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Content with Character
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Content with Character

Author: Emily Aborn

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Feeling overwhelmed by all the content and marketing advice out there? 

Want to run and hide (or melt) the second you think about what you "should" be doing on social media? 

Content with Character will you take action, think outside the box, and experiment with some unconventional approaches to marketing. This podcast brings a human-centric perspective on visibility and content creation through writing, podcasting, speaking, networking, collaborating, and beyond!

Time to redefine "marketing" with Content Copywriter, Emily Aborn. She'll keep you laughing and learning as you create and grow with more inspiration and ease. 

72 Episodes
Text Emily! Looking to start a podcast or be an even better podcast host? This episode is a montage of lessons learned after six years of hosting experience. You'll gain insights on content creation, podcast marketing, finding guests, advocating for your listeners, frequency and consistency, and more! Inside the episode: Should you start a podcast? Is the podcast market too saturated to fit yours? A few reasons to start your podcast How much time does it take to host ...
Text Emily! Over the past decade, I've had many opportunities to be a podcast guest and connect with hundreds of hosts across the globe. This year, I've been having a great time exploring and experimenting on PodMatch and elsewhere as I focus even MORE on offering value as a podcast guest. In this episode, I share a few pitching tips, guesting tips, do's, maybe don'ts, and lessons learned from the other side of the microphone. If you want to be a memorable podcast guest and increase your...
Text Emily! Collaboration is one of the best and most rewarding ways to build and grow your business. It’s an out-of-the-box, not as-often-as-it-should-be talked about element of marketing which I want to give more attention and airtime! In this episode, I share five reminders for confident collaborations and some actions to take right away! I get into: The power of collaboration in your businessThe dark side of collaboration Ideas on what a collaboration can consist of5 R...
Text Emily! Do you cringe when you have to ask for help as a business owner? Perhaps it's a concern over putting someone else out, a fear that they won't be able to do it as well as you can, a belief you need to be doing it all yourself, or something else that stands in your way of asking for the help you need. Most of us can only get so far before we need wave our white flag of surrender and get help and support in our businesses for: Administrative tasks Marketing and pr...
Text Emily! Maybe you've convinced yourself that perfectionism is a good trait. I can definitely see that side of the coin too, trust me... It means you have high standards, attention to detail, care about quality, have a strong appreciation doing things "right". It might reflect your goal-oriented, task-focused, reliable, forward-thinking, innovative side as you constantly look to make things BETTER. And perfectionism can have some unwanted side effects: Procrastination, stopping you in the ...
Text Emily! Does writing your bio feel overwhelming to you? Not sure where to start? You're not alone. The bio is a topic I get asked about A LOT with my clients and as one of the "refresh" services I offer. I hear things like: "Oh, my gosh mine is so bad..." "I need to work on my bio..." "My bio is so outdated and irrelevant at this point..." In this episode, we're putting aside the STRESS of writing a bio and making it EASY with 3 essentials to build into your bio, and 3 things yo...
Text Emily! Leave A Voicemail!Let's Un-hack that! Bio hacks, life hacks, business hacks... Everyone's always talking about the latest shortcuts and secret sauces! I find many of them to be a little rigid and confining, rather than freeing. A little black-and-white with no room for adaptability and tailoring. Life is less fun when you're walking around trying to "hack" everything in sight. So, I thought today we'd have some fun UNHACKING our content creation and marketing with some things I've...
Text Emily! What do you do when you run out of steam? When you’ve tried and tried and tried to make something work, you’ve given it consistency, a considerable amount of time, energy, and effort, and it’s just NOT sticking!? What do you do when you’re just ready to move on, end an era, and let something GO? In this episode, we’re going to discuss exactly that! We often get excited and discuss new ideas, starting things, what’s next, what’s next, but we don’t always talk about t...
Text Emily! There are ZILLIONS of lessons I've learned as a business owner over the past decade and countless nuggets of advice I want to pour into those coming behind me and walking alongside me. But advice is a lot like opinions... Everyone has some AND they're not always relevant and applicable for you. While sparing you my advice, I'm sharing three things I wish I knew before I started as we spark up a conversation and reflect on some of the lessons learned along the way. In this episode:...
