<p>All about living in apartments (condos), from dealing with your committee to getting on with neighbours and – a dose of healthy skepticism about dubious developers. Please subscribe by clicking on one of the icons below, to take you to your favourite podcaster.</p>

Tax cheat landlords, 'CSI Strata' spies, and recording meetings

The tax office is coming after double-dipping landlords who claim all sorts of things they shouldn't, or just claim for stuff the wrong way.And what about levies? It turns out some are tax deductible and others aren't. But which?By the way, in the podcast we say 86 percent of owners who use tax agents get their returns wrong, in fact the ATO says the majority of investors make mistakes in their tax returns despite 86 percent of them using tax agents. Oops! Big difference.Moving on, we a...


Cheap shots and gentrification Vs affordability

A slightly shorter but more pointed podcast this week as Sue reports on plans to demolish two affordable-rent apartment blocks and replace them with one luxury block with fewer, but presumably high-end apartments.It's another potential blow to the supply of affordable housing in desirable areas. City of Sydney have said “no” so the developers have appealed to the Land and Environment Court (LEC)– which held a kerbside hearing outside the site, the other day. Apparently there are half a d...


Nimby dog whistles, company title and micro apartments

This week we take a swing at polarising polititicians who are hoping to fire up the Nimbys against medium-density housing.They know it's what the state needs, they know it will help resolve the housing crisis, they don't have a viable solution, but hey, if it means they can get a few more votes in marginal constituencies, to Hell with the homeless.Then we go back to the future with Company Title. Are apartment blocks where owners set their own rules and have nothing to do with strata la...


Balcony singer creates his own soap opera

The Podcast takes a musical twist this week when we discuss the ear-bending plight of residents of four apartment blocks in the Sydney suburb of Meadowbank who have been subject to an opera singer practising his scales for 90 minutes every Sunday.How bad can it be? The perp is clearly talented and may even think he’s doing his neighbours a favour by standing on his balcony belting out his do-re-mis, but really?Oddly enough, music-loving Jimmy thinks hitting the high notes for a non-cons...


Best and worst embedded networks... with bees

This week’s podcast is mostly devoted to embedded networks, what they are, why they can be good or bad, and what you can do to make them work for your strata scheme. To that end, we chat to Joseph Arena of Embedded Networks Arena, a company that will analyse your embedded network contracts – e.g. for energy and hot water systems – and tell you how you can get a better deal.This was recorded via Zoom so the audio may not be up to our usual standards but if you listen to the en...


Challenges and changes as Chandler checks out

The only story in strata in the past week has been the decision by Building Commissioner David Chandler to hang up his hard hat and retire in August. So we thought the time was right to look at what he has achieved, the challenges he's faced - like being encourage by his then Minister to have a sit-down with a very dodgy developer - and the legacy he leaves behind for his successor.He says his challenge for the last few months of his tenure is to get the message out there that ther...


Hot seat 2: By-laws, bathrooms and ebikes (really!)

This second part of Lawyer In The Hotseat opens with an apology for promising a discussion on ebikes in last week's podcast, forgetting that it's actually in this, the second part (promise).Otherwise our discussion with strata lawyer David Bannerman covers renovation by-laws and the value of by-laws that would stand up if challenged at a Tribunal but send out a signal about what is unacceptable even if it's legal.We also look at strata managers acting unilaterally, the controversial Bui...


Hot Seat pt 1 - Strata rolls and new laws

As promised, this is the first part of the recording where JimmyT fires questions at leading strata lawyer David Bannerman.Topics include:Does your strata manager have to give you access to the strata roll (including other owners' email addresses)? And what do you do if they don't.What are the new strata laws all about?What do you do about do-nothing strata committees.All this and more in this week's Flat Chat Wrap.____________________________________________________Flat Chat is all about apa...


Cell in a studio flat and suspicious pictures

This week’s Flat Chat Wrap covers a lot of ground. including a prison cell in in a studio flat – seriously! – in the same small town in England where our very own Sue Williams cut her journalist teeth.We take a long, hard and highly suspicious look at how real estate pictures are altered to make us think we’re getting something that just isn’t there. You'll find a link to the video HERE.We get a preview of Jimmy’s “Lawyer in the Hot Seat” chat with strata lawyer David Bannerman – ...


