Finding Demo Surf Fishing

Finding Demo Surf Fishing

Podcast by a Panhandle Surf Angler for all anglers of any level. We will talk weekly to guests that are anglers and also industry professionals. I want you to walk away from this podcast with some knowledge either refreshed or new for you to become a better angler. Though it will start in the Panhandle of Florida, it will be around the entire United States so we can all learn something about fishing in different regions.

Reeling in the Right Deals: Sponsorships, Pro Staff, and Ambassadorships in Surf Fishing

This week, you're stuck with my voice only in your ears.  I want to talk about sponsorships in the surf fishing / influencer (ugh, I hate that word) world.  The end all be all comes down to one thing when these things are brought up:  The deal you made for it!  In this episode, I talk to you about the different types of "sponsorship", pro's & con's, negotiation tips, and I give you examples of what I've done.  Welcome to the show y'all!  Its about to get uncomfortable in here.  Audio: Episode Is Sponsored By:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check:  Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Beach Bum LuresES LuresHalcoFishbitesICASTUgly StickShimanoPiscifun#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife 


Kids Can Fish Foundation Post 2024 ROTB Tournament

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Tom from Kids Can Fish Foundation as we talk about the 2024 Running Of The Bulls Charity Redfish Tournament.  Thanks to everyone that came out, they were able to raise enough funds for their fishing camps this year!  We also talk about the fish caught along with tips on bull red fishing.  Its a different game than your normal surf fishing, that is for certain!  Enjoy this weeks "short" episode!Audio:This Episode Is Sponsored By:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Daiwa Rogue ReelzThe Sinker GuyReel CoastalBandit Custom RodsBatson EnterprisesFish-n-MateSea Island ForgeTurtle BoxZebcoCornerstone First Mortgage #findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife 


The Fin Reaper Bowfishing's Vincent Williams

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Vincent of Fin Reaper Bowfishing.  This was so much fun to record.  You can feel Vincent's love for this type of fishing and his videos are excellent.  Enjoy this weeks episode and get that note pad out because this is a solid knowledge session with some good funny momentsAudio: to follow:IG: Episode Is Sponsored By:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more) Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and moreTheme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #FinReaperBowFishing


Travis Lucas Hometown Sharkers

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Land Based Shark Fishing Charter, Hometown Sharkers.  Travis has spent years on the water and worked hard to build his brand of business.  In the episode, he shares a lot of great knowledge along with lessons learned along the way.  Enjoy this weeks episode!Social to follow:Website: FB: Episode Is Sponsored By:   DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check: Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)   Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Makaria 130Outcast Sport FishingCoastal WorldwideReaction TackleOkuma FishingWilliams Top Notch TacklePenn Fishing Senator ReelsNOAAKurnain Fishing ChartersBig Boss Big Shark TournamentWewa Wiggler Bait & TackleKeepers OnlyFC Fish CoBatson Enter / Rainshadow RodsEli Glisson The Salty Savage Experience#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife 


Adapting to Changing Conditions

In this solo episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing, we explore the strategies and knowledge needed to adapt to seasonal changes in fishing. As summer transitions into fall and eventually winter, different species like Pompano, Redfish, and Black Drum begin to appear, and fishing techniques must evolve to meet these changes.The episode covers everything from the importance of scouting new fishing spots and the impact of changing water temperatures on fish behavior to the use of different rigs and gear setups for various conditions. Practical tips are shared on targeting specific fish species, choosing the right bait, and dealing with wind and weather conditions to maximize your chances of success.This Episode Is Sponsored By: DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and moreBait Check: Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more) Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:FishbitesBrokenReel23 (Spencer)The Sinker GuySalty's Pompano RigsFrisky FinsGreen Get'M RigsDS Custom TackleRogue ReelzSORD Fishing ProductsKastKingJustin Reed FishingSalt StrongHalf Hitch#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #Fishbites #BrokenReel23 #TheSinkerGuy #SaltysPompanoRigs #FriskyFins #GreenGetMRigs #DSCustomTackle #RogueReelz #SORDFishingProducts #KastKing #JustinReedFishing #SaltStrong #HalfHitch


