letter to those that celebrate this beautiful holiday a re-release of one of our very first episodes in China all about the unique Chinese New Year that was 2020. With wonderful journalist Bec, who reported through the very beginning of the Covid crisis. Insight from her travels near Wuhan back in Chinese New Year 2020. The unique challenges of working with kids at home, feelings working mums everywhere will recognise! The fascinating controls that were put in place in parts of China to control the spread of the virus and what happened when tables were turned and badly affected China became badly affected America. 🌏 LOCAL LINGO? 🌍  In this episode Bec talks about WeChat. What is WeChat?  WeChat is THE app in China, an equivalent in hybrid of Whatsapp, FB messenger and Instagram- its a VERY widely adopted app used for messaging, payments, sharing photos - you name it, its done by WeChat. Bec Kanthor is a radio and print journalist based in China for the last 17 years. She was CBS News Beijing asst. producer in the years leading up to the 2008 Olympics and her work has appeared on PRI's The World, Scientific American, CBC Radio, CNN, CBS, ABC News, BBC and ESPN. She also works with her husband, folk-rock musician Liu Jian producing China’s first international children’s music festival ‘Hand in Hand’ touring musicians through 20 cities across China You can find Bec here: Twitter: @rebeccakanthor linkedin: and listen to some of her recent work at: If you have enjoyed this episode of Coexisting and would like to see the story unfold please: *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend*leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts  *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: It all helps people to find us! 


HONG KONG Lunar NY Special: East-West contrast/Building resilience. Re-release I S2 Ep28

Its Lunar New Year and the Year of the Ox! As a love letter to those that celebrate a re-release of one of our very first episodes set in Hong Kong. Very early in the world's Covid journey, but already almost three months into lockdown in parts of Asia where it began end January 2020. We talk about the stark differences between people's approach to Coronavirus in 'West' and 'East'. resilience among students graduating during Covid And the miles of untouched nature in Hong Kong, where 40% of its land mass is national parkland - just a step away from the seething metropolis of central Hong Kong. ********* Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, and has a population density of 17,311 people per sq.m/6,659 people per which makes it Coronavirus very low infection figures all the more incredible. Read more about the why here: This episode was recorded on 16 April 2020. If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *please share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! *like our FB page at: *connect on IG at @coexistingpodcast It all helps people to find us! 


DORSET: 2021 Ask the Expert: Covid Vaccines/Pandemic Planning/Public Health vs Politics I S2 Ep.27

Though unplanned it was exactly 9 months to the day that lockdown began in the UK that I spoke to Dr Michael Head, Senior Research Fellow in Global Health at the University of Southampton at his home in Dorset on 16 December 2020. Expert in Global Health, frequent Media commentator on Covid-19 he was someone I had been tracking down for some time ever since I spotted him on Linkedin with his Covid microbe toy. We cover: * What it was like to watch the creep of Covid across the world for the academics. * What did the UK Govt response look like from a public health expert. *Pandemic planning and the ill-fated Cygnus experiment back in 2016. * Vaccines! The who, what, where, how, why. What are the candidates and what are their limitations? Incredibly informative and down to the week spot on on when the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine would get approval.   * The damage done by anti vaxxers and what it means to be vaccine hesitant. * What his predictions are for 2021 and can we be optimistic? * what does this all mean for Christmas in the UK ...and how other countries have approached similar large scale celebrations (clue=fascinating and quite differently). ***** Speaker Bio Dr Michael Head is a Senior Research Fellow in Global Health at the University of Southampton. He previously spent 11 years at UCL in the Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and the Farr Institute for Health Informatics. He has research interests in research investments analyses, global health, health systems and digital health, with a public health focus on neglected tropical diseases (including scabies and onchocerciasis) and pneumonia. He has communicated extensively with the UK and international media around the COVID-19 outbreak. Michael graduated from his PhD by published works (Amsterdam Institute in Global Health, University of Amsterdam) in May 2016, and he completed postgraduate study in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Portsmouth. Michael has numerous interests across global health, and predominantly focusing on infectious diseases. He co-created and leads on the Research Investments in Global Health study (ResIn). This project systematically maps the global landscape of research funding, comparing levels of investment with burden of disease, and giving valuable insight to policymakers, funders and researchers on areas of research strength, knowledge gaps and future priorities. He has been invited to present findings at the World Health Organisation (Geneva), Wellcome Trust (London) and to the European Commission in Brussels. ResIn has received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and has published numerous papers and reports, including across (for example) Lancet and BMJ journals. He is also leading on Neglected Tropical Disease research, covering scabies and onchocerciasis. Research links are predominantly in West Africa, particularly Ghana and emerging links with Togo, but also east Africa (Kenya and Ethiopia) and in South-East Asia (Papua New Guinea) and South America (Brazil). Michael also has research interests in pneumonia, is part of the 'Every Breath Counts' coalition and awarded the title of 'Pneumonia Fighter 2018' by global advocacy group Just Actions. Alongside his Covid-19 media work, Michael is exceptionally skilled in science communication has given many public talks on vaccination and anti-vaccination activists. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting wherever you listen to your pods, so each new episode comes up automatically!  * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


FAREWELL 2020: what have we learnt S2 I Ep26

A close out episode of a momentous year bringing back some familiar voices.


