In the tiny space between something happening and you reacting, there is a chance to choose.
A simple reminder. Your life only has to make sense to you.
If you find this practice helpful, visit and share it with someone who could use a moment of mindfulness today.
If you're waiting to find the thing that is going to make everything make sense, you're losing a lot of now.
Hear me out, maybe your purpose in life isn't to constantly fix yourself.
Crystal Pollock
I have not listened yet is it for sleep like nothing much happens
Angela Weisser
I've been using First This for a few weeks now as my morning meditation, and I cherish these practices. It's such a lovely, accessible way to meditate. I teach yoga and these sessions have inspired my classes. I love your gentle voice and clear instruction. Thank you so much Kathryn!
Theresa Viramontes-Gutierrez
Theresa Viramontes-Gutierrez
I am so so grateful to having this tool, First This, for my peace and serenity...a beautiful way to start my day. THANK YOU
Laura D
THIS... a beautiful way to help let go of recurring unhelpful thoughts from the past. I'll be listening to this one frequwntly.