Kids Can Fish Running Of The Bulls 2024

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Kids Can Fish!  We talk all about the 2024 Running Of The Bulls Tournament and also, catch up on what they are up to!  Tune in and I hope to see you at the tournament in October Social to follow:Website: Episode Is Sponsored By:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions & Sponsors of the 2024 Running Of The Bulls Charity Redfish Tournament:Cornerstone First Mortgage (Title)Halyards Restaurant GroupShoreline MarineRich ProductsPhillips Wealth ManagementStrike Zone BrunswickAg ProFour Horsemen TackleCherokee BrickYoung BoatsKona IceActive Pest ControlTempest BBQFishbitesHukMorningstar MarinasGlacier OutdoorSinker GuyBandit CustomBatson EnterprisesFinding Demo Surf Fishing PodcastFortress Marine AnchorsVillage Creek LandingFlorida Fishing ProductsBeyond BraidDW LuresBlue Frog OutfittersSurf Fishing SolutionsBajioNovateurSaltys Pompano RigsHarris Ace HardwareSea Island ForgeSSI Bait and TacklePromar and Ahi USAZebcoGeorgia Saltwater AdventuresYetiMarsh WearDS Custom TackleBoteNinja TackleBull Bay TackleTriangle SportBubbaFrogg Toggs#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #CornerstoneFirstMortgage #HalyardsRestaurantGroup #ShorelineMarine #RichProducts #PhillipsWealthManagement #StrikeZoneBrunswick #AgPro #FourHorsemenTackle #CherokeeBrick #YoungBoats #KonaIce #ActivePestControl #TempestBBQ #Fishbites #Huk #MorningstarMarinas #GlacierOutdoor #SinkerGuy #BanditCustom #BatsonEnterprises #FortressMarineAnchors #VillageCreekLanding #FloridaFishingProducts #BeyondBraid #DWLures #BlueFrogOutfitters #SurfFishingSolutions #Bajio #Novateur #SaltysPompanoRigs #HarrisAceHardware #SeaIslandForge #SSIBaitAndTackle #PromarAndAhiUSA #Zebco #GeorgiaSaltwaterAdventures #Yeti #MarshWear #DSCustomTackle #Bote #NinjaTackle #BullBayTackle #TriangleSport #Bubba #FroggToggs


Pybus Family Father & Son Duo Talk International Fishing

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Justin & Julian Pybus.  This was a lot of fun talking about South Africa, Australia, and competition fishing.  When Julian mentioned pulling in 200 kg fish on 50 lbs test line, I knew things were going to get intense.  I'm extremely thankful to share this father & son episode and I hope you enjoy it as well!   Find the episode link in the comments or search Finding Demo Surf Fishing on your favorite podcast playing app or YouTube and listen in! This Episode Is Sponsored By:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more) Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and moreTheme Song Dirty Rock by Twisterium#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife 


Matt Tuers Of Carolina Surf Casters Association Talks Long Casting Competitions

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Matt Tuers, President of the Carolina Surf Casters Association based out of North Carolina is live!  Matt talks the entire series of how he fishes, the association, and all about long casting competitions.  There is a bunch of fun things to learn and hear about in this one.Audio: to follow:Website: Episode Is Sponsored By:  The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle. Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more) Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and moreBait Check: Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Google EarthPully RigBreakaway TackleReel30AUS AnglingUSA Casting TeamSurf Cast USASportcast USAHatteras Heavers (Rod)Continental RodsTommy FarmerWes DolanJordan CruzGotti Farer#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #carolinasurfcastersassociation  #GoogleEarth #PullyRig #BreakawayTackle #Reel30A #USAngling #USACastingTeam #SurfCastUSA #SportcastUSA #HatterasHeavers #ContinentalRods #TommyFarmer


Reeling in Success: Choosing and Maintaining Your Saltwater Reels

New Episode Drop and we are talking about fishing reels.  Arguably the most important part of your setup, it's one that should have a bunch of your attention for choice, size, maintenance, and use.  Lets dive in and talk about it this week and let me know your thoughts after you've heard it!  Find it here: is Sponsored by Ninja TackleMentions:Van StaalPenn FishingPiscifun FishingShimano FishingHalf HitchTony FaggioniPetes Cultural AdventuresThe Sinker GuyJustin Reed Fishing


