With Luxembourg Pride on the horizon Delano's Teodor Georgeiv sat down with Nicolas Van Elsué, board member of Rosa Luxembourg, to discuss how straightnormativity has crept in the LGBTI+ community among other issues. "The gays and lesbians following the heteronormative way of living, meaning buying a house, getting married [could end up] fallin in the easy category. Your life will be easy, you will have not as many difficulties. However, if your lifestyle is different [if you are] polyamorous or if you are looking for other types of relationships or if you're nonbinary [or] a trans person then your life suddently becomes sa lot more different and a lot more difficult," explains Van Elsué. Tune in to find out more about the LGBTI+ community in Luxembourg and the answer to the question: is Luxembourg Pride a protest or a celebration.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
With businesses but also employees leanign more towards sustainability practices, Delano's Teodor Georgeiv sat down to discuss just that with Sophie Öberg, deputy director of IMS Luxembourg, a network of companies in the grand duchy, invovled in corporate socail responsibility. "At te end of the day an organisation that doesn't take care of the environment around and with environment I'm talking not only about natural resources but also environment in terms of communities around and your partners, suppliers, all your stakeholders withing your value chain, if you don't work responsiby with them at the end of the day you won't have a business anymore.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode of Newsmakers, Teodor Georgiev speaks to avid cyclist Emmanuel Plattard who turned his passion into a start-up called The Happy Cyclist which is the first mobile bicycle repair business in Luxembourg. Emmanuel lived in Montreal and London where cyclists take to the bike lanes in far more testing conditions than those in Luxembourg. Nevertheless he saw potential in the cycling culture in the grand duchy, notably in how respectful drivers are to cyclists on the road. He admits however, that there is room for a lot more bicycle lanes and dedicated cycling paths. "When you look at a road in the Netherlands, like a country road. You will see that 50% of that road is for the bicycles. On each side of the raod, you have a bicycle path and if you combine them that would make for 50% of the road. That just tells you that the road is not only for cars, it is only for cyclists," he says. Tune in to get the whole story and find out which Luxembourg bank The Happy Cyclist has struck a partnership with to provide its employees with yearly bicycle repair services.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
With concerts back in full force and in the conext of the most relaxed health restrictions so far Delano's Teodor Georgiev sat down with managing partner at den Atelier, Michel Welter to chat about the music industry's return. Festivals Siren's call and USINA 22 alongside concerts by the Offspring, Gorillaz and the Smile are some of the big events by den A this summer. But the effect of the pandemic lingers on. "We have quite an important percentage--it's somewhere in between 15% and 30%--of no-show. No-show is what we call people who actually have a ticket but they don't show up to the concert. So that's quite astonishing. Pre-pandemic levels were around 2% to5% of no-show," says Michel. Tune in to get a peek behind concerts organisation and to find out which performance Michel is the most excited about.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode of Newsmakers, DropIn social worker Ashanti Berrend shares her knowledge on the reality of sex workers in Luxembourg. DropIn is a Red Cross dispensary for sex workers, providing a safe, neural and anonymous place as wel las medical social and psychological support. "It's hard because even though it's legal you can't really declare you rself as a sex worker. You don't have health insurance, you don't have social security," says Ashanti about the DropIn's visitors. Tune in to find out more about sex work in Luxembourg including DropIn's exit programme, designed to help those who want to transition out of sex work.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode of Newsmakers, former US Ambassador to Luxembourg David McKean spoke to Delano magainze editor-in-chief Natalie Gerhardstein about his newest book which recounts the rise of Adolf Hitler and the start of World War II through the eyes of four US ambassadors. "The fact that Roosevelt was communicating directly with his ambassadors, that's somewhat undheard of today. Certainly, in certain countries, the President would be talking directly to an ambassador, but we have ambassadors all over the world and probably only a few that would be in conversation with President Biden today,"said McKean. Tune in to get the whole conversation.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
John Mikton, an educator form the International School of Luxembourg shares his insight on children's reduced attention span and how that affects their education. "I think we're all strugglign with attention span, it's quite challenging an I think we need to be mindful that the kids don't get a bad attention span on their own. They are seeing models, they are seeing behaviours around them that they copy," says John. Difficulties to concentrate on one thing can have an impact on critical tihnking as John points out while people are also surprisingly worse at multitasking than they think. Tune in to find out more.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this week's episode of Newsmakers, Luxembourg MEP Monica Semedo speaks about her experience growing up in the grand duchy, facing racism and prejudice. "I think that in the third generation now, people are much more aware that if they have a different skin colour, it does not mean that they have different rights or less rights. We are much more aware than for example the first generation like my parents. They were happy to be here, they worked hard and they did not speak out about racism," said Semedo. This episode is part of Delano's series marking the closing of US Black History Month.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode of Newsmakers, founder of the Luxembourg Tech School, Sergio Coronado talks about launching a digital art programme for teenagers looking to mix creative and technical skills. "Everything in LTS is project-based so we will teach them the tools and be creative in the world of 3D artwork, but they have to build their own artwork and potentially create an NFT of that output," says Coronado. The programme, to be launched in March is set to last four months and it will continue next year. Tune in to get the whole conversation.