Surprise! We’re back — with a Vengeance. The Chirpers reunite to watch the long-awaited Wynonna Earp movie. Were we always so squeamish? Definitely. Were we prepared for so many feelings? Definitely not. Join us for one night only. 2024 Tubi TV Movie Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
Inside Wynonna Earp for season 4, episode 7, “Love’s All Over” V.A.M. / vam / noun - value added material Inside Wynonna Earp - Love In The Time Of Corona Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Sponsors Incomparable Memberships!: Sign up, support our show, and get access to exclusive podcasts! Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
Inside Wynonna Earp for season 4, episode 1, “On The Road Again” V.A.M. / vam / noun - value added material Inside Wynonna Earp - Back In The Saddle Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Sponsors Incomparable Memberships!: Sign up, support our show, and get access to exclusive podcasts! Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
Our hearts are full, and we might still be a bit sniffly after watching the season 4 finale. Sure. There may have been some throat slicing and haunted wedding dresses, but mostly this was a deeply satisfying conclusion. And so we end this season with deeply contented sighs. Wynonna Earp S4:E12 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
So much happening! The Chirpers have questions about some of it. Much of it we are delighted with. (Mostly Mercedes. Cuz… Mercedes. Also badass Jer-bear.) Things seem weirdly settled at the end, which is making us very nervous about what is going to happen in the season finale. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Wynonna Earp S4:E11 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
We are left with a humdinger of a cliffhanger in this episode, and we need to start there, at the end. So much happened with a lot of dead (and maybe dead?) characters and the Chirpers are reeling! And we meet possibly the most beautiful demon yet. The real question is do we stop here or do we watch another two episodes? Wynonna Earp S4:E10 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
Chirpers are back and talking about trivia about rats. If we could wish on a Ginny we’d hope for Wynonna Earp to go one forever. We are happy to see the friends back together, showing off their smart brains and street brains. And we discover there are worse things to eat than brains? Or not? Wynonna Earp S4:E9 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links Random Pursuit Decoder Ring - The Alberta Rat War
We’ve jumped right into Halloween, and we don’t have our costumes ready. The Chirpers are fans of the return of Jeremy! and Casey! and Robin?! And we know never to trust a scarecrow on Halloween. Beware of pitchforks! Wynonna Earp S4:E8 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
The Chirpers have been love bombed with this episode. There was so much to love from engagement parties, sad Cupid, and Jann Bunny Loblaw Arden. This fun and lighter episode also sets the stage for darker times ahead. But we’re happy to celebrate our return to Chirping! Wynonna Earp S4:E7 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
We’re back again! This time mere hours later. The Chirpers couldn’t wait to finish this two-parter. The season 4a conclusion zinged our emotions all over like a pinball machine. With the plotlines mostly wrapped up, we’re curious about where season 4b will take us. Wynonna Earp S4:E6 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
After another long break, the Chirpers are back for a Holy War. Are we ready for a heist? Yes. Always. Also sexy, sketchy, demons. Perhaps less so for vomit and mysterious drowning ceremonies. Will we be able to wait for the second half of this two-parter? Who knows? It will be our cliffhanger. Wynonna Earp S4:E5 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
Join the Chirpers, who are back together in the podcast studio (aka living room) for their 50th episode! They were glad to have some company watching this episode because it was creepy AF. Chirpers are happiest with Jerbear back and sexual tension between pretty much everyone. Make love not creepy Uncle Ikes. Wynonna Earp S4:E4 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
We’re back in Purgatory! The Chirpers have a lot of questions. Opinions really. Nedley better not be dead. Jeremy better have an explanation. Nicole better be okay. No one is eating Wynonna’s chili, not today Satan! The Chirpers are swooning over new additions Amon and Casey and definitely not swooning over Cleo or Sherriff Holt. All in all our Chirpers might be confused by this time jump, strangely different Purgatory, but they’re in for the ride. They’re always all in. Wynonna Earp S4:E3 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
We’re in the garden and it’s cooooold. But that might be better than being trapped in a lab full of science zombies and friendly lab rats. It’s an exciting escape room of an episode with some important emotional moments that are warming the Chirpers hearts. To say nothing about kisses in the garden and the haughtest stairway scene in, well, EVER. We really don’t know where season 4 is taking us, but so far, we’re loving the ride. We’d tell you that we feel deeply for this show, but you already know that we’re all in. WYNONNA EARP S4:E2 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
The Chirpers are back for season 4. It was a long fight and a long time coming but being back in Purgatory feels SO GOOD! This first episode is full of WTF moments and our heads are spinning already. At least we are keeping them on our shoulders. We are happy to see everyone back in the Ghost River Triangle even if they are all in imminent, constant peril. Buckle up! Let’s do this Earpers. Want to see our faces? Watch the live recording of this episode on our Earp Chirp YouTube channel. Wynonna Earp S4:E1 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
After a hiatus, the Chirpers are returning. And while we are sad that we are cannot record on the comfy couch with all the in-person Eeping and Cheering, we are happy to be virtually together again. Will we catch up with Season 4A before 4B? Maybe. Will we live stream our episodes? Probably. Have we optimistically downloaded a Shorty’s background in case we do? Definitely! See you soon Earpers! Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
We are in the Big City. Almost. Wooooo!! It’s our lost episode from two years ago when the Chirpers did a road trip to the Calgary area just to watch the Season 3 opener. And then we toured all the Earp sights with a lot of joy and random Canadiana. While we are not able to all Chirp together for Season 4 quite yet, we are taking you on a virtual Earper tour with us. Will we survive? If Kirsten doesn’t chop off Annette’s hand, we should be okay. Road Trip to Purgatory Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links Yes, we took pictures! Here is a sampling of them: Click “info” on the photos to see the description and location tags. Want to do your own Chirper Earper Road Trip to tour filming sites? We have a map for you:
WE ARE EXCITED! Season 4 of Wynonna Earp is filming, and the Chirpers need to squee about it. And complain about the weather while bragging about surviving the cold. Join us as we discuss the teaser content we’re getting and speculate about the season to come. Alberrrrrrta Wynonna Earp S4 Anticipation Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links
After their own hiatus, the Chirpers do a live panel at the Edmonton Comics and Entertainment Expo! They talk about the #FightForWynonna, #WinForWynonna, and why they think Wynonna Earp is a show worth fighting for. And snow. Chirpers always have to talk about real snow. 2019 Live Show - Edmonton Expo Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links #FightForWynonna Huge thanks to Danielle Waninger for letting us use the audio from her video. You should really go watch it to get the full experience.
This very special episode is brought you by the #FightForWynonna. The Chirpers gather on the red couch once again to discuss why Wynonna Earp is such an important show. And we shout out all Earpers, who have created the best fandom in the whole damn world. Wynonna Earp - Fighting for S4 Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk Sponsors Incomparable Memberships!: Sign up, help support this show, and get some fun bonus material. Referenced Works Wynonna Earp [Amazon] Show Notes & Links Tales of the Black Badge #FightForWynonna on Twitter