Reconnecting with the Waves: Beach Fishing and Mental Well-being

New Episode!!!!Link: time away from the interwebs is good, and I definitely feel a bit better about the world.    After a MUCH NEEDED break from the world of social media and podcasting, I'm sharing with you some of the thoughts I've had over the break and things I've also discovered while away.  As we all know, fishing is some of the best medicine available to us and I needed my dosage refilled.  With that though, I also thoroughly enjoyed time with my family.  Its good to be back with you all now and I hope you enjoy this weeks episode.  A lot more to come!Episode Sponsor:  The Sinker GuyTheme Music: Dirty Rock by Twisterium#SinkerGuy#Fishbites#NinjaTackle#KidsCanFishFoundation#Podcast #SurfFishing#BeachFishing#SurfCasting#MentalHealthBreak#SocialMediaBreak#FishForYouNotTheGram


Making Memories Made Outdoors with Ryan Street

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Ryan Street, Vice President of Memories Made Outdoors. This is a bit different than your normal surf fishing episode as we talk about fresh water fishing in Minnesota and the organization as it is located there.  Lots of good stories and their mission is a good one.  First responders and veterans alike, this one is aimed towards you.  Take advantage of the opportunities you have presented to you.  Audio: to follow:Website: Episode Is Sponsored By:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more) Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check:   Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:FirelineScheels outdoor StorePure FishingSunset Bay ResortMike FarrellVeterans on the lakeFleet FarmEPS#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife 


Genungs Fish Camp Owner Adam Morley

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Adam, owner of Genung's Fish Camp out of N.E. Florida.Audio: teaching to supplying you for your next fishing outing, Genungs has you covered.  I was very excited to learn all about the camp and how it has grown over the years, especially in regards to the Litter Gitter program!  Listen in and learn as Adam drops a bunch of knowledge.  Special cameo in the video version with Mike the St. Augustine Sandman!Social to follow:Website: Episode Is Sponsored By:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check: Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more) Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:St Augustine Sandman MikeYOLOtekCatchem up with KullenFishbitesSkinny Water LuresKiss My Fish LuresLitter Gitter ProgramMatanzas River KeeperWater keeper AllianceRight To Clean Water#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife 


NW Florida Fishing With Brandon Keenan

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Mr. Brandon Keenan in the Pensacola, Florida area.  Audio:'ve had a great time watching him fish and the adventures he has gone on as a bouncer/security at some awesome metal shows.  A life long angler that shares a bunch of phenomenal knowledge through the entire episode that is sure to help you put some ideas in your tackle box to use.  Enjoy this weeks episode!This Episode Is Sponsored By:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)  Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Fort PickensPensacola PierBig Lagoon State ParkReel30AJustin Reed FishingReel CoastalFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionAtlantic White Shark ConservancyPolar Bear FishingProCureFishGumFishbitesPenn Fishing SpinfisherSalt StrongEntertainer Bait And Tackle#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #FortPickens #PensacolaPier #BigLagoonStatePark #Reel30A #JustinReedFishing #ReelCoastal #FWC #AtlanticWhiteSharkConservancy #PolarBearFishing #ProCure #FishGum #Fishbites #PennFishingSpinfisher #SaltStrong #EntertainerBaitAndTackle


Warrior Beer Company Is On A Mission

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Gary from Warrior Beer Company in Pensacola, FLAudio: staunch supporter of military & first responders, Gary has been building a massive support for those around him for years!  Even after everything he has experienced, he continues to give back and only ask, "how can I help".  Check out this weeks episode where we talk plenty of fishing, beer, and the mission Gary is on!  This Episode Is Sponsored By:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)  Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:AHERODuffy's Tavern (Maryland)The Forgotten AnglerOperation Open WaterPerdido Blane (Panhandle Salt)Outcast Tackle & MarineDeerfield Fabrication & WeldingOver The Bar RodsPenn FishingFishbitesGreen Getm RigsFishGumJustin Reed FishingFrisky FinsES LuresWalter Reed Medical CenterNational Warrior FoundationPlatoon 22Operation 2nd ChanceOperation Warrior RanchSmart Brew (New Zealand)Blue AngelsThe Camp Fire FundSmitty's Surf FishingPanhandle Fishing Report#findingdemosurffishing #warriorbeercompany #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #DuffysTavernMaryland #ForgottenAngler #ProjectOpenWaters #PerdidoBlane #PanhandleSalt #OutcastBaitAndTackle #DeerfieldFabricationAndWelding #OverTheBarRods #PennFishing #Fishbites #GreenGetmRigs #FishGum #JustinReedFishing #FriskyFins #ESLures #WalterReedMedicalCenter #NationalWarriorFoundation #Platoon22 #Operation2ndChance #OperationWarriorRanch #SmartBrewNewZealand #BlueAngels #TheCampFireFund #SmittysSurfFishing #PanhandleFishingReport


