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Don't Die Before You're Dead
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Don't Die Before You're Dead

Author: Merri Macartney

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We know that we never have as much time as we think. So what are we doing about it? We will explore what is possible and hear from those who have dared to muster the courage to live their dreams. Let's discuss real life strategies to live the lives we were meant to live. No putting off till later as later may not be ours. Live now and avoid living in the Land of Regret.
60 Episodes
PSA...Do you have a bank account which you use regularly? Do you deposit fund into it and use your debit card for multiple transactions? Me too.I am sure that like you this has been going on for many years confident in the banking system. However, I have since learned just how vulnerable we are. Are you a criminal? Do you think like a criminal? Do you know any criminals? Like you, my answer to all these questions is NO! So how am I suppose to know how this fraud against my account throug...
A Dangerous Detour

A Dangerous Detour


May was the beginning of road trips in preparation for the final leg of the cross Canada tour - the East coast. Three trips in all: Wasaga Beach, North Bay and Kincardine. Betty handled things like a dream. June 7th became the schedule departure date.Then the long weekend brought about a dangerous detour. One that I never saw coming. What I thought was possible indigestion, wasn't.
When facing challenges on her job, Annette Lavigne had to think about her plans to continue working or retire, she decided it was time to open a new door. Through her years of being a Toastmaster, Annette knew she had many skills to help her move forward. One thing she knew for sure. She wasn't ready for retirement.With the help of others, Annette decided to take the necessary courses to move to a new of great interest to her. She studied and with working at he...
Are you journaling? if so, how do you do it? Are you typing on your computer so you can save files and take up less room than having books? Or handwriting?Handwriting really does have some benefits in writing your journal. As you focus on writing clearly, you can change some of your characteristics. Graphologists can offer lots of insight into how a person writes not just whether the writers are the same in pieces of writing.The benefits of journaling are many ranging from improvi...
Chair Yoga for Seniors

Chair Yoga for Seniors


Dharma Bums Yoga has been teaching yoga for nearly 20 years. Bums yoga! Love that name as the owner, Rachel Page focuses on chair yoga for seniors and beginners. During this episode Rachel shares her passion for using yoga to strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility and movement and the importance of breathing properly for maximum oxygenation.Listen as she explains how to get these tremendous benefits even if you have limited mobility. You can also catch some of her demos...
What do you do when you find that your life is being consumed by too much work and not enough living? Time for a change. Listen as Leanne and Lyle McCabe share with me how they sold their business and decided to downsize in order to travel the world. Although they weren't working that business anymore they chose to set up a business that relates to their dreams. Thus was born.The life they now lead together appeals to their priority of staying active and healthy...
This episode starts with a meandering 15 minute, turned 1 hour, trip to the coffee shop. Google maps outlined ways for me to go but when I came across some of the streets, I decided not to go down them. Some were too hilly, some too broken up or muddy. In any case I would change directions and then try to find another route. I came to crossroads, deadends and consequently made many U turns.I did, however, reach my destination.As I was meandering, I thought of just how much life can be l...
Hayley Mayer from Sydney Australia is a psychotherapist who has faced a traumatic experience and has since learned to dance with life not wrestle with it. She offers tools and techniques to implement when faced with challenges and others who might try to step over your boundaries. Hayley's focus is on the importance of self-love saying it is foundational to living a life filled with our purpose.Her idea of loving ourselves is to talk consider what you would say to a 5 year old child. If ...
Owner and founder of The Couples Clinic, therapist Ronnie Littlewood, shares with us some insights into how to strengthen relationships going into this new year.These apply to all types of relationships regardless of ages or gender although her comments might be more relevant to a female audience.Her practice plus her personal life experiences were shared to provide listeners with some tips and strategies to help them move forward in whatever relationships might need a boost.
Is this the time of year when you stop to reflect on where you are in life? Do you ask yourself how things are different this year from this time last year? Many people do.As you think about your life and how you got to where you are today, consider that you will be in the same place this time next year. How would you like things to be then?Listen as I read to you the closing passage of my book, Don't Die Before You're Dead, and consider my challenge.
Sometimes people think that once their education for a formal career is done, there is no longer any need to look for other opportunities to learn. That might work for some but the fact is that we need to keep our brains engaged. Like the old adage says, use it or lose it.What can this added learning be? Anything and for any reason. Whether it is merely an interest or pursuit of a side hustle, it doesn't matter. Learning opportunities are everywhere. This podcast includes how to f...
It is easy to think about aiming for work/life balance but not so much when we think about life/life balance. Sometimes it is easy to get unmotivated and feeling stuck in the doldrums like the short days of early winter.In this podcast there are 5 possible ideas that could help add some balance. Retirees know only too well how easy it is to get stuck in a routine and miss out of living a full life while they still can.The idea is always to do what you can, while you can, for as long as ...
After having fallen off the wagon for quite some time, what is needed to get back on? First it begins with acknowledging that it is indeed possible to start where you left off. Yes, it might be embarrassing, a matter of pride but being honest is a great first step. Realizing that we are not alone in having fallen is empowering. We are human and we are not alone in facing this issue. Why we face it might be very different but how we can recover is the same. Just start. Remember that time ...
My guest Lori Lococo is a current Niagara Falls City Councilor and is running for re-election this fall. When I first met Lori she was an office administrator for a legal firm and was one of the top district leaders in Toastmasters. Listen in as Lori tells how her experiences allowed her to develop key skills for being a team player, for understanding he need for due diligence in decision making and how to be servant leader to her community. Find out how Lori assessed her skil...
Many ask the question about what's life going to be like after they retire. What can they do? What do they want to do? Cindy Pavella retired from her career job dealing with group insurance and employee benefits. After a short hiatus to reset, she settled into an entirely different industry as customer representative for a museum and planetarium.In this interview, Cindy tells us how she came about making a new life for herself and also about the joy she finds in her volunteering. Listen ...
More than likely the day will come when the memories you hold in your memory bank will be of more value that the money you have deposited in your bank account. At that time, you might be limited in what you can and can't do, can go and can't go but with your memories you are free to redo what you've done and revisit places you've been.Realize now while you can that those memories will be priceless to you in your golden years so make them now while you can. Become conscious of the passin...
Now is the time of year when we become more engaged in self reflection. We know that a brand new year is imminent and we give a thought or two to new year's resolutions. Even if we don't believe in them, we can't help but let them cross our minds if only to scoff at them.Many days in the year go by with nary a thought to how our lives are shaping up. And yet when we see the all too familiar marker of time marching past, we pause to reflect.Or at least I hope we do.Ask some e...
From childhood we learn that there are certain things expected from us. We catch on early that our parents then our teachers expect us to behave according to the "norms" we see around us. Those of us who don't adhere to those behaviors soon find that life present challenges that those who do adhere don't tend to face.For those who live up to the expectations life seems to offer more rewards and opportunities to move forward. There are also societal expectations that tend to govern our li...
Because Covid 19 came with restrictions, lockdowns and border closures, plans for my Cross Canada tour was not a possibility. Instead of taking on the huge disappointment as a cancellation, I saw it as an opportunity to adjust my plans.Instead of cross Canada, I opted to fully tour Ontario - a province I had lived in my whole life but never fully explored...till summer 2021.Instead of being a speaking and book signing tour, it became a friendship tour as I visited friends I hadn't seen ...