NEWMARKET: Altars at home/Youtube Church/Free School Meals Crisis/Christmas For One? I S2 Ep25

Day 138 and we speak to Father Max in front of his makeshift altar that he has set up at home in his study in Newmarket, England I was so affected by this episode, this quiet man and the obvious care he had for his community and his town and the very difficult circumstances people were dealing with. Its full of both hope and hardship and shows a very human side to religious work. * Technological wizardry and old school prayer - how to combine the two and make it work?    * The Free School Meals programme in the UK stopping exposed huge cracks in our systems, what that meant for so many vulnerable young families and what was done to help. * The support we all need, even priests (!) at this time as we navigate an uncertain world. * what does this all mean for Christmas...something many have their eye on right now. This episode was recorded on 28 July 2020 ***** If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting wherever you listen to your pods, so each new episode comes up automatically!  * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


PARIS FRANCE: Health v Politics in the Pandemic/Alone Adventures/France without Kisses I S2 Ep24

Day 110 and we speak to David under the eaves in his apartment in Paris, France.  France, as has many parts of Europe, just this week gone back into strict lockdown as Winter approaches and at this sad time we revisit the heavy lockdown that Paris experienced bordering one of the worst affected countries, Italy, at the beginning of the pandemic. * we talk about the changes to French society, owning Paris streets and skipping those kisses!  * Living alone during the Pandemic: David talks beautifully about choosing to move in with his best friend and making the lockdown an adventure together - and the delicious food resulted!  * as an American who is long time France resident he speaks very movingly about wrestling with trying to explain to his French friends how differently this is playing out in the US..and how it has become a political issue not one of public health. Something so pertinent on the eve of the election!  ***** If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


POD2POD: Lenni in Los Angeles/BLM Protests in the Pandemic/Making this election COUNT/Why there is still hope for tomorrow I S2 Ep23

Day 163 and we speak to creator and podcaster Lenni in her uber-insulated bathroom she podcasts from in Downtown LA in the US.   Today we meet the first of our podcasters in the POD2POD series.    I met Lenni at the very beginning of my journey into podding here in LA and I cannot be more thankful for her wise words at this time.   The 2020 Black Lives Matter protests initially sparked by the murder of George Floyd quickly spread across the nation from June 2020 and worldwide - in what was an unprecedented scale of civil protest and what is now being called the largest protest movement in US history.   Lenni and I spoke back in August as the protests began to die down and we shared a desire to keep this action in people's hearts and minds.   She shares intimate observations and feelings of the protests from her vantage point in Downtown LA and spoke incredibly openly about what this time has sparked in her and what this says about the broader picture of growing up as a young black woman in America.    Inevitably conversation turned to the election and the political upheaval in the US which led me to think today, November 3 - the last day of the vote - would be the right time to hear Lenni's powerful words.    ••••   GUEST LINKS:   You can find Lenni, her thought provoking podcast and more about her work here below - follow on her instas for the launch of her new shows launching in 2021.   Tub in the Bedroom Podcast: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:   *** If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! ••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial! Thank you for supporting the products that keep Coexisting existing!


BONUS: Its Autumn/Fall already - How? A little Pod News from the Road I S2 Ep21

A super choppy little mini episode from the road as we headed out on a little journey.  * what's been going on in your host's world on the West Coast of the US * Intro to Pod2Pod a mini series with my podcasting friends in honour of International Podcast Day on Sept 30 *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! •••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial!


SWEDEN: Actors in the Bedroom/The Changing Face of New York and Broadway/How to Tame Overachieving Minds and Mama Wisdom I S2 Ep20

Day 125 and we speak to actor Isra in her childhood bedroom in Gothenburg Sweden.   Isra left her home in New York at the height of the pandemic in March and return to what felt like a parallel universe - the country where she grew up - Sweden.   We spoke at a time that unemployment benefits were coming to an end in the US so it was occupying many, especially the creative industries.   Sweden's light touch approach to the  pandemic has caused debate globally as it was SO unusual - was it the right approach to save the economy? Did it work and could it really work outside of Sweden?   We talk about the palpable change to the living organism that is New York City during Covid and what the future might hold for this adored city.   The incredibly tough work landscape for artists and what it is now morphing into - including some interesting tidbits on the future of casting.  The unparalleled magic of live theatre and how artists are stretching to find opportunity in this bleak time.   The wisdom of mamas (always no matter where you go, they are there!) and how to tame overachiever tendencies in a world that has stopped.   ••••   GUEST LINKS:   You can find Isra and more of her work here:   Website: IMDb: Instagram:     If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: TWITTER: @coexistingpod It all helps people to find us! ••• SPONSOR LINKS: OTTER.AI SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  OPENRENT THE best way to rent your property out as a private landlord in the UK, an UBER easy to use site, they think of everything - and you save a packet in agent fees (I saved multiple hundreds v a high street firm) - use this sponsor link for a free trial! Thank you for supporting the products that keep Coexisting existing! 