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode family therapist Domitille Desrousseaux provides her insight on the problems married couples face in Luxembourg as we delve into the reasons for the high divorce rate in the country. Domitille, who has been practicing in the grand duchy for 12 years, works primarily with expat couples. "They are far from home and far from their extended faimiles, sometimes quite lonely here. So they don't have a lot of backup as far as children are concerned. When you don't have time for your children, you don't take tiem for your couple," says Domitille. We delve into other possible reasons for the high divorce rate in Luxembourg such as the fact that people are often financially better off then elsewhere as well as the country's legislation. Tune in to find our more.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode of Newsmakers, Luxembourg's head of Payconiq, James King gives usthe rundown of the digital payment services business in Luxembourg and how we can expect it to develop. James heads a team of six people in Luxembourg, focused on the local market and informing the general population about their service. While partnerships with banks also play an important role in the company's strategy. "They have become absolutely invaluable as partners, and they have been driving this mobile payment initiative here in Luxembourg. The benefits that they get is that they are able, with us enabling them, to digitise the consumer's IBAN. The consumer's bank account becomes a digital instrument in their phone which is always with them," said James. He also touches on Payconiq's plans for the future including hybrid stores and QR codes on car parking tickets allowing instant payment. Tune in to find out more. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode, European and media law professor Mark Cole from the University of Luxembourg provides some insight on two EU legislative initiatives that will change how big tech companies behave in the future. "If Europe does this, it's going to be very similar with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). I think they will be setting a gold standard which de facto means that the rest of the world will follow, or they will have problems in offering services in Europe," said Cole. On the one hand, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) applies to a handful of big tech platforms and aims to prevent the establishment of a monopoly. On the other hand, the Digital Services Act (DSA) relates to content moderation, mass advertising and fundamental rights such as freedom of speech. Tune in to find out more. Computers, Privacy & Data Protection conference: https://www.cpdpconferences.org/Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode Alexandra Oxaceley head of non-profit Stëm vun der Stroos, talks about homelessness in Luxembourg in light of the upcoming exhibition by George Edward Nixon, the late protographer and ambassador for homeless people. Alexandra shares her experience as the head of the Stëm vun der stroos for more than 20 years and tells us about George, as he was known by others who lived on the streets like himself but also by politicians and people working in the cultural sector. He passed away in 2019 and an exhibition featuring his photographs will take place between 2 December and 2 January to commemorate his role in giving a voice to homeless people. A keen photographer, George carefully chronicled the lives of his peers. The exhibition's inauguration will take place at the Place de Strasbourg on 8 December at 11.30am.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this episode of Newsmakers, Gradel engineer Brad Elsbury talks about modifying a Boston Dynamics robot dog to spray hospitals with disinfectant or a car seat that can be buried underground after its use for a tree to grow out of it. Tune in to find out more about that but also about Brad's hobby as a photographer and how that can sometimes give him a new perspective on his work. Automobile industry conference: https://www.leichtbau-gipfel.de/ Sustainable car seat: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gradel_next-gen-20-activity-6843557952998121472-nppW/ Robot dog: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gradel_stugalux-luxinnovation-mobilerobotics-activity-6742076183082532864-aGFs/ Brad's photos: https://www.instagram.com/brad_elsbury/?hl=enHosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
My guest in this week's episode of Claire Schadeck, policy officer for CID Fraen an Gender, which analysed Luxembourg media outlets. Although the report did not identify the use of gender stereotypes, there is still much progress to be made with the rate of female representation standing at just 24.9%. Tune in to find out more about what the data says. You can find the report part of the itnernational effort by the Global Media Monitoring Project here: https://bit.ly/3mTgVoe Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
On 14 and 15 July floods left many establishments in Luxembourg awash. Some were less fortunate than others, especially those that found themselves in the so-called flood zone. Olivier Fellmann talks about his experience with the floods and how les Espaces Saveurs of which he is a co-owner decided to move their restaurant Sapori due to the floods as well as government subsidies and insurance coverage.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
How to tackle the biggest environmental issues of our time with low-tech solutions in the home or workplace? That was the challenge a team from Centre Ecological Learning Luxembourg (Cell) set itself when it began construction of an almost completely off-grid learning centre in the north-west of Luxembourg. In this special edition podcast, Delano journalist Jess Bauldry followed the progress of the Aerdscheff over two very unusual years. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
The pandemic led to a 9% drop in consumer spending in Luxembourg in 2020, leading to savings of €1.2b. For some, it will be the first time they have excess savings to invest. As insurance firms, banks and funds scramble for this money, Gaelle Haag, founder of investment education platform Startalers breaks down the options for those new to investing. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Over 22,000 people applied for the six full-time astronaut roles in the European Space Agency's latest recruitment drive. Federico Giusto, one of 65 candidates from Luxembourg, and ESA talent acquisition chief Lucy van der Tas talk shed light on the hopes, dreams and reality of the process. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Film maker Julien Becker reflects on what he learned from co-directing "An Zero", a docu-drama about what would happen if there were an accident at Cattenom nuclear power station.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.