NW Florida Fishing With Brandon Keenan
The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Mr. Brandon Keenan in the Pensacola, Florida area.
Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/76ed3d9f
Video: https://youtu.be/mXX79FpZpcc
I've had a great time watching him fish and the adventures he has gone on as a bouncer/security at some awesome metal shows. A life long angler that shares a bunch of phenomenal knowledge through the entire episode that is sure to help you put some ideas in your tackle box to use. Enjoy this weeks episode!
This Episode Is Sponsored By: Kids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation. Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!
Bait Check: The Sinker Guy: The Bruno & Mortician rig, Sputnik Sinkers, Sinker pouring supplies, and terminal tackle.
Bait Check: Ninja Tackle: Ninja Dagger, 7' Travel Rod, Bummy Stick, Akios reels, rigs, bait, and firearm accessories (optics, Glock parts, attachments, and more)
Bait Check: DS Custom Tackle: Tackle Supply for all anglers. Floats, rigs, jigs, bait, and more
Theme Song Dirty Rock by Twisterium
Fort Pickens
Pensacola Pier
Big Lagoon State Park
Justin Reed Fishing
Reel Coastal
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Atlantic White Shark Conservancy
Polar Bear Fishing
Penn Fishing Spinfisher
Salt Strong
Entertainer Bait And Tackle
#findingdemosurffishing #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #FortPickens #PensacolaPier #BigLagoonStatePark #Reel30A #JustinReedFishing #ReelCoastal #FWC #AtlanticWhiteSharkConservancy #PolarBearFishing #ProCure #FishGum #Fishbites #PennFishingSpinfisher #SaltStrong #EntertainerBaitAndTackle