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Create Your Shape with Jenny the Nutritionist

Author: Jenny

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Jenny the Nutritionist shares the strategy, structure, and science to take your body composition to the next level. She discusses the tools for ladies who work out, and want to look like they work out. The answer IS NOT working out more and eating less.She's combined her education (Licensed Nutritionist and Functional Nutrition Counselor), with her own experience as a Bikini Competitor and Crossfitter, to help hundreds of ladies build muscle and decrease body fat.To change your shape, I invite you to join my 4 month coaching program, Create Your Shape.
134 Episodes
As I wrapped up a Create Your Shape cohort today, they shared that prior they were stuck not making progress for 1-3 years because they thought, "I know what to do" and "All of the information is already out there". I have also been in a similar boat which left me never truly making body composition changes, questioning everything on my plate, and honestly uncertain on how it worked besides following a few rules and "hitting macros". I understand the desire to learn this on your o...
Fine-tuning your shape takes a fine-tuned plan. There are levels to building a shape. I would say many ladies that come to me are and look "healthy". They are implementing certain tools with their nutrition and training that got them there. Like consistently working out, lifting weights, and have a general protocol or guidelines for their nutrition. However, they want to take their shape to the next level. They want to not just healthy, but they want to look like they ...
When you've done it all, a bodybuilding show, paleo, CrossFit comps, tracked macros, and "know" how to achieve an awesome shape, why isn't your shape where you know it can be? In this episode, I interviewed a Create Your Shape Superstar, Becca Pike, who knew she was capable of building an awesome shape (she'd done it multiple times). She explains what was missing for her, her experience throughout the program, and her method of giving B- effort to create A+ results. Becca's websit...
If you find yourself gaining body fat back after a successful diet because your Reverse Diet didn't go as smoothly as you thought, this episode is for you. I have been there, and I will share exactly why this happens and how to fix it. We'll discuss two bits of science you need to understand before Reverse Dieting and how to plan out your next 4 weeks to make the corrections. If you've ever been in this situation, I suggest learning the Strategy and Science behind changing your bo...
Every lady should be getting better with age. It is more about the strategy you're using and less about "age". Both Laura Conley @lauraconleycoaching and I see our ladies look and feel better in their 30s, 40s and 50s, than they did in their 20s. Laura is a weight loss coach and discusses how you can achieve this with mindset, blood sugar balance, and using the n.o.w method! While I discuss how the benefits of knowing the science of nutrition and lifting weights. Create Your...
I've heard from many that they want to get back to baseline for summer and most importantly establish a baseline they can build off of. This is from a baseline physique and a baseline routine (which go hand in hand!). In this episode, I lay out the 4 problems you need to solve in order to have a solid baseline or take your current baseline to the next level! I have also added a Bonus course for you to join now!What: "Baseline" is a live 3-week nutrition coaching course and primer for th...
How often do you think about the changes you'll experience once you get fitter? Or have you noticed all of the ways your body and life has changed since you up-leveled from your previous shape? In this episode, I'm giving you a peek into things you'll notice when you become more fit. Some you'll relate to, some you may aspire for, and some I may have missed! If so, send me a message telling me what they are on Instagram @jennythenutritionist. You'll want to tune into this ep...
I just completed a calorie deficit phase myself and I feel proud, accomplished, and a true mastery of the Calorie Deficit Phase. My nutrition plan (aka my calorie and macro targets) set me up to decrease 1lb per week and I did just that! It was the easiest calorie deficit I've ever done, but I remember failing many attempts years ago. In this episode I break down why it felt so easy this go around, (like 2,400 calories, delicious meals, and savvy food choices), and some of t...
I just completed a 9-week calorie deficit where I lost 7.5% of my weight. Every aspect of the deficit was intentional, it was the easiest and most successful deficit I've done. I also feel very confident about sustaining the changes I made. During the deficit, I had a lot of questions and I'm rapid-fire answering them here (with an explanation of course). Work with Jenny the Nutritionist in Create Your Shape: Jenny the Nutrit...