Simple fixes that Strata Managers desperately need

It feels like the dust has settled a little too quickly on the Netsrata Scandal, as exposed by ABC TV. There has been no public statement on it from the state government or their professional body, Strata Community Australia (NSW).But strata managers are hurting, as even the most cursory skim of LinkedIn posts will attest. The good operators know they are being tarred with the same brushes that have seen the SCA-NSW President resign - and it doesn't feel fair or good.You cou...


Family unfriendly - are our flats the wrong shape?

Are we building the wrong kind of apartments for families? There’s a very interesting report in the Sydney Morning Herald about a survey that suggests that the cookie-cutter apartment designs we see all around us may be fine for singles and couples but are all the wrong shapes and sizes for families with growing kids.How can this be? For a start, a two-bed units – three-bedders are well outside the price range for most young families – are configured with a main bedroom, maybe wit...


Look back in laughter - our PodCom revisited

It's interesting listening to the podcom Hyperbole Towers - the podcast comedy we recorded almost four years ago - to hear how much has changed.There's a reference in there to pets not being allowed - that's gone. And the whole episode centres around a by-law permitting owners to meet online. That's now part of the fabric of strata law. But some of the issues are timeless, not least how strata committees bring together hugely diverse people who under other circumstances might...


How Netstrata scandal has exposed a culture of rorts, scams and double dealing.

As you’d expect, a lot of this week’s podcast is taken up with the resignation of the SCA-NSW President and Netstrata boss Stephen Brell, as well as the ABC News story and its follow-up that exposed his company’s business practices..We’re taking the stance that Netstrata is not the only strata management company engaging in dubious (though not illegal) practices and allegedly concealing what were effectively strata insurance commissions is not the only breach of trust between many strata mana...


Different country - same high rise problems

The Flat Chat Wrap comes to you from a whole other country – or at least half of it does – with Jimmy in Saigon trying to finish his fourth novel (writing, not reading).While there he has discovered that there are very similar problems with overseas investors as we have here in Australia.Continuing the travel theme, Jimmy and Sue discuss the proposed changes to Airbnb laws intended to correct the “light touch” legislation currently in place.And we can’t mention travel without referring to Mil...


Why unit rents are closing the gap on houses

There are myriad reasons why apartment rents are getting closer to and even, in a couple of areas, have overtaken the rents demanded for houses.Is it because the immigration tap has been turned back on for people from countries where they aren't horrified by the prospect of living in apartments/Is it because more, especially younger Aussies (wherever they originated) are seeing the benefits or apartment living outweighing the drawbacks.Or is it just that landlords have decided its time to sto...


'Worst block ever' and big plans for the trendy burbs

In this week’s Flat Chat Wrap podcast we look at a report that building commissioner David Chandler has issued a stop-work order at a Wollongong construction site after structural defects were discovered in a 149-unit apartment block.According to a story in on the ABC news site, Mr Chandler said the prohibition order followed the detection of a number of issues in the Crownview building in the last few years with $37m already spent on remediation but new problems with critical cable tensionin...


Shops you want in your blocks

In this week’s pod we look at “placemaking” which seems to be designing communities just to make them nicer places to live.By nicer, of course, we mean places that don’t stress you out in the walk to and from the station every day. More trees and open spaces are a start, but then open spaces are exactly where developers want to put buildings. And trees generally get in the way of that.We look at the NSW government’s plans to bring more high and medium rises to where there are shops (rather th...


Email madness - $17k charged for five messages

We’ve lifted a post from the Flat Chat Forum this week to illustrate two issues – one basic common sense, the other highly contentious.The post explains how a strata manager managed to legitimately charge $17,000 for sending out five emails. Obviously, our advice would be to read the small print in your strata management contract with a focus on what the worst-case scenario might be.The other is the issue of whether the strata committee should have every owner’s email address – somethin...


Your pet hates (and it's not pets)

This week on the podcast we are talking about YOU. At least, we are talking about your pet hates, as defined by our highly unscientific and totally skewed poll on who irritates you most in your strata scheme.The poll is on the Flat Chat home page and you can see the results when you vote. Sneaky way to get clicks? Not really. We simply don’t want to influence your choices.Also we have a look at what’s happening – or not happening – at the Balmain Leagues Club site where plan...


And now the good news ... for some

There’s some good news, some bad news and some great news in this week’s Flat Chat Wrap.The good news (for investors) is that apartment prices and rents are going through the roof in Brisbane. The boom is being stimulated by preparations for the 2032 Olympics and an influx of new residents.Of course, what’s good news for investors is generally bad news for tenants and not only are they facing rising rents and shortages of available properties in the Sunshine state, they’d think twice before e...


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