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Diary of Undocumented Emotions

Diary of Undocumented Emotions

Author: Abrahm Thrasher

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Sit down, put the batteries into your old radio, and tune into the diary. Here we talk about the emotions not even the poets could describe.
3 Episodes
In social justice circles a word that often gets thrown around is "microaggressions": What they are, where they come from, which ones will and won't get you "canceled." What all of this discourse fails to do is properly explain how it feels to be on the receiving end of them, exactly what growing up and living with this offhand background noise of bigotry can do to your day-to-day self esteem. I sat down with one of my friends and we talked about it, and now I'm sharing it with you!
Your night was fine. It was, really, you haven’t actually been feeling that bad lately. You’ve felt way worse, in fact. Being alive might actually be something you’d want to do someday. You don’t remember when it became something that was hard. When did living become something that felt impossible to do? When did staying alive become such a burdensome chore?
Episode One: Maniotire

Episode One: Maniotire


Ever concocted an entirely fake scenario in the shower in which you, listener, are the sole expert in the room on a topic no one ever asks you about? Has someone asked your imagination an obscure question? Will you finally get to explain your opinions on the minutiae of the universe?