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Author: Carla Reeves | Creator of The Differently Coaching Experience

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Simple, yet powerful ideas for building a life, differently. Hosted by Carla Reeves, creator of The Differently Coaching Experience, this podcast offers thought-provoking conversations and practical insights for anyone looking to get out of survival mode and build a life that is truly your own. From the highs and lows of love and relationships, to the challenges and opportunities of work and career, Differently will challenge you to to rethink what’s possible. 

195 Episodes
Send Us Fan Mail!If you’re a woman in business who feels pulled in too many directions – responsibilities to your work, your family, your relationships, all the rest – this is the episode for you! Doing life as a mom, a business owner, and a woman in this modern world makes you wonder how many more decisions you can possibly make in a day and how many more to-dos you can put on your list. This leads to BURNOUT, which is really opportunity in disguise, inviting you to redefine how you can...
Send Us Fan Mail!If your time worked like your budget, would you be broke? Time is your most valuable asset and you want to budget plenty of time for the things that matter.In this episode, productivity and motherhood coach, author, photographer, and podcast host Ashley Freehan walks you through creating your ideal week through budgeting your time.Your home life and business life can often bleed together, making you feel guilty for spending too much time in one area and not enough in the othe...
Send Us Fan Mail!“Clutter smothers, simplicity breathes.” If you find the clutter in your workspace, home, or even mind is smothering you, certified clutter cleaning practitioner Conny Graf is here to help. In this episode, Conny shares how an organized environment helps clear your mind, frees up your creative energy, and helps you find peace in this chaotic world. You’ll love her practical tips for reducing clutter and creating peace from the inside out.Enjoy!Learn more about Conny:Webs...
Send Us Fan Mail!If you’re struggling to get better sleep, to feel refreshed and restored in the morning, and to overcome anxiety that leads to insomnia, this is the episode for you.Savannah Hipes, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Behavioral Sleep Medicine provider who uses evidence-based treatments to help people get a better night’s sleep. With her advice, you’ll look forward to climbing into bed instead of dreading the fight for such a basic human need.Join us as we unpack the ways...
Send Us Fan Mail!If your business depends on you to be successful, then it makes sense to keep yourself healthy, body, mind, and soul. Meeting business milestones is important, but you want to be able to enjoy them with a full tank and a full nest!Join us for a conversation with Dr. Christiane Schroeter, host of the "Happy Healthy Hustle" podcast and an accountability coach for female business owners. She shares insights from her own entrepreneurial journey and a simple and effective hack cal...
Send Us Fan Mail!Do you use any self care strategies? Lots of people enjoy getting a massage, getting their nails done, or taking an afternoon off, but the most important kind of self care strategy is inner-self care.In this episode, the tables are turned as special guest Beth Sandlin, founder of Trifecta Pilates, interviews Differently host Carla Reeves. If you want a clearer mind, a calmer mind, the ability to be more present, and take yourself from where you are now to where you ...
Send Us Fan Mail!➤Does talking about money make you squirm? ➤Does the subject of money and finances feel heavy? ➤Would you rather do just about anything other than look at your finances?If this sounds like you, we’ve got the episode that will turn dealing with money from a fearful, negative experience to a positive – dare we say FUN – one!Kelly Marshall, owner and CEO of TerraCare Financial, takes a fresh approach to helping people with their bookkeeping, cash management, and money ...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 9 of that series.What do you do when you’re feeling overwhelmed? The conventional thinking is that there are three main reactions to feeling overwhelmed: fight, flight, or freeze.This makes sense, but when you’re in the thick of overwhelm, this kind of information doesn’t d...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 8 of that series.Running scenarios, weighing your options, pro-and-conning yourself silly, or getting really good at avoiding making decisions are some of the go-to ways to stop second guessing yourself that most people use.“Society” would have us believe doing those things is p...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 7 of that series.If you’re like most people, you’ve probably considered going on a diet at some point in your life. Maybe you’ve got a wedding or family reunion coming up and you want to look your best, or maybe you’ve seen a few extra pounds creep up and it’s time to get contro...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 6 of that series.Who is in control of your day? Is it you? Or is it the to-do lists, obligations, chores, schedules, and demands placed on you?This is an important thing to think about. Hours turn into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months. When you look back on...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 5 of that series.Do you catch yourself saying yes…when you’d really rather say no?Does saying no make you feel icky or selfish? If this feels familiar, this episode is for you.In this short episode, part of our summer series, Mindset Camp, you’ll learn how to say no politel...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 4 of that series.Do you have days where you find yourself focused on all the things that aren't right, that you don't want, and then spiral to finding even more things that aren't right?Negative thinking is human. How long you stay there is a choice. Today, I’m introducing ...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 3 of that series.Do you ever feel like you can never do enough? Constantly doing, but still feel like you never quite measure up?Busyness consumed my mind and my time for years. It seemed that if I could just fit in enough good doing, it would one day be enough, and that w...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly simple, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short + sweet to take action on right away!Today is Episode 2 of that series.Do you ever put projects off thinking you need a big chunk of time?This often leads to procrastinating and putting something off because we can't find the time, we think we need.Today's episode is a story and a brain hack that still works to this day. I share si...
Send Us Fan Mail!This summer we are doing a series called Mindset Camp. It will be made up of mostly short, thought-provoking episodes to give you something short and sweet. Today is Episode 1 of that series. Do you have people in your life who lately have felt like rubbing up against a cactus? May this simple message inspire you to try a little something different, right in those relationships that are so important to you but often challenge you the most. Get ready to change your dance, beca...
Send Us Fan Mail! Mental dragons feel real!Today's very short episode is just a shot of inspiration for those days when you've been moving forward on something important to you and then feel that barrage of negative thinking show up, attempting to derail your plans. We will explore three small, aligned steps to create significant traction over time. Now is a good time to start slaying. Enjoy!Learn more about Carla: https:/ on LI:
Send Us Fan Mail!In a world full of noise and distraction, how do we stay centered and connected to who we are? Michelle Jones joins me again today to reveal how she navigates daily life and stays focused on her true north. Together, we talk about our own practices of tuning inward in a world that's constantly pulling us outward and how this practice provides clarity about our next action.Get ready to be inspired by...simple ways to practice tuning in throughout your dayhow we innately k...
Send Us Fan Mail!Have you ever woken up tired, slept terribly and then thought about how tired you are all day? What if I told you that you have way more power than you realize to turn this around and do this on the regular?Today we're diving into the world of morning routines and how they can be a catalyst to kickstart your day and, ultimately, your life. I'll share the what, when and a basic framework you can start with now.Hal Elrod's Book - The Miracle MorningThe Differently Coachin...
Send Us Fan Mail!Happy May!Let's do some spring cleaning! Not of your home, but of your mind. ;)Spring cleaning can go beyond our physical spaces and be applied to our mindset. Our frame of mind is shading the color of how we see everything else in our lives. Think of it like a pair of glasses. Over time, and even over the course of a day, that pair of glasses can get smudged with all kinds of negative thinking, especially if things are not working out as we had planned.Today, I'm ...