What is the difference between Create Your Shape and a personal trainer or a macros coach? Create Your Shape is currently open for enrollment, and whether you plan on joining or not, this will be a useful episode for you to see everything that you'll want to consider to become someone who looks like they work out all of the time. (Hint, it goes beyond macros!). I discuss the difference between just macros and strategy, science, structure, routines, bloodwork, identity shifts, comm...
Kate was a yogi who thought "That's not me, I can't do that" when it came to lifting big weights, tracking macros, and being someone who looked like a Fitness Girl. After 1-2 years starting to lift weights, her friend convinced her to do Create Your Shape. Little did she know through this process she would be... So strong and lifting heavier at the gym than other ladies with bigger frames.Learn macros in one call and go on to become so Macro Savvy she'd be able to guesstimate...
Have you ever thought your body likes to sit at a certain shape/weight? Whenever you make some changes your body easily rebounds back? Or no matter what you do you can't get past XXXlbs? In this episode, we dig into why your body has a "Settling Point" and what to do about it. Heads up! The Create Your Shape program, my 4-month nutrition coaching program for ladies who lift weights and want to change their body composition, learn nutrition, and create your nutrition routine, is ope...
If you consider yourself to be a Type A go-getter who lifts weights, like many of my ladies, have you ever considered that you may be doing too much? That you may just be lacking the strategy that actually creates body composition change? That has you doing less, with more intention. If you have an elaborate meal prep routine, tracking macros down to the gram, have your own Excel spreadsheet with your macros, and are scared to miss a workout, but don't have the shape you should......
Crossfit Games podium athlete, my nutrition mentor, and the one who kick-started "Jenny the Nutritionist", Jenn Ryan is sharing all of her wisdom on today's episode. She shares the key components that allowed her to make huge changes to both her physique and performance in her late 30s. We discuss how genetics plays a role but how lifestyle factors may play a bigger one. We also cover the main hormonal symptoms and causes we see in our middle-aged females, how they show up in assessments and ...
Reverse Diet is the term used for strategically increasing your food up to "Eating Enough". (Note! Eating enough is the first step to changing your body composition). I think everyone needs to know what this is, especially if you 1) Were just in an intentional Diet or 2) Are lifting weights and want to change your body composition. Reverse dieting is how you don't gain body fat back after a diet phase, nor gain body fat when you strategically eat enough. In this episod...
Over the journey of going from "zero to looking like you workout", there are many tools you can leverage... mindset, working out, lifting, and, of course, nutrition. It is never a linear journey and many of these tools overlap. One that often gets skipped, but is foundational for progress in the early stages and to sustain it long term is your mindset. Specifically your relationship with yourself, with food, and your understanding of the science behind how body fat is loss. In thi...
Jami is an expert at building her shape and living a fitness lifestyle while managing 4 young kids. She blew me away with what she accomplished while in Create Your Shape, so I wanted to bring her on as the fitness mom expert! She is no stranger to tired and hungry kids, overwhelm in the household, or sleepless nights. How did she manage it all? (While home-schooling them!) In this episode, she tells us how she does it and shares specific tools and a few Mom Mottos you can i...
Yup, it's true, I intentionally gained body fat. Why would someone ever do that? I had good reasons, and I share about them in this episode. Do you have to gain body fat? No, this is a rare thing! But having a better understanding about hormone health and why I did it will be beneficial for you to hear about. I also am a PRO at decreasing body fat, so you'll hear about my game plan that is having me lean out as we speak!Work with Jenny the Nutritionist in Create Your Shape:https://jenny...
I played a board game on computer/tv screen in my seat on my recent 15-hour flight. There was a key reason I was SO frustrated but determined by this game. It happens to be the same reason so many are frustrated by Nutrition. There are so many reasons Nutrition is just like playing a game and there is major one component that will have you set up to win the game or not. Work with Jenny the Nutritionist in Create Your Shape:
Do you know the power of making friends outside of your physical location? In this episode I'm at a business retreat in Malibu, specifically in a closet recording this with my friend and fellow coach, Dorothy. We chat about the importance of surrounding yourself with people who share your goals and the accelerated growth that can come from this. Dorothy, a breakup coach, shares her insights on intentional relationships post-breakup and finding 'your people'. Life can be so much bi...