Design Therapy

Kick off your shoes and get comfortable with experience designers Justin Hall, Steven Hsieh and Trixie Johnston for a monthly session of Design Therapy. We’ll uncover intimate stories from our favourite creatives, what they learned and how it shaped their career. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry . . . we’ll bulk-bill.

High Stakes with Harsh Overseer

Are all engineers side hustlers?Join us as we talk with lead engineer Harsh Overseer about his various side ventures, what keeps him motivated to strive for excellence beyond his 9 to 5 and how he defines success for himself.Find out more at


The Imposters

We're tackling the enigma of imposter syndrome. That sneaky voice in your head saying, 'You're out of your depth'—we're exposing it. The twist: is imposter syndrome all bad, or does it hold unexpected insights? Join us for a candid chat filled with personal stories, as we unravel this complex and sometimes irrational feeling. It's a journey through self-doubt, and we're here to navigate it together.Find out more at


Art-ificial Intelligence with Sophie Greenfield

UX designer and generative AI enthusiast Sophie Greenfield helps Steven Hsieh (shay) and Justin Hall navigate the future of AI in design, its current limits and how reinventing her skillset has helped her outrun the rise and fall of digital trends.Find out more at


Alpha Females with Nika Khodjasteh

Alpha – an individual who’s confident, assertive and ambitious. As someone who is constantly labelled an alpha female, how does it impact your life?In this episode, Justin and Trixie talk to accessibility practice lead Nika Khodjasteh about her experiences navigating the professional world as an alpha female. We break down stereotypes, share personal stories and talk about the shifting dynamics of women in society and workplace.Find out more at


Surf-Life Balance with Ryan Hoy

What's life really like for remote workers in a post COVID world?Ryan Hoy gives us a glimpse into his life as a fully remote designer - highlighting the difficulties in forming relationships online and importance of developing a strong virtual presence.He also reveals some of his personal struggles and the ways in which remote work has enabled him to strengthen his relationship with family, rediscover old passions and live a healthier and happier life.Listen in as we discuss the benefits and ...


Hurt Feelings with Steven Hsieh

Whether we like it or not, the fight-or-flight response is coded in our genetics and not all of us are well-equipped to deal with these anxiety-induced feelings.Join Trixie and Justin as they unpack traumatic workplace experiences from fellow co-host Steve’s past and how he's overcoming them.We'll explore dark spirals of negative thoughts due to (not so constructive) design critiques, seeking professional help from workplace assistance programs and finding new behavioural tools to deal ...


Do Better with Allison Ravenhall

What are the benefits of accessible design and how many people does it really benefit?Join us for a chat with accessibility manager Allison Ravenhall about what accessible tech means to those who use it and the struggles she faces in getting its importance recognised.Listen in as we touch on the technological strides made for the disabled community during COVID, the negatives of return to office mandates, the value of inclusive user testing and how designers can do better by considering and c...


All Grown Up with Monpasha Mukherjee

Ever wondered how much of who you are today is a result of your childhood?We delve into some of the earliest influences on our lives and career (both positive and negative) with our friend and colleague Monpasha Mukherjee.On the way we'll touch on groupthink, imposter syndrome, how much self-worth we can put into work, soft leadership, and what goes into backing yourself.Listen in for a candid group therapy session as we try and figure out how we ended up the way we are.Find out more at...


Design Philosophy with Monique Moushis

Experience designer Monique explains the uncanny link between philosophy and design, the advantages of transferrable skills and the importance of ethics in technology/design.Find out more at


R U OK? with Brittany Lopes

How can we promote physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace?Product designer Brittany Lopes openly discusses her health journey with us - giving in-depth insight into the mindset behind eating disorders, the ways in which it affected her personal and professional life and how she was able to find the support she needed to heal.Join us for a candid conversation on physical and mental wellbeing and what we can do to support those in need.Find out more at


Side Hustler with Miguel Lorenzo

What makes a side hustle successful? ... and can you do it alone?Creative coder and resident side hustler Miguel Lorenzo takes us through the process and pain points of balancing a full-time job, social life and creating his own video production software: Filma.Join us as we discuss using childhood bullying to fuel success, tips to fend off legal threats from international film studios and how in the age of the internet, no one is ever really alone.Find out more at


WTF is an NFT with Joseph Wakim

Block-chain, NFTs, cryptocurrency, smart contracts - what’s the real value behind the buzzwords and how can we as designers get involved?Our UX design pal Joseph Wakim joins us in the metaverse to answer all our Web 3.0 questions and give us a crash course on WTF is an NFT.On the way we’ll explore Joseph’s passion for collecting and lucrative side hustle as a digital fashion designer.Find out more at


Couples Therapy with Trixie & Cameron Johnston

Powerhouse UI designer couple Trixie and Cameron Johnston give resident single Justin advice on what it takes to succeed in a romantic and creative partnership.Getting deep into couples therapy we’ll share stories on the pitfalls of working on creative projects with your significant other including how to effectively communicate, deal with criticism and identify when to compromise.But don’t despair, there’s a lot that can go right as we reveal the most creative and heartstring pulling gifts w...


Washed Up with Doyle Perez aka ‘D at Sea’

UX designer Doyle Perez explores his colourful past as an acoustic recording and touring artist in our soft-core sophomore Design Therapy session.From rebellious musical beginnings with bands on the Sunshine Coast to playing Soundwave music festival, Doyle has taken the road less travelled to now designing banking experiences for millions at Commonwealth Bank.Join us as we talk emo fashion, online trolls, taking inspiration from dead pets and how developing his personal artistic brand led to ...


Failure To Launch - A Startup Love Story

Our first episode has Justin in the hot seat recounting his experiences founding a startup in a foreign country with his romantic partner and its sudden crushing failure. Be prepared for a crash course in 'what not to do when starting a business' including dealing with betrayal, scheming developers and incompetent lawyers through dramatic Spanish re-enactments . There's also a bit of design somewhere in there too.Find out more at


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