Text Emily! Leave Me a Voicemail What's the story behind your "I"? Where you came from, how it all began, and why you do what you're doing today? You may not have some reality-bending origin story. Even if you didn't find your life's purpose while narrowly dodging your demise, your origin story is no less exciting and no less relevant! In this episode, we get into how to write and tell your beautiful, multifaceted origin story and apply it to just about anything you're sharing!...
Text Emily! Leave a Voicemail!Do you find the process of marketing and creating content to be exhausting and frustrating? You're not alone! In this episode, we answer a listener question as we talk about approaching our marketing and content creation in a way that inspires a little more FUN and enjoyment! I personally am the weirdo that LIKES creating content. I see marketing as an adventure and love connecting and sharing with others. I'm actually having a great ol' time over here doin...
Text Emily! Leave a Voicemail! Summer tends to be a high-energy, out-in-the-world, on-the-go season. We often feel spread thin, running in a million different directions, and racing to and fro. [Insert overly busy cliche of choice here] Summer slowdowns can occur in our businesses due to the natural seasonality of our work or be self-imposed. The goal of this episode is to help you better focus the time you do spend working this Summer going deeper vs. wider and leaning in when most others ar...
Text Emily! Send Me a Voicemail!Today's episode starts with a short story about a pair of (expensive) pants I didn't even really want in the first place... People-pleasing has no place in our lives and it can get in the way of sharing authentically and honestly in our businesses too! Like ice cream, people-pleasing comes in different flavors and varieties. The various types of people-pleasing may manifest similarly but with different reasons and motivations behind why you're do...
Text Emily! Leave a Voicemail for Emily Not your average time management and productivity podcast! It's about time we talk about time here on Content with Character. I'm sharing about a recent time experiment I conducted and how it helped me in setting time boundaries that work for my business and my life! You'll walk away with consideration and helpful tips in setting time boundaries that work for YOU - no matter what you’re here to accomplish and enjoy in this lifetime. In this episode:&nbs...
Text Emily! Leave a Voicemail! Comparing ourselves to others can be exhausting and discouraging. People may give you advice to just unfollow, unsubscribe, stop the thoughts in their tracks, think "positive", or focus on all the things that make YOU great...But it's not always that easy to turn the beat around! And sometimes glossing over the experience can cause it to keep popping up again and again and again, rather than teach us to work through it and move to a more productive place.&n...
Text Emily! Send Me a Voicemail! Today, we’re going to talk about the importance and power of customer service and how to make the customer the main character. What does it look like to make THEM the main event in your copy, marketing, and throughout your business? I'll offer you some tangibles for content creation and the customer journey and how to hug your customers with exceptional customer service each and every step of the way! In the episode: Why does customer service matter...
Text Emily! Leave me a Voice MailIn this episode, we get into what CHARACTER means. Why is it the name of this show? What is it even? And do you just naturally have it or do you have to build it? Does it really take "hard work" to get? How do you infuse YOUR content with YOUR character!? This is episode 1 of 2 where I take a look at the role character plays in your business, content, and otherwise. Next week, we're diving into making your client or customer the main character, and this week i...
Text Emily! Repurposing is for you as a content creator. It saves you time and helps you stop spinning your wheels as you take any one single piece of content and turn it into MORE! AND in addition to being hugely beneficial to you (and your sanity), it also helps increase your impact and reach others who may not be able to access your original format of content. Especially when it comes to audio, webinars, workshops, courses, and video content, repurposing can make it more accessible for oth...
Text Emily! "Oh, I already posted that." "Ya, ya, ya, I already said that!" "People already know who I am and what I do…" "People know what I offer and how I work, I already said it." "I just said it in last week’s email." "I can't offer that AGAIN, I don’t want to be annoying!" "How many times do I have to repeat myself!?"If you’ve ever said, or even thought any of those sentences (and yes, my hand is raised too), this episode is for you! We’re going to get into...
Text Emily! Your content can be doing more for you, without you needing to generate and produce more! It can be reaching more people in more ways, all with ease and simplicity. Repurposing can help you save time, energy, head-spinning AND it can uplevel your content with a level of cohesion and congruency. Things are busy and moving fast. You probably have a lot on your plate. In this episode, it’s my goal to help you enjoy more of your time away from your desk so you can connect more de...