The Salty Leprechaun Is Sharing His Gold

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Buck, The Salty Leprechaun Surf Fishing out of Hilton Head, SCAudio: Carolina is definitely a place to visit for surf fishing and Buck went through this whole episode with plenty of knowledge, examples, and tips to help you succeed!  If you're going there on vacation, leave those rods at home, book a charter with him, and go get lucky catching those awesome fish off the beach!Social to follow:Website: https://saltyleprechaun.comFB: Episode Is Sponsored By:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)  Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Cabo Surf CasterMake A Wish FoundationCoastal WorldwideSouth Carolina DNRFishRulesAPPGoogle LenseWindyAPPSalt StrongField Trips with Robert FieldFishbitesKrogerJustin Reed FishingThe Salty Savage ExperienceOutcast Sport Fishing#FindingDemoSurfFishing #SaltyLeprechaunSurfFishing #HiltonHead #HiltonHeadSouthCarolina #Podcast #FishingPodcast #SurfFishingPodcast #FishTalk #Fishing #SurfFishing #BeachFishing #SurfCasting #SouthCarolina #SouthCarolinaTourism #FishingCharter #SurfFishingCharter #SouthCarolinaFishingCharter #CaboSurfCaster #MakeAWishFoundation #CoastalWorldwide #SouthCarolinaDNR #FishRules #GoogleLense #Windy #SaltStrong #FieldTripsWithRobertField #Fishbites #Kroger #JustinReedFishing #TheSaltySavageExperience #OutcastSportFishing


Lets Talk Conservation, Spring Fishing, and More

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with: ME!  That's right folks, you have to hang out with just me this week as we do a quick talk about Spring Fishing coming up and some topics that I felt the need to bring up.  I hope you have an outstanding weekend and that your fishing area is stacked this weekend!Audio: to follow:Website: https://findingdemosurffishing.comFB: Episode Is Sponsored By: The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)  Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Atlantic White Shark ConservancyFWCOutcast Sport FishingES LuresG-Eye JigsBeach Bum LuresFishRules APPFishbites#findingdemosurffishing #fishing #fishingpodcast #podcast #surffishingpodcast #learntofish #floridafishing #fishtalk #fishingpodcast #AtlanticWhiteSharkConservancy #FWC #OutcastSportFishing #ESLures #GEyeJigs #BeachBumLures #FishRulesAPP


Great Whites And More With Outcast Sport Fishing

In the saltwater fishing world, you say the words Shark Fishing, you're going to get people riled up.  You say "Catching Great White Sharks", you're going to get people confused and enthralled.  Capt Chip of Outcast Sport Fishing from Hilton Head, South Carolina comes on the show and brings a whole new level of this together as he is shark fishing and catching the infamous Great White Shark with his clientsAudio: to follow:Website: http://outcastfishing.comFB: Episode Is Sponsored By:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)  Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check: Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumCapt Chip has been fishing for nearly all of his life and one day, a giant Great White shark was swimming around his boat.  That started an adventure that has brought him to where he is today and we talk about all of in the show.  One of the aspects I didn't know about with his charters were the scientific achievements that he has helped come alive with these catches that have helped us further learn about the species.  Each catch is handled safely and properly so the fish swims off to live its life and clients go home with core memories that even the saltiest sailor at a bar would have to question its legitimacy, until they see the photos!  You can hear about it all in this weeks episode and book your own memorable adventure with Capt Chip by following the links (hyperlinked on the page) and booking your adventure!Mentions:Fuzzy DavisCoastal WorldwideTerra Firma TackleNOAAAtlantic White Shark ConservancyOwner HooksLeebeth#findingdemosurffishing #OutcastSportFishing #hiltonheadSouthCarolina #sharkfishing #fishingcharter #greatwhite #greatwhiteshark #lemonshark #sandbarshark #fuzzydavis #coastalworldwide #terrafirmatackle #NOAA #atlanticwhitesharkconservancy #ownerhooks #leebeth #sharkweek


