NEWMARKET: Altars at home/Youtube Church/Free School Meals Crisis/Christmas For One? I S2 Ep25
Day 138 and we speak to Father Max in front of his makeshift altar that he has set up at home in his study in Newmarket, England
I was so affected by this episode, this quiet man and the obvious care he had for his community and his town and the very difficult circumstances people were dealing with. Its full of both hope and hardship and shows a very human side to religious work.
* Technological wizardry and old school prayer - how to combine the two and make it work?
* The Free School Meals programme in the UK stopping exposed huge cracks in our systems, what that meant for so many vulnerable young families and what was done to help.
* The support we all need, even priests (!) at this time as we navigate an uncertain world.
* what does this all mean for Christmas...something many have their eye on right now.
This episode was recorded on 28 July 2020
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