DiscoverContent with Character3 Essentials for a Bio that Sets You Apart
3 Essentials for a Bio that Sets You Apart

3 Essentials for a Bio that Sets You Apart

Update: 2024-08-06


Text Emily!

Does writing your bio feel overwhelming to you? Not sure where to start?

You're not alone. The bio is a topic I get asked about A LOT with my clients and as one of the "refresh" services I offer. 

I hear things like: "Oh, my gosh mine is so bad..." "I need to work on my bio..." "My bio is so outdated and irrelevant at this point..." 

In this episode, we're putting aside the STRESS of writing a bio and making it EASY with 3 essentials to build into your bio, and 3 things you can safely stop worrying about altogether. 

I get into: 

  • The importance and power of a bio that sets you apart 
  • Some of the common reasons people struggle to write a bio
  • The TRUE purpose of a bio
  • Setting realistic expectations for your bio 
  • Creating a bio "Doc" to mold and shape your bios 
  • 3 Versions of your bio I recommend
  • 3 Essentials to a great bio
  • 3 Non-essentials to stop stressing about 
  • A few bonus tips to get you started

Resources and Links Mentioned:
👉🏻 EXTENDED Show Notes
Emily's Bio Builder Service (I'll do it for you for $175!)
Andréa Jones Mindful Marketing Podcast

2023 Content with Character Episodes:
How to Write About Yourself
Is it About You? The About Page Debate
How to Talk About Yourself (podcast guesting, speaking engagements, networking, and more!)

My Bio and Let's Connect:
Emily Aborn is a SUPER organized, responsive, and honest content copywriter who works to save small business owners from Death By Blinking Cursor and keyboard-induced headaches. She writes website copy, blogs, social media content banks, and the content you need to show off the true blue human you are and attract the clients you love working with most.  She's a podcast host of Content with Character and daily strives to earn the title of the world's best auntie and dog mom.

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3 Essentials for a Bio that Sets You Apart

3 Essentials for a Bio that Sets You Apart

Emily Aborn