LIVERPOOL: Counselling from afar/Family wisdom through the years/Pink Moons and Green Shoots I S2 Ep19

Day 59 and we speak to counsellor Helen in her lounge in Liverpool.    As UK goes back into lockdown as winter approaches we revisit lockdown first time around when people were midway through and finding their rhythm.    Helen's Scottish lilt brings with it fascinating little pieces of social history in Glasgow    Finding community in a potted plant and comfort in a shared moment through a window pane.   The magic of a pink moon and an unexpected bag of flour! If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: It all helps people to find us! •••• Sponsor Links SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time. 


CAMBRIDGE, UK: The Last Wedding/Rubik's Cubes/How to Find a Family Rhythm I S2 Ep18

Day 35 we speak to Kate Winter, children's illustrator and writer, in her shed studio in Cambridge, England.  It was early days when we spoke, and it was all about how to create rhythm out of the emotional chaos of the beginning of lockdown when strict lockdown was in place but before the UK descended into a mess of unclear direction from the Govt that have marked the country since then. Spring was in full bloom in that corner of the world and the sounds of blackbirds crept in through the doors. How do you find the significant space needed to create at this time, especially with kids knocking at the door? This time has brought so many details to the fore that were not visible in the noise  - What happens when you recognise what hasn't been working in your family and this brings an opportunity to craft a new family rhythm?  We celebrate the UK's last wedding the week of lockdown and the magic of a COMPLETED RUBIK'S CUBE!  And if you're wondering what a PUNT is, its a shallow bottomed pleasure boat that you will see carrying people up and down the river in Cambridge. Its a beautiful day out!  EPISODE LINKS: You can find Kate at or on IG @katewinterfreeland Agent: More on PUNTS in Cambridge: If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: It all helps people to find us!  •••• SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time.  And at the end of this episode and others, we try out some ads!   


NEW ZEALAND: How does a Country's Leadership /Culture affect the crisis? #NZHellHole and Benefits of Personal and Global Slowing Down I S2 Ep17

Day 58 we speak to Liane at her desk in Wellington, New Zealand - although its June, its getting cold, the cusp of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. She talks about the fascinating details of Prime Minister Jacinda Adern's leadership during the crisis. New Zealand's Covid response and management and government support of its residents has been held up as one of the most effective globally. With a short lockdown, then 102 days entirely covid-free before an very slight second wave in August that sparked a light trolling of Trump with twitter hashtag #nzhellhole when he compared the two countries. New Zealand was the first to give women the vote in 1893! - how the fact that the country is secular and egalitarian in outlook contributed to its success. In stunningly beautiful New Zealand, the country is extremely reliant on tourists, we talk about what happened when this, New Zealand's second largest industry was shutdown over night  Liane documented the  slowing down - within her family the rollercoaster of emotions but also positive changes that the slowness brought with it for them all.  A question we are all asking - what did the slowing down mean for the environment and can we preserve this after the worst of Coronavirus lockdown is over? Episode Links: If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: It all helps people to find us!  •••• SO useful for podcasters and for creatives alike who need a quick way to get thoughts down on paper if you would like to try out my awesome transcription tool, use this link to try out a month of PREMIUM features. After the first month you can revert to basic (free) or premium which gives you 6000 minutes transcription time. 


MICHIGAN, US: How to learn from pandemic literature/The Magic of Cold Showers I Season 2 Ep16

Day 109 Redford, Michigan we speak to Terry in his bedroom, in a part of the world that had the first large outbreaks of the virus in the United States. We connected over a well-loved audio project initially and I invited Terry to speak. I loved Terry's beautiful quiet way of conjuring a space. We talk libraries and sound, the novel Camus' the Plague and what it can teach us about the end of the pandemic and how to look after yourself and your mental health in these tough times. Oh and yes, a personal fave of mine - the magic of cold showers! You can find Terry on Twitter at @tw_fairchild This episode was recorded on 26 June 2020 It was a time of intense protest in the US in response to the murder of George Floyd by the police and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, please continue to support here: If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN:


SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: The Seen and Unseen creating, celebrating, grieving and embracing change I Season 2 Ep15

Season 2 opens with one of my favourite episodes. Day 105 Sydney, Day 0 Melbourne - as Melbourne locked down suddenly again in a second wave - we speak to artist Belinda as she gazes out onto Sydney Harbour the night that Melbourne locked down. She talks about the arts community in Australia in lockdown and the Sydney Biennale, the first time it has been curated by an Indigenous artist Brook Andrew - turned on its head at the very last minute as it coincided with lockdown. She talks about what happens to an artist's practice under stress, nurturing in a crisis and grieving and celebrating her father who died during the lockdown when gatherings were not permitted. She covers the fascinating changes happening in Australian society across states and the seen and unseen in all our lives that the pandemic will bring to light. You can follow Belinda and her work @belinda_brighthouse on instagram and at This episode was recorded on 8 July 2020. If you have enjoyed this episode and would like to see the story unfold *subscribe to Coexisting at your preferred podcast host here: * share with a friend *leave a rating/review on Apple Podcasts *connect on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM  LINKEDIN: It all helps people to find us! 


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