Pete's Cultural Adventures out of Kununurra, Australia

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Pete's Cultural Adventures out of Kununurra, Australia!  Audio: runs his charters in one of the most fascinating ways I have seen yet.  He takes his clients on a fully immersive trip filled with Aboriginal history, survival education, cultural importance, and of course big catches.  His favored technique is hand lining and he goes into great detail here on the episode.  He also takes us down cultural rules and explains the why that you're sure to ask when you hear him speak.  A great human and charter experience to be had when you're in Western Australia.Social to follow:Website: Episode Is Sponsored By: DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check:    Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:   Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)   Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Micromedia Australia Waringarri Media#findingdemosurffishing #petesculturaladventures #Kununurra #Australia #aborginialfishingcharter #fishingcharter #surffishing #beachfishing #surfcasting #fishingpodcast #surffishingpodcast #micromedia #barramundi 


South West Louisiana Fishing with Drag'n Tail'z Surf Fishing

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Benoit Johnson of Drag'n Tail'z Surf Fishing!Audio:'ve heard that Louisiana is an outdoorsman's dream place, but I've never had the chance to really discuss it with anyone.  Benoit came on the show and really opens up about surf fishing in Louisiana and so much more.  Chalked full of tips, tricks, and processes to help you successfully land some fish there, he also adds in how he runs his charters and the best times to fish.  If you're traveling to SW Louisiana, definitely look him up and book an unforgettable trip!Web: https://www.dragntailz.comFB: Contact: Surffishing@dragntailz.comThis Episode Is Sponsored By: The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)  Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Bait Check:   Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Tabasco Co.Bass Angler Sportsman SocietyU.S. Coast GuardFishingReminder.comRedfin FishingJustin Reed FishingDr. Fish (Code DrFish+DTSF for 10% off or visit On TackleHolla Fish On Tackle ShopCCA Louisiana Tag Louisiana ProgramFishRulesSurf Hippie FishingBearded BradLongest Cast Surf FishingYakin With JackAdamJReel Coastal Fishing#findingdemosurffishing #dragntailzsurffishing #louisianafishing #reddrum #redfish #surffishing #surfcasting #beachfishing #louisianatourism #louisianafishingguide #louisianasurffishingguide #fishtalk #pocast #surffishingpodcast #fishingpodcast #Tabasco #BassAnglerSportsmanSociety #USCoastGuard #FishingReminder #RedfinFishing #JustinReedFishing #DrFish #HollerFishOnTackle Shop #CCALouisiana #TagLouisianaProgram #FishRules #SurfHippieFishing #BeardedBrad #LongestCastSurfFishing #YakinWithJack #AdamJ #HookedOnTackle #ReelCoastalFishing


New York, New York with Bernie Bass

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Bernie Bass from New York!Audio: Fishing Guide, Radio Show Host, Educator, and the list goes on here but this guy is the real deal.  Bernie comes on the show and takes us through so many great facets of fishing in New York and how to do it.  The episode if full of good tips and knowledge that's definitely going to help find a new nugget to try.  Don't forget to check out his show: The Tightline with Bernie Bass & The Captain.  Social to follow:FB: Episode Is Sponsored By:  Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   Bait Check:   The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.Bait Check:  Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)  Bait Check:  DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers.  Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more Theme Song Dirty Rock by TwisteriumMentions:Compass 360 WadersDrift WadersSimms WadersIbass360.comWRIV 1390 AM#findingdemosurffishing #berniebass #thetightlinewithberniebassandthecaptain #surffishing #beachfishing #surfcasting #newyork #newyorkfishing #newyorkfishingguide #newyorkbeachfishing #newyorkstripedbass #newyorkfishingcharter #podcast #fishingpodcast #compasswaders #driftwaders #simmswaders #ibass #wriv 


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