Domitille Desrousseaux on Luxembourg’s divorce rate and marriage troubles
In this episode family therapist Domitille Desrousseaux provides her insight on the problems married couples face in Luxembourg as we delve into the reasons for the high divorce rate in the country.
Domitille, who has been practicing in the grand duchy for 12 years, works primarily with expat couples.
"They are far from home and far from their extended faimiles, sometimes quite lonely here. So they don't have a lot of backup as far as children are concerned. When you don't have time for your children, you don't take tiem for your couple," says Domitille.
We delve into other possible reasons for the high divorce rate in Luxembourg such as the fact that people are often financially better off then elsewhere as well as the country's legislation. Tune in to find our more.
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.