45: Old Timey Road Trip!
We are in the Big City. Almost. Wooooo!! It’s our lost episode from two years ago when the Chirpers did a road trip to the Calgary area just to watch the Season 3 opener. And then we toured all the Earp sights with a lot of joy and random Canadiana. While we are not able to all Chirp together for Season 4 quite yet, we are taking you on a virtual Earper tour with us. Will we survive? If Kirsten doesn’t chop off Annette’s hand, we should be okay.
Road Trip to Purgatory
Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra and Kirsten Goruk
Referenced Works
Show Notes & Links
Yes, we took pictures! Here is a sampling of them: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ai5xHGPfKuA9eLzk8
Click “info” on the photos to see the description and location tags.
Want to do your own Chirper Earper Road Trip to tour filming sites? We have a map for you: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1TSFwyIFVEkv6UBZ4pjiQQNYA6I91bt76&usp=sharing