Conversations with Joan

Joan Herrmann delves into the minds of some of the most inspirational and influential people in the world. From health and wellness, to professional development, to personal well-being, changemakers share their insights, tips and strategies to provide the tools needed for personal and professional growth, improved health and well-being, and self-empowerment. Conversations with Joan connects the dots between mind, body, soul and spirit. For more information visit

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

The gut microbiome plays a key role in our overall health and well-being. Researchers are now beginning to understand just how massive a part it plays. One such researcher is Dr. Sabine Hazan. a gastroenterologist and microbiome expert whose work has shown the connection between gut health and disease. She discusses the complexities of gut health and what we can do to manage and optimize health. Dr. Hazan has published articles in numerous prestigious medical journals, and is the Series Editor on the microbiome for Practical Gastroenterology, a peer-reviewed journal. She is the CEO of Ventura Clinical Trials, where she has 20+ years experience leading clinical trials for cutting-edge research on various medical issues and has done over 300 clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies. She is also the founder & CEO of Progenabiome, a genetic sequencing research laboratory. She leads 35+ studies investigating the role of the gut flora in various diseases. Since March, 2020, Dr. Hazan has been at the forefront of COVID-19 research. Through their study exploring the role of the gut flora in COVID-19, Progenabiome became the first lab worldwide to detect SARS-CoV-2 from patient fecal samples by whole genome sequencing, and the lab that showed a susceptibility marker for COVID in the microbiome. Dr. Hazan is mastering familial fecal transplant showing hope for kids with Autism. She created The Malibu Microbiome meeting where physicians who perform fecal transplant can discuss their findings freely. She is a coauthor of, Let's Talk Shit: Disease, Digestion and Fecal Transplants. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Lose Weight with Power Foods

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know how challenging it can be. We are constantly looking for easy, effective ways to take off the pounds and keep them off. According to Dr. Neal Barnard, certain foods actually cause weight loss, like a weight-loss medication without a prescription. He discusses the power foods diet, which he contends results in easy weight loss, with no calorie counting and no portion limits. Dr. Barnard is an adjunct faculty member of the George Washington University School of Medicine and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, where he heads a research team investigating scientific issues in nutrition and health. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes, Power Foods for the Brain, The 21-Day Weight-Loss Kickstart, and Your Body in Balance, among many others. His new book is, The Power Foods Diet: The Breakthrough Plan That Traps, Tames, and Burns Calories for Easy and Permanent Weight Loss.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Letting Go of the Past

After a traumatic past, which includes kidnapping and physical, emotional and sexual abuse, Doug Dane beat the odds stacked against him to find happiness and success in his own life. Doug’s work is inspired by the steps he took to overcome the typical trajectory for someone in his shoes. He discusses ways to help us break into a new life, no matter what we may have experienced. Doug is a mindset mentor, speaker, mental health advocate, and author of Mistaken Identity: A Guide to Letting Go Of A Past That’s Holding You Back.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


How to Save Your Marriage

Millennials are opting for prenups in record numbers compared to previous generations. They are also more likely to simultaneously plan for divorce while preparing for their wedding, essentially assuming that it won’t last. But what if you could take preemptive action to have one of the marriages that does last? Dr. Frieda Birnbaum says that an emotional prenup, the often-unnoticed emotional investment, is the key to a successful marriage! She discusses how to navigate difficult topics to avoid conflict and divorce. Dr. Birnbaum is a research psychologist, radio and television personality, and author of the book, Life Begins at 60. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Unleashing Greatness in Others

Despite our changing world, the majority of leaders still utilize a command and control style of leadership. But according to Stephen M. R. Covey, the old “command and control” model is no longer conducive to organizational success.  He discusses a leadership style that he contends will allow for increased productivity and improved company culture. Stephen is the New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust, which has been translated into 22 languages and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. He is also the author of Trust & Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others. Stephen is the former president and CEO of the Covey Leadership Center. He co-founded and currently leads Franklin Covey’s Global Speed of Trust Practice, and serves on numerous boards, including the Government Leadership Advisory Council.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:  


Living with Joy

Joy is one of our basic needs, and yet it eludes many. When we experience life’s challenges and turmoil it may difficult to live in joy. Grace Harry learned how to see her pain as a gift that created a pathway for joy. She discusses how we find joy, re-discover it, and incorporate it into our daily lives. Grace worked for 30 years as a music industry executive at Island Def Jam and Jive Records. Today, she helps people welcome joy back into their lives. Her new book is The Joy Strategist: Your Path to Inner Change.   Follow CYACYL:Website: www.cyacyl.comDigital: shows:


