Michel Welter on den Atelier’s concert resurgence
With concerts back in full force and in the conext of the most relaxed health restrictions so far Delano's Teodor Georgiev sat down with managing partner at den Atelier, Michel Welter to chat about the music industry's return.
Festivals Siren's call and USINA 22 alongside concerts by the Offspring, Gorillaz and the Smile are some of the big events by den A this summer. But the effect of the pandemic lingers on.
"We have quite an important percentage--it's somewhere in between 15% and 30%--of no-show. No-show is what we call people who actually have a ticket but they don't show up to the concert. So that's quite astonishing. Pre-pandemic levels were around 2% to5% of no-show," says Michel.
Tune in to get a peek behind concerts organisation and to find out which performance Michel is the most excited about.
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