Using Anxiety to Build Resilience

Often, those who suffer from anxiety either exhaust themselves trying to cure it or they resign themselves to a lifetime of fear and worry. But according to Dr. David Rosmarin, instead of fighting anxiety, we can learn to turn it into a strength. He discusses how we can use anxiety as a tool to be more self-aware, self-accepting, and resilient. Dr.  Rosmarin is the founder of the Center for Anxiety, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, and director of the McLean Hospital Spirituality and Mental Health Program. He is a clinical innovator in the treatment of anxiety, a board-certified clinical psychologist, and a peer-reviewed scholar. He is the author of the book, Thriving with Anxiety: 9 Tools to Make Your Anxiety Work for You.   Follow CYACYL:Website: www.cyacyl.comDigital: shows:


How to Move on After Trauma

Just about everyone has had an experience that has led to wondering if there’s a way forward. Sometimes it’s so devastating that you can’t see a path no matter how hard you try. According to Dr. Ken Druck, it’s not always clear how to go on. And that’s okay! He offers a guide for when we find ourselves feeling lost, uncertain, or even terrified about the road ahead. Dr. Druck is one of the nation's leading grief and resilience experts. Since losing his own daughter in a tragic accident, and later working with families after 9/11, Sandy Hook, and Columbine, he has dedicated his life to helping others learn how to face hardships and navigate life’s daily ups and downs. Dr. Druck is a best selling author of more than a dozen books, a recipient of the prestigious Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award, and a speaker. He is often featured in national press. His new book is, How We Go On: Self-Compassion, Courage, and Gratitude on the Path Forward.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:  


How to Spot and Stop A Bully

In today’s world, bullying and aggressive behavior is becoming increasingly prevalent. It’s easy to dismiss bullies as jerks, hateful or evil. But according to Bill Eddy, LCSW, JD, only by understanding how their personalities work can people effectively intervene with adult bullying behavior. He explains how bullies manipulate others and what we can do to overcome their power. Bill is chief innovation officer of the High Conflict Institute based in San Diego, California. He trains lawyers, judges, mediators, and therapists in managing high-conflict family, workplace and legal disputes. He is the author of over 20 books and manuals and has a popular blog on Bill is the author of the new book, Our New World of Adult Bullies: How to Spot Them – How to Stop Them.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Learning to Be Resilient

To combat negative life events, we need resilience. But what is resilience and how do we get it? Sally Baker offers a guide to developing a deeper understanding of how we can successfully emerge from life’s inevitable challenges. She discusses strategies to help us re-assess unhealthy coping mechanisms so we can gain resilience from the inside out. Sally is a therapist who began her training working with women survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence. She is the coauthor of Seven Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating and How to Feel Differently About Food. Her new book is, The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out: A Practical Guide to Learning Resilience at Any Age, No Matter Your Upbringing.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Creating A Pathway to Love

Sometimes it may feel like the world is becoming more and more divisive. Many people today feel disconnected and lonely and they’re seeking love and connection. Renowned mindfulness teacher, Henry Shukman, provides a way to healing based on four "inns" of practice —Mindfulness, Support, Absorption, and Awakening. He talks about how we use our wounds as a pathway to love. Henry teaches mindfulness and awakening practices. His struggles and traumatic experiences as a youth, combined with a spontaneous awakening experience at age 19, paved the way for him to develop a well-rounded approach to spirituality. His new book is, Original Love: The Four Inns on the Path of Awakening.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Thriving After Cancer

Paul Weigel trained for and completed an Ironman triathlon within six months of finishing chemotherapy. He talks about how to cling to the joy in life, no matter the odds. According to Paul, if you believe in the impossible, the incredible can come true. Paul is a six-time Ironman triathlete, college professor, and author of Iron Dad, A Cancer Survivor’s Story of Discovering Strength, Life, and Love Through Fatherhood.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Finding Moments of Joy

Lorna Byrne has been seeing and talking to Angels since she was a baby. She returns to the show to offer us a unique insight into the angelic help that is around us and available to us all the time. As Lorna says, "All you have to do is ask." Lorna is a spiritual teacher, international bestselling author, and philanthropist. She has dedicated her life to reminding humanity of the spiritual potential within us all. Lorna is the author of seven best-selling books, including Angels in My Hair, A Message of Hope from the Angels, and is founder of the Lorna Byrne Children’s Foundation, and the Seraph Foundation. Lorna has been featured worldwide by CNN, NBC Today, BBC, The London Times, The Economist, and many others. Also in this episode, Dr. Christopher Awwad discusses men's health.    Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Turning Pain Into Purpose

We all experience pain and it impacts us in different ways. Guy Finley believes that we can develop a new kind of relationship with our pain that makes it a valuable part of our journey instead of a barrier. He talks about how we can use our pain for a higher transformation. Guy is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling author.  He is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, and the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go and 45 other books and audio programs.   Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Dying with Dignity with Elizabeth Uslander

Not all end-of-life experiences are alike. Death can come suddenly, or a person may linger in a near-death state. It's common to wonder what happens when someone is dying and how you can provide comfort and care. Elizabeth Uslander discusses end of life care that addresses physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Elizabeth is the co-founder of Empowered Endings and co-author of Exploring Your End of Life Options. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Healing from Trauma with Dr. Stephanie Covington

Most people experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives. While the symptoms of trauma usually improve over time, some people may experience lingering effects that don’t go away on their own and may interfere with their day-to-day lives. Dr. Stephanie Covington, a pioneer in the fields of addition, trauma, and recovery, talks about trauma and its impact. Dr. Covington is a clinician, author, and organizational consultant who has written many articles and books, including the best-selling recovery book, A Woman's Way through The Twelve Steps. Her new book is, Hidden Healers: The Unexpected Ways Women in Prison Help Each Other Survive. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


The Pursuit of Freedom with Marie Quintana

Marie Quintana experienced an emotional roller coaster when her family left behind everything that was familiar and embarked on an uncharted path to a new country. Guided by her faith and sense of purpose, Marie built a remarkable career, attaining executive leadership positions in some of the world’s biggest corporations. She discusses how she was able to create her identity in an unfamiliar life. Marie has had a 30-year career in corporate America, holding key positions at companies like Tenet Healthcare, PepsiCo, Perot Systems, and IBM. She is recognized as one of the Top 50 Hispanic Women in Business by Hispanic Business Magazine. Committed to fostering future women leaders, Marie co-founded the PepsiCo Women of Color Alliance and served on the founding board of the Network of Executive Women. She is the author of the book, Last Flight from Havana. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Managing Perfectionism with Dr. Greg Chasson

Perfectionism is something many people strive to achieve. It can drive high standards and motivation. But according to Dr. Greg Chasson, perfectionism does not necessarily equate to excellence. He contends that those who establish such a high standard of rigid ideals for themselves often become paralyzed because they’re afraid that they will make mistakes or fail to meet expectations. He offers practical strategies to manage perfectionism. Dr. Chasson is a licensed clinical psychologist, board-certified cognitive-behavioral therapist, and the director of Behavioral Interventions of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Clinic in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Chicago. Over the past two decades, Dr. Chasson has provided cognitive-behavioral therapy for clinically severe perfectionism He has authored or co-authored more than 70 scientific publications and is the author of the book, Flawed: Why Perfectionism is a Challenge for Management. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Freeing Yourself from Pain and Suffering with Bob Gardner

What if you could free yourself from anxiety, depression, or pain? What if you could feel whole again? Bob Gardener contends that there is a way to retrain your body and mind to produce happiness, peace, and well-being on autopilot. He talks about why we are built for freedom and how we can achieve it. Bob is the founder of The Freedom Specialist, a body based approach to happiness, health, and well-being. He is also the author of the book, Built for Freedom, and host of the inspirational podcast, Alive and Free. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


Making the Shift to a Divinely Inspired Life with Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne Giesemann knew how to live in a left-brained world as a Navy commander and aide to the head of the US military, but the death of her pregnant stepdaughter catapulted her on a journey leading to a very different destination. Suzanne believes that seeing from the eyes of the soul is the key to a joy-filled life. She discusses how we live from the soul’s perspective where she contends the highest answers lie. Suzanne is a spiritual teacher and author who was recognized on the Watkins list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. She is the host of the Messages of Hope podcast and author of multiple books including, The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to A Divinely Guided Life. Follow CYACYL: Website: Digital: Upcoming shows: Facebook: Music:


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